(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Twiggy, hugz... everything will be fine. Must keep postive, k? Don't worry too much, its not good for the baby.

jam, the report has this item - XXx rpm. my gynea explained to me that it is the heartbeat rate of baby..he showed me the magnified pic of the scan and also let me hear the heartbeat.. think diff gynea diff practice

so far visit to gynea very expensive -
scan - $40
consultation - $40
blood test - $80
HCG and Progestorone jabs $130
i have been paying at least $150 each visit..
I am new to this forum. Into my week 6 now. Hoping to get some support here as I am a singaporean living in shanghai.

Doc says due date is in mid June. Still deciding whether to have the baby in Shanghai or Singapore.
Been having bad heartburn and bloatedness and this funny taste in my mouth. Also not much of an appetite. Worse of all, SH food is horrible, very salty and oily. Makes eating experience even more terrible. You guys are much luckier than me, got the laska,
chay kuay teow, carrot cake. Hmmm...
twiggy - must be positive! Jia You!

To all the new gals - welcome!

Hiroshi - thanks for updating the chart. I will be only be able to let you know my EDD at a later stage. But gynae is Dr Heng, ES (same as Char) ... thanks!

Went for my scan last night and saw the sac and heartbeat! Baby is growing well but think i ovulated late so baby is not more than 6 weeks. Got to go again in 2 weeks' time before I know my EDD ... but am glad the little one is well.

Char - Sorry I didn't get to say hello to you cos I dun know which gal is you heehehe ...
oh ya! mentioned to my dr about my terrible/horrible MS and she gave me some medication to take at night before I sleep and today I haven't merlion yet! *touch wood*
hi cary... if u happen to be in the clinic from 7pm, u will notice that there is one guy who was laughing away watching the America funniest home video played on the TV... That guy is my hubby..... :p
hi char - haha really? think i missed that but we did catch a bit of the show as well
when is your next visit to Dr Heng?
Hehe mine is on 30 Oct then if everything goes well, will need to see her once a month (like you)
hi elizebeth,
dun worry liao!! your bb has already got the most important thing in life liao, so u just need to sit back, relax, eat well, rest well and look forward to the next scan...
hi cary,
maybe we can even attend the antenatal class together... i thought of joining after Wk 16....
i am slo looking into attending hypnobirthing class... wonder if anybody heard about it before?any comments?
hi elizebeth,
maybe u can pick up some preggy books from the library that describe the pregnancy week by week? dan at least u can know the progress of bb dan u will also not worry so much lor...
thanks char...will do so
dunno why so paranoid....maybe cos my preggie more difficult..have to jab twice a week and scan weekly..so more worried...but will learn to relax
hi gals,

can i join u gals? i think i tested positive last weekend cos the line is quite faint. but i think should be preggy
cos feeling nauseous lately but no major vomitting or anything.

intro myself, i'm will be a 2nd time mother. my son is 13mth now. hoping to have a gal this time.

EDD:22 Jun (online calculater)
Gynae: Dr LC Lee / KKH

i have not gone to see my gynae yet.... wondering can go see when 2 or 3 mths. now should be 4weeks only. when u gals start to visit gynae?
hi elizabeth,
i totally understand how you feel! esp now that I still can't feel the baby and have relatively minor symptoms, always think dunnoe whether baby is doing well inside or not
my baby also didn't come easy. caitlyn would know what we mean.

but yah, agree with char. reading the book does help. especially when they tell you, it's impossible for you to feel anything at this stage, etc etc

ojx - welcome
yours sounds like a very good age gap. I think those of us who are 1st time MTB sent to see our gynae the moment we see a positive HPT cos' we are more "kan cheong" mah!
Hi ojx, congrats! I think you can go and see when you are 2 months if you are feeling ok in general. Actually no hurry unless you don't feel well. Because this is my 2nd one also, I wanted to visit at week 8 but then I had slight cramps so ended up seeing gynae at week 6 instead just to make sure everything is ok.
Ladies, do you all have to eat supper everynight? Very jia lat leh, have to eat supper before sleeping. Every night, my hubby has to drive out to get soya bean milk... and tonight I ask him to drive to the JollyBean for the peanut pancake.
Hi hi...I also want to join. Just found out that I am pregnant this morning when I go see GP due to stomache. GP says I should be 4 weeks pregnant counting from the 1st day of my last period.
The EDD given by GP should be 23rd June.

GP asked me to visit gynae within a week but I decide to see gynae on my 6th week unless I have spotting problem then I will go earlier.
Hi Mich, hahaha...thanks! So happy to be able to join you here. At least I 'see' someone I know.
Hi all,

Hope I can join in this thread. I am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and EDD is 17th June 2007. Just had a vaginal u/s today and managed to see the sac and yolk

Thank God for that. We are relieved because I had an ectopic miscarriage earlier this year. So seeing the sac ruled out the possibility of ectopic.

Hi Twiggy, stay positive ok? When i couldn't see sac in first pregnancy, was very anxious and it didn't help matters. Why not take beta hcg levels test every 2-3 days to see if the doubling is fine. Its best to detect ectopic early and u can save having a tube or ovary removed.

Take care.
hi gals, i developed flu yesterday and went to see a gp today. only gave me a medicine for running nose and said better not to eat. i felt so horrible today cos my head was splitting, coughing but cant take medication to relieve...it's really tough.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Actual</TD><TD>Gyne</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jam</TD><TD></TD><TD>1/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Teo</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char5105</TD><TD></TD><TD>3/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Heng</TD><TD>ES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hiroshima</TD><TD></TD><TD>4/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chris Chong</TD><TD>GlenE </TD></TR><TR><TD>Caitlyn</TD><TD></TD><TD>4/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chua Yang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jellybeans</TD><TD></TD><TD>6/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Loke</TD><TD>ES </TD></TR><TR><TD>PingPing</TD><TD></TD><TD>6/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Kee Wei Heong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mich</TD><TD></TD><TD>8/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr HK Ho</TD><TD>MA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD></TD><TD>8/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Fong</TD><TD>GlenE </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lin</TD><TD></TD><TD>17/6</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ojx</TD><TD></TD><TD>22/6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr LC Lee</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bear</TD><TD></TD><TD>23/6</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Moomoo</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cary</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Heng</TD><TD>ES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vivien</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cynthia Lee</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cynder</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yew Chew Ring</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Minne</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Twiggy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ann</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Christine</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>
hi jam hi mich! thanks for the welcome! although last pregnancy was like not too long ago but still i forgot some things liao....

yah i think i will go see gynae at 2mths. no need to go so early, can save some $$ :D

mich, at least ur supper is healthy supper lor, soya bean healthy wat. somemore got calcium which we would need alot now.

for me so far never crave for supper cos i have my dinner at 10pm!!! hubby came back late mah...
welcome bear, lin, ojx

jam, exactly! think those who graduated from ttc thread to this thread will understand...

hiroshi, thanks for updating table

i have no cravings but been eating all the food that i never like eg. fishball, milo and avoiding all the food i used to like...generally not much appetite..weird taste in the mouth...just feel like sleeping all day long..anyone feels the same?
hi elizabeth,

today is another 'normal' day for me. don't feel anything and yah lor, keep looking at the calendar to see when my next scan will be so that i'll be sure baby is alright

i don't have cravings either (maybe because I also have dinner close to 10pm when hubby is back). but i used to be ok with having anything for dinner. now very particular, sometimes don't want too soupy things, sometimes don't want too salty, sometimes don't want it too dry. like last night, couldn't imagine myself eating anything except for fried rice and KFC!

i was feeling very tired for the past few days also. but decided to force myself to sleep for at least 8 hours now. feeling much better today.
char - sure! the annenatal classes will be at East Shore? Never heard of hypnobirthing class - what is it?

ojx, bear and lin - welcome!!! :D

Elizabeth - yes reading up helps
and try to keep a relaxed mind, good for baby as well
me also got weird taste in my mouth, and no appetite and yes, how I wish I dun have to work and can stay at home to sleep all day long hehe

jam - i also had cravings for KFC haha
hi jam, today's normal for me too
only a little nausea and weird taste in mouth. my next scan is on coming monday..cos of dipping prosterone level i had to jab twice a week and blood test next week.. when is your next scan? how many weeks now?

i cant eat fried stuff...thot of it scares me...prefer soupy stuff..have trouble sleeping at nite..always thinking if i sleep on my stomach, will it hurt bb..

let's keep each other in prayers...
Hi ladies,
i hv a brand new Pigeon manual breast pump for sale at $90.
The set includes:
1.Manual Breast Pump
2.Peristatic Nipple (standard neck type)
3.Nursing bottles (2 bottles, 150ml)
4.Adaptor for wide neck bottle
5.Breast Pad (2 pcs)
6.CD ROM for introduction to your breast pump.

all are brand new and still inside the box with another box of breast pad (42 pcs).

email: [email protected]

hi hiroshi,

thanks for updating the chart. yup info correct. my gynae is Dr E Chua at TMC.

hi elizabeth, hi cary
thanks for welcome

elizabeth, my next scan is also next Mon.

hi cynder,

i am having a bit of flu too. nose very sensitive will have runny nose if irritated by dust

i also have craving for kfc hahaha. but can't eat fried food now yeah?

take care all
hi elizabeth,

so envious! I have to wait till next Friday for my next scan. I should be 8 weeks by this Friday.

I also had trouble sleeping at night last week. but sleep like a pig these few days after I eat more for dinner. my husband also scolds me for tossing and turning in the bed. he says i must remember i have a bb in my stomach now!

my doc never checked my hormones level when i go see him leh. i'm also a bit worried cos' i was suffering from hormonal imbalance before i conceived. dunnoe whether now my hormone level is ok already for baby to grow. ok, i ask him next week.

now every lunch / dinner is a headache for me. have to think what I want to eat (or what I don't want to eat) and what is healthy for the bb. so even if i eat KFC now, i'll try not to eat the skin

yup, will keep you in prayers. don't worry, monday very fast lah. look forward to hearing your good news.
hi lin,

I used to see Dr E Chua too! but because of some reasons before I conceived, decided to switch to my gynae now. I did consider going back to Dr E Chua mainly because she is so assuring and her clinic is so nice and roomy. the nurses are very friendly too (though always have to wait very long). but decided against it in the end since we are already quite comfortable with this gynae.

btw, why cannot eat fried food?
I have a craving for that (or rather, I don't mind that) because my mouth has been feeling tasteless...
hi Jam,

i am also having trouble sleeping thru the night. i would sleep early coz tired but wake up in the middle of the night to toss and turn.

i think fast food restaurants use those unhealthy oil for frying so better stick to healthy and balanced diet now for baby.

Yeah, Dr E Chua is a long wait for every appt! She saw me thru my miscarriage previously so decided to stick to her.

U also delivering at TMC.
Which clinic is Dr Teo from?
Hi Hiroshi, thanks for updating. Its correct for now.

You all got cravings ah? Maybe I am in my early stage of pregnancy so I don't feel like eating. I do feel hungry and I can eat but I have problem when I think of eating.
Hi Lin, welcome!

Cynder, if you really don't feel good, maybe go see your gynae at least he will give you medicine that you can eat. I guess the GP can't be sure so cannot take the risk of advising you.

Jam, wah you can wait till 10pm to eat dinner? If I don't eat by 7pm, will faint liao. Stomach growling and then nausea will show up too.
Hi Lin,
My gynae has his own clinic at Balestier Plaza. He delivers at TMC or Mt A. But think i've grown to like TMC from the days I used to visit Dr E Chua.

Hi Mich,
I also feel hungry by abt 7pm. So last night I was eating biscuits while waiting for him at the same time. Surprisingly, though I thought my appetite was not good, I could still finsih the whole plate of fried rice by myself after that!
Hi Bear, I think later on your appetite will grow better
I don't have cravings, its just that I have to eat to prevent the stomach from being empty and to keep away the nausea.

Hi Jam, I feel full and hungry at the same time, its very weird. Although only a little hungry, as I eat, I can just keep going and going, like a bottomless pit. Like that how not to put on weight? Sigh.
Elizabeth, I also feel like sleeping all day long also... have to take 1 nap in morning, 1 nap in the afternoon. Like a baby like that. Aiyoh.
Yah, Mich - like my lunch now, really didn't don't what to buy cos' not feel like eating anything. but the moment i start, i can eat and eat and eat! my mum asked how come I have a bulging tummy so fast. i told her it's because I have been eating non-stop.
back from lunch...so ZZzz

any MTB started buying bb clothings? I have been attempted many times to buy those cute jumpers...and gave in to temptation..hee...
wow.... think i'll first shop for maternity clothes. my skirt feels like it's gonna burst any time after lunch now!
Hi All,

I am 6 weeks pregnant and EDD is 6th June 2007. Managed to see the sac &amp; baby heart.

I am also a SAHM. Now experiencing nausea, no appetite.

Have all of you start wearing maternity clothes already? I cant fit in almost 80% of my existing clothings already. So sad...

Take care.
hi redrain:welcome!

i dun think i will be wearing maternity clothes yet. i lost 2kg due to all the morning sickness and loss of appetitie

welcome redrain

hi lin &amp; Jam, i can still wear my clothes cos i bought them slightly bigger last time...but normal bra makes me uncomfortable..now wearing maternity bra...bought from mothercare..any other good brands to recommend?
