(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

blue, good that at least there is improvement! Will be here supporting you.
Do update us on Jordan's progress. Take care!

How is Jordan today blue?

We be praying for him to get well soon!
U must take care too k!
Our thoughts are with u...

Magoo thanks I am better .. u le u fully recover liao or not?
Blue (blue_mummy) : My prayers are with jordan. hopefully he will be well enough to be out of the hospital soon!

keith had a big "ang pao" yty. he fell at the playground!
always has to hurt himself before cny!

He just started right mind training lessons and they were introducing this "tweedlewink" dvd - anyone heard of it? Is it that good? $399.95 for 9 dvds!

Yty also finally started to do powerpoint flashcards for keith and hazel. I did it with keith and had alot of fun letting keith say the names of the animals. we only started with 15 animals for a start yty!
Hi all, sorry for the late updates as today is a very busy day for all of us.

Jordan was discharged today at 6pm! Hallelujah!

Though his platelets' count today was 48 and fall short of 2 to 50, doc gave him the green light to go back as his platelets should be on the upward trend now.

Going back for review on Fri ... praying his platelets' level will be back to normal by then!
hi blue

glad to see jordan speedy recovery. Praise the Lord. While jordan is recuperating, u should also have a good rest too ; p
Hi blue,
I'm so delighted to hear about this good news... You must be very tired too, do take a good rest at home...

It must have been tough for you, Jordan and your family members... With God's blessing, Jordan is recovering well.. Thank God!

That's good news!! Soon Jordan would be well !
U must take care too cos usually the caregiver would be so tired thereafter so must take good care
Yah, we are all exhausted ... somemore my hubby not in town ... not easy to manage everything myself ... thank God my maid was a good help!
Yeah man! If you read my blog, you will know how God's grace and goodness manifest ... the doctor just said the day before he was discharged that some may take weeks, months or even up to a year for platelets to even reach 50 ... but I chose to rebuke that in Jesus's name, and Jordan has done it in less than a week! Praise God!

Am proclaiming that his blood platelets will be in the normal range by this Fri when we go back for review!
Hi mummies

Hi blue, so happy to hear that Jordon has recovered so well and so fast!

Hi Funny, may I know if your friend who's using the Choice Baby found it effective? Me made an appointment to check it out this saturday leh ;p

Topic: Method of minimising the screaming and crying when stopping play

Oh, I found this method rather useful for Caelen so wanted to share with you

You know how some of our babies would do the scream and cry when it's time to put the toys away, or when we stopped them while they were engrossed in doing something?

I read that sometimes it was because we did not give them sufficient notice before we take the toys away. Therefore they did not have the mental preparation to stop playing and became upset.

So what I do now is, just before I want him to stop, I would tell Caelen clearly "this is the last time, after this no more". I would then allow him to play one last time before carrying him away. If he tried to protest, I would remind him "mummy said last time already, tell __(toy) bye bye". Caelen seemed to take it really well! Sometimes he would even say 'bye bye' to the toy as we leave. Now I even do it when I bathe him (last time he would cry when we suddenly carry him out of the tub) and when we give him a snack
It works!

You can try it!
Been following the thread n nt posting unless ppl call out for mi...

Glad tat Jordan is gg to be well again...

My frend wanted a gal...1st time she strike liao... n she got wat she wan... A GIRL! But BB nt out yet...Gynae confirm is a girl...
Hi funny, really har? I am very tempted to try Choice leh... but very ex! and also must succeed within a year else no refund.
If u really ready to try for a 2nd 1 n really desperate like wat my gf said...she told mi tat she is DESPERATE FOR A GAL...if her 2nd 1 nt gal again, she must try for a 3rd 1 for a gal liao...her 1st is a boi... u can try loh...she like veri confidence...1st try n strike liao...
How can I be "funny"? hee..
U still working at Woodland?

I "no heart" to work.. holidays mood.. haha..
see my colleagues on leave... very envy..
low family (taurus78) : wow ... I also wanna take "MC" to go shopping leh!
so boring at work ... already in the cny mood. so wish to be home with the kids!
I wanted too.. but cannot.. cos my senior clearing his leaves.. then the other colleague on HL till she gives birth...
I hv not done any CNY shopping yet...

U do wat Low suggest lor..take leaves n go shopping..
Hi peapod,
Pls share with me after your appt with Choice this Saturday... I'm interested after reading your discussion with Funny...

Any idea how much is it?
Hi Emily

Sure, I will tell you about the experience
Yar, I also heard that the price is about there ;p My friends think I'm mad hahaa... i also think so but aiyah, what to do, I very much want a gal leh. They were telling me that I would have only paid for 40% more chance (cHOICE claim success rate is 90%) since naturally already 50% gal/boy ...and they would probably be right heehee.

To be honest, I was very surprised when my hubby is supportive of this Choice Baby. Turns out that he is worried that I will want a #3 if my #2 turns out to be a boy ;p He has a firm two kids policy *bleh*

But the price... makes me hesitate

Hi Blue, I tried that for my #1, didn't work leh

My hubby is the second of 3 boys and his cousins all have boys, only one girl among 7-8 cousins
I think the odds is not very good lor, that's why I was hoping to boost the chances with help heheee... but like I said, very ex! So must really think thru'.
Hi peapod,
Although I wanted a GIRL very much, I won't be disappointed if future #2 turns out to be a boy.. It's my most precious gift from God, and I will treasure him/her..

Most importantly, Edison has a sibling to play with and grow up together...

Last night, I told my HB this... "Dear, I want a baby this year! I'm ready for it!" He got a shock! Kekeke

Honestly, I think it's about time to start planning for #2 now.. Age is catching up!
Emily, so can look forward to hear good news from you soon hor?

I also hope to have #3 but my proposal kenna fired down. Sigh
Would be great to have 3 kids - 2 boys and 1 gal. But since I already have a pair of boy/gal, #3 just leave it to God ... provided there is a #3 lor. Heeeeee
Hi Em! Last time I was really hoping for a girl but now, looking at my boy, I was thinking that a boy boy also very cute and fun
My hubby was worried that if I have a boy again, I might insist on trying for a 3rd one... and he might be right hahaa.

I was thinking, if girl great! If boy also no loss since it's money back guaranteed haha.

Oh, I would probably start planning for #2 after Caelen turns 18months. I am trying to avoid the earlier part of Terrible Two cos' I dunno if I would be able to cope with pregnancy plus a TT toddler :p
