(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi cookie monster, sorry i can't remember the shop name. but its a small shop in Furniture mall Concourse. the shop mainly sells teak wood type of theme furniture. The bed goes close to 500 and mattresses bought seperately from other shops (that will depend what type of quality you like). so all in, i think i paid around 900. i see very good quality ones at Picket & Rail too at v reasonable pricing.

Yup, i don't put a bed rail coz cumbersome since we like to lounge on his pull out bed before bedtime. So far, he has only fallen once onto the pull out bed when sleeping. They will quickly get used to it and not fall off . Of course i don't dare to put him without bed rail if not for the pull out bed below.
Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
Hey Mummies

For those who left messages on my FB, thanks for your concern for caelen
He's fine now, eyes are still raw and reddish but hopefully the styes won't grow again *keep fingers crossed very hard*

Well, the story is... since Jan, Caelen's eyes started to grow these styes (chinese we call mak zam). The thing is, his just wouldn't subside and even spread to all 4 eyelids. We consulted the doctors but they all said the only way to remove them is through surgery. Leaving them alone, they might take up to 2 years to totally heal! Actually for adults, it is a very simple incision but for children, they would need to go for GA
So no choice, we decided to bring him for day surgery, considering that his eyes are all swollen with styes on upper and lower eye lids.

On the day of the operation, we brought him to Gleneagles very early in the morning, like 6am and I accompanied Caelen into the operating theatre. I left the Op theatre after they put him to sleep. That was about 755am.

Just 15mins later, I was shocked to hear screaming from the vicinity of the Op room. When we rushed over, the nurse had just carried Caelen out of theatre and he was screaming bloody murder all the way from the operating room. It totally freaked us out when we saw him cos' the tears mixed with the blood really made him seem as if he's bleeding from the eyes! And all the nurse did was to hand me a piece of tissue to wipe the tears, and pass a wheelchair (?!) over for me to sit. What the?!

Anyway, the boy cried for a good 1 hour, non-stop. I can imagine how tramatising it must be for him. We paid for a half day hospital stay but we didn't step into the ward at all, cos' his screaming would disturb the other kid in the ward. So we walked into the empty playroom and cuddled him until he calmed down.

So, overall a very unpleasant experience
Total damage came up to $1,600!! For GA, anaesthetist, eye surgeon, rental of Op theatre, hospital stay. For a 15mins surgery! Actually, the question i had which was not answered was - how come they allowed him to wake up immediately after the surgery? Wouldn't it be better if they let him rest after the surgery and gradually wake up an hour or so later? Does anyone know?
Of my god.. How could that be??
U meant the moment the Operation is over, Caelen was awake alrdy??
Very strange leh.. Tot normally the patient only wakes up when everything is over..
Did you ask the doctor??
Hi mag, dunno leh, he was awake even as the nurse is carrying him out the operating theatre. There we were, expecting to have a leisurely breakfast in his ward while waiting for him to wake up. Then all of a sudden, he is out and fully awake. I hope they didn't underestimate the amount of anesthesia to give him.

No leh, didn't had the presence of mind to question the doctor. Was too shocked. I just asked the doctor if the op went ok.
No wonder Caelen cried so badly..so poor thing leh.. sayang sayang...
Should be very painful for him.. I ever did the incision before. very painful one leh.. mine only 1 eye lid, needless to say abt 4!!

Is he okay now??
Hi Peapod ,

Oh dear the whole experience must have been so traumatic for him and you as well. I remember one of my friends kids underwent a GA for an op, and after they administered it lasted for 45 mins. I am surprised how come only 15 mins and Caelen is awake! Suspect the GA wasn't strong enough like you said.
Hi Peapod,

So sorry to hear of the incident. Poor Caelen!
Hope he is alright now, must be a very traumatising experience for all of you.

I can share my experience of Tristan who had a surgery when he was barely 1 month old.
He also went through a GA surgery.

What my doc told me the other time was, they will estimate the op duration and administer the anaesthetic accordingly.
They cannot let the child sleep for too long as they are afraid he might have problem waking up.
As he is still such a young child so the dosage they use is very little.

I remember tristan was also crying when they bring him out to me. (He also had his surgery done at gleneagles)

By the way, I am not trying to help the doc or anaesthetist. Juz sharing my experience with you.
hi all,
found time to come in and saw this.

ben also has gone through a surgery at gleneagles. like what arisz said, the anaethetist also told me to stay around (no breakfast. sighs) as the anaestetic wont be too much. it would just be enough to last the duration of the op (in his case, half an hour). ben was lucky i guess, he was stirring when they wheeled him out of the surgery theatre. i was just waiting there as he was trying to climb up the bed rail groggily! i carried him back to the recovery room (half day surgery only) as he did not like the bed. LOL.

fever also depends on the degree of hotness. if it is below 38.5, use paratecemol every 4-6 hours and sponge. but if more than 38.5, my pd's nurse recommended using brufen and paratecemol alternately every 3-4 hours or so plus sponging.

brufen is stronger but the child does perspire very easily after giving brufen and the fever comes down fast.

i would give ben more water, barley, fruits to help him to stay cool. sometimes, if he is not too tired, i may even let him run around to 'break' the fever! =D
waaa...so many of the darlings gone under the knife at such young age. My heart goes out to all of them and you mummies.

Re: Discipline.
I am at my wits' end. Sarah has been having screaming and crying bouts for the past 3 days. Wonder if any of you have problems like this with your kids. She seems to be getting out of hand. I know she wants attention but come'on when will she understand she isn't the ONLY child!? argh...

sometimes I feel, the difficult part abt parenting isn't the pregnancy or labour - but its the raising and disciplining of the child.
hi peapod, my son also went thru' surgery once to remove a lymph node. He was also crying hysterically when the nurse handed him over to us. Prior to the surgery, we were briefed that this could happen, cos the child would most likely feel disoriented after the GA. So, we took him out to the garden for a stroll until he calmed down; then we return to the ward. Hope your kiddo is recovering well. Take care

By the way, we manage to claim insurance for the medical fees. You might wanna check out the plans available. Mine is with Prudential.
Selling 1 unopen GNC Childlife Essential Fatty Acids Natural Butterscotch flavor.
Expire date: 23 Oct 2010

For infants 6 month old up to 12yrs old kids.

Product detail: http://www.childlife.net/node/53/

Original price: $ 43.50
Selling cheap now: $ 35

Pls PM me if u keen. Collect at my blk (hougang). Thanks!
Hi Mummies,

Anyone gone to North Point in Yishun recently? There's supposed to be a new water playground on the rooftop for kids. Is it any good?

Arisz, BTMum,
Wow...your sons also went thru surgery. What age was that? So heart pain for you!

Its the terrible 2s! Jade also throws tantrums every other day...want mummy to feed her, carry her or brush her teeth, doesn't want to wear her school uniform, doesn't want to wear anything that is not pink, don't want to eat what is on the plate, don't want to drink water, etc. etc. etc. When she misses her naptime or she doesn't sleep by her normal bedtime, all hell breaks loose. I try as much as possible to stick to her naptimes and bedtime routines to avoid tantrums in the first place.

What do you do when Sarah goes into her fits?
Try not to pay any attention to her and maybe she will start to learn that her screaming and crying does not have any effect on you. Toddlers this age are too young to listen to reason according to the books. Just give them warnings and consequences and make sure you follow thru if they don't listen. For Jade, timeouts and removing her prized possessions works well!

I agree with Angel, did you try timeout? I think we have to go to their eye level, look them in the eye, said in a firm tone that if she repeats her behaviour, she will go into timeout/naughty corner (a warning). And if she did, put her into timeout immediately. after timeout, then explain her behaviour is unacceptable.

According to a book, "Toddler taming", toddlers dont have much sense when they do certain things... so reasoning doesnt work. Try timeout or distractions. Meanwhile also note what triggers those tantrums and try to avoid them.

I have another problem with natalie, she will ignore me... pretend she didnt hear me when I ask her to do certain things. I find this frustrating, i need to keep repeating myself until I lose my cool and started to shout at her.. then she move... I try to take deep breaths.... go away for a while...
Hi mommies,

Just chk out with u all..

Is your kids 2.5yo be able to speak well clearly with the correct pronounciation?

My boy can speak well but for 2 letters sound only : G and K .he is still unable to pronoun it correctly.

Should I worry his speech development?

Please advise.

Radiance (radiance) : hazel can sing and say all the letters but cant recognise them .

Hazel is very much into her terrible two.
she is crying over everything !
lucky kor kor gives in to her most of the time.\

Time out doesnt work for her , she is very stubborn !

My Louis can say all letters, recognise& write them(both cap/small letter)& able to relate them to phonics sounds. But just can't pronounce the sounds clearly for G & K. Eg, he is still call his kor kor as "dor dor"..haizz

Terrible 2 oso happened to him..but is manageable..his kor kor oso always complain tht didi is naughty...

I still think tht girl is more "guai" compared to boy ler.

Sometime i did catch up tis forum but i'm v busy at work..v happy to chat wf u here
Cookie Monster,
Toddler taming - good title for the book haha! Re repeating instructions, I read somewhere that we shouldn't repeat our instructions. Otherwise they learn not to listen to us until we repeat many times or start to shout. If she ignores you after the 1st time, try telling her "If you dont do it by the time I count to 3, I'll XXXX." For Jade, it works really well. Like if I tell her its time to bathe and she ignores me and continues playing, I'll tell her if she still hasn't gone to the bathroom by the time I count to 3, I'll throw away the toy she's playing with. And she'll be running to the toilet!

Hi! Long time no see your post liao
Re pronouncing, I don't think you need to worry now. Just keep correcting him when he says it wrongly, you have to keep correcting him each time, and when he says it right give lots of praise. Wow your son can recognise and write all the letters!? So clever! I am amazed!
Yes indeed, the author is Dr Christopher Green, i read the "New Toddler Taming" book. Its a fun read actually because he relates his clinical experience in the book. Children around the world behave the same!

I sure try not to repeat my instruction... thanks!!
Hi Angel,

Ya..I am in procurement engineering line,no time to log in during working hrs. Yup,will keep on correcting him. We taught him the letters when he was 20 mths and maybe he has gor gor who he can learn from daily...whenever gor gor practices his alphabet writing..didi will follow.so he can catch up fast.
hi radiance - sarah is the same as your boy. Can't seem to pronounce K well... it's tick instead of kick....tat instead of cat...I try to correct her but I can see she tries and gets frustrated when i corrected her again and again. Give them time..they are afterall just 2 plus year old toddlers.

cookiemonster, angel,
I have tried timeout. At times it works..but the past few days, she'll just cry louder and louder when i place her in her room with the door close. Its really bad. Sickening thing is, her fits will trigger when you least expect it...for no good reason. OK,...not true,...when I want to place boy for nap, she'll cry...when I have to attend to something and she wants my attention...she'll cry...and she won't stop crying until i see to her. I think you ladies are right. Being FIRM is the way to go. ANd i should choose not to lose my temper all the time. =(

maybe.. give her some things to be busy with. then maybe she doesnt need so much of your attention? I will give natalie some colouring, or play with playdoh, or painting or jigsaw puzzle. Esp jigsaw puzzle, she can sit at the table for a long time and concentrate on putting the pieces together and give me a triumphant smile after she completed the task.
Just some suggestions.
Jade is the same...attention seeking all the time!
Guess they are all like that huh. Especially with a younger sibling, they are too young now to understand that they have to share their mummy. For Jade, she says she loves her didi and all, she greets him very enthusiastically when she comes home from school, kisses and hugs him, says she missed him, will sayang him and help me take care of him like make his milk and throw his diapers, but when I carry Ryan she will insist I put him down and carry her, if not she will cry and try to pull his leg down or try to hurt him (bite pinch scratch). Is Sarah like that???

I always tell her she has to share mummy and take turns (like I'm a toy hahha!) and if she hurts her didi she goes straight into the naughty corner. Most times I just try not to carry Ryan in front of her to avoid her throwing her fits. But now that Ryan is walking, its not so much of a problem coz he doesn't want to be carried anymore! Now the problem is she refuses to share her toys with Ryan. Both of them will scream for the same toy! Whatever toy the other one is holding they want it...arggg!

Is didi going to school yet? How old is your older son? Re correcting them, yeah they do get frustrated when they can't say something properly, but don't give up
They will eventually get it!
Angel, where you were in the hosp, any problems w Jade?

am trying to make the transition as smooth as possible when my #2 comes along in July.
Hi Mommies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)/ IMM (prearranged)

Didi is attending the 2 hrs playgoup and gor gor is 1 yr older now in N1 class.

Yup..i must work harder to correct him.

thks for ur support.
wow, impressive your girl. Can focus on puzzle...my girl, so mischievous, She can't focus that long and will play a fool. =(

Yup yup yup....the same goes for sarah.
Hi Pillow,
Congrats! When are you due?

They recommend not to have the baby in your room when they first come to the hospital, so I got the nurse to wheel didi to the nursery before she arrived, and she had mummy to herself for awhile. Then got daddy to push the baby in, and she was excited to see the baby, and I had bought a present for her and told her it was from her didi. Up till today she still remember that toy was from him (she was 16 mths old then)!
omg, sorry to hear that. I guess it's pretty inevitable to get such from schools. Hope your little baby won't get it from brother. WIsh he recover soon. YOu take care.
Re: Twin stroller

Anyone who bought a twin stroller? Issit useful? I am comptemplating to get 1 cos # 2 is getting heavier. Tried out the Maclaren ones n its too bulky for my boot.

Someone bought a Combi one from out thread right? Is it smaller than Peg Perego P3 when folded?? How much will a combi twin side by side stroller cost? Cant seem to find it anyway @ Mothercare Harbourfront n Spring Maternity Vivocity yesterday.

So sian..Both gals down with fever. En En got sent back by CC 10am!! Gonna take child MC tomolo.
Hi Poohwei,
Yeah I bought a Combi twin stroller (side by side one)...it is slightly bigger than the P3 when folded. My hubby bought from Shanghai from one of the dept stores. Sorry forgot to reply your SMS...got interrupted by the kids when I received it and then after that forgot to reply :/

Hope your gals recover soon
Thanks justme and angel, tristan is recovering! Phew...was really a bad experience!

hfmd is really a torturous illness both to kids and adult!
Hi hi again ... heeee, when I become SAHM more busy buying and selling in the forum mah. Last time working busier chatting ... haha!

Cookie: I'm impressed you still remember my boy's name after so long! He's very notti now. Very bad tempered boy and he's strong when he struggles boy! Sigh! And, he still can't talk leh ... still babbling and behaving like a baby. But though he can't talk, he can communicate his wants very well by gesturing.
angel : Hazel also slim down after a bout of fever for 3 days.

Arisz : Hope tristan will be well and running soon!

Blue : hehe Long time no see!

angel, yah lo! Lose a lot of wt...so heartpain! There goes his big big tummy!...i'm going to beef him up again.

Florence, thanks! hope hazel has a speedy recovery also! Saw your fb, she is really a big girl now! So sweet!

blue, long time no hear from you here eh! hope your 2 kiddos a speedy recovery too!
