(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi everyone!
Got miss mi? haha..

hows Caelan nw? Has the swelling subsided? Feel so heartpain for ya..but as long as no other symptons, then wont be so bad otherwise, will be very worried. Hope Caelan recover soon.

Nwadays our bb will be going to the crawling stage and holding to something and get up, gotta be very alert at all times. My gal has scared me many times when i left her on her playpen. She will be in her kneeling position holding on the edge quietly. But lucky i was in time to saw her doing tat. Otherwise, i would be crying badly

Thanks for the info.

Read your post and make me laugh..so funny

aiyoh, i'm so worry baby crawling and hurting themselves, my helper tells me myra doesnt like to take naps in the cot, she prefers my bed. so she will place pillows all around myra. sure one day will kena oso.
fau, julia,
i think i've seen pampers wipes before, but not widely sold in sg. maybe its those shops which import product from other countries. think they come in green packaging.

re:teethin rice cakes.
Tiny voice, sorry ah, i mentioned tat the orange flavoured rice cakes by organix is 3 dollars tat day. Actually it is $5 plus. My bad! =P
hi mummyfaith,
your mil gave rice ah? u must be worried sick then. my mil mentioned to me to give marmite and i said NO. then she lamented in front of nynke that plain porridge is not nice right? must tell mummy put chicken. I said she'll be taking fish- the threadfin ones that my mum will be buying, in another 1-2 mths time, meanwhile, plain porridge, then add in pumpkin, spinach etc. she said fish so fishy taste, better not give lah. aiyo, so many differences amongst us. she meant well but such comments somehow caused the 'friction'. now she keeps saying to baby : dun see mummy lah, let's go out. then she'll bring baby away from me..i told hubby i'm upset by such remarks. now she also tell maid same thing and maid just told me she ok with baby when mdm not around, baby cannot see mdm..see mdm, baby will cry. my mind was like- so what..mdm must disappear in thin air ah. sooo angry...

julia, abt wipes, I'm also using cos poo is still watery type. think i use them till 1 yr plus for my elder girl. when in usa, I'd tried huggies and pampers wipes, dun know if your place is carrying same ones. verdict is pampers and huggies are thicker and much better to use, compared to J&J and pigeon, so if i've known better, I shd have stock up on pampers and huggies wipes..
even with those pillow fortress you build, myra will eventually push them away!... so better be cautious yeah.. heart pain you know, when you rushed into the room to see a crying baby on the floor..=(
I think its inevitable to have frictions with MIL esp when it comes to bb.
Lucky for me, my MIL and those with such kind suggestions seldom see me and sarah.. phew!
justme, yes agree, seldom see, less comments and less friction. i missed my times in usa leh..told hubby to find lobang again. hopefully
can go there stay for 1-2 yrs.
julIA: i use pigeon baby wipes.. only when he poo poo.. normal time never use..

mdlynette: justme is correct.. better be safe than sorry.. put in cot is much safer than bed..

amy: yah i have MIL friction too... now starting to intro solids.. scared of how she going to intro too.. sigh
Hi mummyfaith,
I know how u feel. The same thing happened to me two weeks ago. Edison's infant care has many cases of HFMD too. I dun noe the total figure. But at the infant care side, 7 babies are infected.

I did not send Edison to infant care for 2 weeks until they declare SAFE. During the 2 weeks, my HB + PIL were taking care of him. Initially, I was very worried too.. But I found that they can actually handle him during my absence... I kept telling myself that my MIL can handle, if not, how she brought up her two sons by herself...

Dun worrie... Your MIL can handle one.. Just have some trust in her... Inform her to call u immediately if she run into problem.. at the same time, inform your boss that you might need to take urgent leave during this period due to the HFMD....
Yes, correct, its green colour packing! you remember how much?

hmm.. hopefully they are the same ba.. so you also bought your Pampers wipes in Sg? Here also gt huggies which i dun remember seeing in Sg oso, bt more expensive.

I think my hubby gt collegue going bk Sg this weekend, anyone wans to try the Pampers Wetwipes? Cannot too many k? scared too heavy say can only offer 15pks to try, $3 each. Please let me know

No problem! U juz let mi know! Hope ur Nynke get well soon!


Dun worry! Ur Edison will be okie!


Caelen seem so poor thing n cute! Hope all is well!
For those mummies whose BBs wif constipation problem...

Yesterday my gal poo is as hard as an chocolate egg...poo until she cried...after gave her Heinz apple wif prune juice, her poo get back to normal liao...

It might work for ur BBs too...
Hi fau,
your dahlia is so cute n active like my angel cannot stay still. the baby helmet looks cute but it will not stay long on their head... sure pull down to bite...haha
hi merkon,
my angel called me once ma mee when she's abt 5 mth plus. but i think is only a one time thing cos till now she refuse to call me liao....only says mum mum n nei nei
anyway the other time she cry out ma mee is because she's crying n i refuse to carry her... bad hor
RE: Fever temp

My gal is down with fever, cough and running nose. Her temperature is around 38+ degC some times 39degC. shes on paracetomol, but it dont seem to help cos, after taking the next hour her temp will come back again. Very worried....
rxti, besides giving paracetomol, u may like to put KOOL fever pack on bb's forehead. I did that for my boy whenever he got fever after his jab.

re: wipes
I dun use wipes @ home. Use cotton wool & water to clean bb when he poos. Use only wipes when go outdoors. Personally, I find Avent, Tollyjoy, n Pigeon wipes are almost equally gd.
Hi Corrine / Tinyvoice

Thanks for sharing. I am still debating whether to get oatmeal cereal or barley cereal first. My gal didn't poo for 2 days again. My dad fed her avocado and sweet potatoes today. Hope it helps. Tmr we'll feed her some papaya. Think really gotta change the cereal.
do not put on socks and long sleeves for baby, let your baby feel as comfy and airy as possible. and do sponge down baby with water at room temperature every 2-3hours. try to sleep with the windows opened so fresh air comes in and not circulated aircon air
also try to feed as much water as possible. hope your baby gets better.
yah..ben flips at night at times. sometimes when i wake up at night and see it, i will flip him back. but sometimes he will even flip back himself. this age, if they can flip back, should be ok bah?
btmum, fau,
you are worried bb will suffocate when they flip on to tummy?? hmm, i think bb are smart beings. way smarter than we think. they'll adjust accordingly, but make sure there isn't any blankets, strings, big pillows near them. Those could pose as hazards. Now and then, i observe sarah when she sleeps. On many occasions, she will flip on to her tummy and have her face covered on the mattress. Of course, that worried me! But before I can proceed in touching her, she shifted her face sideways. See, she knows she can't breathe if she has her face downwards. =).
My hubby's worse - at night once in a while, he will poke sarah to make sure she's still breathing/moving...argh... no wonder she wakes up now and then...
sarah not only flips, she'll turn 360 degrees and sometimes ended up near our legs. Scary. I can't remember sleeping soundly thru out the whole night ever since my third trimester...and there've been talks abt having second one..die lah..
fau: at this age, our babies already know how to flip and turn, so no worries. They will flip and turn to their own comfort position one.
my girl fell off the bed last week.. me cried with her when carrying her up.. think me cried so loud so my girl stopped crying instead :p will only start fish when she turns one year old.. cos heard that fish also consider seafood and me got very bad allergy to seafood and eczema so got to be very careful.. also never give her teething biscuit cos of yeast.. for wipes me only used when outside.. will wash her in the toilet and use wet cotton balls to clean her pp area when at home.. wipes seem too thick to clean her delicate area leh...
justme, voice,
yah...i think by now bb know how to flip, i cant be bothered about him liao. just that sometimes i see like v uncomfortable leh. LOL. so i flip him back lo. he seems pretty happy where he is tho.

justme, ur hb so cute! poke her just to see if she is breathing! hahahahaahahahahah
amy: how to check the lice? gosh ... if worried then buy her the medicated shampoo to use first? maybe see if she always scratch her head... if got then maybe must really check. how's nynke today?

atinarin: sorry, yest was on course in the afternoon so no time to post. will try to recall what i know about angio and post later. wait ah ..

fau: saw dahlia's video. heehee .. my nate nate also like that... when they start crawling it's gonna be scary!

corrine: my boy still can't say mum mum leh ... how u teach huh?
BT Mum
me not meeting Voice today as my hb tio stomach flu. Just went with him to see doctore again. *faint*

Will be meeting voice this Friday..you wanna join?
hi merkon,
everytime when we feed her ebm we will say nei nei a few times and sometimes i will hold the bottle in front of her tell her its nei nei and showing her the sign language of milk. When i feed her cereal, porridge or give her teething biscuit i will say mum mum a few times oso show sign. If i'm eating i will tell her mummy mum mum.
But now i dont give her water in bottle liao cos i dont want to confuse her with water n milk.

Its good that we talk to our baby so they will be expose to diff language but it oso depends... cos every child is developing in their own ways we can help but cannot force.. like my girl only call me mummy once then dont want liao and some others grow teeth liao mine still bogay haha....but i always talk to her lah cos mummy talkative
i feed him by direct latch on so i always say 'milk milk' to him ... but guess it's too diff to pronounce for him.

u do sign language with ur gal? she can sign already?
hi cheerbear,
how's your girl today? poo already? even if she have not it ok dont worry my pd says 4-5 days its ok.Just give her more liquid prune juice is good can oso give banana it helps my girl the other time when she have constipation.

When my girl at 3 mth old, she suddenly refuse to poo for 4 days so my pd told us to tickle her a little n she poo straight away me n my hubby was so happy.... like pick up gold... crazy lor clear up poo oso happy. so now if she do not poo for 3 days daddy will give a little tickle... haha
hi mummies,
how's ur day?

where do u normally meet up for lunch?

when will u all be free to meet up for lunch?
Irene/bbpiglet, can send me ur contact number?thx

my bb starts to flip while sleeping when she's 3mths old. Every night woke up by her and saw her in flipping position and hv to flip her back. Now she know how to crawl, im more stressed coz by the time i saw her, she was in crawling or kneeling position holding on to the playpen with EYES closing! Im worried tat she got sleepwalking..I pray hard that tis is only a passing stage and nothing to do with that.
re: flipping
ok so i wont be so worried from now, she usually just does a 360 turn in her sleep, but never flips. this morning i found her on her tummy again, but she's as chirpy as ever, so should be ok lah. got to dismiss my paranoid FTM syndrome. actually sleeping on tummy is also my superfavourite position, when i was pregnant i missed it so much! heheh. maybe she's just following her ibu

yoki, sleepcrawling! so cute!!

tg pagar mummies, if you guys meeting at IP i can meet also, or amara, or tg pagar plaza. i think the newly opened tg pagar exchange has got soup spoon also
Me & Voice quite near each other at TP but Blue is a bit further. So if we meeting blue will be at Marketstreet bah.

then we can meet leh this Friday

Friday cannot arh..then you & me meet next week loh..hahaha
hello mummies,
after using neubalizer for 3x yesterday, nynke already knows what to expect when she sees me preparing the medicine for her...now she will 'guai guai' let me put neubalizer over her mouth and nose for 5-8 mins, after that she'll cry a bit. doc said must use 10 mins so we can still manage that well so far. her cough also sound batter now and she's still smiley so i'm less worried. no poo yesterday though..btw, she weighs 7.1kg 67cm tall yesterday. now 6m 3 wks plus and 1 mth ago was 6.9kg. doc said weight gain is ok although i think it was too little...

re-flipping: nynke also turns 360 in sleep, like fau's baby...haha..

re-crawling; Not yet but butt always in 'up' position when she's on her tummy. guess she may eventually crawl in few wks time. in fact she is using 'arm power' nowadays and can move forward and turn around while on tummy. she loves biting the playmat edges leh...i placed her in middle of mat, she'll flip flip and go to the edges and bite. so i'm busy with placing her back to the middle of mat.

rxsti, how's baby? saw pd already? better see one fast for the cough and running nose. like i mentioned in earlier mail, many babies having rsv so early treatment will be good. touch wood..
Wah, another lunch gathering?! I wish I can join... but now I moved to Upper Paya Lebar liao, this place is so inconvenient and the traffic is so bad..

Hi amy..
Good to hear that Nynke is taking her medicine and neubalizer well. My friend's baby lost a lot of weight when he contacted RSV few months ago. He kept crying at night due to difficulty in breathing and refuse to drink. Poor boy..

My agent called yesterday saying that the WP for my maid has been approved. All the paperworks from Singapore are done! Waiting for the maid to fly over now.. she is expected to arrive in the last week of april... I plan to take 2 or 3 days off to train her at home before sending her + Edison to my PIL's house.....
hello mummies

nynke is much better after using the neubalizer 3x since yesterday. now she knows what to expect when she sees me peparing the medicine. i feel like a drug addict when preparing the medicine for her cos using needle to poke into the bottles of medicine to get the correct portion and mixed them together.

rxsti, brought baby see pd already? better do fast leh..since so many rsv babies nowadays, dun delay. esp the cough and running nose. me thought teething lor...old wives' tale lah..cannot relay on that myth. see doc better.

flipping: nynke like fau's baby, turn 360..haha..

crawling: not yet but butt always in 'up' position. she is using arm power nowadays. can push forward and when place her in middle of mat, she'll flip and push and end up at edge and starts biting the edge...arrgh...always have to replace her in middle of mat again.

beco: ginger, showed my hubby beco and know what he said:
"oh, we saw it in usa dear. but i told you then that i don't like it cos the baby looks warm in it, not suitable for s'pore use. bjorn is bettter." i was like : got meh? no leh, not warm leh. see, so many photos as evidence..anyway, he said, you have mim, pouch sling and bjorn..and now the helper as 'reliever'..still need beco??? sigh..what can i say leh??? bang head...
weird, just now cannot find my earlier post so i re-type again..now double post..haha..

emily, paperwork done vv fast hor. my maid seems to arrive b4 WP is approved leh...now i have to go collect her passport and WP from agent. i am training her at my place and really, don't have much things for her to do leh. will be bringing her to my mum's place soon and has been telling her " ah ma house got more things to do and must work happily with ah ma ok..ah ma talks loudly but has good heart, so if you not happy with ah ma, tell mdm and sir and we'll see what we can do but no matter what, once mdm starts work, you and nynke must definitely go ah ma's house every morning."
amy, glad that nynke is feeling better. so guai somemore. will just grumble a little bit and let u do what it needs to be done.

emily, peapod how are ur darlings now?

Hi mummies,

Any of you already started porridge?
my boy only 7.7kg at 6.5 mth.

He is taking 850-900ml per day + 1 cereal (7 teaspoon). izzit enuff for a day ?
