(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi jme

nice to hear from u!: happy new year to all mummies and kids

yes, yixuan loves school now and keep humming the songs that the teachers taught them to sing. she learns many new songs in fact. i was worried after the cny break she would cry but she is ok so far..
yes, she is toilet trained and i did not let her wear diapers. actually i saw the teacher did what u mentioned and i guess no choice, my hubby say the same thing lor.
yixuan like lin lao shi more hee..hee.. she would go home pretend to be a teacher and that is lin lao shi and ask her mei mei to be her student haha

Hi mummies~ Gong xi fa cai to everyone! Hope everyone had a nice break. I had a very tiring week visiting and going out..think working is less stressful! Thank goodness have the weekend to recover.

Wise, make noise ah? Dong dong dong chang...dong dong dong chang!

Florence, nice pic! Made my day. They look so nice in their costumes!

Mummies, pls post more pics of your kids. Its so nice seeing how they've grown up to big kids!

Emily, ya after weekends and long breaks Jade also used to be like that, but now she doesn't cry liao. Don't worry your kiddo will take some time to adjust again
yixuan is so cute. role play w mei mei. i am glad tt their school has positive effect on them. little em didnt even know her chinese name when she first started school. now she could mutter a few chinese words. remember how our two little girls took turns to cry n they cried the loudest when school first started.
jme yeah i remember the time and i was quite worried how come the rest of the kids are so well and ok and mine is like cry and cry haha

jme, but i face another problem now le.. yixuan has been having flu on n off for 1 month plus.. it spreads to her mei mei and is like my pd bills is very high monthly.. going bankrupt with all the doc visit
many experienced mummies say is part n parcel of study life but I am just worried and very sick whenever I see them sick so long and yet not ok..
Do u still let Charlene go sch when she is having flu??
For me, I keep Ayden away from school when he is down with runny nose or cough. Cos I worry the virus to fly ard n nvr get cure..
Hello mummies,

Hope everyone still remb me cos my last log in was so many months ago.. nearly forgot my password just now haha.. Many things happen but lucky everything goes well. No internet access in office & workload is terrible but life still goes on hee..

Hope everyone has a great year 2010 ahead with many happy returns & healthy always!

Jerald miss all his frds & would like to wish all aunties & kiddos a Happy Tigger Year!

Saw u with Shawn & ur hubby behind with 2 big bags from Toy r us at Vivo last wk!! Heard u r preggy with #2 congrats.. U look great & Shawn is so guai sitting on his stroller.
i am facing the exact same problem. their flu medicine has changed from pink to colourless to yellow cos seems like not working too well on my two kids. they have been taking it ever since emily started school. n i am afraid it will do more harm than good if they keep taking it. so i hv decided not to let them take the flu med for past two days. just lots of fluid, no aircon at night (the heat is killing us though) and taking health supp. hopefully it helps.

in the beginning i will still let her stay at home. cos afraid she might pass it to other kids. but now i will just let her go school. bo bian. otherwise too disruptive to her routine liao with neverending flu
i am like jme . Initially I would let charlene stay at home but is like a never ending thing le .. so I have decided to let her go school so long as is not too serious.

the problem is the flu seems to get better over the weekend. on monday, the cycle starts again

my PD bills shoot up to 500 last month and I am so broke... I think I feel more for charlotte.. she is the innocent one hee..hee. and she always seems to get more serious than charlene and more cranky when she is sick lor
I never let them have so much med before and like you flu med change from pink, red, colourless..
now just last week I decided to switch them to see chinese doc.. seems abit better now le.. if you want i can pass u the contacts
brought my kids to a famous chinese sinseh b4 from tpy. but we threw away the med cos kids hated it n we were not comfortable giving them as the sinseh mentioned we hv to boil the medicine to get rid of the alcohol first. he also mentioned tt his clinic chinese medicine in liquid form has alcohol so it is better to boil it b4 feeding children. think u better check w ur sinseh whether u need to do so as well k.
em's condition has gotten worse today after school. mucus turned green liao. just came back from dr oh meng choo's clinic( the one tt sep mummies mentioned recently) 1st time saw her. think she is much better than our usual pd. very detailed. hopefully her med works for our kids. just this visit also cost me $200++ ya not cheap to hv kids nowadays. so r u going for #3?
thanks for the info

sign.. charlotte got fever today on her 1st year old birthday ... making me so worried just when I say she seems to get better with chinese med..
now with fever, I would need to switch back to western med again cos is faster to recover. Dr Oh Meng Choo is my kids' pd too but seem this time round the virus is too strong.. been gulping down several bottles of med from her too but in vain sign.. I hate this stage about scholing making me worried, panic and blue

jme 2 is enough le esp when they are sick. you are trying for 3?
these days my job is giving me problem too.. I am looking for job hoping one that allows work life balance .. job market seems quiet
any lobang hee..hee..
hope to be a SAHM but cannot hubby would be too stress.. u working from home?
Hi. Caelen is also down with flu, despite the flu jabs. But so far I have been keeping him at home even for running nose, not to mention flu. Don't want to spread to other kids. Of course, I hope the mummies of the kids in his school would also spare us this consideration. Else, no choice, will just have to 'tong' until his immunity builds up.
Seems like all our kids getting sick often...my mum said me and my siblings seldom fell sick. Sometimes I wonder what's the difference between now and last time?
angel: I guess in the past we didnt start school as early, so we were stronger by the time we did start school and sad to say but the air was much cleaner, foods were less toxic....blah blah blah...gotta admit think the world is getting to a bad place...
I share the same thinking as you. hee.. don't wanna spread the virus but also hope that can be spared from it!! haha..

I agreed fully..

Me also like you, every month there will be at least one or two credit bill which come from Dr Oh's clinic.. haha..
Keith has also been coughing , so to the chinese doc we will go tonight!
hehe but afraid he will not drink his med. On the other hand hazel is stronger than keith , she hardly gets cough or flu from school or kor kor! ( I Guess it's MILK POWER! wahaha)
Do your students get sick as often too? I'm just wondering...Jade now gets sick about twice a month. Now our kids in childcare/nursery, if they're sick and miss school its still ok. But if next time they are in pri and sec school and miss 2-4 days of classes every month they'll be very behind in their school work then how?

Dr Oh see me until she shakes head too hee..hee.. chinese new year eve I go there saying happy new year to her haha then 4th day of cny when her clinic reopens there I am again sign
Hi Angel,
Miss school is already a big problem for me. The week before CNY, Edison was down with runny nose and cough. Although it wasn't serious, but we decided to keep him at home in order not to pass the virus to other kids.

During CNY, the school was closed for 3 days. Imagine Edison didn't go to school for almost two weeks. When the school re-open after CNY, we had to go through the whole ordeal of crying again. I was so frustrated.

This week, he gets slightly better - still cry a while when I left him at school but stop after a while.

Every time when he miss class, I will start to worry again. Haiz..
I was there on the 4th day of CNY too.
Brought Ayden back for review as he was having high fever since eve of CNY eve n lasted till 2nd day of CNY!!
angel: no my pupils dont get sick so often. i think it gets better as they get older but i dont understand the bit about kiddos getting ill to build their resistance. i think this only works if you dont give medication>? otherwise its not the immune system that fights off the illness, its the chemicals in the meds.

in my class, because i tend to get easily affected by dust and the like myself, i keep the class very clean, i even spray dettol air freshener before we start each day.

I emphasize washing hands after they cough or sneeze into their hands and I ensure they wash theur hands with soap each time ( before eating too).

My idea in doing this is so that they dont spread to each other and miss school cos once it starts, more absentees equals backload of homework for them plus they get totally LOST when they return.
Speaking of falling ill, i have been ill twice in a span of 2 weeks myself.

Heard taking beetroot juice helps. My immunity this yr is bad and i gotta visit someone in the hospital later...touch wood, dont catch anything again.
yesterday was charlotte's birthday huh? happie belated birthday

ya me work fr home. wonder how is justme? guess she must be super busy with her two young kids esp #2 should be also going thru the teething and learning to walk stages.

i was doing my calculation. school fees + milk powder + food + diaper + pd fees + misc = abt 1k every month for a two year old toddler. quite siong. was told once the kid starts pri sch it wouldnt be so much le. however i know of a friend who would spend more than 1k a month on tuition n enrichment classes. i wonder if this a norm nowadays
hi all sept moms,
i am a sept 07 mom too. want to share some tips on $$ saving. i think at 2 yrs ++ our kids can see a gp rather than pd...it is as effective as pd and save a lot. my each visit costs only $24. My son too, saw the gp 1x-2x per month for abt 6 months after he started nursary. now the frequency reduce, but still sick from time to time. my son is diaper free now. i have been pushing very hard for the teacher to start the training when he was about to turn 2.he started with no diaper for half day, then no diaper during noon time nap. he has been off diaper too during the night about 3 months ago. its a routine that he pees before bedtime. accident did happen initially, esp when he was too tired to wake up to pee.

I agree with you can save alot of money!
If normal flu/cough symptoms I go GP. Sometimes I just take more medicine from GP, don't even need to pay consultation. I realised my GP and PD give same medication so no point spending the extra $80 on consultation!
But having said that, there was once my boy didn't get better after 1 week of taking the GP medicine, so I brought him to the PD and he prescribed a stronger medication and he got better. PD said sometimes different medications work better on different patients. I also bring my kids for jabs at the GP instead of PD.

Actually I think the medication only relieves the symptoms of the cough and running nose. They basically make our kids feel better. The body still works to fight the virus and thus immunity gets stronger.
Hi all, happy new year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Very busy with 2 kiddos. Really not easy!
Time flies leh, my little one already 2 mths old...
Oh ya, hope all your kiddos get well soon!
Heartpain to see/hear them sick.

By the time they reach sec sch, they should be better n fall sick much less.
And sometime, the mc is by 'choice'...heh ;)
Happy CNY to all mummies and toddlers,

I heard a friend use this method to toilet train her girl at night.
She will wake up the girl every 2 to 3 hours to go for a pee. Is this necessary? Any mummies do night training differently?

Natalie is still on diaper at night. But she seldom wet the diaper already. Every night before she sleeps, we will bring her to pee. Then she will last till the next morning. She did have accidents, but few. So I wonder if I can totally leave her off diapers for good?
Hi Arisz,
Glad to see u here again. How's baby Ashton? Keeping you super busy huh!

Hi Cookie Monster,
Edison is just like Natalie. He is now completely diaperless during the day - even at school and when we go out. We still put him on diaper at night. However, we noticed that he rarely wet his diaper at night.

So, two weeks ago, I've decided to try going without diaper at night. For the first week, there were two accidents. I had to wake up middle of the night to change him. I put a mattress protector on his bed to guard the mattress from getting wet.

After two weeks of experiments, I've sort of know his patterns. If he sleeps early at 9pm or he drinks a lot after dinner, I'll put on diaper for him. If he sleeps at 10pm, we will pee him before sleep and we will not put on diaper for him.

So far, we are still OK with this arrangement. I don't want to wake him up in the middle of the night to pee, I think its not necessary as it will disturb our sleep too.
Hi Angel,
I think it can be done but slowly. I'm trying to go 100% diaperless for Edison too. It's more on the comfort factor - I believe he is more comfortable to sleep without diaper on.
Hi Emily,
Thanks for sharing.

Natalie will sometimes wake us up at 5am, and say she wants to go "shee shee". I think I am going to try without diapers at night. mattress protector is a good idea. Will do that too.
Just afraid that 2.5 months later, when we are back in singapore, due to change in environment and weather conditions and time zone, she might need to adapt all over again. hmm... shd I wait till after we come back, settle down, then try diaperless at night?

Hi Angel,
No, Natalie is still on diaper at night. Was thinking..... if should take away the diaper as she seldom wet it anymore. Because, I dont want her to be like her cousins, 8 years old, still on diaper even when he takes an afternoon nap. Trying to avoid that situation.
Hi mommies,
my method is the same as emily... noticed he seldom wet his diaper at night, so decided to brave it without diaper. when accident happened, i will lecture my son on the cons of wetting his pants n what he shd do. he got the idea slowly, after a week or two. also at the starting stage, i try to reduce his milk volumn at night. now back to normal. i think our kids are ready for diaperless. if you never give them a chance to try, they will not learn.
hi mummies

Happy Tiger Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Heehee...2 more days to the end of CNY

Long time since I came in here, topic on toilet training now? Our kiddos are all grown up
I have also managed to toilet train Faith in the day and have not tried letting her go diaper less at night. I will probably wait a while more as sometimes in the day she will still have accidents. Most of the time its bcos she is too engrossed in playing and forgets to go pee.

But I must really thank her childcare teachers, they are the ones that trained Faith since shes in school the whole day. But for night, I am on my own!
Re : Toilet train

I think for Hazel , I will have to wait till she reduce her milk intake at night before trying to let her go diaperless. She is toilet trained in the day and even when we go out shopping . No accidents so far but at night , as a sleepy head milk queen , she is still wetting her diapers.
Hi cookie monster,
Jade still has a full diaper every morning when she wakes up! Coz she drinks 6oz of milk at night and sometimes asks for water after that :/ Btw..I read that most children under 3 don't have the mental ability to control themselves at night. The control comes with age. So I don't intend to try till Jade is at least 3 years old. Otherwise it'd just be very frustrating for both kids and parents to wake up in the middle of the night due to accidents.

Happy new year! How is faith in school now?
Hi ladies

Are any of your kids picky with food? My 2.5-yr old son seems to like only milk, fishballs and soup. It's been challenging getting him to try other food. He'll refuse to eat and throws tantrums - crying, screaming, banging on the table, if we don't add fishballs to his porridge or rice. I'm so sick of "fishballs" fights with him. Hahahaha...
hi all,
it is nice to see the thread alive once again.

hi jme, low,
Yup me busy busy busy. I think my hubby's patience is running low with me complaining to him the moment he steps on our doorstep. =( no choice, i need an outlet!! argh...sometimes, i wish i can just fastforward the time. the whinning of a sahm to 2 young kids. Although many of you are hoping to spend more time with your darlings, I am actually wishing I have more time away from them. Too much of anything is just BAD.

happy birthday to charlotte! wow...1 year old now..=)

re: toilet training.
I am inconsistent in bringing sarah to the potty. Needs lot of time and coaxing to encourage her to "do it" in the potty. And now with Johan's incessant crying for mummy to always be in sight, it is more headache for me! Sigh, sarah is so late compared to all her peers in this thread...mummy is feeling the pressure!
hi justme,
i went thru that phase b4. every morning after i woke up i already wished it was nightfall. it was so so mentally draining than physically actually. n my poor hb had the same prob as your hubby too. already tired from the work n still got to face an unhappy wife when reached home. but i truly understand tt u need to "release" ur frustration. everyone says is a joy to be able to spend time w kids 24/7. only true if one does not hv to deal w the mundane chores n attending the neverending demands from the kids every single day. and also we hv to battle w the guilt feeling. getting impatient w kids, raising voice at them when they dont behave then feel really bad towards them n wondering why couldnt just be a sweet dotting mum instead. was really tired n unhappy then. couldnt bear to leave the kids under someone else's care yet need to do something different. decided the best way is to get a domestic helper n work from home. maybe u can discuss w ur hubby n work the best way out. enjoy motherhood, hv a tlc relationship w hubby is really important.
justme, jme,
i face exactly the same situation right now.
Am taking care of my child full time and really thought i need a break and do something different. I feel the same guilt of raising my voice at natalie at the slightest things and i sometimes even raise my hand. Yes I did, and i feel very bad about it. I know I shouldn't have.. I ask myself, why I cannot be just a bit more patient, after all, natalie is only 2 years old.

These are temporary for me, because I be returning back to work soon. I dont know if its good or bad, but I will surely miss spending time with natalie after I start work. Because of that, I tell myself, if i dont cherish my time with natalie right now, then when? So day by day, i try to be more patient.

Justme, i agree with Jme, you should work something out with your hubby. Caring for 2 young children full time is very draining emotionally and physically. Its also not good for your relationship with your hubby when he returns home to see an unhappy wife. You might not know, he might be facing a lot of stress at work, but did not show it at home. When he reach home, he likes to enjoy a happy family n some peace, but then, he can't. So its no good. Try to work something out for the good of everyone. Try working from home? Part-time?
Hi mummies,
I have the same sentiments...I'm already feeling drained even though I'm a FTWM with maid at home! I'm so tired by the end of the day, I end up shouting at my kids for no good reason. Its so difficult to balance motherhood and being a good wife to my hubby and deal with work demands in the office all at the same time, day in day out! Sometimes I ask myself "WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO!??!" But it is a truly rewarding 'job'...when the kids smile and are happy. I remind myself everyday that I'm my children's mother...nobody else will be and can be. I try to be the best mother I can to them. I suppose that's why they say being a mother is the most challenging job in the world! And I really admire you SAHMs...its a tough job and nobody knows how difficult it gets and everybody thinks you've got such a good life to stay home! Give yourselves a pat on the back and a treat yourself to something nice like a massage or pedicure every month!
I think we are all going thru the same phase but its just a phase...

I am a FTWM without a maid so i do the chores b4 leaving for work/wen i get home and on the weekends.

Sometimes i wanna kick myself when i lose my temper with my girl!
Hi Kassie,
Jade used to be picky too, she went thru a phase where she only ate bread and cheese. Then rice and egg. It was so frustrating at mealtimes with her then, I can understand how you feel. I tried everything from rewarding with treats and deserts if she'd finish what was given to her, to caning her, and nothing worked. Actually caning her made it worse. Think you should surf the net for tips on handling fussy eaters and you'll be helping them get thru the phase faster!
Hi Mummies,

Be it FTWM, SAHM or WAHM, they are all difficult in their own ways. I'm a FTWM with a maid. But I'm physically and mentally drained all the time, especially after I changed my helper recently.

I have to wake up at 6+, get ready to work, wakes my boy up, feed him, change him & send him to school. My helper is damn slow, can't help much. My hubby works at 7am, so he usually leave home very early. Every morning, I'm like a mad woman, screaming around, esp when Edison refuses to drink his milk.

During office hours, there are lots of works to do as well. After work, I speed home for dinner with my family. Whenever Edison sees me, he will stick to me like a koala bear. I hardly have time to rest too. Haiz

Everyday is so frustrating to me. Sometimes, I really feel like withdrawing Edison from school, so that we don't have to wake up so early. OR just send him to full-day childcare. But I can't bear to do so.

Hi mummies,
I am a working mother of 2 boys(2 yo+ and 3.5yo+)wf a maid.Can't deny tht it is really hard for us to fully take care of our kids at the same time to focus on our career.The greater the obstruction,and the greater the will, the more the frustration is likely to be.

For my own convenient, they r now attending 2 hrs nursery classes just down stair of my staying place.I will try my best to spend at least 1 hr to teach them(reading/story/academic)every weekday after work & to spend few hrs to make some arts/crafts during wkends. This is my schedules wf them. And i have already used to it.tired ..but when u see their + results definitely it worth more than everyting..

Cheers up mummies..
