(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

without doubt hubby plays good cop. i'm def the bad cop. next 3w will be hell when he is away for in camp training for 3w. paige is going to hate it.

hi mummies

fast post..
i also think enci walks like a drunk girl(?)too..or like penguin.very very funny!

and something even more amazing,when we stayed over at the changi chalet last weekend, she practised and mastered climbing the 2 flights of staircase in just one day!it was the only activity that can keep her from clinging to me.so determined to climb the stairs!(she's very scared that i'll desert her after she saw me carry another friend's baby and not her,cry and cry,then for the next few days cling to me and don't let anyone else carry..)
IKe does that to hubby every now and then, but he doesnt do that to me
hiks.. and nowadays hubby works at home more than me...

Ike does that yuck look to rambutans unpeelled.. Perhaps u can shape those fruits into fruit cutter the cute cute one? that way it's fun to eat them? maybe shape of flower, a bow, etc?
jete, I have the same problem, except that it's me that Aidan is more sticky to. But I think he's not so bad as after I walk out of the room to get his milk, he'll just scream and cry for a while, my hub would pacify him and after awhile he'll be ok. It seems like Paige is more sticky to her daddy huh.

don't worry abt it lah,books all say that 5 min after the daddy/mummy left the house, the baby will stop the crying like nothing's happened.haha
nin, good idea, think I'll go get those fruit cutter and try.

Ivy, how nice, Shannon likes fruits....sigh. Hope Aidan will grow to like them one day.
My boy will look more for his daddy also. Everytime when he knows he's home ( by his study room lights ), he will roll and crawl out of bed and say 爸爸过来 - very funny and then hor, recently very sticky to his dad and his granny, my mil!

Don't want mummy
Muddypie, I think she's like her dad. My hb love to eat fruits. After each meal, you will see him eating fruits. I'm opposite. Very lazy to eat fruits.
Jete, Shannon's sleeping & mealtime changed. She will have her morning nap at 11am to 12:30pm. Have her lunch at 12:30pm. Afternoon nap at 4pm to 5:30pm. Dinner at 6pm. Nite time at 10pm, wake up at 7am. I'm trying very hard to get her to sleep at 9pm but not successful.
usually paige is more sticky to me leh, maybe she doesnt like me now cos i am forcing her to sleep at night. she has been naughty when it comes to bed time now and daddy being good cop will sit and pat her for hours!!! mommy doesnt have that kind of patience. last night i put her to sleep and she cried, i ignored her. in the end i got her to bed in 40 mins, vs daddy's 2 hours!!! it's so obvious she is naughty cos she will cry if i sit there with her, if i walk away, she rather save her effort and stop crying. i tot she fell asleep, so i walked over. she was lying down already, the moment she heard me, she spring up onto her feet and started crying. so i walked away and stayed away until i made sure she's zzzz.
Tricia used to not take her own bottle den one fine day I told her to hold herself. Den she started holding liao.. i just let her lie in my lap tats all..
mi tryin to get ethan to hold e milk bot himself
but he refuse...

he rather nt to hv e milk den holding e bot..

hehe i like it.the mini bilibo is good as a bath toy cos can use it to scoop water and splash.

enci likes to overturn the big bilibo and then push it all over the house while walking.she invented this herself,very funny

and we will put the big one on our head (with the two holes showing our eyes) and pretend to be da4 tou2 wa3 wa3.and enci will laugh and laugh..haha
haahaa, babies are smart. paige is going to hate the next 3w without daddy. i like fruits but too lazy unless someone cut for me. terrible i know.
Jang: i engaging someone to pump balloons for me, so i don't need your extra tank, tks for offering.

Muddypie: i know why you boy don't like to sit in potty, he loves to WALK! Perhaps next milestone, he wants to peep in standing position, hee hee!

I think kids grow out the phases of preference pretty fast, my boy used to be sticky to daddy but lately towards me.

Can I ask when should i start introducing egg white to my boy? When intro, must i intro solely egg white or i can mix with egg yolk? He is turning 1 in 12 days' time.
hi tiny,
tat time i intro egg wht to my boi
wen he is 1 yr old

i jus give him one teaspoon for him to try
to see whether he got any rashes anot..

den after tat i slowly intro him stream egg
so far he is ok...
my mum bought one for my gal liao

why dun u start egg white after his party.. better not to take the risk which may affect the party, choy choy :p
Tiny voice, yah, Aidan loves to walk, and now, haven't even learn to walk properly, he'starting to run, so everytime tripped and fall. Everyday he'll have a knock on one part of his body, so scary. That's why, no time to come in so often now, have to really keep and eye or follow him wherever he goes.

As for egg white, I gave it to Aidan when he turn 1yo. I just beat the whole egg and add it into his porridge for him.

Glee is right, maybe can give it to him after the party, just to play it safe. I gave it to Aidan few days after his party.
Hi mummies, tks for ur advice re: egg white. Will give him after his party.

pooh_astro: i bought an astro boy paper design lantern for my boy, it is battery operated and has a light bulb in place of candle. hee hee!
i love strawberries....fruit feast? when?

haven buy any lanterns yet leh...haf u?
as for asking ethan to hold his bottle, u try asking him to "help u to hold" den u put his hands on the bottle and let go...try this method..
yeah yeah, i'm sure an night owl (+ panda too) cos it's when i hv my own time when chloe is asleep.
more info on GUG @ www.gugifted.com

we just looked at their bio-data, choosing maid is based on 101% luck.

hi-5, i bought 4 PG cakes today too! was travelling on CTE and the urge came suddenly so simply exit and cheong to buy. heheee..

am still sterilising although i know can stop anytime.

am still using kodomo baby detergent and softener.

since loh and an_gal started, how about shampoo, shower foam and moisturiser? i'm using cebamed shampoo, cetaphil shower foam and cebamed moisturiser. am thinking of changing to cheaper ones like J&J.

counter attack the maid says 'u need to burn passport to them before they can take plane here'.

now that they are 1, u can let them try more food. i let my gal try whatever we eats, home or outside food, except peanuts. yet to dare to try tat.

congrats on ethan's walking!
Oh.. thanks all for ur 'listening ear' when i was feeling fed up about my maid tat night. the next morning, she said sorry to my mum for acting so stubbornly. well, at least she knows she's at fault and understand what i'm saying with my 'half pail water' malay.

yalor.. some more i didn't order the cheaper one with vege/mushroom only. i ordered the one with chicken and ham but asked them to take out the ham cos she dun take pork. end up leh... sigh... maybe their fried rice is realy not nice lor.

usually i'll feed chloe myself and let my maid eat first. when she's done and if chloe is still eating, she will take over and i'll eat.

tat SAHMaid has gone back to phil. current one is new, only 1.5mths with me so i'm still not comfortable leaving her alone at home yet.

ya, i used to ask her noodle or rice then i'll go & buy for her but after a few times, i think it's rather strange for me to do such things for her right? so i passed her money instead and let her choose what she wants to eat if we are in foodcourt or market. usually i'm not tat particular as long as u know ur limit and u can finish ur food but tat day scenario is like shitting on my head le.
hahaa... u made me laugh with ur dream leh. 日有所思,夜有所梦. faintz...
Hmmm... the story about ur maid is exactly the same as my previous one! I send her back in Jul after she finished repaying her loan to me.

i did, i told her off when she kept saying she doesn't want to ta-bao cos she's full. I'm scare of the black magic thingy also so still have my limit when telling her off. Hahaa... Wow.. ur grandma's maid bravo man!

i'll feel bad if we are eating and maid is not. i just hope they know their limits. hahaa... u sure hv good imagination on the missing underwear. me burst out laughing.

she is definitely not a small eater. she could finish one bowl of rice with half BBQ chicken (which she choose herself).

precisely... i agreed with wat u said. i reckon the fried rice is not nice and/or not what she chosen, that's why she dun want to eat more or ta-bao. anyway, most of the time have changed my dining habits from resto to food court, no point wasting such $$$.
i also have similar problems.. kedric will hold the bottle for a while and then he will rely on me to hold the bottle for him.. lazy piggie

hahah can you imagine all of us have a picnic at botanic gardens with durians and strawberries? hahha think we will be in the news. hhaha..we should have a one day chalet for fruit feast.. haha

think 3-6 or 10-1 works for me too.. hehe. okie let me check it out..

is your trial still at 9.15?

maybe coz paige can see you for most of the time thats why she will be especially clingy to daddy?
tats why there is a saying.. daddy ger mah.. hahah.. kedric only wants to cling to me as compared to his daddy. after all i am the cow.. haha

all your pottys sound so cool.. makes me wan to run out and buy one. hahha

kedric is a little oscar.. eats everything haha. but maybe u can cultivate Aidan interest in fruits by bringing him to a supermkt and letting him touch fruits like apple, oranges and when u give him eat the fruit, tell him what it is again and maybe be can relate better?
the fruit cutter is a great idea too

you can try whole egg with mee sua too!
from chomecc

5 slots in for this saturday(6-Sep) class at Great world city 1.15pm - 2.45pm. There are 7 other kids, age ranging from 9 months to 15 months. The class will be 1)free play 2) art and craft - pasting and painting 3) snack time 4) water play/sand play.
Let me know if you will be interested. Trial is $45.

1) chomecc
2) choco
3) ytanhn

chomecc - if no one else from this thread is going, can I reserve 1 slot for my frd who's gal is aug baby too? tks.
hoot hoot... me too.. can surf a bit now that kedric is asleep. tat silly boy is now sleeping at my side of the bed so i cant get to bed. haha.
is GUG good? i rem going in once to enquire and they don't look very friendly. hhehe

i was chatting with my fren about your maid and she went.. maybe the fried rice not halal so she dun dare to finish. but hor, nowadays when u have maid.. you are the maid to the maid.. hehhe

and sure to include ur fren.. rem to email me your details like name, contact and baby full name. think it will be fun with you mummies around. yippee
Hi Chocomec,

I might have missed out on your postings or sth like that. May I know what is this trial about?
As far as I know, GWC only got a babygym rite? Is the trial there?
Any citibank promo? keke.. sorry have been unwell and busy these few days.
from chomecc

5 slots in for this saturday(6-Sep) class at Great world city 1.15pm - 2.45pm. There are 7 other kids, age ranging from 9 months to 15 months. The class will be 1)free play 2) art and craft - pasting and painting 3) snack time 4) water play/sand play.
Let me know if you will be interested. Trial is $45.

1) chomecc
2) ytanhn
3) tek_koh
ytanhn: I don't really like maids. If don't norm see maids eating at restuarants lah cos the food is not halal leh.. heheh
Seriously I think my mil maid stole my hb's undies

Muddypie: not sure leh but cos is a new opening store or something so they have a special

pooh: hmm.. try a few times lor. if ethan hungry sure no choice but to hold himself.
hi rc_cola,
oh dear, i hope you are feeling better now.

no worries, the trial is for busy buddy (under grace kids) and i understand from jang that the activities are similar to JG and playdays.

Citibank promo is only for my gym though.
Thanks for replying me.
It's on saturday, okay will check with hubby if he is available k.

Haha.. i think this unwell condition will continue for sometimes.. on and off flu..
chomecc, my 1st attempt of mee sua don't look very tasty leh, someone else posted a more yummy one in this thread, can't recall who.
for shower foam and shampoo i use any baby brand.. tried Gaia, J&J, Pigeon, Kodomo.. currently using Pigeon shampoo and Kodomo shower foam.

wow, ur maid can eat alot.. better control her b4 it get out of ur hands..
