(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

I plan to do total BF too but no milk flow. tried drinking green papaya soup, doesnt seem to of much help.really depressed not being able to breast feed my bb.

stomach discomfort
- This is what I observed for my bb
She is getting more and more cranky, unable to sleep for long or she would sleep halfway and made a lot of noise with her legs up .. after every moaning sound or cry, I will hear her poooootttttt..(fart).
She find comfort when I hold her to sleep upright, tummy against me and I have to sayang her whenever she feel discomfort then she will cool down and fall back to sleep.
Most obvious observation by PD - the whole tummy bloated !! When she pressed a bit, the bb reacted and PD says bb can feel the pain that's why!!
Now, if I heard her burp .. I'll be so happy!! Actually she already poo and fart quite a lot but seems the wind is just too much in there ... Having known how it feels like having wind inside stomach esp. after the c-section, I can understand what bb is going through!
Thanks Joyce, think CL already using that method. She likes to make the baby jump up and down, but it makes CL very tired, esp at night.

Totoro, same here. Baby poos and farts alot, but she still looks uncomfortable until we finally manage to get her to burp.

Sanbebe, fart and poo not enough leh, at least not for my baby.
Regards to wind in the stomache, maybe you would like to try the tradition method using the 'Ru Yi' oil. So far, my bb does not have any wind problem using this method.

My CL will pour some 'Ru Yi' oil on her palms then rub her palms until she feels the heat and place her palm on bb's stomache for a while.

Hope it helps.
totoro & kris,

No wonder my bb fart n poo a lot but still cranky. I'll be seeing pd tmr for bb's 1st appt.. will definitely ask him to check if bb got to much wind.

Thanks Jessica, I'll ask CL to try ru yi oil tmr then.


Well, bb may seems cute when burp but it's really a torture if bb can't burp or take very long time to burp....
re: wind in the stomach

ru yi oil does help i believe. my CL used it from day 1 (after bath in the morning and after cleaning in the evening) and he is so far okay (cross fingers). when he is slightly bloated, she will apply some in the afternoon when she changes the diapers.

crankiness: i found my bb always searching for food when he is awake. machiam like sleep no need to have food. awake means must have food. even though feeding time is an hour or 2 away. last night he overdrank his milk and vomitted some out. so heart pain. anyone who experienced this and managed to overcome it?
hi all, i haven't got the time to backtrack to read the postings..but congrats to all who have delivered!

Jovial, please update me details. my baby was born on 19 Oct 2007.
weight: 3.87kg
length: 51cm
delivery: natural, epi, assist
name of bb: annette chan
will post my birth story later.
mummies, here to update.. Baby boy out on 16 Oct (1 week earlier) natural w epidural, 2.98kg/48cm

Congrats to all other graduated mummies and jia you for the remaining ones... you time will come soon... hang on :D
my CL also applies ru yi oil after every bath, twice a day, sometimes even more if she thinks baby is uncomfortable. But baby is still cranky.

Nans, my baby also always searching for food even though she may have just feed half hour ago. Normally CL will feed her with boiled water then. Our conclusion is that baby just want to bite something and not really hungry. If you don't mind using pacifier, can try that. My hubby is against the pacifier thou coz don't want baby to be reliant on it.
kris, i think i have no choice. i also dun wanna use the pacifier in the beginning. but my bb shows that he doesnt know when he is full or really hungry. think better time him so that he doesnt overdrink and not so cranky. always cry aso no good to the air in his stomach. so trying to get pacifier by today and give it to him. hopefully it solves the 'searching for food all the time' problem. sighs
Those bb having milk rashes, heat rashes or watever rashes..:p can try this aloe vera gel. I applied thinly for my bb, the heat/milk rashes seems to clear up slowly liao.

It can be found at any pharmacy.

Hi nans,

Maybe u can feed him while he is half sleeping half awake.

For example, if u know his feeding time is two hourly and will wake up soon ( u will realise his head and mouth will start moving while he is still sleeping), u get ready the milk and start feeding him. After the feed, you will realise he will go back to sleep very fast.

i have seen my CL does it and i find it quite interesting and easy to manage his feed while he is still blur blur....haha

Hope is useful and he will not keep searching for food.
nans and kris... I think my bb having same problem as well. Last night he woke up at 1 am plus wanting milk.. so I fed him. Feed liao.. poo liao, eyes big big dun wan slp. So I put him beside me while I rest. Sekali I dozed off. At 2.15 am, he 'air-air' again.. so I fed him again. The cycle just went on.. until I buay tahan made one 100 ml FM for him then he finally fell asleep at 4am and woke up at 7 am plus. So he total drank about 3x breastmilk (each time he can suckling up to 15-20 mins) and 1 FM throughout the two hrs.

Looks like he really not full, and keep wanting milk. Maybe your bb also not full.. having growth spurt? Some bbs big CC, you know? LOL
Hi nans,

Like what Kris suggested, even though bb seems to be looking for food when they are awake, sometimes it could be other cues ..... My PIL will want to feed her but I'll just carry her, check that diapers not wet, sayang her, check whether is she sleepy ( cue-yawning), if all else done and she seems to be still hungry, then feeding will be my last resort if the timing is not up yet ( ie. she has just ate like 1hr or 1.5hrs ago)
hi all
been so long since i last logged in. so busy with bb n had quite a trying 1st week. will share my birth story n experience when things r more settled. meanwhile.... something sweet...
jessica, joyce, now his feeding time supposed to be 3.5-4 hourly on 5 oz. but he wakes up earlier than that. sighs. then have to carry him till his feeding time is near. he just vomitted last night. really dun wanna overfeed him again...=<

totoro, yup. doing that right now. he wans to sleep. but stomach not full. so have difficulty sleeping. sighs.

garden_dreamz, your bb so cute! =D
Grats to those mum who have popped!

Im using that gel too for my bb. Hope to clear up all the ugly bumps before her party this sunday. Else later see everyone in that state oso not cute.
My bb oso those big CC type. Drink so much.

bb is so cute! Decided a name for him oreadi?
He looks like who more? Cant tell leh.
gardendreamz, your baby's a pixie-faced sweetie.

nans, my PD gave me a booklet on newborn babies. it says it's normal for babies to spit up some milk after feeds or between feeds. it's due to excessive slackness in the muscle ring located where the feeding tube and tummy meets. It's practically impossible to prevent all spitting up. If your baby is happy and putting on weight normally, then he needs no treatment. All you need is a good supply of bibs and patience. Spitting up will get less with age and will graualy disappear when the muscle ring at the upper end of the stomach becomes stronger and can "seal" the stomach properly. This usually occurs when he starts on solids at 4-6mths.

You should consult your doctor if he has excessive spitting associated with poor weight gain. Recurrent vomiting of more than half the milk feed, more than 2-3 times a day, is not normal and should be seen by the doctor.

regarding wind in the tummy, ru yi oil helps a bit. but if still very bloated can get Ridwind from pharmacy or clinic, and add 0.5ml to either bb's FM or just before breastfeeding. My PD prescribed it to me coz my bb also had the same problem. the Ridwind smells nice too! got vanilla smell...and after that bb farted out most of the wind hee.
Oh nans.. interval of 3.5 - 4 hrly.. will drag too long or not huh? They poo and urine so many times out.. will get hungry soon leh. My bb occasionally will merlion also.. I think becos they drink too fast or wat. After they finish their milk, don't burp them immediately. Let them remain in the slight reclined position and let them digest first before burping them.

BTW, your bb can finish 5 oz? That's quite a lot.
Dear Mums, good noon to you all!I am new to this forum and came in to seek help, upon my friend, Sophia's suggestion. She is an avid member here and has actually help me seek successful help from here before and thus, here i am myself!

Allow me to intro abt myself..
I am Yiping, a postgraduate student in NUS..I am currently doing a research looking for a particular type of cells in breast milk.

This is my thesis for my Ph D actually and I am trying to culture cells found in breast milk and identify this group of cells. If our hypothesis is proven true, it might open a potential use of
breastmilk and its benefits for the breastfed infant might thus be more than what is already known.

With that note, I would like to seek your help to participate in this study by donating about 30 to 50ml of breastmilk (an amount that you are
comfortable with, at a frequency that you are confortable with) and I can go collect from you at your place when you are convenient. As I am using the cellular component, I would actually require fresh breastmilk (of not more than half a day old) for study and as freezing is detrimental for the cells, the milk should be kept at room temperature or at best 4deg such that they arent frozen, upon which cells that I am interested in would most likely be lysed.

Please feel free to contact me at 93826595, or email me at [email protected] if u have any queries. Hope you would be willing to help and hope to hear from
you soon. I would appreciate to start milk collection as soon as possible, with immediate effect, actually.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

P/S: i have been doing this for the last 2 years and there are promising results presented in various symposiums/ conferences and also published in a peer-reviewed journal..Study has also been approved by a local hospital's ethical review board.. So, neednt worry tt its weird study or wat, k....

Really hope to hear from you especially if you are able to express more than your baby's demand!! And u aint committed or obliged to help me for very long... that is to say, you can stop anytime you want.. If you have questions, please drop a line too! I will try my best to help!
karrie, some spilt milk is common i understand. that night he really projectiled his milk! this is his second time. first time also cos overfed. so i think he really doesnt know when he is hungry or when he is not. he just wans milk when he is awake. sometimes its just cos he wans to suckle to sleep. so having the pacifier should help in this case.

joyce, he is drinking 5oz now. earlier he could drink 5oz every 3 hours. but after the vomitting incident, i am trying to 'pull' his feeding time to 3.5 to 4 hours, such that his stomach is quite empty then feed him. this morning at 6.30am, while feeding him, i could hear the milk flowing into his stomach! so interesting! =D
joyce, hehe..no choice la. but this morning one not i starve him de. he ownself wake up so late to drink. 4.5 hours! heheheehehehe...sure no vomit de! lol
sorry mommies,

too lazy to scroll up to search for massage lady contacts.

Anyone can intro theirs to me? I tried to contact mine many times but her phone is always off..arrghh

anyone can advice how many days after u delievered ur baby then ur milk supply came in?? my baby princess came out on sat midnite so till today will be abt 6 days.but milk supply seem low.could oni pump out abt 60ml..and oso how u all store ur BF?

mine wake up every 1.5 to 2hrs and she can drink up to 120ml sometimes!!! I can hear the stomach sound everytime as well! If she can sleep for 3hrs or more, I'll be very happy esp. at night!!!

How's your night feeding with the 4.5hrs interval? I read somewhere that we shld wake bb up every 2-3hrs day time for feeding as some bb tends to overslept! But during the night, feed only when they wake up and demand for food!
Hi pretty women,
u will know ur milk is coming in when you feel engorged! I guess it depends on individual but shld be by 3-5days. Milk supply also depends and I was told that u need to pump frequently or let the bb latch on often to increase supply.

For my case, I am only getting a total of less than 300ml per day :-( as my bb don't latch on often and I only pump like 2-3times a day!

So I store than at the fridge after pumping in the milk bottle with the sealing disc and give her during the next feed. Sometimes, it would be pump and feed right after that! Fresh from the oven my hb would say to her daughter!!!
hmm .. since we talking abt EBM
Anyone want to share abt "let down"!!
Until now, I still don't really know whether I have any let down, even though I have the sensation, I don't see the milk flowing leh .. the most is drip a few drops and thats all!!!
sanbebe, we haven't found a PD for baby yet. She vomitted once more yesterday. But now we suspect it's due to a combination of factors: too much milk + too much body movement (including our attempts to burp her) + air. So now we give her 90ml max of EDM + FM and we don't burp her unless she looks uncomfortable. But we make sure that if we lay her down, we turn her to her side or at least her head to the side.

nans, because of my baby's vomit problem, we only give her 30ml if she is crying for more milk after only 1 hour and previous feed was > 60ml. She'll fall asleep after that.

YL, pretty woman, until today (2 weeks after delivery) I still don't have enough milk for my baby so I've been supplementing with FM on advice of LC coz jaundice not going down and hovering at around 230+.

I stopped latching baby completely 2 days ago coz she tends to fall asleep within 5 mins on the breast and now seems to have developed nipple confusion. But bottle feeding her EBM has allowed me to properly monitor how much milk she's taking.

I now pump at 4-hour intervals and each time I get 50-60ml after 25-30 mins (total of both breasts). After pumping, I label the bottle with date and time and then store in the fridge.
Hi Jovial,
my update, thanks!

My son Name: Basil
Delivery Date: 20 Oct 2007
Time : 1631hrs
Weight : 2.825kg
Mtd: natural with epi

Baby admitted to hospital today due to jaudices at 277, PD advise to let baby to stay-in hospital for light treament for 2 days, hopefully his jaudices go down my sat.
will update on my delivery story once I more settle down.
nans, gingerleaf, karrie,
thanks lots for the compliments of bb. yah... he sweet when he's calm n settled, but when he cries, its quite a handful lor... but now confinement, i try to rest n not let his cries affect me also, so i let my helper try to soothe him while i learn from her...

been having panda eyes ever since he arrived, but the pain/tiredness is worth the sacrifice lah...
not giving him english name, only chinese name - Peng Hong. in chinese - bing (3) feng (4). my students v.mischievous, nickname him bing (3) gan(1) - Biscuit. say easier to remember n have a ready made english name for him! :D

have not managed to catch up with the posts so far, will do so when i'm free. its interesting to see how the conversation has revolved to more about bb growing up n feeding.
totoro and valerie,
my bb drinks 5oz every feed. night or day. in the day we try to lengthen the in between feeds to 3.5 hours. night time, i try to have at least 3.5 hours too. if he sleeps a little longer i aso leave it be. =D

gave my bb the pacifier just now cos he woke up 1 hour b4 feeding time. then he slept like a bb =D he just wants to suckle and sleep. not hungry really though he seems to be looking for food =D

garden_dreamz, my bb aso bing3! he is bing3 yao4. not the biscuit bing3 though...is another bing3 =D
hi mummies,
i've also finally graduated!Baby Aria arrived last Friday 19th Oct 6.31am after a marathon of 15 hours labour! Will try to catchup with all the prev postings later when i'm slightly more free. The 1st few days of parenthood was a total disaster for us. No CL is really extremely challenging! Aria has to be admitted to hospital on the 5th day after she developed jaundice due to dehydration! Mummy and daddy no experience and fed her half her requirements! So blur. At one point she was sleeping like 6 hours straight without and poo or pee! she was so sleepy cos her sugar level was low. So poor thing! Now she's back at home and doing well and quite a big eater for a 1 week old baby. She drinks between 70-80ml per feed!

Here's roughly my birth story:

Thurday 18th, 3 AM:
I had show on thursday morning. Mild contraction later but not too painful and sometime irregular. Decided to admit hospital still since already show and gynae also going to induced me on friday anyway.

2+ pm:
Gynae broke my water bag (felt a hot gush of water coming out from vagina). When the drip started (to hasten the contraction), the contraction pain came! Ouch! Didn't ask for epidural in the beginning to feel what contraction is. My, it's like menstrual cramp,just a few times more painful! Well, i didn't want to wait till my contraction is like 1 min apart then ask for it, so by the time my contraction abt 10 mins apart, I asked for my anestatist! The injection was bearable,probably slightly more painful than a normal jab on the arm. After 15 mins, thank god, no more pain at all though the contraction was hasten to 1 min apart. Imagine, how to endure a 15 hours labour without epi?? I think I will fainted lor..hahah.. Epi is really amazing..

From 2+ PM till the next day 5AM:
Every now and then, the nurse came and check on my dilation. When I was induced, the baby head not even go down the birth canal. It was so slow but thank God, at about 5+ am, finally i'm fully dilated and baby at the best position to give birth ie face facing my buttock. I asked to reduce the epidural so that I can feel some contraction to help in my pushing. It's extremely important not to be totally numb on the legs. An advice I got from my SIL who had to go for C-sec after she couldn't push out her baby due to this and baby was distress.

I was pretty lucky cos the 2 bedders were full and i was upgraded to a 1 bedder. Hubby stayed with me
Totally satisfied with the service in raffles hospital and I was very fortunate to have 2 very experience midwives that help me deliver my baby. They taught me how to do the pushing. One of the midwife kneel on the bed and push at my tummy to help push the baby out, while the other one help with the counting. My gynae and the 2 midwifes kept giving me encouraging words during the whole ordeal. I had abt 10 sets of pushes , 3 round each time. One round is by counting 1 to 10 while holding my breath and pushing. Very very exhausting!! Hubby said I pushed until my face like tomato red!

But thank God, I managed to deliver her naturally.

Ok, that's my birth story.
For those who are going to take epi, remember to ask them not to give you too much when you're going to active labour! You must have some sensation in your leg and can move your leg.Of course, i'm not talking abt moving it up and down lah, but at least, you are able to shift both your legs.

Motherhood so far is extremely challenging. I already broke down twice inthe beginning but now getting better as I get use to my daugther's feeding schedule and amount.

Good luck to non-graduate mothers!

Finally, pls help to update..

My Daughter's Name: Aria Ng
Act Delivery Date: 19 Oct 2007
Weight : 3.53kg
Length : 54cm
Mtd: natural with epi
Hi mummies, any remedies to get baby latch on to the breast? My baby refused to be latched on and I got bottle-feed him with EBM. My milk flow is too much, each day I can pump up to a max of 1.5 litres of BM which is too much for my baby to take. My whole fridge is full with milk and now we are worried that the milk will turn bad if baby is unable to consume within 1 week. Hubby's grandma refused to allow me to give the breast milk to one of my cousin's newborn. How can I reduce the milk flow? I tried pumping milk every 5 hours instead of 3 hours, but it seems that the milk flow is still that much and I suffer from engored breast!
hello ppl... sighz, having stomach flu since the day before... went to see the doc and she warned me dun go and kiss my little one... hahaha.... been so sick yesterday.. baby cry, i also cry! then hubby see me so sick, he has to wake up at night to feed the baby with the frozen breast milk... today feel much better liao... hopefully recover soon
hi all

didnt login 2 days, so much posts.. cos quite busy CL went bk ysterday & also bb 'actual' full mth (went deliver some cakes to office & cant wait dashed to saloon for a nice hair wash!!!).. hving 'panda eyes' too w the 'nite shift" (feeding)..hehe..

serene (mad cow), tiffy, YL, lavender, netty, ling & aria_jo - congrats!!

mummies.. the way u all describe bb burbing & feeding pattern.. so cute leh! so more or less we get some 'clue' on how to increase bb's intake... i tink the hardest part is burbing bb, which takes half to an hr, till then, no need to slp liao..

nans..lucky 4u your bb taking 5oz.. as least can drag 3.5-4hr... mine still 2-3hr...

wen wen.. envy u leh.. can collect 1.5L!! mine alr 'dry up'!! if possible try to freeze it so can last longer...if really got excess can pass-on to needy will b better than throw away or can 'supply' to us, hahaha.. jus joking.. may b u try the cold cabbage method to reduce engorge...

san..i dun stay near massage laday, she's putting up at north side, me west side... ysterday she called me saying she collecting her binder back!! luckily i didnt wrap if not how to return to her??? i thot she told me can lend me till whenever i wanna return (approx 1-2mth)... but i duno howcome she came to collect back (may b she not enuff to recycle ba..)... anyway i only wrap for 3days after massage cos duno y v itch so i stop... i v scare my 'eczema' returning... hiaz...
take care frosty...

wen wen, yes, i envy u too. at least u can express out and give your bb. i have a friend who had so much milk he bought a little fridge just to keep her bm. maybe u wanna freeze it too and give to ur bb later?

junnie, so happens he can take. last night he slept for 5 hours straight somemore! =D so happy i could sleep. hope it is going to be like this from now. =D
