(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Thanks Pillow. I'm going to start Missy on the honey. She's gg CC soon. Praying hard for good immunity!!!

Arisz, I bgt mine from guardian. The brand is 'instant'. Blue and white bottle. U can usu find it alongside with other sanitiser. Be sure to keep it away from the kids in case they accidentally spray in the eyes. This is by far the -ve part of spritz btl.

Hope Tristan gets well soon

Hi Emily, long time no see! How are you? How's your new maid?

Kinda miss the Shichida days! (minus the school fees, so ex!)

I'm fine...but really busy with my 2 kiddos! So tired everyday!
MAybe I will go buy the stools this weekend. TRistan is still not toilet trained yet.
Edison is so clever and fast in toilet trained. Good job to you!
darmae, noted and thanks! This weekend will go guardian search for it.

haha, like to read our thread coz always get tips on how to better take care of my boys!
I didn't know the sanitisers come in sprays too. Thanks for sharing
Usually I will wipe the seat and then line the toilet seat with toilet or tissue paper before Jade sits down. But sometimes the seat is so dirty even wipe also dirty...the sanitiser will be useful!

Oh dear you let Edison stand on the toilet seat?
So dangerous!

Darmae/Florence, what do your boys do? Isn't there another way to train boys to pee besides having them stand on the toilet seats? Maybe can put the kuku facing downwards and make them close their legs or something?
Hi Angel,
I will hold him when he pee. But no other options, cos he is too short to pee into the toilet bowl without standing on it. Haha!

Hi Arisz,
The new maid is fairly ok la. Edison is still not close to her. Whenever I'm around, I have to do everything for him. He will reject the maid. She is picking up very SLOWLY. In terms of houseworks, she is ok.

Who is taking care of your baby boy now? Maid & MIL? Is your hubby still travelling frequently?

cant agree more... some toilets are tad grouse!! best is to sanitise. furthermore my gal will attempt to hold the side of the seat (yucks) fearing that she would fall. I taught her to put her hands on her knees and then lean forward.

for boys.. at home, he uses the stool when he was younger. same approach for public toilets, i.e. standing on the seat with assistance. my hubby was the one who guided the son.. most appropriate isn't it? hahaha.. now that son is tall enough.. he does it on his own. hubby will monitor if he had done it correctly. On days whereby hubby is not with us.. and when the queue in the ladies is too long. He will visit the gents on his own.. but told him to use the cubicle with the door shut and locked! I have a friend who's son (then 6 yrs old as well) was molested when he went to the toilet on his own. hence the fear....
Hi Pillow,
Whenever I'm around, Edison wants me to do everything for him - shower, eating, playing, reading, everything.

Imagine after a whole day of work, when I return home for dinner, Edison wants me to feed him, shower him, read books with him & pat him to sleep at night. I'm already so tired sometimes, I hope the maid can help to reduce my workloads at home. But she can't, which is quite disappointing to me.

During the weekend, sometimes I want to sleep a little later, but when Edison wakes up, he wants me to wake up too. Last time (with my previous maid), I can sleep a little later and the maid will take care of Edison after he wakes up.

I believe the new maid doesn't take care of Edison wholeheartedly. Otherwise, Edison will not reject her. He used to be quite close with my first maid.
Haha, yes. Two-year-olds are tough nuts to crack. The poor maid has also suffered from beatings, yelling and biting from my fierce boy too. So now, I don't dare to leave him alone with the maid. Who knows when no one is around, the maid will take revenge? Haha!

Anyway, I'm not too satisfied with the maid too. Whenever I'm busy with Edison and need some help from her, she is either busy mopping the floor or cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. The floor in my house is super clean until it shines (really!).

There is also a lot of communication problems with this maid because of her poor English.
With a maid, a lot of problem. But without them, it's another set of problems. Haiz.

I am also quite worried what's going to happen when I get another new maid for my baby. The plan was to have the existing one take care of my newborn (since she already has experience with the other ones) but the 2 kiddos (my niece and nephew) are very close to her. So I don't think it will be easy for them to adjust to a new maid…

So I prob end up with the new maid taking care of the newborn… which i then have to reteach every single step and monitor
When is your new maid arriving? If she is arriving before your delivery date, then she will have some time to 'blend' with the 2 kiddos while the existing maid can train her.

It's really difficult for the toddlers to accept new maid. I almost gone insane during that first month with my new maid. Every night when I step into shower, Edison will slam the door and yell for me to come out. For one week, I put a stool in the bathroom and have him watching me as I shower. Imagine how bad it is.
The maid should be getting her to come early July. I am not sure abt training as my niece and nephew also "refuse" my other maid whom has been with us 2.5years! So you can imagine it will be an uphill task for them to accept the new maid even easily… plus the stress of the new maid having to handle toddlers plus my inlaws (who also have their own peculiar ways to adjust to). Hmmm it might really make more sense to isolate the "damage" to the newborn …..
Pillow, Emily,
true indeed... It's tough for a 2-3 yr old kiddo adjusting to changes like these, I see it in Missy as well. Don't understand why, she became rude suddenly.., resort to pushing and shouting at the new maid. I have a hard time trying to stop her.
It will be much better for the new maid to manage the baby rather than the tods. We had a change of maid when Missy is abt 5 mths old while gorgor was 3 at that time. It was hard for gorgor to accept the maid. I guess tods at this age hv a different set of mentality in terms of accepting 'strangers'. Missy on the other hand, 5 mths old baby showed no signs of resistance.
Emily, my pil look after my baby together with the maid.

If the maid is not good, change. I realise there are good maids around that can really help you ease your burden.

LAst year I had a hard time finding a good maid.
My current maid is good after training by me for 3 months and she is my 5th maid up to date.
She almost can bond with tristan straight away coz she will take initiative to play with him and smile at him also.

I remember I had 1 maid last yr who always show a black face when she is already very dark. (Not sure if you remember)
She will stare at tristan and look very fierce while feeding him.
Tristan hates that maid.
He will hit her or refuse her totally.
I suspect the maid may had been nasty to him when I didn't notice which resulted in the hostile behaviour in tristan.
Hi Florence,
I thought of bringing Edison to the Science Center or kite-flying. Haven't heard of Jalan Kayu Animal Resort before. What's nice to see there?
Anyone of you are already members of the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan or you know of anybody who are? Hubby and I are thinking of signing up as members and we need two people to recommend us.
Yes. Took the booster seat.
I now considering to bring my kiddos to watch Shrek on sat night or not.. hee
Hippo tour goes where? I have been to the Animal Resort...very nice place..its like a mini zoo there. Can feed the rabbits, fish, geese, and can't remember wat else was there. Jade had fun. Best of all its free!

Jade sat thru Alvin and the Chipmunks, and the Disney on Ice. But she slept thru How to train your Dragon.
Sentosa will be nice! Where to board? Must buy tickets in advance or can just go and queue?

Has anyone been to Universal Studios yet? I'm thinking of bringing Jade there...wondering if our kids too young to go?
YOu are right! Joining the Huay Kuan for 2 things, 1, trying to get into AiTong or Tao Nan, 2, maybe can sign up for courses for Natalie to learn more about our heritage.

But seemed like nobody knows people who are members.

I hv been thking of bringing missy for movies as well but am lack of courage. And u don't think she can sit through.

Mummies who did that are daring!!!


I can recommend you. Hopefully I'm 'snr' enough.
Which of the 5 schs are you looking at?

juz realised your choice of sch(s). Juz a note that being a member does not guarantee a plc in the sch. Even if you get the recommendation letter, u may run into balloting even in phase 2B, alongside with PV and grassroots. Distance between home and sch is a critical at times.
regarding schools...my mum lives across tao nan...i may resort to using her add in future if i am that desperate..but the kids must be very well-versed in mandarin by then. else, i can forget it.
hi dArmAe
Thanks a lot! Maybe we can meet somewhere at your convenience, date n time. =)

Yes, I understand, firstly, even if I get the membership, I might not get the recommendation letter, even if I get the letter, I might have to go for balloting, esp under Phase 2B.

Hubby n I are looking at Tao Nan, we like the east as it is near the park n seaside. We are looking out for properties near Tao Nan. Also looking at Ai Tong. Not sure we stand a better chance at which school.

Which school are you looking at?

taonan is hot.. Balloting within 1 km under phase 2c each year. If u use your mum's address under the caregiver guideline.. They will place you appln under those 1-2km even though your mum lives just a stone across. That is to be fair to people residing there.


u back in SG? I'm flexible with my timings till 11july as I'm not working at the moment. We can arrange. Haha tell u smthg.. I recd a few PM fm people I don't knw.

TN and AT are both hot!! I heard that membership tenure must at least be 4 years before they will issue the recommendation letter. That depends on the number of applicants that year as well.

I'm not going for the SHHK' schools. Will be registering my son in maha bodhi this year
oh really? hmmm,...i am not sure abt that. but hehe. I am not that ambitious...Will "avoid" the top 10 primary schools. haha. what's important in my opinion is the kids can tahan the pressure. after working for sometime in a "hot" school before, I saw too many kids feeling the pressure and to some extent it is a sad case. A small number of the kids do really well and were happy kids...but majority seem to feel so stressed and unhappy.
Unfortunately the govt schools around my area can't even make it as a decent primary school - well that's my opinion. aiyah you ladies got me thinking again. to move or not to move house. argh.
according to my hubby his ex-senior colleague bought the condo across tao nan then after getting in his son sold the unit. can even get 200k in profit! such a lucky man...but again not too sure abt how long you have to own the place before you are eligible for phase 2c - <1km.
Yes, I am back! Really, 4 years? Oh dear, then I am too late. Maha Bodhi is a good school too.

The properties around Tao Nan is over $1m at the moment. We cannot afford it.
I think, we need to stay at the address for at least 1 year.
Hi mummies,
I have also been pondering about schools for my kids next time! *stress*. Isn't it crazy we have to think abt this when they're only 2 and still in diapers.

Talking abt pressure in school...my SIL told me some kid her son's school in Primary 6 recently jumped down from his flat and died, and left a suicide note for his parents that he is very sorry but he doesn't want to study anymore. The parents must be devastated.

Thanks for sharing.

It's indeed tough to balance between the pressure and the 'standard MOE syllabus'. It juz gets harder over the years. I don't even remember solving problems sums at K2 level.
i am with Justme on schools. i am sure there are kids who thrive in our Singapore education system. but i dont need Shawn to thrive that high. i will also be avoiding the "hot" schools
so upset !
Just bought some crayons and colour pencils for the kids online , then find out that it's more expensive than a shop selling the same thing at RAFFLES! :*( that I could buy off the shelf! can;t refund because there is a claus

"Once payment in, no cancellation &amp; refunds . I reserve the right to cancel the BP. Only in the event BP is cancelled, I’ll refund all amt collected accordingly"

Ahhhh .... so unfair! :*(
Just to share, since I just came back from Oslo

There is no stress at all in the Norwegian education system. They only start ABC at grade 1 (7 years old). Emphasis is on interaction among friends, outdoors, outdoor survival skills, playtime. Homework? Only one piece of worksheet for the entire week. Of course there is some tests, but results are not made known to the children, only the parents. Despite this, most of the children graduated from Uni and speaks fluently in English with Norwegian being the main official language. So if you have a choice, would you want your children to go through the Norwegian system or the singapore system?

HUbby and I are thinking of getting Natalie into the "hot" schools because we thought she will have a good foundation from there. We are also aware that the level of stress might be too high for the child. So what would you do?

Get her into a neighbourhood school and send her for a lot of enrichment? tuition? Coach/teach her yourself at home?

I know I want her to have a good education, but I also want her to remember that she had a happy childhood, rather than a stressful one, where she had constant fear that she cannot score above 85 marks for all her subjects.

What would you do? How do you measure the pros and cons?
cookie monster..waaah, u really think so far ahead. I think it is us as parents giving each other peer pressure. We will compare what our kids can or cannot do and start worrying. Kids themselves at this age dunno what it is. For my son, he can't recognise ABC and 123 yet but am not overly worried. I think those are easier to pick up when he's abit older, diff. kids develop and grow at diff. stages. Right now discplining him is more impt, teaching the right values as well is what we embrace. Of cos' all parents want the best for their kids and i think there is no right and wrong direction, it is how we manage and set the path for them. I myself hope i don't fall into the category of having kids and 'c/o' to tution centres on weekends with classes back to back which i think is unhealthy! Already 1 kid enough to set me thinking if i will raise him well anot, i don't dare to think of #2 amidst other challenges.
Oh no...what brand of crayons you buy? Complain to the organizer!

Cookie Monster,
Here's how we came to our decision. My husband was from a neighbourhood school, and I was from one of the good schools. My husband's friends are quite a diverse lot. Majority did not go on to uni and are average earners. My friends from school majority are all uni and post degree grads and have successful careers now. No doubt there are also successful people from neighbourhood schools too but the conclusion we made is - our children are more likely to succeed in good schools. Although its not foolproof and ultimately it really depends on our children's capability, etc. But we want to provide the best environment for learning for our kids, even though there will be pressure to do well. I think pressure to perform is good. Anyway there will always be peer pressure. Pressure to score, also pressure to do bad things too. What's impt is to teach our children how to cope with pressure, teach them right and wrong and hopefully they choose to make the best of their lives in future

Guess it's a topic that can talk till the cows come home.

I am one whom I can say excel in our singapore education system but yet hated system. My hb is on the other side of the spectrum that basically has to be retained in school for extra year type by his failing grades. But he has a fantastic stress free, colorful childhood. He spent much of his time cycling away with his frens by the beach, fishing, etc, etc.

I guess 2 persons who took a different journey in our education lives but still turn out pretty much alright (depending on each person's definition of success). I wld very much prefer my kids to take his daddy's route than mine.

its good to flash a successful career, but i feel its more important for Shawn to live an enriched life that is not underpinned by $ and career.
