(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

oh yeah, the list of luxurious items:

1) pink hearts motive rug
2) nuclear rug
3) ornate door
4) antique phone
5) gold dining table
6) chandelier
7) dragon lion costume (not the pants hor - i kena cheated once..hehe)
8) flower head gear
9) viking head gear
10) heart shape lamp (see the one on my dining table)
11) lava lamp
12) grand piano
13) victorian cushy chair (the marron color posh chair)
14) lap top (never get this before

btw, anyone brought your BB to HK disneyland b4? Thinking of gg leh, cos' got some SIA promotion.. Otherwise will fulfill my "craving" for Genting casino.. haha..

Anyway, my HB organising a trip with his family to Malacca and Port Dickson at Avilion or something.. sian leh. Say must balance both family side. Cos' I wanted to jio my parents to go HK or Genting, then he said not nice, cos' I nvr ask his family, so must arrange a trip with them. So I shui bian say 1 or 2 days then ok lor.. but go with them, no travelling mood leh. Behind his back then I complain.. haha..
sugar_nut, gingerleaf, i think it's sea resort or water resort or dunno wat u call it. hehe.. almost went there last year too with hb's car forum gang.
looking not bad from the website!

sugar_nut, thought ur hb will come in this thread to spy also?? hehhehe
gingerleaf, is it the A'farmosa? I also dunno where is Avilion, I heard it's some resort kind of place too. Go there also dunno do what..
chintz, yah.. last time when I post more often, he will come in and see what I say. Now I post less often, he probably dun spy so much.. haha.. hope he dun catch this part tho..

So the website looks ok ah? I go take a look too.. nvm, I will make them look after L, then I go R&R myself.. haha..
sugarnut, haha! u come in talking abt sweets only got u bombarded with questions wor.. LOL...
disneyland: my relatives there tell me dun bother. ocean park is better cos of the size. the disneyland there is pathetically small with lotsa "ah chans" who "gar... PUI!" even in the park... yucks!!!
I also heard before the HK disneyland v crowded with these pple.. but hor, go Ocean Park dun hv those mickey, minnie,pooh, chip & dale which he can recognise leh. Maybe I should stick to genting.. haha.. cheaper somemore. Just need to put the money as "stakes" only.
doobom, at first u ask abt the expo bb fair, now u ask abt the taka baby fair.. why huh why huh?

But I dunno leh.. cannot answer ur question.
*Clap clap* U are very fast learner... wahaha
No special reason. Merely to stock up bb feeding equipmt.
As I have no time for shopping, hence not sure where about discounts going on @ departmental stores. Only remember that the taka baby fair is near as it's norm in Mar.
Hehe... I am out of the suspect list. Coz I have to be very 'well-protected' as I just start my new job. Dun dare to think abt it as I m yet confirmed staff.

What about your 'planning'?


anyone have spare baby 1st toothpaste to let go? hubby will be going back to spore tomorrow to run some errands, so i need him to get this.. can collect at ur convenience! thanks a million!!!

oh ya, email me at [email protected] k? thanks!
Thanks Mummies for the concerns.
My LS is only controlled at this point of time. Feel so tired, weak & having stomach cramp for the whole day.

Seen back the same doc, he said by right the medi shld work. Its becos i took those medi after meals which by right shld take b4 meals. Wah biang, the clinic asst. din explain tat to me when she dispensered the medi to me, neither its stated on the packaging! Hope all well tml!

chris: dun worry abt brig, my cousin's asmathic also outgrown as he gets older.

karrie: u poor gal, only sleep 2-3hrs a day. If possible, go for early ML and get plenty of rest before Natty comes out.
Heard tat Mee Toh Pri in Punggol is a good sch. All my frens stayin in Punggol aiming at tat sch.

Ok, got to rest liao, chat wif u ladies tml.
My God! Hope your LS gets better now..its seems very serious. Is it stomach virus flu? Careful to sterilise the toilet area after each time and wash your head super clean. If not, yr family members can highly get it. Choy choy!! but do take care! Recover fast fast!!! Just eat plain porridge meanwhile. Let yr stomach rest...

Sorry can't help you with the toothpaste. Yr HB fly very often hor??

Btw u cracked me up when u say yr friend wants to beat u up the way u do sports. Reminds me of my primary schools days when i also wan to BEAT up my friend who walks 内八 style...hahaha!!

Primary School:
Me planning to move to Bedok and also aim for Temasek!! keke! My cousin start to do volunteer work when his son turns 4 nia..wah piangz!

YTD, i almost throw Danson out of the window..he has been very cranky from Sunday..keeps crying. Only wants to be carried. poor boy! I must confess that i called HB that I want to give away Danson since he is so troublesome and well liked by all. (He is quite a handful compare to Dayan bb's time) I sooo regret saying that!! Too stressed out liao! I also need a break..want to apply leave from my boss (HB) to get out of spore too!!!
chersam, aiyo why the clinic asst never tell u...this kinda thing very impt one leh. it's ok lah im kinda used to lack of sleep. once i finish marking this batch of tests, should be better...yeah i will be applying for ML abt 2 weeks earlier than my due date...heard mee toh is good also. but i prefer mission school if possible lah. coz me christian

dodo, mebbe u can contact garden_dreamz coz she does BP for first teeth? mebbe she got excess stock from her BP i got mine from her...

oh yah share with u all what matty did today:

me: two little dicky birds sitting on a...?
matty: WALL!!
me: one named Peter, one named....
matty: PAUUUUL!!
me: fly away Peter, fly away...
me: come back Peter, come back...
matty: PAAAUUUL!!!
me: wah matty so clever!!!
matty: YAYYYYYY!!! *claps and waves arms very excitedly*

hahah he really cracks me up that boy.
aiyo Jas *huggs* every baby is different..try to breathe ok? i might in the same boat actually, couple of mths from now...
Hi dodo,

ya, is the same med. Right now is torether w the ventolin. Aft one week, will be the folixide(???) for 4-6 weeks for maintanance, hopefully to break the cycle.

Ya, Asthma is all abt mgmt.. i will remind myslef all the time. he improving, although still coughing, but cant hear the wheezing anymore.
Eee..Matty so clever...hahaha! oh my..sweet boy! I never teach any rhymes leh..cos i dun know to teach.
How's little Natty?? Must be a very beautiful girl. So exciting for you. Nowadays, i see little girls i feel so envy. Baby girls are more attached to mummies in future and filial too..urrgh!!!

TEACH ME HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT???? wah lau! i have been eating like nobody's biz! I tot i am still preggy and can eat like there;s no tmr! Faintz! Can't resist to stock up my fridge with chocs biscuits, tibits and ice cream. Recently i am addicted to this delicious mango & cream ice cream (wei's brand~quite rare to find)..slurps! Very tasty one!! Should try. i let Dayan eat too. oops!
My God, what am i doing?? Typo error again: i mean Danson is NOT well liked by all. Haizz! Must be too stressed out.
Jas, no need to teach one, we just recited occasionally, and then suddenly one day he could fill in the words! babies are amazing creatures.

little natty (looks like it's gonna be Natalie, still cannot find a nicer name than that :p) is fine. just went check up today, she's still head down, very active. im hoping she will be more attached to me too...but u just never know! she's even more active than matty in the tummy!
Chill chill!!! Very fast danson will not be so cranky liao!!
I really dun eat. But its gg to very hard on u coz u got 2 kids. When I was dieting, I got fainting spells all the time.

if cannot get, how abt getting it from kiddy palace? More expensive tho.

Matty is so smart! Lyn can only dadadoh to me everyday.
everything to her is 'dadadoh'
But today got one funny incident in the car. We played the song 'If you are happy and u know it"
So the song sang " if u are happy n u know it nod ur head" Then lyn go KNOCK her head with her fist. Hahahha. At least she shows that she understands.
thanks aria jo ... wow so much things to do ... hmmm ok will try out ... hopefully soon

Jas hug hug ... hope that you can find someone to help you out ...

oh yes karrie ... please try to rest more ok ... sleep when you can ...

oh i might go to Malacca too in Mar holiday
hahahahahaha gingerleaf, Lyn so cute go and knock her head. i think she's just keeping all the words in then one fine day explode in sentences. just wait n see!

CM malacca nice place, very chill...good to take a break now n then
yah i will try to take short little naps of 10-15min when i get too tired. really look forward to ML.
thanks for the suggestion on toothpaste! i got my saviour liao! thanks!!!

aiyo.. dun say danson is not well-liked gal! im sure he's as adorable so dayan ah! u really need a break.. quick go n ask ur mama to help out a day also good, so u can go n do ur own stuff, like a haircut, massage.. pamper urself abit!

ya loh, this time flying back is to settle some visa stuff over there and some biz thing also.. really tired of this unpredictable life... sigh..

matty so smartie!!!

and i agree wi u, i may also end up same situation as jas also in a few mths time also, and actually zq was quite a crybaby when young, so i sincerely hope didi more "obedient".. coz he is not that active in my tummy as compared to zq.. :p

ouch! what a painful way that lyn shows u she knows the meaning of the song! hee..
everytime i sing this song to zq, he will come and knock his head wi mine.. but he duno how to stamp ur feet..
yes, shd be happy he's recovering! no more wheezing is the best news.. to me, that's the most dreadful sound on earth! he will be fine very soon.. cheer up gal!
do u experience those tingling or blocked duct sensation on ur breasts? i feel it quite often recently leh.. shd i massage to clear it? wonder is it the "fresh new milk" for little bb or my "leftover milk" from zq..
Good morning mummies.

I'll bring the toothpaste out with Me. Your hubby can call me anytime to arrange meet up.
mornin mummies!

Me back to work liao. This mornin lau once & i really hope tat's the last time. However stomach still feelin crampy. Hb said if still persist, ask me to take the day off & he will bring me to hospital.

Jas: yes, i sterilise my hands each time i used the toilet. As for the toilet, i only use water & splash around the area.
As for Danson, take it easy. He mayb now a little bit difficult to look after, but who knows he will be easier to look after generally as he gets older? Hang on there.

karrie: so smart of Matty!!! We really cannot under-estimate our toddlers' superb learning at this stage. Wonder if u mummies still remember tat i mentioned tat cherie hate to lie down on my lap to wash hair, then i got to imitate all kinds of animals & animals sound to entertain her? Suddenly there's 1 day, i was washing her hair and i started to "recite" the same old animals name by "a dog", cherie replied me "ohh ohh"! i was shocked, then i continued "a cow", cherie replied "mooo", again i was shocked! Then i tried 1 more animal "a sheep", cherie replied "Mehhhhh".

gingerleaf: luckily lyn knock her head wif fist but not car window. keke

CM: enjoy ur trip in Malacca.
Morning mummies!

chersam: glad u r feeling better, drink more water ok?

both Matty and cherie berry berry smart

have a nice day everyone
morning mummies...

jas, take it easy.. things will get better as it go along.. try to get some help if possible...

gingerleaf, lyn so cute.. at least she know to do the action..

chersam, shoo away your LS... cherie so smart, still can replied with the sounds... she start speaking already?

karrie, matty very clever... still can complete the nursery rhyme...

wonder when can anders do all these??
morning ladies!!!

karrie, matty is so smart!!! wow-wee!! and i have to agree with u 2 arms & 2 legs up dat natalie is a very good name!... =) rest well ar.. dun overdo all ur sports & activities with the kids at school ar...

jas, hugs hugs sweetie.. dun feel bad liao but dun feel dat way again too okie? i'm sure u love danson alot alot in his own special little way dear..

gingerleaf, haha! lyn is so cute to show u she knows.. ! smart gal..

chersam, cherie also such a smartie!

all our little ones are so smartie!! wonder wat'll happen when we start to discipline or teach them when they are older.. hmm.. or will they teach us back?? hahaha
Morning mummies
Saw the post re: pri sch, Hong Wen Sch has juz shifted within 1 km behind my block. So I’ll be sending Shanice there. I heard frm my sis that we nd to be parent volunteer 2 yrs b4 we registered our kids for Pri 1. On the other hand, it’s not guarantee that ur kid will get in even though we are parent volunteer especially those popular schs.

Hope ur LS is much better today. That time I hv LS + vomiting for whole week. I went to the same doc twice & had jab but still not recovered. Then I went to another doc oso under company panel, she gave me a stronger med & I recovered the next day. Mayb if u still hvn’t recovered, u might wan to consider to see another doc.

Hope brig will recover soon.

Dun be too hard on urself. Like wat dodo said, get help frm ur mum for a day break. Go do something u wan or like, u will feel better.

Matty is so smart.

Congrats on ur new hse. Lyn is oso smart :D she knows how to respond to the song.
morning mummies!!

jas: hey dun think that way abt danson. he's just being like all babies, difficults at times! yah ask ur hb to help out at times and u give yourself some time off to collect urself again. i realised me-time for mummies very impt to keep our sanity!

karrie: matty is SO smart! still know how to finish nursery rhymes! *clap clap*

chersam: wah cherie another smart girl, still know which sound is for which animal!

gingerleaf: haha lyn's way of telling u she knows is so funny. yah toddlers actually understand lots of things even when they yet to learn to speak up.

chris: glad to know that brig is recovering!hope he ll be well soon to go for the allergy test. then can find out the "root" cause for his wheezing.
chersam: good to hear that you are recovering too! drink more water and avoid oily food for time being, ya?

yz got this book on elmo and sun. so i'll go " the sun is very very very very very..." and he'll finsihed with "HOT!". hahah

any babies now babble alot in baby talk? im trying to get yz to talk properly in phases but abit hard. he will utter words in clarity but yet to strong them in phases. loves babbling non stop in his own language. ha
ecookie, haha! yz is so cute too... reali amazing wat they show us! adri is babbling alot in her own language too and i am like "huh"??? hahaha

adri is the ultimate ant-killer like my mum.. she sees ants, she'll go "step step step" and proceed to step on the ants with her flat foot.. haha! and cos she's got flat feet, she picks up dirt when she walks barefooted.. so instead of walking and picking up dirt with her feet, she'll point to any dirt 1st and go "dirt..tee" and whine until some1 picks it up.. hahahaha!
Do try to relax and get help. I'm sure you love Danson a lot just that you are too stressed.

Glad that you are better. Do take your hubby's advise and go see doctor if still persist.

If only Caelen will babble,I very happy liao. Although he is not talking much, I know he understand the meaning of words I use.
She must had learned from your mum. If i need any oest control, I'll borrow her . ehehe

Caelen has good eye sight and observation. Anything new or a tiny little dot, he'll sure notice within minutes. If it's dot, he'll keep scratching it. Sometime when i kenna mosquitoe bite, he'll come and scratch for me .

ecookie, YZ also smart...

hippo, adri is so cute.. she can be an inspector already.. on the lookout for any dirts.. better keep your house clean...

jovialz, caelen is your mopiko... heehee...

oops, i tink i need to be more hardworking, tell more stories and talk to him more...
