(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


on the process of closing only mah...not closed yet..haha..me ah?? not so soon leh...maybe when clara is two then i start planning

mummies, have u ever wondered if these blogs will still be active if our kids grow up? Will they grow up to see it or by then the blogs will have close down liao. hee hee!
Hi Voice..
haha! that's a good question! I'm not sure...

So I am keeping Edison's photos in CDs and photo albums for him to see in future.... Back-up in case the blog is not active in future..
voice, hope so lah right. i've been writing online since 2000 and keep telling myself to print and stash at least one hardcopy so i can read (or my grandchildren can read to me) when i'm old, but till now keep procrastinating :p

FYI, will be seeing woody this fri...


actually clara not big size lar..but got big big tighs...at 7 months she is abt 8.4kg hee hee..so still ok ok lar
hi mummies,

i love reading baby blogs too! can i add on the list? my boy was borned on 10.10.07

Emily: http://prince-edison.blogspot.com/
Gingerleaf: http://www.mummyhan.blogspot.com/
Fau: http://shotbyred.org, http://loopedbusrides.livejournal.com, http://loopedbusrides.multiply.com
madlynette: http://cindydiapers.livejournal.com/, http://www.madlynette.blogspot.com/
Phoebe:http://ryanndemummie.multiply.com/ --> i forgot my own already =p very long never post =p this is ryann's
Dodo: http://www.ziqianbaobei.blogspot.com

u mean the blue bib that i used for feeding huh? i got it at taka baby fair, the brand is Sassy.. think u can get it at most bb stores also
thks for the tip on spinach.
you can request for bassinet but it will be subject to availibilty.

so low is the other mummy who ordered beco too?
gg to recd it tmr.. hee.. i'm soo excited too.

the HK trip is F&E.. sponsored by my dad cos he always wanted a family trip together. but we were all very bz to commit. so he did all the booking and asked us to juz take leave and make time for it. maegan's fare less than $300.. only ned to pay for air tix plus tax.

yeah, will b latching her exclusively plus some cereal and bottled purees. but i will still bring my pump, juz in case tat she dun wake up as often for nite feeds.. sure quite engorged in the morning. so i guess i ned to pump n discard the 'leftovers'.

my elder one (boy) in nursery this year.
maegan is 6mths plus.

so cool leh, so many mummies keep blogs for theirb babies.... hw to start ah?
i'm keen but worry no time to upkeep...
Hi Sharon..
Hehehe.. yeah, my boy has lots of hair.. always sweaty after taking his milk....

Hi Wiselyn..
I havent call Woody to make appt yet, lazy to go...

Hi darmae..
Just take 10mins a day to post something will do, wont take too much time to upkeep the blog, unless you want to make it real fantastic.. hehehe

me is clement keep asking me to book appt, everytime go compass pt,he sure will ask me book appt one...haha...me always go compass pt mah...always bring clara go walk walk and talk to woody's nurse..
Hi Wise..
Oh yeah, I miss Woody's nurse too.. They r very nice... I will call to make appt next week, cannot keep postponing liao..
For tomorrow's lunch, wow, we already have 8 mummies liao! Wondering if they can accomodate so many of us ... heeee ... anyway will try to chope seats.
Wow so happening for mummies wroking in town ... i am in tuas anyone ??? kekekeke

hi does any one know where can i get cheap sleepwear ... only Cottton .. i know mothercare they have but so ex.

dun update u lar...let u have surprise...haha...no lar..will let u know what is the review abt...maybe he misses us, so want to see us...haha
Any mummies doing their bb's follow-up @ KKH?

Tot of changing PD over to KKH since they r specialise in BB & Child. Currently with SGH Baby & Child Clinic.

My bb juz did his 5.5 mths follow-up (for his 6-in-1 jab n prevenar). Next follow-up in Nov08 (bb @ 14mths). PD mentioned the need to go back only if in case of any emergency.

Is it a must for bb to do their 6-10mths review (as per guide in health booklet)?
Irene, i going to book 29May(thurs nite) for check up leh, you can? I don't want sat cos' we driving OP Car, can only use car after 3pm on sat.
I can only mk it on Sat cos i tends to work late during weekdays. Never mind we'll still hv chance to meet up soon..
Hey r u going to buy any nice clothings, toys etc to bring along for the photo shoot on 30/5? Any idea where to find matching tops for adults & bb?
irene, voice,
this photo shoot package is basic rite? no makeup/hair do etc hor... although i hope to hv lor. keke

i still hv not recd email / phone call fm him yet leh
hubby and i have matching top but not Sam, I haven't given any thot on matching clothing leh. Toys...no need lah, the studio sure got alot of barang barang and props. David confirmed my time slot for 30 May already, will be at 3pm.

then i will tell him, will not let u earn my money again so soon...haha...tell him he need to wait if he wants to earn my money...haha
darmae: i don't think got makeup lah, will need to pay more i think. Nevermind lah, i'll make up on my own, save $$$. Superstar our babies lah, not us, hee hee!
hi lbs, i checked with PD on his eating. she assured me nothing to worry about, babies go through different phase all the time. just let them "tell" us what they want. go with their flow, continue to introduce new interesting and tasty stuff. change the menu, change the colours, etc.

only to be concerned if he is totally not eating at all.
i did emailed david with the details n trans ref.
however i did not give a firm date. only stated may...
haha, yeah our babies the star. hee
thanks for the info.
try this package, if gd then next time will try the other family package again when the kids gets older. hee


re : milk supply during mensturation.

mummies who are still bf-ing, and have their menses returned at least once. can i check if your milk supply dipped when your menses came?
i was still wondering why my supply dipped by almost half when i expressed at work tdy. then realised that my menses came for the 1st time aft i gave birth. is it normal? when will the supply resumed / stabilised?
my ss did drop when menses came. though menses not a lot like pre-preg time. ss went up again after menses. wow your dad is super good leh..enjoy the trip, for me, we did think of going BKK in mid april..but thot of going w/o nynke and just relax but this devil is so sticky to me liao..so told hb to plan some other stuff..maybe just local sightseeing..haha..zoo, farm, bird park..
I regretted not taking at photostudio! That time wanted to sign up a package with studio loft, but kept procastinating on dunno what to wear for the shoot n ended up, too late for me to take any also. So took it myself infront of the mirror.

Next pegnancy, I will surely go sign myself up!

my girl just fell off the bed an hour ago
Daddy felt so guilty as he walk out of the room to keep his guitar and put girl in the middle of our bed. The next thing he went in and cannot find her...no sound when she fell and she didnt cry until we pick her up from the floor..pray that she will be ok.
