(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Emily, I will not be buying leh...
that time I bought a lot from Shichida and to be honest, some I have not even open and see what they are. Almost 2 yrs already!

I seldom/almost not doing flascards with Tristan already. No time!

The set does look interesting, but 128 is too pricey. My opinion la!

Good morning Ladies!
Hi mummies!

Re berries class, Jade's class has 8 kids, 2 teachers and 1 helper comes in to handle the crying ones. I feel it really depends on the kids in the class and the teachers ability to control the lesson and capture the attention of the children. Also, now its the beginning of the term for N1 class and all the kids are new to Berries, so it will definetely take a few weeks before they will settle down.

In Jade's class in the Orchard branch this weekend, parents were still allowed to sit in. Only 3 children were without parents. 2 of them were really good, but the other one - his mother ran out after 5 mins when the boy wasn't looking and then when he turned around and couldn't find his mummy, naturally he wailed and never stopped till the end of the lesson! If the mother of the boy is reading this...pls next time you have to tell your child you are going out. If you just disappear like that, he will remember that you abandoned him and next time fear separation from you even more! Just tell him you'll be back to pick them up later, and let him see you go.

Re length of berries,
I find the length of class is just nice. The first 20 mins or so is more of welcoming, letting the kids settle down, they bring out toys for the kids to play. Then the lesson starts with the introduction of the new words for the week with props and flash cards, story telling, singing, dancing, and then lastly they complete a worksheet with each kid one on one. I like the way they make everything fun.

Thanks for sharing!
Very helpful indeed
I was in the class till it ends too yesterday.
I wanted to make Ayden feels secure la..
In his class, the kids crying is one after another.. there was one who could cry till vomit one!! Faintz.. hee..
I brought Hazel to class and left.

There are still some parent (i think 3 out of 8 students)

The rest are rather well behave. only 2 cry but the boy cry for a while then stop. The girl cried really softly , not disturbing anyone.
(there was also a teacher with her for the whole class)
thanks for sharing about berries!
i think i will try nate later on maybe N2. his spoken chinese is not too bad. just that he will mix english and chinese in a sentence. but i can't blame him since i do that too.
I spoke to the front desk yesterday, I told the lady I will try Ayden for another class, if he still cries the next lesson, I may stop him n transfer the balance to Mayvis..The lady agreed.
Hubby is "making noise" saying I "torture" his son!!
magoo (magoo) : Your hubby so cute.
hehe I think Hazel is doing very well and at least now she will say : "Ma ma Bao wo! " instead of mummy carry carry! wahaha
last week's berries class was on ba ba and ma ma yah? nate just can't get over that ba ba is daddy. whenever the teacher flash him the word ba ba, he will say daddy.

florence, hazel is at which berries tamp branch?

we want your child to speak language properly, i think we got to start on ourselves first...speak properly chinese/english to them...try not to mix...i know most child will take the easy way to respond...so if they find english easier, even if you ask qns in chinese they will respond in english....what i did for Clara is..i told her," Clara when mummy speaks chinese to you, you respond in chinese and not english" I think it works on her...and teacher this morning just tells me that she is more willing to use chinese to talk to teacher now...
It is true we must always take the lead. Unfortunately for my case, my FIL who stays with us speaks broken English AND broken Malay. No hope. So difficult to undo what she learnt from him. Like "same same" or "red colour" or super broken sentence structure. Imagine Bangla workers talking in English. Sometimes, I drag my kids into the room when he is around - although I think it is very bad to do so. =( I just hope Sarah will learn to read fast then she'll learn to use proper English and Malay by herself.

i think we have to show examples...we cannot control other people that surrounds our children..we can only control our own behaviours..and just try to remind them that it is not right to mix language when they talk
I have the same prob..with in-laws and my maid...they all speak broken English!

Wise, you're right. We need to teach them how to speak properly now. Can't control the surroundings and who they mix with. Especially in school. When they get older they'll start to learn the bad words too. My policy is...teach my kids what's right and what's wrong. I'll even teach them the bad words too! I'll rather they learn from me rather than some kid in school

You made me check my calendar again just to make sure today's Tuesday. Its the start of the week leh...you're already looking to the weekend?
Magoo / Angel : hehe ... weekends always pass so fast isnt it!
Just wish that it will come faster, as we are going to the beach this week as hubby off.
Yippie. looking forward to it makes it a happier tuesday. wahahaha
Hi Emily

Caelen still doesn't really like school. He will start crying every morning when we take out his school uniform. Before he goes in, he will recite repeatedly "Mummy will fetch you at 12 o'clock" as if reassuring himself. Quite pitiful
But he will be ok after a few minutes in school.
peapod (peapod) : with time , he will be like hazel!
hehe She loves school and has her very own friends in class. she has no problem going to school without kor kor when he is sick!
Ayden is like Caelen.. Once uniform is taken out, he will whine n ask my sis to call me n scold me for sending him to school!! so cartoon..
Hi Peapod,
Edison stopped crying since last week, but I will speed off immediately once I passed him to the teacher. Otherwise, he will surely cry.

This week, we do something different. When I pass him to his teacher, I wave goodbye to him. I told him to be a good boy. He nods and waves goodbye to me, but still looking sad (although he doesn't cry anymore).

It takes time for them to really loves school. I dunno when, but I'm sure they will eventually loves school.

Btw, Caelen's class ends at 12? Edison's class is 8am to 11am.

Hi Magoo,
Ayden very cute wor... He wants to scold u for sending him to school? Hehehe!
nateM : can u pm me the number of ur son's 3 hour childcare ? my sis looking for her daughter as she is quiting her job and wanna switch her from full day cc to 3 hours class
Hi Emily,
Jade has finally settled into her new school...no more crying in the mornings and she happily runs into school nowadays. I asked her today if she likes to go school...and she said "Yes!" very loudly...haha! I was surprised.

Magoo, your son so cute remember that you bought the uniform for him! And still know how to ask your sis to scold you! Super cute!

Your boy also very cute! Say to himself that you'll pick him up? Hehehe so cute!
Hi Emily, Caelen have his lunch in school at 11am. The teachers will then wash and change him and wait for his grandma to pick him up at about 12pm.

He has always been picky about his food so I had hoped that he will eat more variety if his friends at school do. But so far he is still picky. Eg today they have porridge and he refuses to touch
Think he knows that go home can still have food.

His face really lights up with joy when he spots us at the door to pick him up at 12pm. Makes me feel abit guilty to put him through school :p

Hi angel, aiyo, I really look forward to the day he will like school the way Jade does. I bought him a little fake clock to show him how does 12 o'clock looks like (all the hands go to 12). Now he hugs it around like a talisman while reciting "mummy will fetch you". Really breaks my heart.
Aww that's really heart breaking...Jade used to cling onto her school bag and refuse to let anyone touch it..Think it makes them feel secure to have something from home with them. Don't worry, he will love school soon!
Hi Angel,
Glad to hear that Jade likes school. I asked Edison if he likes to go to school, he always replied "no need". When I asked him whether his teacher is nice, he replied "no good". *Faint*

Instead of school bag, he used to cling onto his water bottle throughout the 3 hours at school. I think he has a sense of security holding his own bottle or wat. But now, he allows the teacher to put his water bottle aside. He walks into his classroom himself, no longer crying for "mummy". Past 2 weeks, I really feel very very guilty.

Hi Peapod,
Edison is also super picky. He doesn't eat the breakfast that is served at school. At most only eat 10%. After school, he is always super hungry and will finish a whole bottle of milk before he dozes off to sleep.
florence, just pmed you.

magoo, so funny! your sis must be laughing when she heard that lor!

is it that gals are better at going to school than boys? looks like from the thread the gals are faring better than boys. my boy still black face when we talk about SCHOOL.
i actually have different set of woes. everyday i go home, i hear my son talking abt he pushing his classmate or 'da' his classmate. everyday like have a new name.
pillow: glad samuel is not shawn's classmate, lol! I bet the 'bitten' mark will be worse than the one he got from his fierce classmate.

maybe u have to keep reminding him that fighting is not right....Clara use to fight with her friends also, bite, scatch everything also have...In the end we tell her, Clara you are not suppose to fight, if friends bully you are snatch you things, tell teacher....so from then till now she seldom fight her friends..only once her friend sleep on her mattress...she scratch her friend...but when teacher scold her...she look down, cos she know she is in the wrong
everyday, i repeat myself. stern look, angry look. and even told him, if he continue to bully his friends, he will not get to go to school anymore.

why he pushes or "da" his friends, i am sure he do it for a reason...like pple snatch toys from him etc....just him a solution like going to teacher for help...it might work better then just scolding/threatening....but teachers must also help in not ignoring his "pleads"..to at least acknowledge what he have told them
Keith and Hazel does come back with bites and knocks too. But not from the same friend. If same friend , then I wanna " Jian Jia Chang" Too
it's not exactly his toys (?) since its the school's toys. keke. but he doesn't like pple to take his thigns when he is playing.

tiny voice, i have seen! the parent happen to be my excolleague! but the girl very fast forget liao, keep on kissing shawn when we met coincidentally at polliwogs.
florence: sam kenna bite on his face near the temple, yesterday. grrr...such fierce classmate. today the bite mark still there.

pillow: waaahaahaa. win lor..

i think the teacher must come into picture lor...cos he might not know that his action is wrong as it is not corrected immediately..by the time you tell him, he forgets the whole issue already....

Clara got scratch by her classmate also...and she have been friends with the classmate since 3 months old.....i ask her what happened? she dunno how to tell me...but i ask her isit XXXX wants to take your toys u dun allow that's y she scratch u, she nod her head..
voice : wow ... bite face , really very fierce leh. Hazel say friend bite her then she push him back. :S This gal more garang then kor kor ... kor kor get bully also dont dare to confront friend, only tell teacher and mummy after that.
gee, so many scratching/pushing kids. so garang.

anyway, any of your kids attending montessori schools? what is your opinion of such schools?

AFTER a long consideration, I decide to place sarah in one. One good thing abt this place is, it has a mixed-age grouping and sarah being 28 months is the youngest. ANd i have seen the kids - they are all so well-behaved. So chatty and speak relatively well too - i was breathless when I was surrounded by them asking me 101 questions abt sarah and johan. It's great if sarah can have such classmates.

I went for a trial session and the teacher who assessed sarah found her to be ready to join the preschool programme which takes in 3 years-old.

negative points - the place is not as nice as some centres I have seen before and i have to climb the stairs to 4th floor (with johan in my arms)! no lift as it is located in an old building.

I tried to keep her at home and "homeschool" her but johan seems to need my constant attention and so sarah tends to move away from the activity which we tried to do together. so you can imagine how tiring and frustrating it is for me and the 2 kids.
Hi Justme,

I have registered Natalie in Modern Montessori Int'l (MMI) at Sengkang, she will start in Jul this year. I think that is one of the nearer ones to my place and my in laws place. Been there twice. The children as u mentioned are well behaved. some of them even shook our hands and said, "welcome to montessori". We chose Montessori coz we think the Montessori Method is quite wholesome in developing the child, they have sensorial training, practical life exercises, etc.

Why did u choose Montessori? As far as i know, there are different Montessori schools, their methods are slightly different.

hi mummies, my colleague also jsut enrolled her girl in montessori, very ex i believe?

just my opinion though, we find that the P1s who come into school after montessori, have a harder time sitting still.(?) They cannot adjust immediately to needing to do work that we usually do in schools.
