(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


u noti hor...me actually was gian abt beco...but a bit worry also leh...because of the recall thingie...dunno will it happen again or not...i need another to standby when i wash the ergo..

please help your coconut khakis by putting stamps on our eyes,so we will not see the word BECO
darmae: ur hubby willing to carry ella? My hubby not keen in carnival print, he even commented looks girlish. He said if i get black or expresso, he will use. Gingerleaf not keen in the designs available.

wise: the one am eyeing is 4th generation, not butterfly.

if one batch of the carrier got problem, u cannot be sure for the rest also mah...sure scare liao lor...so if i buy one more likely to be ergo..
hb was thumbs up for carnival butterfly too when i made my selection. but cos of the recall, i have to take 4th gen instead which has limited designs. i chose ella... very girlish indeed. but he say he's fine with that. he is more concerned abt the function and features... anyway, my hb like vibrant colors, he even wore shocking pink before... hee...

think gingerleaf neds to wait till the butterfly finishes the retrofitting. there's more designs to select from...
hi Vone, i was also in dilemma on whether Quest and Techno at that time. also went to the shops, compare the 2 models. almost identical, except Techno can recline all the way to the back for newborn. if u dun need that, think u can go for the Quest, much cheaper in my opinion.
my fren juz did tis for maegan...


after resizing not tat clear though...
hi mummies!! im back from my trip! hope all mummies + babies are well!
so i see the topic is on shicida nowadays?
oh and baby carriers too! mine is the original bjorn.. and its breaking my back if i carry the little tyke in it for more than 30 mins..
Hi Vone,

I'm not sure abt Maclaren Quest.. But I'm currently using Techno Xt which I find is very good... Sturdy, very easy to manouver, easy to fold and not very heavy...

saw u @ expo u look ok just a little on the meaty side what.. no ugly at all infact you look so sweet ... aiyo u saw me right i am fat ok peng ... hb also give up liao

Gingerleaf ... the price is 650k+/- but 99years only ... Hilltop Grove a small one la ... hmm which one are you looking at ???

Row ... no i did not to anything hmmm cos now am still within 1km ... but moving soon ... and also Hb is church member so hmm hope it helps ...

Row are you the one that buy the leggys for them ??? how much is it ???
oh yes shichida ... you all have got the max pax in the class liao right ??? still thinking ... like blue got 2 kids to enrol ...
dArmAe (darmae) - wow ... very nice lei ... hehe

so regret didn't take much pixs of keith when he was a baby. dong it for hazel thou ... hehe
hi sharon, think member phase 2B right, but may need balloting also even within 1km, anyway..yah, i the one buying bblegs for them, $8 for one excluding postage.
on shicida

i'm oso thking abt this. my colleague who sent her 3yrs daughter to the class a few years ago said that alot of homework nid to be done. The class will teach this much and the rest r the parents effort to continue to train the baby. Gd to send baby there when they are very young. However, her comments are how smart the child develop after attending the class reali depends on individual. Hmm... buti m speechless after watching My Perfect Child..


nice baby pics.. i 'm so ashame of myself cos i hv yet to develop any of my baby pic!!! Oni download fr HP to PC
Hi Vone,

I bought mine in 2007.. Not sure if a 2006 is any different.

I suggest you test out the actual stroller you are getting.. Make sure it's in good working condition i.e. the front wheels are easy to maneuver and turn, the seat can be easily recline/sitted up, the folding/unfolding of the stroller is ok...

If all works well, then it's a good buy at $200.
Pls lor meaty side already put me off liao, imagine i can feel my fats shaking when i walk, sit, eat & sleep haha... But i'm blessed to give birth to my boy so never mind just go on diet will do.

Tat time i also say meko for buying without telling us then she ask me buy pad also need to say? i nearly faint lor haha...

meko, u dun ah bish me hor heehee... Btw, can let me try ur beco when i cm & collect my bag from u? No buy try also shiok ah whahaha..
hi Vone, think a new Quest on sale is around $199.

depends whether you want a full recline like Techno. if you intend to have more kids, then definitely get the Techno !

my fren got hers in a super sale in robinsons, Techno for $200. of coz thats like rare, and u need to queue ....

for strollers, i prefer to get new ones coz lots of wear and tear in use....
Re slimming

It will happen when ur BB start crawling n there is no fencing in the hse....u got to chase after them... So no worries...
HI darmae..
I'm back!

Karla is on leave, the lady who register for me is not so helpful.. she is unwilling to check and insisted that Karla will call you back next Monday/Tuesday to confirm your timing change when she is back...
Long time no see. How r u & bb Chloe? I was telling low tat ur gal has become a da mei nu liao.

Tat wat most of my frds say also & when thy starts to crawl u really wish tat thy r still infant lying on the bed heehee...

Hahaha...u r rite....nwdays I keep chasing after her until I like siao cha bo....


I know which Doc liao..His charges quite ex...
hi vone, i'm using quest. reason of buying was advice by my sis. techno was heavier n more ex. quest serves us well as- cheaper, recline was good, easy to handle, can last us till nynke is 3-4 yrs old.
200 is good buy for techno. maybe also ask how long it has been used?
funny, u chk him out already ah..haha

ginger, bjorn has another range that has back, waist support. think px more ex than beco.

gave nynke potato with ebm..she also dun like...
MEKO! IM NOT GG TO TRY UR BECO!!! grrr! evil u!

Why today topic on beco! im not gian im not gian im not gian!


Amy, ya, but the waist support cannot compare to designs like ergo n beco. So, I wun spend $ buying another carrier that will still kill my back. =p

Welcome back ecookie! time flies! hows the trip?

Okie, I gtg. Today bringing baby to pd myself! So excited!
i saw it on sale at OG and Tangs. keep a lookout during their sales

of coz if you are like me , can't wait type of shopper.... hmmm
Hello Irene

Alamak, Chloe where got become da mei nu? Pics r deceiving de...
cant wait for her hair to grow long then can keep bob style for her hehe...now still "boy hairstyle"...
How is ur little 'yan dao kia'? How many teeth he has right now? Chloe just got 2 popping out when she reached 6.5mths.
I miss all bbs n mummies...

Wow u mean some of ur bbs can actualli crawl liao? Fast huh? My chloe just sit using her hands to support.

Well, actualli I dun believe that I can actualli lose weight when bb starts to crawl. Last time during preggy, ppl used to tell mi tt will lose weight when tk care of bb and esp gotta wake up at night for feedings etc...doesnt work for my case le..even though mi tking care of her fulltime.. my fats very stubborn..

Now mi gotta resort to tking medication to slim down.
for those wondering why 4th generation has been discontinued, i got an answer from theportablebaby.com

They told me Because Ergo Baby Carrier filed a patent on that type of carrier, and is now enforcing it by making legal threats against any manufacturer who produces anything similar. I believe beco 4th generation is similar to ergo carrier, that's why they modified and now there's butterfly.

Gingerleaf: you sure you not gian? I don't think beco will come out with something similar to 4th generation leh, else won't be discontinued.

Poohwei: can go ur hse try the beco carrier?
U so slim liao still wanna slim down? Well, mi went c dr for prescription de. Cos' haha mi overweight le~ But so far not much effect leh. Tink I nvr ctrl my diet or suppress my appetitie enuff for it to work. First few days mi very discipline, lost 3 kg in abt 1 week +, then now put on 2 kg bk liao..tink it shld be just water loss. So at the end of it all, bk to square one. Anywae I just started tking niah, so also dunno will help anot. Cos mi realli desperate to lose weight. But of cos there are side effects..
Mi no BF so still ok.

Elaine I just return back to my pre preg weight lost the 15kg I put on in preg

Elaine how are u??? Long time no see u talk online miss u lotssss le... I want to hug hug ur chloe le she must be a xiao mei nu now

Funny ur post really funny make me laugh out loud loud!
Really huh u chasing ur summer all the time huh then I must be prepared to be a xiao zha bor soon also lor hee..hee.. when my charlene starts to crawl kkekeke

Amy my mum fed charlene potato puree yest she don't like too!! She keeps shivering when she taste it mum could not help but laugh at her expression so cute hee..hee...

Elaine remember come in more often check with us le miss u lots le hee..hee..
