(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hello mummies,
Just drop by to say "hi" to everyone.

Hi pillow,
I've not been cleaning jerald's ears as i'm afraid of hurting him. Brought him to see PD as he has been falling sick on & off since he starts school. PD said his ear wax was thick & hardened, lucky he helped to "dig" it out if not i guess no matter how much ear drop we put also no use. It was damn big & hard. Sorry if it sounds gross but lucky we did it early if not PD say it'll affect his hearing slowly.

Of cos it depends on cases, some "ear wax" will drop by itself after the ear drop but some will go in further... not to scare u but just be careful than sorry ya

Hi darmae,
Were u at T3 last night? I think i saw u & maegan.

hi irene, i see the ear wax softening. hopefully it will 'slide' off... yup, my PD also says there are kids where the ear wax harden and affect their hearing. so mummies, in case your kiddos "not listening" to you guys (;p kekeke), how abt saying oh its the ear waX !
hi Mummies,
Talking about cleaning the ear, I did not clean Natalie's ear. REcently, she told me she has 'big piece' in her ear and want me to take it out. She will say big piece when her nose is stuffed with 'things' and she will start to dig her nose. I wonder if its the ear wax that thickened and harden as Irene mentioned.

Should I bring her to the PD?
Hi pillow, great to hear tat. Guess the ear oil works for shawn.

Hi cookie monster, dun worry maybe u want to try getting "tropex" ear drop from pharmacy which PD recommend can buy off the shelf without prescription.
i can see!! go for it!! you can be a famous baker soon!


err, mummies, i am still potty training my girl. I need to know how to go abt training her during her night time. Currently she'll be wearing her diapers during nap and sleep. She WILL pee during sleep cos, she needs her formula feed before it. Can help me with this? appreciate any suggestion/advice.
Hi mummies!

Wow arisz, nice cakes!!! You really have potential leh! Where are you finding the time to bake!??!?!

Hi Justme,
Jade naps without diapers in school. The teachers stopped her milk feeds before naps for all the N1 kids, and will ask them to go toilet before naps. Even then she still has accidents sometimes.

For night sleeps, she still wears diapers. I'm probably going to wait till she's at least 4-5 years old to train her to sleep without diapers. Read somewhere that most kids can't control their bladders when they sleep at this age. Their body is just not physically developed to hold urine all night, and psychologically their brains are not able to send signal to their bladders and wake up when they need to go pee. Apparently most kids reach this stage when they're 3-6 years old. So in the meantime, if they go diaperless, best way is to get them up in the middle of the night to pee!
wake them up in middle of night to pee?!?!...err..i'll wait then.. just the idea of waking her up to walk to toilet and pee, she'll make a fuss and all hell will break lose *shudder*. night time is the only time for me to rest a bit. too precious!! haha.
no lah, i wouldn't want to wake up to ask them to pee. wat's the pt ?

even if they are toilet trained at nite, i still don't see the "benefit" other than save a couple of cents on diaper.
wow.. nice cake and I really hope that I have the time for this hobby but the chance really very slim!!!
Been thinking that I should do up her cake this year, at least the decoration part!! ha ha
hi mummies,

Just my 2 sense..

Toilet trained @ night:
Can't deny that it is really hard for us (esp working mothers) to wake up in the mid of nite to bring our little one to pass urine..but i just think tht this is the most effective way if u want them to be "diaperless"..it's not saying tht can save $$..isn't it better if they go diaperless as early as possible...like my fren's girls/ boys..they oso thought tht this can be trained when they older..at then end turned up tht their kids still on diaper (night time) at 7 yo..when they grow older, sometime it's harder to train them
Hi mummies

Hey florence, thanks for the photos, brought back alot of nice memories
Too bad I could only join you ladies for one of them but it was a great party.

RE: Toilet Training

Justme, our kids borned on the same day and it seems that they have the same temperament as well! Caelen will throw a fit if I dragged him out of bed to pee haha. Now, sometimes his diaper is empty the entire night but sometimes it's so full until it leaked. So I dunno if he can hold his pee in yet.

Question: Childcare/Kindy Birthday Parties
Now that some of our kids are in cc or kindy, we need to throw a 'mini-party' on their birthdays. Besides ordering a cake, what else are you ladies getting for the goody bags? Can give some ideas please? How much should we spend on a goody-bag typically?
regarding your question on mini party, since my hb still in the biz, I'm thinking of giving each of them a 18" foil balloons so I don't need to think too much on what to pack for the goodie bag! Maybe I'll just add some sweets as the weight for the balloon.

wow, the photos really bring back so much memories and yes they have grown so fast!!!

Re: Toilet training
My girl is very determined that there will be no more diaper when she turns 3 so I will wait till then to start the toilet training!! She has no problem pooing using the toilet bowl sometimes though. Anyway, since she started school less than 10 days now, she already insisted to wear and take off her own diaper pants and she is the only 2 in class that is still on diaper so the pressure should be quite high for her to do the switch soon.
Re: Toilet Training..

Its driving me nuts!! After 2 weeks of attempt, my gal can finally go to the potty(not toilet bowl) on her own if we let her go "BOTTOMLESS!!" and it has been accident free for 3 days. Howeverm, if we let her wear panty or pull up pants, she will be too lazy and pee in her pants.

How should i go abt getting her to realise that she should not pee in her pants?

Next, she used to be able to sit on the CC's toilet bowl. However, she seemed to be shocked by one the toilet flush and now refuses to sit on it..Grr..Big headache..

Hi Florence,
The photo really bring back memories!!
Hi mummies,
Jade and Ryan are both sick again
So sianz....Fever, flu and cough one after another since May!!!! Recover then sick again, recover then sick again. The Manuka honey is not working!!! Feel like I'm wasting my money...they're onto their 4th bottle of UMF20 already!

Hi Florence,
Yeah hope can celebrate our kids 3rd birthday together! Must continue the tradition!
I will be leaving Spore on August 23rd so hope we can celebrate before I go! It will be nice to catch up with everyone again
One place my hubby and I love to go now is Sol Playground at Turf City. Its not crowded there, and has nice reasonably priced food, free parking and nice indoor play area and playground outside for the kids. The kids can play safely while we mummies chit chat and catch up
Hi Mummies...
How is everyone? I have been missing for some time and now show up again... Sorry, for being inconsistent.

Thanks Florence for posting the pictures. I have not been active, hence, missed both the 2 events above. Saw that 3rd birthday bash is on Aug 21st, really love to join in again, but my kids have class on saturdays at 10.40am. Andrea is also attending the same class as Jade on Saturdays.

Hello.. Wave wave... Really sad to hear our kiddos sick. Andrea was also sick since Tuesday and she is much better now. Can really understand your woes of kids being sick, recover, sick, recover chain. It seemed endless!! I am facing the same problem as you. Agree!! Manuka honey dont work. I give my kids too and they are on their 2nd bottle now.

Ohh cool... Sol is a nice place. It is owned by my lady friend. The food is great!
hi mummies

any recommendations for studio photography? besides studio loft cos' I have used them before and I want a change
I think whatever supplement we give our kids won't prevent them from sickness. Maybe just boost their immunity a bit. I too have been faithfully giving the kids Scotts Emulsion, and Neuroplex vits. Sarah also gets extra Omega3 capsules. And yes, they still get sick. =(
haha...talking abt toilet training. Sarah poo-ed while standing, eating her breakfast. I was busy with Johan and was puzzled to come back to her trying to cover something on the floor with tissue paper. Lucky stool was hard so easy to clean up. But was shocked to find 2 round play-doh look-alike on the floor. They had rolled down her pants (didn't wear underwear that time) !!

When i asked her nice later why she tried to cover the stool with tissues, she said she wanted to pick them up to throw into the toilet. *faint* she actually wanted to cover up for her accident!!

Funny thing was after i washed her up, she requested for the potty. She pee inside it.
justme: sarah was doing the right thing, clean up after she poo-ed!(though poo-ed at the wrong place)

peapod: your boy still will guai guai let you take photos? mine sometimes don't like leh, will purposely fidget here & there and run away...he prefer to take photo of us more likely with his FP digicam.
I'm also looking for photographer TO update family portrait. Wonder if its possible with these 2 kids being so difficult at times.
Hi voice and justme

No lar, caelen is horrible with photo taking. I am so envious of kids who will smile for the camera, unlike mine. I always end up with lots of blur pictures
But that's why I need a professional studio - my camera simply cannot hack it

And like justme, this time I want to do a family portrait too with his grandparents. We seldom have nice pictures as a family nowadays. When caelen was 2yo, we went for Studio Loft outdoor shoot (just 3 of us). It's good but I feel that SL indoor shoots are kind of the same poses so want a change. Any recommendations please
Hi Tiff, Wave! Haiz ya kids getting sick seems like the norm now! Andrea is doing really well in Berries! What a good girl...I'm amazed she settled in so fast
Jade took forever and ever. Does Andrea like Berries so far? Jade loves it...she looks forward to Saturdays. I wish I could continue her lessons.

Thanks for organizing the party before my departure! I'm glad I'll be able to attend!

Haahah Sarah so good, wanna clean up her own mess. Lucky it was a hard poo!
Hi mummies,

Anyone wanna meet us at Botanic Gardens on 31 July Saturday @ 5pm? Sharon (Funny), Irene and I are planning to bring our kiddos to feed the swans and fish and have a picnic (if the weather is good!)
Hi Angel,

I was surprised myself with Andrea being able to adapt so quickly. I think pm-ing and talking to her prior to class helps. I think she is enjoying herself and does look forward. *Fingers crossed* She is rather tempermental, hope her interest in Berries is ever-lasting. hahaha.

Jade is so cute lei.. During Andrea's 1st lesson 3 weeks ago, my helper who was sitting inside the class, feedback to me that Jade (based on her description, I know its jade) talked to Andrea and showed Andrea her watch... isit hello kitty watch, something like that??

I have been peeping in on and off for the past 3 lessons, Jade is doing good, always smiling.

You started in Jan, she was still young then, that's why the separation anxiety was stronger... anyway, good that she has settled in.

See you on sat

Wow.. so nice..... You mummies have been meeting frequently? I wish I could, but my elder has other activities. Enjoy yourselves. Hope we can join in the 3rd bday bash and meet all the kiddos and mummies again.. My last gathering was at Emily's place in Dec 2007!!! Its been donkey years.
Yes that was probably Jade with her hello kitty watch haha...she always wants to bring something to class...it helps her with her separation anxiety. Now and then she will still cry when I leave. But last week she ran into class without looking back and didn't even say bye to me. Hopefully this week will be ok
See you on Sat!

Ya we try to meet up once in a while and catch up with each other! Hope you can come to the birthday bash...it will be nice to see all our kiddos together again!
Yes, love to see them mingle once again. Yalor, kids need to be distracted. That's why I am always looking for stuff to distract my kids. hahaha


What is your kiddos nap time? Alamak.. 3pm is my kids nap time.. sorry for being so troublesome... if majority can make it, then I am not fated to join liao.
Hi Florence,

Ok will sms you to confirm once the date is nearer...hope you can make it on 31 Jul!
The more the merrier...would love to see hazel and keith again! Think of something for the picnic. Let me know once you've decided what to bring, so we don't bring the same thing.

Re the birthday bash - your Facebook event invitation put 21 Aug then here you put 14 Aug leh. Btw, re time, agree with Tiff that most kiddos will be napping at 3pm right? How bout we move it later to 5pm?
Okies 14th aug 5pm coz Sharon is having summer's with sista's birthday on 21st and hope that we can change to 14th
so is 14th aug 5 pm confirmed?
Okies 14th aug 5pm coz Sharon is having summer's with sista's birthday on 21st and hope that we can change to 14th
so is 14th aug 5 pm confirmed?
Hi Mummies,
Just found out today that both my kids and I had dengue fever last week! My workplace had 10 cases of dengue this 2 weeks, so doc advised me to do a blood test and the result came back today and I tested positive! I also had the kids tested and they are positive too! Lucky it was a mild case only. Apart from low grade fever for 3-4 days and feeling tired, they have recovered from it. Doc said dengue spreads from mosquitoes only, not airborne. So I suspect we got it from Botanic Gardens coz we went there and we all got bitten by mosquitoes (even though we had mosquito repellents and stickers on! Darn commando mosquitoes!). So think better avoid outdoors now that its the wet season, especially in the evenings. Doc said there's been an increase in dengue recently. Better to be safe than sorry!

Btw - We will be changing our venue for our gathering on 31 Jul to somewhere indoors!!!
Hi mummies,

Fyi - Our playdate on 31 July will be at Changi Airport Terminal 3...come join us if you can, the more the merrier! I sent an invitation on Facebook too. We're meeting at the Kid's Fun Rides at Carpark 3A at 5pm =) Then proceed for dinner - venue to be confirmed. Any suggestions?

Fyi you can edit the event you created and just change the date/time.
