(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

mummies just tahan me for a while.. need an outlet to let go of my frustrations....

I am a bad mummy!!!
This morning Ryann was screaming and crying so loudly... i think my ceiling almost drop le... i tried all ways to calm him down also useless.. feed with milk also dun wan.. i really dunno wat to do...then this bad mummy throw temper on Ryann!!!! And i think Ryann know i angry, he cry even louder... hai...I really didnt mean to throw my temper at him but it is really frustrating.
It is frustrating becos i felt so helpless not knowing how to calm him down n why is he crying like this.. With loads of house work waiting for me to do... haven even sterilize the bottles, haven do my laundry, haven vacumm n mop the floor..Look at the time.. then realize it is time to pump milk.. Urgh!... Bad mummy...
Hee.. U r not alone.. I also find myself bad.. For the past few days, my hubby was out of town..then I was thinking since I gg to start work, I better spent sometime bringing them out.. so I drove my girl n Ayden out.. This is the 1st time in my life I drove a bb ALONE! I put him sat infront wif me n my girl behind.. At first, everything was ok.. but on the way back, Ayden started to cry ,so I tot gave him pacifier should be ok le, but..he d not stop!!! Then I tried to talk to him..etc.. all no used.. he still cried like nobody business.. then I gave up n let him cried till I reached home! By then, he alrdy cried until his voice changed n his face red like lobster!! Then the next day, I tried again..I tot should be ok one la..Really!! he was ok.. so happily, I brought them go walk walk n even brought them to pray my dad..after everything was abt evening time le.. then after feeding him, I decided to head for home..The moment I started the car to move.. he started to cry, then again, I gave pacifier, etc. but again no use!! I got a bit "HOT" le,I started to "LECTURE" him, but he "IGNORED" me...then I got more "HOT" then I "SCOLDED" him asking him wat he wanted me to do.. I was driving... I wanted to drive safely.. etc.. then surpirsing, he kept quiet!! BUT he started to weep!!! Really weeping!! I felt so heartache to see him like that. the moment I reached the carpark, I immediately carried him n sayang non-stop!! N keeping saying "sorry" to him!! I think I really SIAO le!!
Oh no you must be really stressed this morning. Dun worry... u r not a bad mummy lah. .we all have those moments!

Mummies who are interested to buy the hydrotherapy float. Fyi - My hubby's colleague in Shanghai found the float selling at 100RMB, think abt $20 only. The colleague say every shop selling baby's things have the float...so very easy to find. Dun buy from the hydrotherapy place lor!! They selling for $50+. Daylight robbery!!!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>..
Maybe you are stressed, that's why run out of patience easily... Still got Sunday to do your housework if you cant finish on Saturyday.. Do it slowly, ok?

Thanks for ur reminder on the childcare leave, I have actually applied both days on 13 & 14 Dec on my first day of work, hee hee

With 18 days annual leave + 2 days childcare leave, now I have total 20 days of leave per year..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Jovigal</font>..
I didnt explore infant cares in Hougang.. But I have visited one in Serangoon, just opposite the MRT, named Elfa. Its very good. I think they still have vacancy.
Hi The Chiangs,
I am sending my gal to Learning Vision @ KKH as it is just opposite my house. They are charging $1050 b4 subsidy, after subsidy I am paying $700+ with gst.

As angel mentioned, the timing is 7am - 7pm on weekdays. Sat is from 7am - 2pm only.

Hi poohwei,
Thanks. I am going to let my gal try the medium teat but I hestitated till now bcos worried the flow too fast as she already can finish 140ml in 10 - 15mins with the small teat. Somemore she is the kan cheong type, always suck very fast and furious so sometime will choke.
hi pheobe and magoo,

both of u are not bad mommy okie!!?? u've done a great job thus far! its one of those time where the bb cry for no reasons.. there was a time i even tot of leaving my bb outside of my hse... :p worse rite... the tot cos me to cry very hard and aft tat u apologise to my bb and cry again.. jus breathe and count to 10 whenever they keep cryin and ur very frustrated.. it shld help.. cos it does help me to calm down.. they are quite poor thing oso.. cos the only way they noe how to communicate is by cryin..
hi phoebe / emily

Can we apply childcare leave this year since we deliver only at sept? I ve always being wondering on this. Will they pro-rate the child care leave for this year?
phoebe, magoo....

no mummies are bad. having to carry your bb till full term and withstanding the labour pains. esp for working mothers, we are constantly striving to balance our work and spending quality time with our babies...
like wat pinkyj mentioned, its juz those times tat babies start to wail without obvious reasons.. they can oni cry to communicate thus making us cluelss and leaving us frustrated at times. dun worry, we will see the light of the tunnel as our babies grow... the smile on their face and the 'coo-coo, ga-ga'.. will oso make us smile, feeling proud. JIA YOU
Phoebe, Magoo,

I also lost my temper with Natalie before, she cried very hard when I bathe n dress her, nothing can stop her from crying. Tried all methods too, hiaz... then i started to raise my voice and scold her, she cried even harder. I think all of us know that crying is the only way BB know to communicate with us, they are trying to tell us they are unhappy because somethings arent right.

so i tell myself to control n dont raise my voice... very hard, esp when we do not know y BB cry, but try lah, if not, BB got scared, is worse. our job is to be their guarding angel n make sure they grow up happy n healthy, not the devil that scares them right.

So control....control
i agree on the part where the bb can sense our anger.. whenever i'm angry with my gal when she's cryin.. she'll cry even harder when i raise my voice at her.. when i speak to her in a softer tone then she'll quiten down...

Bena, hahah.. yalor.. maybe she's so excited to have a new fren..
Yeah, i agree that we do raise our voice at our babies. I did it for quite a number of times when she insisted on being carried ard. However, the smile on their face will make us forget all the anger.

Btw, any of ur babies started to flip? Mine managed to do 1 flip today!! but dunno how to turn back..haha..Its so fun to watch them attempt to flip but with no success....Jus have to cheer them up!!

u try to search thru mcys website..there will show the infant care around...BB clara is in joewe, it is in Serangoon North
poohwei, my baby also flipped few days back, but i didnt see her attempt, as I lay her down on the matteress, to get water for her washing up... when i came back into the room, shes on her stomach... and yes, she didnt know how to turn back down, and my nanny had to carry her back to lying position.... hope to see her do it again sometime next week, as now shes turning herself to one side and trying to push herself up.

No mommies will illtreat their babies, but everyone has temper and tantrums.... I also get frustrated when shes throwing tantrums to fall asleep. I need to walk around and rock her, cant sit down if not she will start to make noise.
hi, have been following this thread for a long time but dare not post...=D

i delivered my boi on 29 oct. =D

rxsti, my bb aso wans to be walked and rocked to sleep! so frus!

may i know how old are ur bb when they flip?
Hi Ben Mum,

My gal is coming to 11 weeks old.

Phew, for 2 nights, she managed to sleep thru from 12+am to 6+am. Dunno whether its because i placed her in a sleepbag and thats why she can sleep longer? or she is changing her sleeping pattern as she is older. But sad thing is she still needs to be rocked in the sarong for abt 15-30min....
Hi mummyfaith (mummyfaith),
Realised infantcare is slightly more expensive than babysitter. The babysitter is charging me
$500, but if I'm later than 8pm, she will charge an extra $50..its quite difficult to be on time, especially since we're both working parents.
Does the infant care help to bathe your babies? Do they read story books to them? If I'm geting the babysitter, I will tell her to read to my baby Caelyn, if not waste my efforts for the past 3 mths.
The Chiang,

infant care do bath your baby....they dun really have programs when baby is young...but they will have programs for the babies when they are older...u can check with the infant care..but got to say one thing is..the train baby to follow a rountinue....so you baby will be easier to be taken are of....
Thanks to all mummies for your encouragement. It is really not easy to struggle with family, house chores and work.

Hi Ben Mum, Welcome to the sept thread =p

Elaine, i guess more or less will have a little especially if is your first child. i also feel i got a little. during my confinement, i keep crying also. sometimes get easily upset with my hubby and myself. will feel paranoid at times. luckily got my mum helping me and also not forgeting the forum mummies here who will always give encouragement and advice.
Quoted from Angel, Clememt and Wiselyn :
Happy Mummy = Happy Baby = Happy Daddy = Happy Family =p
hi elaine, i was depressed during the 1st 6-7wks after birth and also often cried. Think it's due to our hormones changes in our body and adapting to motherhood which seems ovewhelming for 1st timer. Do drop by and chat with anyone of us and I realised it helps to know there are fellow mummies who are also facing the same challenges and learnt how they overcome it.

me and clement going to charge copy right liao...haha..no lar...but we really feel that the equation stands...
Gd morning mummies.. Its Monday again.. For those mummies at home, enjoy yr time & bonding with yr baby..

Sigh, this morning when I send my darling to infant care, he almost wanted to cry but he hold his tears.. maybe he can sense that mummy is leaving him for work... Sigh
So sad..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Wiselyn</font>..
How r u coping with work, Clara plus houseworks? Are u still BF? Is Clara still waking up for milk at night?

Edison still needs to drink once at night, usually ard 2-3am. Its really tiring after a week of work. I have to drink Chicken Essence this morning to perks me up... Luckily, the teachers at the infant care are good, at least I have less worry when I work...
benmum, ariel flipped @ 11 weeks for one time, have not seen her do it again will monitor closely, cos she tend to move and turn on her sides. SHe will be 12 weeks old this Saturday.

Hi wiselyn and emily, understand that both of your babies are at infantcare, so far how has it helped you? have you stayed and see how they take care of the babies?
I may be considering going to joewe @serangoon north too, but would like to know your feedback on it before deciding.

housework is normally done by clement nowadays..yes clara is still 80% on breastmilk...she does not wakes up for night feeds..her teachers at infant care is good also..she seems to like the teachers there...THANK GOD !
Hi <font color="0000ff">Wiselyn</font>..
You are lucky!

I want to emply part-time maid, but my HB wants to save $$$, so he do the houseworks instead.. So, after work, we will pick up Edison, play with him for a while until he goes to sleep at ard 9pm. Last week he was quite happy in infant care.. but this morning he looks a bit sad when i send him there...

Hi <font color="0000ff">rxsti</font>..
Yeah, my son is at Kiddy Academy.. You can check with Wiselyn cos Clara is at Joewe.. So far, the teachers there are good.. they are very caring, and take note of all my special requests... I give them a list on the first day I send my son in

The feedings are on-time.. They have a daily report on the daily feeding time & amt, poo-poo time, bathing time, nap time & any other observations... In terms of cleanliness, yes, they r very clean.. they bath the babies twice a day.. they change nappy for him & feed him b4 I pick him up.. so I can go out for dinner with ease after I pick up my son... I would give them 80%!

You can ask them for an orientation b4 deciding which infant care to take... For Kiddy Academy, I visited them twice and they bring me around their facility, showing me how is their routine etc... I am quite satisfied..
Good morning everyone,
Sian... it's Monday again
Hope time pass faster then all working mummies can zoom back to fetch our babies.

Chiam i hope my boy will behave well when my hubby goes Japan for business trip this Wed. I'll be home alone with my boy for a week

Those mummies still on ML wan to meet up at Vivo, Great World or United Sq for kopi?

I can understand how u feel cos my boy also like tat when i leave him at my parents's house. U can try to talk to ur boy tat daddy & mummy is going to work ask him to be guai guai & will fetch him at night.
morning everyone...

1st day back at work.. super sian... missed my baby... he smiled at me when i woke him up this morning for bath... but looked so sad when i left... heart pain!

how nice if we all could work from home..
Hi <font color="0000ff">baby piglet</font>...
Where is yr darling now? In-law's house?

Hi <font color="0000ff">Irene</font>..
Yeah, I hope time will pass faster, I am waiting for 5:30pm.. I keep repeating my story on my way to infant care.. I tell my son to behave himself at infant care & that mummy will pick him up after work... Wonder if he can understand me.. hee..
Hi Emily,
I'm sure he can understand no worries

We work as we want the BEST for our babies so WORK HARD & everything is worth it once u see them SMILE

Hi Voice,
Great when u wan to meet up?? Thurdays???
Hi , may i know Joewe ctr addres, so that i can popped by to take a look. I starting supposing next week..luckily i clearing 3 weeks leave...found a nanny but last min due to family prob, cant look after my bb liao.hope i will cope well when i start work.
Hi , may i know Joewe ctr addres, so that i can popped by to take a look. I starting supposing next week..luckily i clearing 3 weeks leave...found a nanny but last min due to family prob, cant look after my bb liao.hope i will cope well when i start work.
Hi Eileen I can understand how u feel le.. cos I am starting work this wed too and suddenly today i wake up i feel so lost and sad.. like I am going to be detach from my gal soon.... I sure miss her lots and maybe keep calling back to my mum to ask how she is hee.hee..
hi mummies, is there anyone who can help ans below qns:
1) r u able to cope if ur in law expect u to cook lunch n dinner while tking care of bb alone. and almost 95% hsework is done by urself?
2) r u able to tk it if ur in law interfere in how u n hubby distribute duties involving bb? e.g: he saw my hubby doing night feed once during confinement n he ask mi not to disturb hubby at night cos he nid to work. (during tis time, i didnt had a CL yet n just 2nd day when i return from hosp)
3)r u able to tk it if on the mrg ur CL left, he quickly took out food from fridge to thaw n ask u wat i gonna cook for lunch n dinner for his son? when u havent even have time to adjust with bb alone?
4) can tahan if he tried to separate u n bb at night, saying bb shld slp with HIM in his rm instead just becos he dunwan bb crying to disturb his precious son at night? how to attend to bb n hear her crying behind a closed door?
5) can tk it if ur hubby expect u to go gynae urself 2 remove the c sec stitches n ask u brg bb to PD urself just becos he nid to work (few days after discharge)? he didnt help mk alternative arrangements after tt. leave everyting for mi to settle.
6)ur in law compare ur sil n u regarding breastmilk amt. my supply was pathetic.
7)in law ignore ur bb gal when his 6 mth old grandson come over n visit him. only when the grandson go liao, then he 'remember' ur daughter...
i wld like to knoe ur opinion on these matters becos i m having depression due to all these issues. after birth i m very sensitive to wat ppl say n do..but i wld like to knoe if the rest of the mummies r able to tk these? tks in advance.
hi mummies...

i'm back to work tdy.. 1st day. very sian. my pass dun work (auto deactivate aft inactivity), hv to get security to open the gate. then my a/c oso dun work... finally get everythg up n running... time to express liao. at the same time, surf SMH forum.
i miss my bb lor.. for mummies who r still on ML, do enjoy
Morning mummies

So qiao meet you yesterday
Jerald is so cute! My hubby also gone on biz trip for this week
I can meet up for kopi in vivo too. Thurs you not working?
Hi Angel,
Ya lor so qiao & i'm surprised u know it's me since first time see u though we attend Mrs Wong classes but didn't get a chance to talk to one another. Jade also very cute, cound asleep not like my boy dun wan to sleep at all haha...

My hubby gg away this Wed till next Tues. So i took ML to take care of jerald at home. I'm gg facial this Wed so i thot can meet u mummies on Thurs for kopi? Anyone keen to join us?

I'd be upset abt the things you mentioned too! With or without post natal blues! Think you should tell your hubby or in-law if you can't cope with all their unreasonable expectations and demands. Its really a handful taking care of a newborn baby. Is there someone who can help you with the housework and meals? Maybe can get those teng kat delivery and a part time maid for the first 2 months?
