(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

e kids sleep at 2230 at night and wakes up at 9 am. I haven't inplace any routine so i'm ok with current arrangement. I seldom nap with them in the noon and sleeps after midnight everyday. My friend said I'm like an immortal- no need to sleep. Ha ha ha.

hi mummies,
i have been reading this thread on n off when i come online coz i have a girl borned sept 2007, and a boy july 2009,they r abt 2 yrs apart.

i am a sahm and i hope to be able to share n
chat with mummies here at times, sounds fun to be able to participate in this thread.

all the mummies here have kid in sept 2007? r your precious in sch already?

HEllo again
Low, Jade and Ryan sleep at 8.30pm and wake up at 7.00am. Weekends they also wake up at 7.00am sharp! Lucky my helper can entertain them and give them breakfast while hubby and I sleep in. Then usually Jade will come in and wake us up by 8 plus.

I nap with my kids on weekends too..when I put them down for their naps, I'm usually the one who falls asleep first!

You can afford to sleep late and wake up late everyday!

Hi! Welcome to the thread...my girl is born in Sep 07 and boy in Jan 09
Too close for comfort!
thanks for your welcome mummies!
my 2/5yr old girl still zzz in her cot in ther room, 9mths didi has a cot in study room too but i realised that he zzz better on my bed coz more space for him to turn around when he zzz/
but i am hestitant coz i dun really want him to be in our room and get into this habit... sigh.

care to share how mummies here allocated zzz arrangements, esp btw siblings?
Hi eva,
My two children sleep together in their own room. When they were babies, they slept in my room in a playpen so easier for me to feed them for night wakings (lazy mummy hehe!). Then once they didn't wake up every 3 hours for night feeds, I transferred them out of my room coz I don't want them to get used to sleeping in our room.

My older one sleeps in her room by herself since 3 months old. I 'upgraded' her to a single bed when she was 2 years old. When #2 was ard 6mths old, I transferred him into the room with #1 and he sleep in the cot. Initially I was afraid to put them in the same room as sometimes they wake up at night and I'm scared they will wake each other up. Sleeping time also afraid they will be player with each other and refuse to sleep. But I was surprised somehow they can ignore each other's cries, or even if they wake up they blur blur then will go back to sleep. Think they learn to block out noise
hi angel,

i really envy u that your children can zzz together.
my son dun really like cot so he will wake up crying n i m sure jiejie will be woken by him. so i dun have the courage to try that yet leh...headache.how long did yours take to adjust zz in same room?

beside, my girl though 2.5yrs now, still happily zz in cot, dunno should upgrade her or not. or wait till she dun want cot?

i also wanna toilet train her by letting her wear training pants.
Any mummies care to share their experience and how to go abt it?

thanks so much mummies.
Time to stock up the milk powders!

Carrefour is having promotion yty and today.

storewide 10% off for everyday card holders!

Gain IQ 3 _ usual : $57.60 after discount $52 ...

Hi mummies,

Care to share on toilet training whether are you having your kiddos on potty or training the use of adult toilet (with added kiddo seat ontop) ?
hi mummies,

Anyone can advise how to keep my child sleep later in the morning? She goes to bed around 9pm and falls asleep by 9.30pm. She used to wake up around 7.30am a few months ago but recently she has been waking up earlier and earlier now about 6.30am or even 6am at times. The problem is she's so tired before school ends at 12 noon.
Hi mummies

Re toilet training...my girl went thru 4 different potties (handle, no handle, insert, princess throne) and in the end she prefer to sit on my toilet like big adults do
Hi mummies..
Let me intro myself, im a SAHM, my girl is oso born sep'07. Staying in SengKang.. so free can meet up for lunch or go to the library together

Pillow, i started my girl on her potty. I believe the potty is easier for them, toilet bowl is too high.
A pic on my girl toilet training her bear..

Bluelabel.. hw many naps does your girl take now? and how long? My prob is my girl wakes too late about 9.30am - 10.30am and she sleeps nowadays as late as 12.90am
julia, my gal takes 1 nap from abt 1-3pm after she comes back from school. i dunno if it's because she sleeps alone in her own room now since 3 months ago. when she shared the room with my helper she would go back to sleep when she wakes up early. but now even if i or my helper stay beside her bed she just toss and turn and can't fall asleep again. wonder what i can do to keep her stay asleep longer.
coz my boy don't really fancy potty. he seems to take to STANDING on the adult toilet bowl more ! aargghh

bluelabel, how about curtains ? have the thick ones that really darken the room ?
pillow: sam do his peee standing and pee into the potty. Dangerous act to peep standing on the adult toilet bowl leh. Once i made a silly blunder, i made him sit on the adult toilet bowl and the pee shot out! haahahaaa
Hi Pillow,
I bought this children's step stool (from Ikea) for Edison, as recommended by Sam. It's wonderful.

The stool is placed in my master room's toilet. Edison will step on the stool, pull down his pants and pee into our adult toilet bowl. After he is done, he knows how to flush the toilet too.

Since Shawn prefers to stand, maybe you can try out this step stool.

Emily : hazel has the same stock to help her sit down on the adult toilet bowl . hehe

She is trying to put on her own pants and top now too!
wow emily , he is so smart.

pardon my ignorance. meaning, just place the stool in front of the adult toilet bowl for him to stand on top, then pee right into the adult bowl rite?

what a good idea! but poo poo? is Edison on the potty ?
Hi Pillow,
He can do it on his own, but we still bring him to the toilet & supervise him for safety. You r right, place the stool in front of the adult toilet bowl, let him stand on the stool and pee into the toilet bowl. He shd be able to reach the flush button too.

For "poo poo", he will sit on the child toilet seat on our adult toilet bowl.

Hi Florence,
Yeah, the step stool is very good lor. It has anti-slip rubber too. It is quite safe.
I will go hunt for the stool. I thought I saw it lying somewhere in the house.

You guys cannot imagine the number of potty I have bot. I am a sucker for potty (but not the training part tho). I have the traditional ones (the ugly blue one), a sit down with handle, a chicco one with front handle, a child toilet seat to put on top of adult and another small potty.

The funny thing is I have all the gadgets but no participant :p HAHHAAAAAA
Partly lazy mummy want to delay toilet training, til now the school gives specific instruction to start so I bo pian
wow..wow...all the smart kids...i must go buy the stool too! As for poo-ing, Sam still want to poop in the diaper, refuse the toilet bowl or potty.
tiny voice, shawn lagi best. want to hide behind curtain to poo poo. haha

sometimes , after much persuasion then he willing to do it in the potty. he likes to squirm on the floor also when doing his big biz
Hi mummies,my lil one keeps catching de cough & flu virus since he started schooling @ childcare last Feb. Each time he gets sick for weeks & gets well for a week or so. D last bout of cough lasted for weeks & didn't go away despite several trips to PD & also a different GP. I brought him to see TCM & alas he recovered. I sent him back to CC & he caught HFMD. Went back to CC after a week but he caught cough & flu again after 2 days. Went to see TCM again & he recovered. He just went back to CC for a week last week & today he's sick again!!!!! 该如何是好??=( What should I do??
pillow: yes she has the thick curtains in her room and it's dark with only a night light. And the sky don't turn bright before 7am so I don't think it's the light factor.
Ayden used to be like Shawn, hide behind the curtain n poo poo when he wears diapers. Another favorite spot of his was my walk-in-wardrobe!! Haha.
Hi mummies,
Talking abt poo poos, hahaa...interesting topic!

Jade's fav poo poo position is lying down with her stomach facing down and legs curled up, and she'll prop up her butt!!

Took alot of persuading to poo poo in the toilet bowl. I had to bribe her with sweets the first few times. My hubby calls it 'incentive'

One of the benefits of childcare is that they did the training for us and peer pressure helps! Its amazing to see my little girl so independent. She will sit at the edge of the toilet bowl and support herself with her hands. I have a step stool permanently at the toilet bowl so she can have access to the toilet whenever she wants. Have another stool for her to reach the basin to wash her hands.

Pillow, Jade refused to use the potties I bought too! She prefer the toilet bowl...which was actually a blessing, coz potties are so troublesome to clean up, and also when we go out she uses the public toilets without much fuss. And she's always thrilled when they have the small toilet seats or small toilet bowls for children
My girl also was sick alot when she started childcare for the 1st year. She started childcare when she was ard 16 mths old. Like once or twice a month will surely be sick! Now not so bad. Do you give your child any supplements? I started giving my girl multivitamins in the form of gummy bears, and manuka honey which my PD recommended which helps to build immunity.

It can't be helped when children start school they all go thru this phase. It will be better after a year or so coz they build up their immunity each time they get sick. Even if you don't send your kid to school now, when they start Nursery or Kindergarten, it will be like that too. So sooner or later they have to go through this! Don't feel bad
angel, talking abt public toilets run chill down my spine. if no small toilet bowls for children, how does Jade use them ? the thot of the child sitting on public toilet seat is definitely erhmm.

sick : Shawn also been sick so frequently since he started school. and mostly from the other 2 kiddos at home. so they spread and spread within each other non-stop till our whole family is SICK of being sick.

my doc says : this is a phase of life that we as parents just have to get through. cannot be more true....

i am also doing what Angel is doing. Multivit (brand: Appelin B12) recommended by 2 docs that i see and Manuaka Honey UMF10. then pray that it helps. coincidentally, after we started for a period of Manuaka honey, the recent episode of 2 other kiddos having high fever last thurs fortunately didn't make its way to my boy surprisingly.
Public toilets - yes some quite gross! Shopping centres still ok. I always wipe the seat with wet wipes before she sits down. I try to avoid coffee shop toilets! Boys different hor...do they sit down and pee? Or stand at urinals to pee? Is it easier with a boy since they don't have to sit down? I'm still wondering how I am going to train my boy to use the toilet. Think I will leave that to hubby!
erhmm, i have not come to that problem yet since Shawn just started toilet training last week. so he's been on diaper when we are out. i guess boys are easier...

girls have to sit which is the problem..... yeeeehh
Morning mummies!

bad night yty. Hazel vomitted in the middle of the night. she is rather prompt to vomitting when she has cough or eat too much.

Is any babies here like that too?
Is normal for our darlings to vomit when they cough too much!!
Ayden had vomitted on me TWICE alrdy!!
Somemore in the middle of the night.
I need to go bath, wash my hair at 3am!! haha..

Is Hazel better after vomitting??
Hi Pillow,
Where can I buy the Manuka Honey? I heard that it's good too, but I haven't really tried feeding Edison with honey. Currently, he is taking multi-vitamin syrup from GNC.
Hi emily, there are a lot of places selling Manuka Honey , different grades, etc. mind boggling. i asked the doc, his reply is if you try enough honey, you will roughly know what are the good type. its different in taste and consistency. <gulp, vague eh>

i bought mine from Taka basement, outside the cold storage where there is different stalls selling chocs, tea, honey,etc. that's not bad. 3 of us share a bottle of 500g, each a teaspoonful on its own every night. now i am trying out another brand which i bot from Unity pharmacy.

i read that for toddlers, should get no more than umf 10 manuaka. if you are buying with UMF, do remember to look out for UMF 10 label, made in NZ. coz its quite misleading a lot of brands try to pass that off with varied labels. quite a bit of internet writeup on this which you can prob google for details...
Jade vomits too when she coughs. Especially after milk or food. The PD explained they vomit because too much thick mucus stuck and they are trying to cough the phlegm out. Two weeks ago when she had bronchitis and coughing very badly especially at night...she vomitted in her sleep, I had to bathe her and wash her hair coz she was covered in her vomit, and had to change bedsheets and pillow cases 3 times that night!! The next day I made her sleep on the floor on the playmat next to her bed coz easier to clean up the mess! Sometimes she vomits and she doesn't cry, so nobody knows till next morning, and then we find her in dried stinky vomit

Emily, I buy Manuka honey UMF10 from Tangs. There's a push cart in the basement selling.
Hi Florence,
Can I check with you about hotels in Genting? Do you book online yourself or book via the travel agency when you buy the coach tickets? Which way is cheaper leh?
emily : My mum has "points" from her card, so we normally doesnt have to pay for hotel. coach tickets we book from fivestars or grassland.
Not sure which is cheaper wor

re: public toilets
call me a hygiene freak. i'm always armed with a bottle of sanitiser (handy size of 70ml, spritz bottle). Do a quick 2-3 sprays, then wipe it with tissues.

pretty universal.. i use it to clean the table top, baby chairs at times too. Or it can be used as a hand sanitiser if a toilet is out of sight.


re: manuka honey
a teaspoon neat nightly?

glad that you found the step stool useful.. haha.
darmae, I'm going to buy the bottle of sanitiser also! sounds useful. Hehe

What is the brand ah? Usually don't see spritz version.

I'm going to buy the stool from Ikea too. Time for toilet training!

Hi Arisz,

Long time no see. How r u doing? How's your two kiddos?

The Ikea stool is really good. It has rubber pads on bottom and top, thus it's quite safe and non-slip...

I also have sanitizer in my diaper bag. I will rub some on Edison's hand before he eats outside. I'm using the Dettol brand, but not the spritz type. Anyway, for boys, no need to clean the toilet seat la. I usually let Edison stand on the toilet seat and pee (bad mummy!)... hehehe!

Just make sure he aims correctly and don't pee out of the toilet will do.

Actually, I've seen some of the children's toilet in shopping malls that are equipped with the Ikea stool too.
