(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

justme: yup! now i'm waiting for my pony beco to arrive. soon i hope!

blue: if the prerequisite for using beco is slim then i cham liao!

yupz, its the 4th gen
no worries on the pony fur, its not that furry that will come off. as its light brown, also alright, noteasily dirtied.

but i m also MIM sling fan. let me try to find a nice pic to post . keke
Hi Phoebe,

I will take both sizes n the dots too. Thks! Let mi know how to get it fr u n when to pass the $ to u...We live so near each other so shld be no problem... Btw, I dun hav ur email so can't pass u the msg thru email.
amy: u organising meeting in punggol? i'm FTWM staying in SK. if you really have meeting let me know ok? maybe take leave =P

Tues or thur mit up shld be no problem.... U email mi or msn mi...

Thks for all the mummies for how to pacify their BB when they seek attention...I hav tried all available methods b4 liao...no use...Will c how lah...when she grow older, she will know tat I am her somebody...Hahaha
Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe orders taken {dots}
2) Madlynette
3) Fau
4) Florence
5) BenMum orders taken {dots}
6) Yoki orders taken {dots???}
7) totoro_bb orders taken {Dots}
8) Bena orders taken {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76
11) Baby Doll
12) azlyn orders taken
13) Vone orders taken (Dots????)
14) rxsti {dots} pls

mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 11'
2) 11' x 11'
Yeah finally the Gap is here thanks lei.
I thought u just ordered only & now u wan to buy again???

Wow... u very rich hor always see u buy things here & there keep it up buy more buy more haha...
the Beco looks so comfortable and tempting.... It's cool to carry baby with it. Eee.... now mi oso thking abt it liao. My baby likes to look infront when being carried, will it still be comfortable when using Beco for front carry?

Vone, is there a free eyes test for all TMC baby?? Mi looking for 2nd sept baby. Anyone?

atinarin, i will thk that Jumperoo is the best buy that i hv so far. My baby enjoys every minutes in it N i guess he learns to jump fr there as well. Since he had the toys, he started jumping whenever we carry him and he is at the stage where he will 'climb' on yr body. I thk the max wt is 11kg. U may want to chk on the fisher Price website.

Mummies who sign up for Shicida:

If i sign up now, does it means the class will start immediately or gonna wait for some time?

A wet sat PM... gd time to catch some Zzzzzzzzz
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah someone showing off her beco too!!!

For those want to buy, do so quickly and don't procrastinate too long, else once it's gone, mean it's gone!
my msn : [email protected]

Vone, funny,
Dun tempt me with farmyard friends.. I cannot resist TEMPTATION!!!

Siao liao, i order one size bigger than the 6-18mth dream bag leh.. cos i worried my boy cannot fit!!
(Hee.. give myself another excuse to order the farmyard friend.. heee)!!

Funny, the design u hv is called wat?
I also eyeing on tis when i viewed the webpage!!


not i very rich, all becos the mummies here TEMPTED me!! HAHA....
No la, i wanted to get a easy handle carrier for my sis la.. esp when she brings Ayden go downstair..
ya loh, all so bad.
But im getting one in 1.0 tog anyway. =p

Oh, vone show me the 6-18mths, pretty long oreadi. Think ur 18-24 one cannot fit. Hehehe
hi BTMum,
suppose to take a short nap but ended up i slept til 1am woke up..cant sleep hence logon...haha..guess baby piglet oso same same, cant sleep..

hi meko,
i am thinking of getting in USA directly if cheaper coz my ex-collegue flying on June. Hopefully i can endure til then. Anyway, cozybaby mentioned that the items arrive on May..got to see how lor.. :p

hi Phoebe,
Please include the dots for me. Total how much huh?

i think 18-24 months is too big for ur bb lor.. !_! u want i can show u how long it is lol 6-18months is considered big alrdy @_@ somemore theirs is american size wor
<font color="ff0000">tomato - extracted from http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/</font>
Tomatoes are typically not recommended to be introduced to an infant until somewhere between the 10th and the 12th month of age. The reason for this is not due to possible allergies per se, rather the acidity of tomatoes may prove harsh on a more immature tummy.

Tomatoes are actually fruits and they contain a high level of acidity that may prove harsh on a tiny tummy. With that being said, there are many babies who have eaten tomatoes prior to the recommended age and have had no issues. Many parents offer babies tomatoes as early as 8 months old. Please consult your pediatrician as generalities may not apply to your baby! If you notice a rash around the lips/mouth and the bottom, this could be indicative of baby having a reaction to the acidity of the tomatoes. Please keep a look out for such occurrences.
Hi Phoebe,

Sorry... Have not been actively reading...What do you mean when you put "dots"? You ordering dots cards as well?

I want 6' x 11' blank flash cards.... Is there a minimum/maximum quantity you taking in for each mummy

Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe orders taken {dots}
2) Madlynette
3) Fau
4) Florence
5) BenMum orders taken {dots}
6) Yoki orders taken {dots???}
7) totoro_bb orders taken {Dots}
8) Bena orders taken {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76
11) Baby Doll
12) azlyn orders taken
13) Vone orders taken (Dots????)
14) rxsti {dots} pls

mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 11'
2) 11' x 11'
ooh.. so if there's little rash occurring around the lips, usually indication of reaction ah?? gee.. i tot its drool rash. Now i dunno which fruit i gave sarah causes that rash...
Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe orders taken {dots}
2) Madlynette
3) Fau
4) Florence
5) BenMum orders taken {dots}
6) Yoki orders taken {dots}
7) totoro_bb orders taken {Dots}
8) Bena orders taken {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76
11) Baby Doll
12) azlyn orders taken
13) Vone orders taken (Dots????)
14) rxsti {dots} pls

mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 11'
2) 11' x 11'
The dots actually mean those round sticker dots used on math cards.
I found a supplier. 5088 dots selling at $20 but i hope i can get a good bargain if we are buying more from her.

So you only want the 6 x 22 blank cards right?
yoki &amp; phoebe, happy 7mth to our babies ya! I am still recovering from my shoulder ache leh, need another massage session liow.
hi magoo/gingerleaf, i also order my dream bag from petrina, i got it from normal mail today, now is "swimming" in softerner....hee normally will wash it b4 let bb wear for any new clothes. u all haven't got urs yet?
Side track abit ... since I saw phoebe wishing "Happy 7 mths" ... just realised Jade and Yan both born on 5 Sep (same as Jordan) ... haha ... so hor, bf Jordan and gf Yan "tong nian tong yue tong ri sheng" lor?

p.s. Hey angel / lbs ... were you guys at TMC huh? Never bump into you all leh ... only saw arisz ... haha ... we were in the same observation ward before being pushed to delivery room.
poulinea, tks for your link and info on tomatoes.

atinarin, jumperoo can only use up to 12 - 14 mths depending on baby's weight and height. i also bought 1 for my gal, but now seldom put her into it cos shes at nanny's plc 5 days a week, and by the time shes back home it will be her bedtime.... she only played in it for less than 10 times... so if you want to buy must get it fast.
My Ayden also 7 month old today!!

Vone, Gingerleaf,
I got mine dream bag le..
REALLY very long!!
Now i decided to let my girl has it..
I need to order another for my boy!!
rxsti: thanks, we went to Taka to get it earlier but all the boxes looked like they had been opened and resealed...some more no more spac en the car so hb said he may get it tomorrow.

My place is pretty small and that's another problem, space.

In terms of weight, my girl is barely 7kg now so i think she will make good use of it. After that can sell.
bubu mummy,
i haven got mine, coz I so blur, gave her a wrong non exsisting addy. So now gotta wait for the thing to go back to her place, then she will send out again. Hahaha.

Mummies keen in blank flash cards.
1) Phoebe orders taken {dots}
2) Madlynette
3) Fau
4) Florence
5) BenMum orders taken {dots}
6) Yoki orders taken {dots}
7) totoro_bb orders taken {Dots}
8) Bena orders taken {dots}
9) Strawberrymum
10) Funny76 order taken, 2 sizes,{dots}
11) Baby Doll
12) azlyn orders taken
13) Vone orders taken (Dots????)
14) rxsti {dots} pls

mummies above, i am placing orders for the cards already.
1) 6' x 11'
2) 11' x 11'
