(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

pooh, is it time to upgrade the nepia to next size? tha time athan was using NB...it always leak as its too small, after we upgraded to size S then ok liao... where did u apply for ur new flat?

lizardess, the one tha hiroshima went was at punggol leh...hehehe :p they have bb massage too...

Geez, hui, youtude is banned too!

Lizardess, your body those liang type ah? Can take so much bu. Keke

Sweet, hahah.. I snack.. maybe that is why still cannot lose that miserable 2kg!

sporty, my mum opp from your mum. my mum dun want to bring my gal out. Say not good for my gal. peng! I am the one who keep nagging at her to 'expose' my gal to the outside world.
sporty: my mum brought her to wet market on stroller twice. but both times she fell asleep soon after leaving e house. so 'technically' she didnt see anyone!? my mum said wil try to bring her to westmall to jalan if she can spare e time lor...
pooh, nepia works fine for my gal so far, didnt experience any leaking

sporty, hehe... yalo dun have the habit but sometimes if at home very bored, i can eat a whole tube of pringles by myself ;p

qiuling, currently robinsons no more sale.. i just went on mon

tano, my sis tried carrying trishelle that way too but somehow trishelle seem to know and will keep tilting her head upwards to see who is carrying her
sy, u used microsoft word to type ur post before u posted eh?? tha's why alot of boxes in ur post...try using notepad...easier...

tano, try to bring her out more lor...at least she wun be scared if she sees crowds...ur mum uses stroller...my mum kei kiang dun want stroller cuz she complained her house too many athan's things/toys...so she always sling athan whenever she's out...and i really admire her for tha...not easy slinging a 8kg bb...sometimes after the weekend, hb and me already having very sng arms...dunno how my mum do it...whhahah :p
MIL upgrade her to L liao leh.. but dun noe why still leak.. not even 7kg now wear L.. hahha
i apply for flats near my MIL lor, infact.. there's a unit just above her.. HDB released all the repurchased flats for this October sector.. But me and hb aimin for a 5rm HDB maisonette which's abt a bus stop away from my PILs
sy, slowly lah.. u will lose the 2kg very soon if u continue BF-ing.. hehehe

same lah, my hb also dun like to bring my gal out, he said that cannot expose to germs?!
i wanna go for e hydrotherapy thingy too!!

hui - isaiah has been like tt for v long liao.. hb n i are officially pandas! haha... papa, mama n bb panda lor! yup, isaiah's head full of hair after we shave him.. e surprising thing is he ws super guai n never cry.. n we took 1 whole hr!! haha

divamama - isaiah does sleep tummy down.. once he cld flip, he only sleeps in tt position leh.. =(
punggol?!?? *faints* forget it.

no leh... mine is heaty type.
that's why i take so much chix essence also never get "heated" up. haha....
i also like to expose my gals to the "world" (shopping centers) outside.. but hb and PILs will nag.. PILs will say.. keep goin out, later kenna sick.. hb will say.. later all become "huay kar".. hahah.. but i dun care them.. once i bring ely to east coast by myself to ride bicycle and play with the sand.. i took pics and show them.. said.. see ur daughter so happy.. much more happy than coopin at home.. kekek
Sporty, should be the GM, I'm a big bag person. THen we can go to Raffles hotel to be put on waiting list?

sy, not slim, is tek ko thin....
talk aby L size diapers.
was thinking if i should upgrade my boy's Pampers Dry to L.
M seems a bit TOO fitting.
then again, Nepia M still fits him well.
My 2yr old niece and 10months old nephew still wearing Pampers M though. ;P
anyone's baby wearing Pampers L already?
sweet, hehe...pringles...at most i take 5 pieces...rem i was saying i can take one yr or mths to finish one tube... :p tell mr sweet tha going out better la...at least trishelle will be immuned to germs... :p

pooh, ohh...trimelle can fit L size nepia liao eh?? i still have 3 packs at home which i haven opened cuz i saw 9kg...ohhh...then i better start letting athan to use once the current M pack finishes...u shd get a maisonette considering tha ur family is "growing" now :p

caitlyn, u sure u wanna go for the hydrotherapy thingy...its like JB distance for u leh...heheh

lizardess, ya lor...its at punggol plaza... :p

divamama, very gian leh :p when u wanna go?? hehehe....btw, where's the location of ur office?
hui , that is the hydrotheraphy on you tube for bb ?
hehe .. can bb really stay in the water for 20 minutes.. hehe .. gg to bring boi for swim once he reach 6 months .. my HOD bring her bb gal for swim at 4 months old to nurture the swimming instinct .. me waiting till 6 months .. MIL says 1.5 years .. haha ...
think i'm gonna bring my boy to swim when he's 6months old.
what is swim diapers har?
sorry abit sua ku here.
how diff issit from normal diapers?
sporty - haha.. u read isaiah's blog? then u sld noe tt my hb calls tt place JB! wahahah.. i just curious lor.. but so far we brought isaiah swimming twice liao.. he seems to enjoy it.. hee..
hui/sy: i also on msn...add me add me.
(i delete in a while's time hor...)

i wan to bring her out more. but my breasts can only tahan 6hrs outside leh! sat if we not too tired, possible. sun after church & visit inlaws, my max liao! must rush hm to pump.

pooh: so fast L size...i find that Leting's legs wil kick kick much more. when to switch them to pull ups? issit really easier? mmm...but cost more.
wah.. both of u still using M ar.. tot u all upgraded to L liao.. dun need to follow the how many Kg.. if it fits snugly, can wear liao.. ely was wearing XXL when she turns 1

bring her out to nearby shopping centers for often 1st then if she's better.. then go further
i still have 3 packs of Nepia M and 3 packs of Pampers M leh.... *alamak*
better stop stocking on M and start buying L already.
then again... now my boy is using 1 pack of diapers a week!
so another 1.5months will finish all the M liao.
how long can your one pack last?
u gals so skinny **envious**
me back to pre-pregnancy weight, but still got 5 kg left from my first pregancy..shd have persisted on total breastfeeding then..shd have been able to lose the 5kg then...

i heard we will put on weight once we stop breastfeeding, and if we dun watch our diet..not sure whether true or not
tell u gals hor, i got the neverful bag. mm size.
was boeing it during confinement, n my sis told me tat it was oos. so i sneaked out to LV boutique one day n luckily still got 2 pieces left, so i bought it without hesitation. no regrets :p
qiuling, think i will bring my boy for swimming next mth when he turns 6 mths old...we cant wait liao...already bought the float... :p

lizardess, swimming diapers is like a diapers for swimming lor, think more water proof?!!...huggies have...talking abt tha...i need to go and buy soon...heheh...one pack of diapers a week? very shiong...at home, my mum will use NTUC one and she will put athan in potty to pee, so at least save abit of $$$

caitlyn, tha's why i say...u wun go punggol one ;p u used swimming diapers for isaiah or the swimming trunks?

tano, why not u pump at ur ILs?? then no need to rush back mah...btw, how many pumps are u doing now?

pooh, nepia M still fit athan pretty well leh...tha's why i haven explored L yet...

divamama, wow...u so onz ah...u are really like...MAI TU LIAO, lets go...hahhha...i dunno whether i can go tonite as i'm still doing my handover work leh...alamak...or maybe shall we call them and ask whether they accept any more orders on their waiting list??

lowja, think u can still lose tha 5kg...glayz also lost her weight from her #1 pregnancy...
yeah, i heard abt the weight gain abt we stop bfing... so far the gals here who have the neverfull always told me "no regrets" ... hahhaha
Neverfull GM
i also keen.
but having 2nd thoughts as i'll most likely use it as "diaper" bag (since so big) when bringing my boy out.
just wondering if the "thin" strap will be uncomfy on our shoulders if we put too heavy stuff?
divamama, ok set...onz
lemme kno...

lizardess, ya lor..heard its good as a diaper bag from j&mum (you can ask her tom during lunch) and bear...
get lor...if they still accept orders...my concern was abt the straps also but dun put so heavy stuffs lor...shd be ok...
sporty: hav to bring her diaper bag v mafan alreadi. stil wanna lug e pump ard on wkends? don wan la...i pump 4x a day nw. btw u all using ameda pump, no need change valves/bellow? mine giving me problems & i cant identify issit valves or bellow or tubings prob. last nite jus scrambled out to get my 3rd set of valves. but then again, mayb not e valves, mayb it's e bellow. when i pump, e milk don flow down into e bottle fast enuff, stuck there.
sporty, u so clever! ya. miscosoft always open mah... notepad i still have to open it.. ahhah... i am just so lazy...
wow athan dun look like 8kg leh! waiting anxiously to bring my gal for her 5-in-1 this fri. Then will get to know her wieght and length. hee

hui, pm u liao...

sweet, my 2kg has been with me since L is 1 month old. I lost 8kg within a month and after that no more.

lizardess, ya ah.. maybe if i drink alternate days, i also can take it :p Pampers L not big meh? My gal wears pamper M like so oversize underware and cos abit big, urine will leak out some times.

pooh, ya... the elders scared bb will fall sick. ride bicycle with ur bb gal? haha.. at least u can cope. so far i have yet to bring my gal out myself..

me too, gona start when my gal turns 6 mths.

tano, add u liao..
sporty, yup! i remembered u mention before that u only take a few pieces of pringles each time.. hehe potato chips is the only 1 snack that i cant resist!

yalo, now he is convinced that we should bring trishelle out more often, or else she will become "mountain tortoise" hahhaha

caitlyn, wow isaiah so early go swimming liao ah! what was his 1st reaction to the cold water? we tried dipping trishelle's feet into the water, she BRAWLED!

pooh, yup we brought her to a nearby mall last sat.. she refuse to sit in the pram (previously she was ok with it) so i carried her throughout that short trip, she was very curious and kept looking ard.. hehehe

lowja, wow is it? i didnt know that we will gain wt after we stop breastfeeding.. so i guess better lose more now and still have "spare" later to fill up whahahhaha
can switch them to pull up when they r more "zai" in walkin ba.. dun need so fast

4 packs of M can last me 1.5mth

trimelle still can wear M but dun noe why MIL say L fits her better.. she wear M still snug one lor.. no redness at all
tano, so far no problems with my pump leh though i did get a pair of valves as stand by

sy, oic.. probably u can try some light exercises?
dun worry, confirm can lose one
my baby also turning 4 months next week but still show no interest to flip.. otherwise she's happy and well..i'm also kinda worried but tell myself not to "kan cheong" coz baby will develop on their own in time.

I've got this indian baby around my neighbourhood.. Whoa! two months plus only can lift head up already..!! Saw the maid carrying baby upright!
sweet: so wanna go westmall tog??? hahaha...bring e mountain tortoises out...

pooh: my hb stocked up 10packs of nepia L liao...& plenty of pigeon wipes. sitting ard in his office, waiting to be used. i wonder if Leting wil use all e 10packs??? she 7.1kg, stil on nepia M comfy. 3.5packs of M left. after e M run out, i duno if she can stil fit M or must go L.

lizardess: if my girl stil can take nepia M when she runs out, i can swop nepia L w u...
all mommies,
you can update your nickname and real name on the discussion board in FB. So, other mommies will know who's who :eek:)
vic_ma, saw ur your blog on 'where is my clothes?' my gal also has black patches on her butt and one small patch on the back of her hand. hmm.. wandering if these patches will disappear..
tano, juz leave the pump in the car lor...so no need to lug ard unless when u need to pump... u also doing 4 times now eh? cannot tahan more than 6 hrs eh? re valves and bellows...i changed valves once already...shd be able to last till end of 6 mths...ur post so cute..."bring mountain tortoise out" ... kekeke...wow...10 packs???

sy, i not clever la...tha time mrs puppet taught us mah :p easier mah...no need to scroll and read...hehehe :p yeah, athan dun look like...but he's ard there liao cuz i weigh him every week one...he's going for his jab next week, then will get to measure and weigh him "officially" ... kekek

lizardess, tom lunch...5 of us
ur bb wipes very big pack meh?? heehee

sweet, ya la...tell ur hb have to bring his baobei out more...at least she will be more adaptable to other environment...

Jang, already updated liao in FB :p
sweet, yeah will put on wt. cos my friend din watch her diet, so fatter ever since she stopped breastfeeding...

me going hk later. 5pm flight. haven packed my luggage yet. thot to show face at my office for a few hours..sigh..new job, so better behave myself first...
tano, sure no prob! ONZ ah

hehe.. i have 11 packs of diapers at home! all M sizes and different brands.. end up trishelle cant fit into 2 packs that i opened so far.. have to rush out to buy drypers & huggies

jang, orh.. ok will go put in my real name there ;p

sy, the black patches u talking bout is it like blue black kind?

sporty, yalo but this weekend cant coz she's taking her jab on sat.. so from next week onwards bah, will bring her out at least once per weekend

haven't been logging in for a few days. mon reports for work at new place, work is picking up, so tink i won't be logging on so frequently anymore. still trying to catch-up with the past few days posting.

hui, congrats to u, jovial got #1. cheers!
