(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

haahaa..darmae...the way u put it across is so funny...whole morning u trying to get orientated in order to start 'engine'..then time for express...surf...blah blah..blah...before you knew it...end of day, home sweet home! haahaa...where are you working btw?

hi elaine...i can somewhat understand what you're going thru'...when you barely can cope on your own, you have other ppl to take care of. Do try to talk to your hubby if it is way too much for you to handle, don't keep everything to yourself...will go crazy one. See if there's any alternative to work around, 2 heads are better than 1.

Every household got their own set of challenges, for me is to train my new maid to take care of my son when i return to work next month. There will be bounce to be hicuups here and there...have to be tolerant and also able to trust the maid to handle bb. Can't expect maid to be perfect, else they won't be working as maid liao...

hi blueskye, can ur boy still fit into the bumbo seat u bought from forum eh? If can't and you wanna sell, let me know hor, i am keen to buy over from you.

haha.. yeah, i really ned to get my engine 'lubricated' and started lor.. stayed at home for 3 full mths. furthermore, company upgraded new system liao, ned to get myself oriented. juz told my boss i ned at least 1-2 weeks to 'wake up' lor.. cos me still blur, brain stucked at home lor. very sian. but its true, time kinda fly tdy.... took 2 hrs lunch wif colleagues (opps... keke) juz came back. 3 more hrs, then home sweet home liao.
my office located in woodlands... any mummies working ard here or stay ard here... mayb we can meet for lunch ya.. hee
Hi mummies,
Today is the 1st day I send my gal to infant care...super miss my baby now

Feeling very worried whether she can adjust and if the teachers will treat her well...sigh...guess all mummies worry too much. Its the 1st time I am separated from my gal since she was born, quite heartpain to leave her behind.

most of the time is mummies and daddies cannot get use to baby not around them, baby at their young age can adapt faster then we mummies and daddies can imagine..dun worry too much, your darling will be well taken care in the infant care...
I am the opposite lor...I look forward to times when the baby is not with me hehehe! Feel so relieved to take a break from her
hi poulinea, AMK too far for me to collect. The reason why i asked blueskye is b'cos she is working in raffles plc, am in tg. pagar...i can collect from her in town easier mah.

hey angel, i also same as you...love to take a break from baby sometimes. Since last week when the maid knows how to bath my son, i haven't been bathing him...haahaaa, can take a break!
Hi Emily,

I went to dramaqueen's house to try out her bumbo seat. (We stay in the same blk!!) You need to support ur baby's neck when she is seated. My gal didn't look like she is very interested, so i dropped the idea of buying one.

Hi Tiny Voice,
You may want to try out the seat before buying. I was so tempted to buy one from the forum until i let my gal try out the seat. Saved $$$.Hahaha
angel: change makan location for thurs want? We go Marche...have yet to visit there...and the place will be more spacious for us to 'park' stroller.
Pillow joining us too.

Any other mummies want to join us for lunch at vivo city this thurs? Those going are Irene, Angel, Pillow and me.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Poohwei</font>..
The bumbo seat is not that interesting, not moving, no music.. I prefer the Fisher Price swing or bouncers....

Planning to rent an exersaucer from Rent-A-Toy for my son, but I think he is still too young for it.. Maybe 4 months old then rent..
hi mummies

me starting work this wed too. thk i gonna miss my son. He did his first flip yesterday but too bad i missed it cos i went to the kitchen. I ve oso noticed he is blowing bubbles now and often stick out his tongue. Any mummy experience this as well?
hi star,
My girl has been blowing bubbles too...she will play with her saliva and stick out her tongue. I think its just something that babies do. She's been salivating too.
hi mummies,

im also starting work this fri. start to feel sad liao, BB not with me. Natalie will go MIL place. Wonder if BB will adapt...


I had post natal blues too, first 3wks, I cried often, worry that i cant take care of BB, even worry that i might throw her out of the window, i got so scared i will do it that i cried for a few days. But i talk to my hubby about it n he gave me a lot of reassurance n help when CL left.

So i guess the key is communication. Do share your thoughts with your hubby n solve the problem together. or see your gynae about your post natal blues. u should not keep everything to yourself, will break down one day when it is too much for u to bear alone.
Hi Mummies,

Anybody experience their BBs teething liao? At which mth, they start teething? I am nt sure whether is my gal teething.

These few days I really buay tahan my gal...Very cranky! Sucking hands, crying, wanting attention(last time able to put her down lying, can entertain herself), blowing bubbles, must carry her in certain positions and sleep for less than 1/2 hr during the day(last time can sleep more than 1 hr). Sometimes let her cry until she feel tire n sleep.... Sigh...

Sorry to hear wat u hav been gg thru...no wonder, u seldom on MSN...Hope things will get better soon...anything, keep in touch on MSN...
Hi TinyVoice, if you are interested in the bumbo, you can collect it from my cousin who is working in raffles place (I am letting it go at any price you can offer).My mother who is looking after my son does not like it and it has become an white elephant in our home.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>..
Your baby looks like a big boy on the bumbo seat... so cute! Where u bought the bumbo seat & how much? Did he enjoy sitting on it?

Hi <font color="0000ff">funny</font>..
I think teething is around 4 months old.. My boy also likes to suck his thumb and fist, its normal due to their sucking instinct.. And also blowing bubbles.. Maybe you can try to buy some teething toys for Summer to bite..

Hi <font color="0000ff">pinkyj</font>..
That lady boss was ok wor... She kept promoting the hydrotherapy to me.. Apparently, her son won a prize from the Hey Baby 2007 contest held at Suntec recently... But after looking at the shop & the tubs, my HB disapprove the hydrotherapy for our son.. He said it is not safe and the owners of the shop are not properly trained to do the therapy.. they just copy the idea from other country... So, end up, we did not try the hydrotherapy...
Hi Shirley

Ur baby neck is firm now huh??.... so cute sitting on the bumbo seat..

Ya must be careful not long ago think there is news about bumbo seat causing injury to babies.
Hi Mummies

I just rent a fisher price ocean aquarium bouncer for my gal with rent-a-toy.com. I must say the bouncer is very well mantained and they have cleaned and sterlized it before delivering to u... my gal loves it lots and is as good as new!! I am planning to rent more toys for my gal soon...!
Hi <font color="0000ff">low family</font>..
Hey, what a coincidence... i was also browsing their website to rent a toy from them...

They will only deliver FOC for rental above $35.. I wonder if we can self-collect, but it is not stated in their website..
So sorry you are going through so much on your own. It is really not easy for you. I would have broken down long ago if I'm in the same situation as you so you are really a great mom. Like what cookie monster said, do try and find an outlet for your unhappiness and if possible, talk to your hubby to align your expectations of each other.. hope things will turn around soon and that this is just a phase of adjustment.

I also had a very difficult time 1st 2 months after delivery but now things are getting better as baby grows. The difficult time will surely pass.
My boy has been like your girl the past two days too. He's constantly chewing his hands and salivating and blowing bubbles. He's so cranky and can only be appeased with nursing and when I nurse him, he's not actively sucking and that's when I know he's actually not hungry but just want to suckle.
hi mommies, my gal also suck on her fingers, first is the right hand.. then the last few days she found her left hand too!! ahahah.. so now alt suckin on both hands...

funny, i think my gal is teethin oso lor.. cos when i clean her mouth, i can see the white white part on her lower gum..
teethin can start as early as 3 mths..
some bbs are even born with 1 or 2 teeth!!
Hi Emily

Ya think cannot self collect le... for the first time i paid 8 dollars for delivery cos i dare not rent lots of items i want to see the quality first.. next time round i would rent items such that it reach above 35 dollars for free delivery
hi Poulinea, oh if i can collect it in town, it's good. But then I can only collect in January, now on leave.
Is your bumbo seat still in good condition? Can you PM me so that we can discuss the price? You do not allow PM so I can't PM you.
Hi <font color="0000ff">low</font>..
I have just rented a FP Swing and Bumbo Seat from them. Need to order above $35 to avoid the $8 charge.

The seller replied to me that we can self collect, but he never mention the location.
Hi funny,
My girl also getting more cranky and 'chut' pattern already. Think its just them growing up. Before we know it they'll be talking back to us liao!

Hi Poulinea,
If Tiny dun wan the bumbo seat, I am interested
Hi mummies,

Thinking of a best gift for your kids? How about a book shelf or a toy box? Here's something beautiful, functional and affordable. No one else has as many designs as us in town.

Every single pc is specially designed by our inhouse designer. Material used are of safety feature and good quality.
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Delivery : Approx 3-4 weeks.
More products coming up soon....
*Custom made are welcome.

If you're interested to view the items, they will be displayed at:

Family Lifestyle Exhibition
Singapore Expo Hall 5
6-9 Dec 2007 (10am to 10pm daily)

Special offer : From now till 9 Dec 07, we offered a special 5% discount for any item you ordered. Hurry up for the offer! We see you there.

Please refer to flyer here:


Hi Emily,
The bumbo chair was passed over to me from my friend, so far when i put him on the chair ... he is ok leh... never cry .... but also never look extremely happy. I will let him sit on the chair after i fed him.

Low, ya i think my boy neck is quite firm, as most of my relatives say so. Ya i am aware about the bumbo chair call back.

Bena, i didn realised that my boy boy already know how to use his "middle" finger until u mentioned.

Haven been logging in for a long time...!

Hi Phoebe...,
I can understand how u feel! My Ashton was also crying so badly for no apparent reason juz 2weeks ago...it nvr happened b4 lor...me and my sis took him out for shopping and to meet our girl friends for dinner at orchard...everything was fine till when we r on our way bk home at nite...my sis was carrying him while i'm driving...then he started crying...so we stopped to swap seats when my sis can't sooth him...but the crying nvr stop,in fact, it became worse lor...he was crying so badly tat his face were in dark red! with big drops of tears and mucus! gave him pacifier, milk...all din work...to make matter worse...there was a huge jam...i was so fed-up till i started screaming and honking (though my sis was driving) at those idiots who hog the road! Ash cried for a good 20mins! when we got home, he cried again...luckily my mum managed to sooth him...i felt so bad tat i cried...was wondering did i "scare" him...coz my girl friends all talk super loud..and was passing him ard like a ball...poor ash...like kena "tortured" the entire nite.. =(

Hi Mangoo,
I have been bringing Ashton out alone for several times...hv been successful till date...the furthest i went is from tampines to yishun...mayb try playing soothing baby music...it works for my boy...and hang some colourful toys ard him to keep him occupied...

Hi Angel..,
wow...u managed to find the float! issit possible to help me get 2?

Hi Elaine...,
I have some of the probs ya facing too...I hv been seeking refuge at my mum's place since my baby is born...because...

1) my hubby dun help me with the baby...and he was saying tat he can't get his "quality sleep" when baby cries at nite...& when he dun get enuf rest..,he will vent his anger on me and i'll get all the blame..

2) My MIL's a very traditional housewife...i cannot tahan the way she handle Ashton...she likes to wrap Ashton up like a dumpling, feed him with teat half-full, likes to carry and rock him non-stop, dun have the discipline to finish the feed, poor hygiene and above all, she's a "gan chiong spider"...but yet, i can't say anything...my FIL even "suan" me the other day saying,"oh...Mama's very experienced with babies la...she gave birth to 5 kids leh..."
Oh yah...and she likes to "kidnap" my boy! whenever i go back home now, she will keep Ashton to herself...even when Ashton's crying badly, she won't give him back to me though i was oredi standing in front of her, having gestures to carry him!

My hubby keep siding my MIL till i exploded at him one day, telling him tat Ashton is "my baby"...as a mum, i have the rights to choose the ways of how to take care of him...and even though his mum was experienced, its was a long time back...now its a different era...and her style r not for my liking...we quarrelled big time...but i think i have to b firm...otherwise at the end of the day its me and Ashton who will suffer...
bebeng, reading ur post reminds of myself...have been telling my hb that my mil machiam also seems to be 'kidnapping' my boy from me too...when he cries badly and i offered to carry him, she will say, "no need, u go and rest,"...sounds very nice hor? then she will carry and rock and sing song to him....lol...she doesnt burp him halfway through his milk (drinking 120ml now). but i must say she is very gentle with him, calling him 'my precious' all the time....=D

at these times, i will just take a step back and smile lo...can rest leh...not bad la...have another person to sayang our darlings aso good ma...i close one eye at the things she did not do so perfectly...and i am sure our bbs will grow up well..=D
hi BeBeNg,

I'm all with u... i can understd hw and why u seek refuge at ur mum's plc. i did that when i was on ML.. but i din stay over cos my own dad (being traditional) commented that i shouldnt be coming over so often. i'm luckier in a sense tat my hubby helps in the nite though he does not get enuff sleep. sorry if this adds on to your frustrations...

and sad to say, i had my first argument with mil this morning. i oso really cant tahan liao. tdy is merely my 3rd day at work and things start gg haywire at home. maegan was awake most of last nite, refusing to go to sleep. i was checking with my maid this morning and she told me that mil took maegan and went inside her room, saying that she will take care of her. her way is taking care is making her sleep and sleep... to the extent of ignoring her feeding times. my maid said that she kept hearing maegan cry and cry.. until 1 hr later, then she came out with maegan and said, ok can warm the milk for her now.

after hearing that, i clarify with my mil... she told me straight off that bb at tis stage needs more sleep, if they can sleep and forget about milk, let them be. yes, tis theory is often heard but hw can a bb taking only 90m go without milk for the next 5hrs??? besides, by allowing the bb to sleep more during the day is confusing, she will not be able to tell day and nite. which is why she was awake most of the time at nite and wanting to latch so often. machiam like nv take enuff.

i oso duno hw and wat to do. smtimes, really hv the urge to put maegan at infantcare then hving bringing her to my mil's plc. my maid was so helpless oso. she kept saying sorry mdm.. i cannot go inside nai nai's room to carry maegan.
Hi mummies

I have been following the thread closely though I have not been posting since I was a few months pregnanr...

Sorry to hear so many sad experiences with your MIL, I really feel blessed to have an understanding MIL and my mum to help me with bb... just to share with you all...

My mum took leave and rook care of me during my confinement. I moved in to my mum's place for my confinement and my hubby visits us there every nite so that he can get peaceful sleep in our hse at nite.

The plan was after my confinement,when i go back to work, my MIL would take care of my bb in the day..though I like my MIL but I can't help but worry about her taking care of my bb. Coz she is older than my mum and sometimes have difficulties walking..

After one month of my confinement, my mum surprised me by telling me that she decided to quit her part time job next year to take care of bb when i go back to work. The reason being she dun wan me and my hubby to lose precious sleep when we are working. More surprisely, she told me that my MIL also spoken to her and she has the same concern as she is unable to take care of my bb at nite. My MIL actually persuaded my mum to help me take care of bb both day and nite.

So, when i go back to work, like now, my mum will take of bb both day and nite. Me and hubby will visit her at nite and bring her back on fri and weekends for bonding and to give my mum a break.

Every sun, we would bring bb back to my MIL's place for bonding with them. My SIL's kids are be there too.

I m lucky to have an understanding mum and MIL. I m also lucky to have my dad, younger bro and sis who enjoys my bb's company.
morning mommies...

bebe, i think ur boy might be tired and overstimulated by all the passin ard, thus he's cranky durin the way back home.. my gal will oso be cranky when she's out the whole day... is ashton the first grandson? maybe tat's why ur mil always kipnapped him... i will also buay tahan wan...

darnmae, is it possible to let ur own parents take care? its really hardwork to work in the day and takin care of ur darling in the nite... i agree on the sleepin part but tat is if they have been fed and not forcin the bb to sleep with an empty stomach...
if ur mil is causin the routine to break down then maybe u shld really consider puttin maegan in the infant care.. at least the teachers there follow a routine rite?
Hi bebeng,
Ya managed to get my hubby's colleague in Shanghai to buy for us. Its on its way here by DHL liao...should receive it soon. Some mummies also wanted me to buy for them, but I wanted to make sure its the same one before I start ordering for other ppl.

Someone actually posted re BP for the hydrotherapy float...they can get the distributor in China to send here for only $30+ including a big tub, the float, pump and thermometer leh! I would have ordered from them instead if I knew beforehand - good deal! See the thread below:


Hi Mummies,

Have been following the thread, I am also a Sept mum. Thanks for the reminder on the child-care leave, almost forfeited.

I am also interested in renting the bumbo seat for my son to try out. I went to the rent-a-toy website and I happen to go into another website called "rent-that-toy". Their rental are cheaper and they will provide free delivery for $30 and above. However, I do not know how are their toys condition. Any mummies have tried renting the toys from them?
