(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Ya first world room is small.. cannot put cot.
but that is the standard room. think they have bigger room. u can check from their web page.

Ya was hoping to book the deluxe room, but think it is fully booked too coz only the standard room is appearing when I put my dates in. Humph.....looks like I gotta postpone my trip. I thought school hols over liao somemore weekday...why still so crowded
i was catching up on the threads here n it really moves fast!
wow, its really tough to put a bb n a toddler to zzz at night, think i will face difficulties when my 2nd one comes along end july. my girl who is 21 mths now seems to be more clingy to me, maybe she senses that didi is coming.
she used to be able to doze off on her own wif just a pacifier in her room, but for e past few nights, insisted that i pat her to zzz...

aiya, think its also becoming a habit n dunno how to handle this esp when bb needs my attention at the same time. she does not want papa at bedtime lor.

thats also y i have not dared to wean her off pacifier.

May i know whats the average bedtime here u mummies set for bb n toddler? coz i usually go to my in laws place or they come over for dinner, then they wanna play with grandchild, so my toddler bedtime now is irregular, earliest also 9plus 10.

its tough to put her to zzz at 830 coz i cant tell grandparents that she wants to zzz n then stop them from playing, n my husband reaches home average 8nightly n he wants to spend time wif her too.

i really like your routine, so u can rest by 9pm nightly, you have your own time for tv n relaxation. thats great!
Hi eva

My boy sleeps between 930pm to 10pm every night. He is quite regular. Occasionally if his afternoon nap is disrupted, he will sleep at about 9pm. It works ok for us as we usually reach home at about 730pm to 8pm. If he sleeps earlier, we won't be able to spend time with him liao.
Hi Eva,
Yeah its going to be really tough on you if your #1 cling to you. For me, before #2 baby was born, I tried to get my hubby to put #1 to sleep whenever he's around, so that she slowly get used to mummy not being there. Coz when the baby comes, especially first 1-2 weeks when I was so tired after delivery, and gotta feed every 2 hourly, I couldn't spend alot of time with her. She initially will ask for me, but my hubby will tell her mummy is tired or mummy is sleeping cannot come, and she seems to be ok with reasoning. Sometimes when she's cranky and start crying for me, but she will stop after awhile when she realise its no use hehe. Coz I refuse to give in to her when she cries and acts out. Scared later she think she will get her way everytime she cries.

As for weaning her off pacifier, I also was very reluctant to do it, but thought its better I wean her off before her didi comes or I'll never be able to do it when there's 2 babies to look after. Anyway I'm glad I did it...coz she was really cranky that few days when she don't have her pacifier, she didn't get good naps and sleep, and of course neither did I so I was very cranky too! Now she can sleep by herself which is so amazing.

Re bedtime,
Jade goes to childcare so if I dun put her to bed by 9pm, she can't last the next day. Lucky me and my hubby can finish work at 5.30pm and we can spend time with her before her bedtime. But the trade off is that we work after she goes to bed
Sometimes we work until past midnight.
Hi all,

Sorry need to change date for 2nd birthday bash to 22 August so that magoo can join us. And will hold it at Peekaboo at Kallang instead of GogoBambini. Hope everyone can make it!

Sep Babies 2 Yr Old Birthday Bash - Part One
Date & Time: 10 August 2009 Monday @ 1pm-2.30pm
Location: Macdonalds King Albert Park
Cost: $9/child + cake $? (TBC)

1) angel2baby + jade + ryan + daddy + helper?
2) Emily + Edison + helper
3) Florence + Hazel + Keith + helper
4) nateM + nate
5) arisz + tristan + helper
6) Poohwei+ En En + helper + Baby + daddy?
7) totoro_bb + kelly (tentative)

Sep Babies 2nd Birthday Bash! Part 2
Date & Time: 22 August 2009 @ 10.30am-1.30pm
Location: Peekaboo @ Kallang Leisure Park
Cost: Entrance fee is $8 for kids under 2 + cupcake $? TBA)
Note: Parents/kids MUST wear socks to enter.

1) angel2baby + jade + baby + hubby + helper?
2) Irene + jerald
3) rxsti + ariel
4) totoro_bb + kelly
5) Florence + Keith + Hazel + Helper
6) nateM + nate
7) magoo + ayden +?

All mummies welcome to join us!
Sep Babies 2nd Birthday Bash! Part 2
Date & Time: 22 August 2009 @ 10.30am-1.30pm
Location: Peekaboo @ Kallang Leisure Park
Cost: Entrance fee is $8 for kids under 2 + cupcake $? TBA)
Note: Parents/kids MUST wear socks to enter.

1) angel2baby + jade + baby + hubby + helper?
2) Irene + jerald
3) rxsti + ariel
4) totoro_bb + kelly
5) Florence + Keith + Hazel + Helper
6) nateM + nate
7) magoo + ayden +?
8) Low_Family + Charlene + Charlotte + hubby

So paisay u all need to change date due to me.. hee...

I will be gg there with Ayden only.. Cos Mayvis has lesson on that time slot..

Thanks again,,
hi Angel,

Thanks for moving the date to 22nd Aug. I can make it with together with my missy.

Sep Babies 2nd Birthday Bash! Part 2
Date & Time: 22 August 2009 @ 10.30am-1.30pm
Location: Peekaboo @ Kallang Leisure Park
Cost: Entrance fee is $8 for kids under 2 + cupcake $? TBA)
Note: Parents/kids MUST wear socks to enter.

1) angel2baby + jade + baby + hubby + helper?
2) Irene + jerald
3) rxsti + ariel
4) totoro_bb + kelly
5) Florence + Keith + Hazel + Helper
6) nateM + nate
7) magoo + ayden +?
8) Low_Family + Charlene + Charlotte + hubby
9) darmae + maegan


I "come" and see u. hahaha
U gg to kill me.. haha..
Hubby juz called and informed that our Vietnam trip is CANCELLED due to unable to get flight back to S'pore on 10th August!!

But anyway, I shall see u all on 22nd August.. haha..
Hi Florence,
I called Peekaboo to check for Keith - the entrance for children above 2 is $12.

Alamak! Your trip cancelled liao ah? Make me busy onli! Hahaha...but never mind lah...now change date liao Low & Darmae can attend!

Fyi the birthday cupcakes at Peekaboo are $2 each, can choose from apple, choc chip or blueberry that day itself. They'll put one candle on each muffin for our li'l ones

Sep Babies 2nd Birthday Bash! Part 2
Date & Time: 22 August 2009 @ 10.30am-1.30pm
Location: Peekaboo @ Kallang Leisure Park
Cost: Entrance fee is $8 for kids under 2 + birthday cupcake $2)
Note: Parents/kids MUST wear socks to enter.

1) angel2baby + jade + baby + hubby + helper?
2) Irene + jerald
3) rxsti + ariel
4) totoro_bb + kelly
5) Florence + Keith + Hazel + Helper
6) nateM + nate
7) magoo + ayden
8) Low_Family + Charlene + Charlotte + hubby
9) darmae + maegan

Hi, me ok. Work still the same. Still trying to struggle till the day I totally breakdown.. haha..
How's trip? good?? See ur blog, ur kids enjoyed a lot.. but no mentioned abt the mummy n daddy leh.. haha..

try to "ignore" those ppl... otherwise sure miserable. think of ur kids and start planning for wkends, distract urself.

trip is good... relax lor but forever not enuff. din get to laze by the beach cos monsoon thus high tide and strong waves. beta to stay near the pool. looking fwd for another holiday.... hahaha
hi florence,
i don't dare to recommend agency cos not so experience with fdw. But wat's the problem with yours? care to share?
JustMe (highvolt) : my maid is due to go home in oct, she has been with us for 1 year plus now. She loves my kids especially hazel , but she is rather lazy with house work and she is always on the phone when we are not around. she is treated like a family member , eat and drink whenever we eat. Even watch the 9pm serial on channel 8 while putting hazel to sleep

recently things got worse ... she gives a face when we ask her to look after the kids , she let the kids cry instead of coxing them when i go to work. ruin keith's top , nv tell me ... when i ask her to bring to my mum;s the next time as it was new .. she say : mdm if the colour wanna run , what can i do?

my hubby also say we are too good to her le , she think she is boss and we are her helper.

still wanted to let her stay additional 1 month when she request to stay alittle longer. Disappointed!
Hi Florence,

Oh dear... that sounds terrible... I'll find the name card of my maid agency and sms u tonight.. maybe you can call Allen (my agent) and see if she can provide any quick help...
Florence, your maid a bit too much! I dislike it when maid spoilt our things and don't tell us. I remember you mentioned before that your maid was quite nice, sigh, now even a nice maid become bad, where are all the good helper?
hi mummies,

down with running nose..so cannot go work..

I've just engaged 2 maids from the agency at Perfect Home Helper at Punggol PLaza. 1 for myself and the other for my mum. Took transferred maids and both indons. THey have been with us for 2 wks now and so far so good. I know some pple do not recommend transferred maids and my thinking was at least I've done a face-to-face interview. I did 'reccee' a few agencies at Hougang Green but did not feel comfy with any of them and I think it's all on our luck whether get a good maid or not. THe agent at Perfect Home Helper was pretty frank with the recommendation and she did consider my requirements and did not just push any maid to me to choose. So in the end, i took the gamble and hire 2 at once..both worked for about 5 mths for previous employers and they have been 'trained' on 'expectations' on housework. I'm still crossing my fingers...dun know what sort of 'pattern' they will come out with in future. Can sms me if u need more details abt the agency. Will PM u my number.

my Nynke also showing the terrible 2s syndrome. She shouts and hit table when showing displeasure. No one has ever acted like that in front of her. You are vvv pateint already. Know how to control yourself. I slap my elder gal once when I was alone with her and preg with No 2. Regretted the action vvv much until now.
arisz (arisz) : everything changed when my sister agree to get her helper a hp when she requested for it.
my helper did ask from me but I said NO!
I think she is upset with this. but she gets to use my house phone so freely , i dont understand her at all. she loves hazel and cares for keith but really cant take her change and for taking all the good things we do for her and gave her for granted.
Florence, yah, can understand. That's why whenever I meet my sisters at my parents' place, I will be worried what my sisters' maids will tell my new maid or vice versa. I can't stop them from talking but I'm also afraid they will 'corrupt' each other.

I realise that a lot of maids turn nasty when employers are too nice to them. They 'climb' over their employer's head and start to 'bully' them. It is really hard to draw the line on how well we should treat our maid.

Dun worry too much abt maid la..
How r u???
R u working next wed?
me on leave, gg to register mayvis for pri 1.
see can meet up.. i wanna see Tristan..
Hi Magoo,
Arisz will definitely be working unless she is on MC!! Cos she is in the profession(but diff level) as the pple whom u wanna see next wed. Haha..

Re: Performance
This morning, i went to En En's childcare to watch their mini-performance. They had 3 performances, 2 by the Nursery 1 kids and 1 by the Toddler Kids. Although the performance put up by the toddlers kids was only 2 min long, i enjoyed it so much cos En En was in it. I was amazed by how well behaved En En was when "I am not ard". She was not afraid although she was facing a crowd of at least 50 parents!! She was sitting on the floor, dancing and clapping to the rythm as the teacher guided them. However, towards the end, she SPOTTED me amongst the audience and dashed crying for me...Grr...

I followed them back to the class and saw their work. The teacher explained to us what the kids have been doing in school. The principal was also very friendly. All the staffs seemed to know the kiddo's names even if they are not teaching them! Its so amazing.

All the teachers said that En En was very well behaved in school. They were pretty shocked when they saw her crying and sticking to me when i went to visit her just now. They mentioned that its "attachment??". Just has to get over the transition period and she will be fine.
hey corrine,

you were there too? i didn't see u leh. nx time u "wave" and call me ok?
we weren't keen at first to go as it was raining in our area. dear son "pester" lor, so ended up heading there.
mag, me ok lo...poohwei helped me answered already, yep will be working.

Will contact you about the meet up. Where are you going to register mayvis?
haha...was scrolling on old pics on external hard drive when i saw this pic....i had to give a second look to realise wat's in trolley...my hubby's doing...

Sarah so cute! Jade loves going to NTUC with me and sitting in the trolley too.

Sorry to hear your maid troubles! I thought your maid is quite good leh...she can handle your kids well.

I got my maid from Crislo Agency at Bukit Timah Shopping Centre, they are quite good and was recommended by other mummies from this forum. I think their agency fee is reasonable and its great they have free unlimited replacements. Most agencies only let you have 1 replacement.
Hello Mummies

Today is Monday and all so quiet!!
Come in n chat leh...me now very poor thing, only able to access sept forum from office..
Keep me company....
Thank you huh.. haha...
hi magoo!!! thought monday is busy day?

florence, when your helper leaving? you sending your kids to childcare soon right? tahan little bit more ... i really know you are good to your helper so it must be disappointing..
Hi mummies

Any suggestions for something frivalous and fun to buy for a baby's first birthday? Budget about $100. The parents got everything they need so no need for practical stuff like vouchers ;p Hee... and I very no imagination one.
magoo (magoo) : hihi, can chat with me. wahaha me just got home after took the wrong train and then the train breakdown , change a wrong bus and finally got back home!
silly me

nateM (merkon) : rather disappointed !
not appreciative at all. i think i would still have any helper for 2 more years.hehe
everyday in office also busy.. but "heart dunno go where", so no heart how to work?? haha

I tot u drives? how come u would take wrong train, wrong bus?? Where u go??

must wait till mon.. think i die liao... hee
magoo (magoo) : I dun drive to work on weekdays wor. My hubby drives to work. I take the train
Hai~ Think too tired. didnt notice it was the red line and not the yellow line which i take for lrt from sengkang!
silly me

try ELC at paragon. they hv quite a range of fun stuffs for kids.

i rem meeting ur helper during the last bday bash. i felt she quite kwai n nice to ur kids. guess if they wan to change, they really change fast. can be quite vexed at times.

u were on the tram. no wonder din catch u around. hahaha.. ya beta dun shout too loud.
I was shocked to see ur post on FB.
If I m the one in the room, I will also panick, let alone a toddler.

Glad that she is back to normal..
