(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

pillow, my hb also wants sam to hav colorful childhood, ie. longkang fishing...etc. next time J can jio mine go together with the boys and we can go shopping together w/ your princess! waaahahahaa

these days, singapore so cleaned up that its hard to find longkang fish even. hahaaaa

so we are always at the BEACH
mummies, there is 20% off MPH for Usborne Books! very worth for some of the books so do check it out if you happen to be at the Robinsons road branch
Florence, yay!
That's very good of the organizer

Actually I had a very fun and enriched childhood too even though I was from a good school! Doesn't mean you go to good school then no more childhood mah
Must have balance in their life and don't just make them study and tuition everyday.
Yup, agree on the importance of balance. But how easier said than done in our everyday lives, juggling the demands of school? I actually have not seen any kid without tuition these days (infact I have not seen a kid who is free on Saturdays even). They balance their free time with speech & drama classes, piano, ballet as these activities are now considered "enriching play" in Singapore's context. I don't think kids have their personal time even to just laze at home and do nothing.

As you mention, gd schs have the environment to nurture (produce) uni grads with successful careers and neighbourbood schs with more diverse background, avg inc earners. That's coz we ourselves view $ and career as the measurement of success in life? So that we put them in good schools, hopefully they will have a higher chance to succeed in what? to have a high pay and a high flying career?

maybe so....... but something which i tell myself i am not going to see things in this context anymore.
Ya its not easy being a kid nowadays! My nieces and nephews are only in Primary school and they are swarmed with homework during weekdays and weekends. Even school holidays also must go back to school for extra classes and all. We were planning a family holiday but in the end cannot go coz they are so busy! Poor children!
oh forgot to mention. i brought Shawn to watch Shrek last Saturday. you know what, he fell asleep towards the later part of the movie!!

talk abt being able to zzzz .....

we booked the couch seat at Suntec Eng Wah. Comfy and easy for Shawn
hi mummies, on the topic of neighbourhood schools, i teach in one and i think the misconception sometimes is that better schools have better teachers but we r all trained in the same place and get posted everywhere.

as for the environment, maybe bit more competition and more stress in better schools but if parents are ok with that then why not?

but must be prepared to do alot of work at home too i guess cos most of the kids inbetter schools are already expected to know their work and teachers are more like facilitators.
I brought Jade to watch Shrek on Tuesday night too...she wasn't very interested in the show! Busy eating her popcorn. Once in a while she will look at the screen, especially the part where the witch chase Shrek. Think the show too cheem for her.
Pillow, Angel,
Me too brought Ayden to watch Shrek.
He enjoyed very much and he laughed so loud till I a bit paisay.
The one whos scared was my girl!! She dared not to wear the 3-D glasses as she said the Ogle very big n near to her!! Faintz!!
Ayden wore the 3-D glasses throughout the show, but the glass was too big for him n he needed to use his nose bridge to support! haha
mummies, i got this book from the MPH 20% sale

its such a steal, at only $13 (after discount). hardcover, nicely bound. beautiful book with very pretty illustrations. you can read the entire page, or just the top portion for younger children with a minimum attention span. posting this incase anyone might be interested in a good buy (or at least to me. heehee)
Dear mummies,

can I check how much FM milk should our todds be drinking now. I am a little confuse and unable to find the answer online/websites. How about bottle drinking? Should this carry on after 3 years old?

Thanks in advance for any answers.
Hi cottontail,
Think you should talk to your doctor to confirm. Generally, think for children over 2, I've read in most books they say to limit milk intake to abt 16oz a day (480ml a day), otherwise their appetites will be affected and won't eat enough solids, then they don't get the minimum required vitamins and nutrients for proper growth and mental development. Then you have to buy supplements, etc.

Re bottle drinking, they don't advise to continue using bottles. Studies have shown it decreases appetite in some children and may cause teeth problems, development problems, etc.
Hi mummies,
Just to share something. All this while Jade has been using milk bottles for her milk feeds before naps and bedtimes..its something I've been wanting to wean her from and have been putting it off and dreading for the longest time! So yesterday after cottontail's question, I decided to try. I put her milk in her favourite cup and I told her she is a big girl already and needs to drink milk from a cup, and she nodded and drank without fuss! Amazing!!! Sometimes I think I should give her more credit :/
good on you angel.

Shawn uses straw, cup and milk bottles interchangeably… but my PD did mention not to use bottles anymore. I do it more for convenience till probably when he is 3+, with stable eating habits and we can further cut his milk feeds. Playing by ear…

Morning and nap feed : milk bottles
School: cup
Night: straw in a bottle
Wkend breakfast: strawcup
hi mummies

speaking about milk bottles, last nov, we told natalie, she is a big girl already, she should drink milk in a cup. Then, we still gave her NAN 3. She took a sniff at the milk and refuse to drink it. So from then on, we gave her fresh milk (warm up) in a cup for breakfast, after nap time and before going to bed.
Shawn very versatile!
Jade was very sticky to her bottle and especially at nap times!

Yeah FM stinks!! Hahhaa...everytime I catch a wiff of it I wanna puke. But I'm surprised kids will be put off themselves since they've been drinking it since they were babies! Jade drinks fresh milk warmed up at home too before naps and bedtime. But in school only have FM coz the school don't wanna keep fresh milk.
Hi everyone...wow your kiddos are progressing well!
My girl refuses the cup, only wants bottle.

She's still on diapers too...quite a source of stress for me.

When you talk about fresh milk, is it those UHT packet ones? Like Marigold?
Shawn is also flexi with milk. Fresh milk or FM Pediasure or FM Similac all also ok. Heehee he only not so versatile with food!

In school, he takes fresh milk (which he calls it Nui Nai) then for nap, he takes similac. At night and early morning, he goes with Pediasure choc flavor milk.

For fresh milk, I understand that should give full cream ones. Its actually hard to find , not many brands carry full cream (particularly if you want chocolate flavor ones). Most are low fat ones. You also notice a significant difference in fat & energy levels between full cream and not. So best to check out the labels.

Atinarin, no sweat with training. They will let you know when they are ready. Like Shawn now just started toilet training. Its quite a breeze. So when they are ready, we give ourselves less headache, less self imposed worries
Hi. Caelen likes Meiji milk
I usually buy the full cream one and heat it up. But he doesn't drink very much, about 3 oz each time before bed.

Re: Toilet training.

We have been trying to teach Caelen since 2 yo but like what pillow says, they will do it when they are ready, and not any earlier
Caelen could tell us "ngn ngn" for his big business but not for urinating. We had so many accidents when we tried to do it when he was not ready. So we just leave him alone until one day he suddenly start telling us " caelen want shh shh". That was when he was 2.5yo.

However, when we go out and at night, we will still put on diapers for him to prevent accidents. As for school, I didn't want to let him wear but the teachers say no. They would prefer that he wears his pull-ups
I also feel that they did not really pay attention even if he had told them. Cos' I found poop in his diapers twice when he came back from school. Feel that his school is not actively encouraging toilet training leh
Hi mummies,


Agreed tht this is quite a challenge task for both parents & kids.I agreed with what Peapod said, kids will do it when they are ready BUT parents must be patient and sacrifice a few minutes "mid night" sleep time just to wake your kids up and accompany them to bee bee. This is the only way if you want to train your kids totally out of diaper.

My boy Louis was diaperless during day time since 20 mths and fully diaperless when he was 2 yo. Even now (2 yr 8 mths) you ask him to wear diaper, he will shout & reject it.

We actually quite enjoyed the whole process..hehe..
Hi peapod,
I'm glad that Edison's teachers are very keen in toilet training. They discourage parents to put on diapers on their children at school. Now, Edison knows how to pull down his pants when he wants to go toilet. After his business, he will try pull his pants up but always get stuck. He only pull the front and forgot the back.

I ask him what must he say if he wants to pee at school. His reply will be "Teacher, pee!".

Then, I teased him and ask what will he do if his teacher cannot hear him. Then he shouts "TEACHER, PEE!" loudly. Very funnie!

Btw, your new hairstyle suits you a lot. You did a perm? Very nice perm.
Hi Pillow,
Edison is taking Pediasure 3x a day. I think I should change one feed to fresh milk. He is having constipation lately, perhaps due to the heatiness of the FM.

We try to give him more water and fruits. But doesnt help either.
Peapod, am surprised the sch didn’t want them to diaperless. Coz for shawn's case, the school actually insisted that we go diaperless ( arrange 5 sets of clothes on standby) and we should co-ordinate this effort at home as well.

maybe you can ask then when toilet training to start in school?
Oh emily, for pediasure, its high energy formula milk. So not that advisable to give them too much , particularly if they are fussy eater. It’s a chicken and egg thing. The milk fills them up, so they are full , reject solids. Then we worried , top up on the milk. Vicious cycle.

So for day time, I get shawn to drink similac instead. And I just give the recommended 190ml (for pediasure), nothing more. If shawn is hungry, he will have to settle for solids and other stuff.
Hi Pillow,
Yeah, its kinda confusing. Because he is a fussy eater and doesn't eat much solid, we r worried that he is not eating enough. Thus, we supplement with FM.

At the end of the day, the FM makes him full and refuse to eat.

Currently, he takes 3x 190ml per feed. I'll reduce to 2x plus 1 full cream milk. Hopefully it gets better.
Yup, totally understand. It's such a headache.

Plus shawn's case is complicated by his "supposed" acid reflux. My usual PD that he has been seeing is sure he is having acid reflux and prescribed medication. The funny thing is my hb also does have acid reflux time to time ! So imagine father & son eating different dose of acid reflux meds ?!! But I was not too comfy having shawn on meds for so long (daily tab of Lozac 10mg) and then alternate days. On bad days (if he doesn't touch his food at all), bring it back up again on daily dose. So I consulted other PDs and docs, they are quite puzzled how can someone so young have acid reflux. They felt it was just behavioral fussy eating. One even asked me to see a professional nutritionist (Karen Wright) that cost $300-400 for 1 hr session. They really think we parents print $$ man!

Cut long story short, I took another PD's advice (that his is fussy eating behavior), I stopped the meds and cut milk feeds to make him feel hungry. I tried that over for say 2 wks+. To my horror, his weight start to dip quite a bit and no change to his eating appetite at all. even the teachers start to comment & worry.

Bo pian, went back to my usual PD again and this time, we stuck to her instruction. I also kept a food diary. For the past 1.5 mths, his eating is back and he has put on 1-2 kg even! now at 13+kg.

aarghh I just hope he will outgrow all these soonest.
Hi Pillow,
When I first heard of this "acid reflux" issue from you in this forum, I was puzzled too. I did wonder if Edison is also having this problem. That's why he is not eating much. I told my hubby, he insisted that its just behavioral fussy eating. My PIL also said he is normal. Haiz.

Nowadays, we just let him eat what he wants to eat. Forcing will only make things worst. When he is pressurized to eat, he will be cranky and refused to eat totally.

Last month, his weight is 12.8kg. I no longer bother about this figure as long as he is healthy.
Hi emily and pillow, dunno leh. I told the teacher that he can express himself he wants to go toilet and asked if they can let him go without diapers. But she said no, must wear pull up pants. Think they don't want the hassle of cleaning up in case of accidents. Actually I am thinking of changing school liao... this one doesn't seem very friendly nor genuinely concerned about kids

Caelen is on Pediasure and Isomil Soy mix - 2 feeds a day. I recently replaced one feed with fresh milk but only 3oz cos' he's slightly lactose intolerant. This is just to make up his total milk intake to 500ml.

He is also only about 12.5kg due to the recent bouts of flu and chicken pox
Now his appetite is back but this afternoon my MIL said body temperature abit high. Hopefully not another round of flu... sigh, he is eating meds every alternate weeks

Haha emily, I permed a while ago. Just cut the bulk off and now not-here-not-there so had to tie it up. Going to rebond it tomorrow liao... should i change my mind? Haha.
Initially I give up and go with whatever… hoping he will grow out of it. but it was during one of the visit to the doc, that the doc gently reminded us that we have to 'put in effort' , be creative with their food, etc, etc
not that I don't want man, but its not as easy lor

So since that "wakeup call", I keep a food diary, work with the teachers in school. The teachers were fortunately very willing to help and they keep my inlaws posted every single day on his eating. In a way, I am grateful that they understand and helping me to keep his eating momentum going, get him interested & accepting new foods.
Hi peapod,
I think your curls are nice wor. Even after tie-up. So, I think you can save the trouble to rebond la.

Hi Pillow,
Be creative with food is super difficult la, unless we r the one cooking. During the weekdays, my MIL is the one cooking. How can i ask her to be more creative? Haha! Especially since her menu is already so limited.

On weekends, we r usually out. No time to cook.
Hi emily, thanks for the compliment

Caelen is a fussy eater too, and doesn't like to try new foods. He prefers plain foods like white rice and porridge and wheat biscuits. Doesn't even like ice creams and cookies and sweets! The only tibit he likes is karopok.

My MIL is also not creative with cooking. Everyday same - breakfast porridge or oats with egg. Lunch (school). Dinner rice and fish and vege.

But in school they would give him meehoon, noodles and even nuggets. And he seems to take to them ok so hopefully, his range of foods will expand.

By the way, here are some youtube videos which my boy loves. I download them to iPhone and uses them to entertain caelen while we are at dinner outside

Elephant song:

ABC song

Another ABC song:

Counting to 20:

Rain Rain Go away

Days of the week
Hi mummies,
Re milk, Jade takes low fat milk. PD says she doesn't need full cream hahaa!

Re creative cooking, here are some inspirations I got from cooking blogs
Think presentation can make something look so yummy. Like jap food!



mummies with fussy tods,

here's where I get a headstart with the recipes, in some cases I will modify alittle.

I agree with angel, a 'pretty plate' improves the appetite... I brought missy to pick up her fav utensils (plate, soup bowl, cup, fork, spoon, chopsticks). Got her more interested in eating.

Peapod, thanks for the recommendations. Very helpful indeed! Another great entertainment alternative when we travel next week!
mummies, how are you cleaning your toddler's ears? do you guys drip the ear oil from doc regularly?

coz shawn HATES it when we drop the oil into his ears. so we stopped doing that. few days back, at night, he was crying of ear painful (but next day no more complaints :p). PD says his ear wax is v thick and hardened! have to put the oil and if it doesn't improve, may have to go for cleaning.
I hv been cleaning their ears by swiping the outer opening of the ear with a small cloth since birth. Was told by PD that it wasn't necessary to clean the inner part of the ear as our ears hv 'self cleaning mechanism'.
Insertion of foreign objects like cotton buds may pose a risk of 'pushing' the ear wax deeper in the canal.
nope. just drop 2-3 drops of ear oil into the ear.

the thot of going for professional ENT cleaning by the doc sounds even more scary to me. heehee. but after that nite, he didn't complain of pain anymore. hopefully thats all to it.
Hi Mummies,
Anyone knows about the flood situation at Orchard Road now? I plan to bring Edison to Takashimaya for the Dora show and Toy Universe. But I'm kinda worried about the flood.

Pillow.... oh, that sure sounds awful. Hopefully shawn don't hv to go thru that!

Emily.. I drove passed Scotts rd yest. Everything seems to be in gd order. I guess except for some shops at list towers, lucky plaza.. The mass shld be fine now!
