(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


Sorry, was not feeling well last night. Think my little ryann spread his germs to me. Only saw your mail this morning.
Yes it is possible. Will take in your order as requested.

I am not very sure if it is inches cos the supplier only put 6" x 22". I saw the example is somewhat similar to a car license plate size. Those you see in GD booth.

Corrine, Yes you may.I replied you le. I need to know which size you are ordering cos you didnt indicate. You wan both sizes of the cards? What abt dots?

Will finalize the table hopefully by today and email

Hi mummies

Caelen seems abit better today, the right eye opened abit but I can't tell if he can see well or not... the bruising turned dark purplish, like wearing excessive eye makeup! He seemed to have totally forgotten the whole accident, except that he is especially fussy when sleeping. Refused to sleep in sarong for the last 2 days, must carry and pat.

RE: Fish in porridge
Is it true that we cannot give fish??! Caelen has been taking fish porridge since 6 months leh (for 1 month). Give him threadfin mainly. I thot fish is nutritous mah.

RE: Crawling
Caelen is not fast in crawling... he is already 7.2months liao. He still doesn't realise his new-found freedom and mobility though. He will only crawl if there's something he wants badly. Else, he will stay at one spot. As if it takes too much effort to crawl...
phoebe, thanks! hope little ryann gets well soon
Hi peapod..
I got a ring from my HB telling me that Edison fall off the bed this morning!!!! OMG, I nearly wanted to scream at him, but I realised I'm in the office, I have to keep my volume low..

Dunno how bad is the fall, I hope I dun see any blue-black on Edison tonight...

I believe my boy has just started to crawl this morning.. that why he can move from the middle to the edge of the bed and fell down... sigh.. its not a good way to discover his newfound ability...
Re: Crawling/ Sitting

Haiz, my gal is so active. The safest place for her now is the play yard. She will crawl and roll on the bed.

It is even harder to change her diapers now. She will sit down even before i finish changing. Was still lamenting last mth that she will be crawling ard when its diaper changing time. Now worst.

She still cannot pull herself to stand. But she can stand if we help her. My mum gets so worried whenever she falls from standing position.

Re: attention span
I think my gal has long attention span. She can sit for very long and play with her FP piano. When she wakes up, she will just sit up and make noises to attract our attention...So cute right?
hi Phoebe,
i replied you earlier liao
i want both size of the blank card and for dots if there is different size just order any 1 set for me any size is ok. I'm doing flash card for the first time oso blur
blur... so sorry for the trouble.
emily, gosh....dun be too harsh on ur hb k? hope edison will be okay.

poohwei, so cute!!!!!! now ben only flips and peeps from above all the bumpers when he flips onto his stomach when he wakes up. already i find that so cuteeeeeeeeeeee. sit up and make sounds? yippe!!! so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hi ecookie,
i think is 5 tbp for a full meal i think i read it on the side label of HT.

Hi Emily,
after cooking can sieve the porridge it will be very smooth like puree form.Oh no ...poor Edison got to monitor him if he vomit or any change in behaviour . My angel oso fell down 2 wk ago... heart pain ..i can understand how you feel now.

hope you and ryann will get well soon
hi hi mommies..

re ikan bilis,

i jus prepared some ikan bilis powder... not salty
u have to give the ikans a few wash to was off the saltiness then dry it in the oven on low heat for abt 45 mins to an hour or until its crispy. then blend it into powder..
Hi merkon & corrine..
Yeah, later I will call the teacher at infant care and see whether he shows any sign of abnormality or crankiness or not... If so, will bring him see PD tonight... Sigh.. I'm always on the "extra safe" mode, but my HB can be quite careless sometimes...
HI all mummies,
just like to share some notes on head injuries, cos our babies is learning how to crawl and there sure be some knocks and falls... hope i'm not being too kaypo
Below is wat i extracted from the notes given by my pd when my angel fell off the bed.

If your child has had a fall and injured his/her head, he/she should be watched very carefully over the next 24 hours.
The child should be taken to a doctor or to the hospital immediately if he/she shows the following symptoms:
-repeated vomiting
-unconscious, even briefly
-changes in behaviour ; becomes confused, delirious or difficult to arouse
-neck pain
-inability to walk or talk normally
-has anything suggesting a convulsion, fit or spasm of the face or limbs
-bleeding or watery discharge from the ear or nose

i was told by the nurse that not to feed the child immediately after the fall got to wait for 1-2 hrs later. Hope this will helps
hi Poohwei,
your gal so cute n kuai, mine very naughty when its time for milk she will cry and keep saying mum mum or nei nei like we starving her ...and she can never sit still , will jump n jump put on my tummy oso jump like riding horse... painful lor
sounds like my girl also. she will always do her Superman stunt and launch herself forward when she's sitting down, then she will swim all over the mattress like a turtle on a sandy beach. when she's seated in front of me, she will grab my tshirt (and boobs!!) and do the 'rock climbing' action so she can stand. when she successfully stands she will let go one hand, try to do circus balancing act, let go the other hand and then fall seated on her butt.

she also likes to raise her butt when she's on her tummy, so end up her face on the mattress and her legs standing up, with her butt raised up.. like v-shape.

over the weekend, i keep teaching her how to say ibu which means mother in malay. i'll go "eeeeee....buuuuuuu" and she'll look at me blankly, and reply <u>"Woh!"</u> or <u>"Yeh!"</u>. i think she's following us saying no no no coz we keep saying No to her when she wants to put the mobile phone/remote control/tissue box in her mouth. -_-

So cute! lol Sounds very familar putting things into her mouth! Mine when change his diapers will flip around. And when im taking his diaper cream he'll grab his diaper and put into her mouth!!! Geez -.- Sometimes his hands grab the changing mat and want to eat it as well.. very busy boy. He's also swimming position! hah and started to shift around.


Hope Edison's alright


Glad to knoe tat Caelen's feeling better. I think its like a huge blue black tats why it turns purplish...
No way to make the swelling do down? Use ice wrap in handkerchief and put there for awhile? Hope the swelling goes away soon, little Caelen get well soon
Aiyo.. when i saw the pic of Caelan, I was like OMG!!! Looks like a bad fall. Hope the bruise goes off soon. However, he looked very cheerful in the pic still lei.. haha.. so cute.

Alamak! Another bb fell. GOSH...Hope Edison is fine. We can only take extra measures to keep the surrounding as safe as possible.

Those who use baby cot, better to lower the mattress liao. They can be pulling to stand any time now. Babies are very fast, they can surprised you any momment. When my #1 out-grow his cot previously, he always "kok" his head against the cot, despite there is cot bumper. Thereafter, I changed him to sleep in playpen where the surrounding is net. Even when he pull to stand and fall, the "kok" will not be painful.

Just to share, for safety reason, I removed my bed frame and put my King mattress on the ground. I also lay those ABC Foam mat around my mattress, just in case my gal fall, the impact will not be great.
the baby helmet is very nice, i almost fish out my purse then i saw the price! OMG! $41.50. i think i might as well tie a towel around myra head!

lol i think it looks really funny ! for tat price i think i'll use 2 towels to tie ard jaylen's head might be safer LOL
fau, i like your description of ur gal! so funny lor! my boy also something like that ... i love to slap his butt when he raise it in the air ... too tempting lah .. but he's not calling mama yet ... sigh ...

any babies here started calling mama papa?
helo mummies..just came back from amk sbcc...nynke has bronchitis, caused by RSV!!! need to rent neubalizer and on treatment 3x a day!! my poor gal...so young and need such stuff. hubby kept saying ' never learnt lesson...must go Dr Koh at SBCC no matter what...."..i also dun want mah...Dr Koh's appt was full on last sat and we went Healthway clinic at Punggol plaza. she's also teething now and so though cough and running nose just part and parcel..aiya..still mummy's fault lah!! btw, doc said he's seeing a lot of babies having this RSV lately, it's airborne virus. so do keep place and baby clean. wsah hands more often for all.

merkon and funny, our date have to be cancelled liao...sorry leh. arrange again for next wk or wk after ok??
amy: hope ur ger ger gets well soon! u must take care too yah??? what is RSV huh? pai seh .. last time i work as missy but also never hear b4 (or maybe i forget)
i understand your scare when your FIL tried to give the ice cream to your boy. My FIL has extremely sweet tooth, i tell you. Without fail, he is sure to get a tub of HD ice cream if he visits the supermarket. And he is sure to want to give sarah everytime he is eating them. Stress, stress, stress... he even said, ice cream is milk wat, good for bones.. *faint*
oh merkon, u r missy ah..RSV: respiratory syncytical virus.

emily: i picked my maid last sat. went thru that rules list with her at agency. hubby shoke his head..said i'm getting 'difficult'..haha..anyway, maid's eng is not good so need time to pick up. housework wise she's doing great and our demads on that were minimal. she was so shock when I told her mop once a week and wash toilet once a week. she also managed to make nynke sleep- she knows how to use the pouch sling and nynke slept comfortably in it. and know what- i'm getting jealous of that!! hubby said " aiyo what u want ah?? got maid help out now but u also not happy. " but nynke has been with me since day 1 ( minus the 2 mths when I was at work) and so of course i get jealous when she gets close to maid and mil mah...
emily: ya i think hbs are very careless...my hb is also very rough when playing with my girl..that day, he made her sit, and let go! She fell flat on one side...arms trapped under her...sigh...i dont know why he likes to play like that also...

Re the helmet thingy, dont u think our bbs will pull it off? I dont think it would be a worthwhile thing if they only take it off...kids nowadays smart at all this.
Hi Amy..
I've seen Dr Koh before, I agree that he is good &amp; very experienced...

Two weeks ago was HFMD, then stomach flu, now RSV....? Wow! Scares all the mummies here... I'm not too sure abt RSV, better check the internet now for info...

Hi JustMe..
I explained to my FIL that the ingredients in the ice-cream is not safe for baby and he accepted it. So, no more ice-cream for Edison now..
Hi amy..
Glad that your maid is doing well.. Most of them have poor command of English, so be patient when you teach her... My agent told me Indon maid pick up new language fast... so shd not be an issue... most importantly, she has the passion to take care of kids, have a caring heart and don't do foolish things....
amy, me used to be missy now no longer working as one. so cheem ah ... dunno what's that ... good that ur maid is efficient. i hope mine is like that too. mine coming in 2 weeks time.
Hi mummies..
Hope everyone is having a great day.

Amy, Merkon..
No matter how efficient you think your maid is, u better spot check on her. Make sure they are treating your darling well. I juz saw the video on youtube "Maid abuses baby" goodness, that maid is so sickening! you never know what they do behind your back.
julia, ya lor..me still cannot leave baby alone with maid. just now she wanted to carry baby while waiting. i tried not to let her, still want to carry baby myself. so she helped me with my bag..i was a bit scared she'll run away with my bag leh..haha..guess me still not used to it.

merkon, my sis just told me to check maid's hair to see got head lice or not...'beng san' ..how to?? i dun even know how to check..vvv awkward also leh..
Amy, hahaha.. u so cute, then u muz have stared at your bag all that while. Look on the bright side, i'd rather she run away with your bag then your baby.
Im using wet wipes still.
Using Kodomo, Pigeon or J&amp;J blue one.
I buy wipes only if they are on promo, and I stock them up.
I got my J&amp;J wipes for 8.30 for pack of 3, and My Kodomo wipes, I bought them in Watson for $1.99/pack! All these were purchased a few mths back.
Julia, I'm also still using wetwipes. Will wash her bum directly with water when she's able to stand by herself.. now when her poop's messy and i need to hose her down i'll be struggling to balance her, the hose and wash her bum in the end I'll be wet also :D So far used pigeon, j&amp;j and carlson
I use the wet wipes as well. Pigeon, J&amp;J and currently using the NTUC ones hehe. The one with the pink packaging - however, i don't quite like it cos, its not so wet, just slightly damp.
Like Fau, I use the water spray to wash her if she had created a messy, goey poo. =) A bit of a struggle though.
Gingerleaf, Fau..
Thanks thanks for your info.

I haven't been bk in Spore for the past year, dun know how's the mkt like now and I love the Pampers wipes here, only $3/pk so wondering if i should ship bk. Plus I remembered when I was coming over, i bought lots of j&amp;j wipes at abt $6/pk bt if nw its only 8.30 for 3 then its good too.

Singapore gt no Pampers brand wipes rite??
wet wipes,
I'm using pureen , carlson currently and still use a lot esp when bringing bb out.

I went out last weekend and for some reason noticed that there are quite a few of Ergo carriers and it look comfy. I thought it was Beco until i surf the net just now. Hmm ... so now am choosing between the 2 ,Ergo can get it easier here but design seems to be more squar-ish.
Aiyo.. saw the pic of Caelan, OMG!!! must be so painful for him and yr hb ... you take care too the bruise will only goes off in 2-3weeks.he still looked cheerful in the pic still haha.. so cute.

Edison fell too. Pray that he will be ok ... you must be worry now ... Same as Carlson ... he does not like to take porridge too ... hmmm try so many differ ways to cook liao also the same ... 911 dun like porridge???

Blue wow yr bb so good size ... hope my bb can catch up ...
Thanks too.

Ya, sometimes when they poo messy, can really be quite a struggle to clear. When my baby poop messy, i dont really like to use water to wash her leh, water is like very cold plus she is like so messy, dun know where to hold her so i depend alot on the wipes. Then i oso like the nice fragrant of the wipes.. heehee
Hi mummies, I am new here :D

Me oso using wet wipes to clean baby's bum. Must clean everynite although the babysitter said she washed baby's butt during afternoon bath already.
Im located in middle east region now.. Hubby is here for posting. Thats y can only quietly sit here and read all these forum, also cannot join in those bulk purchase. =(

My girl's infantcare has a total of 25 cases of HFMD till date! So worrying, hubby wants to keep faith at home until the spread is over...but we both need to work and I am new on my job so can't really apply leave. Now we have to ask my MIL to help take care of faith but I'm worried she can't handle her lei...I've been the one looking after faith entirely except when shes in infantcare, somemore she is TBF so very sticky to me. Sigh...plus dunno what MIL will give her when we are not around cos she gave faith cooked rice grain yesterday.
