(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

gd mrning mummies

Has been so buzi for the past wks .. so never log in.. hope everyone is gd

Hi Lin- wat happen to u & Gabriel ?

first i had problems differentiating between pooh and sweet now its trimelle and trishelle.
Getting old. Thousand apologies.
Good morning..

Quiling, glad that u, dh and mickey are fine...

Lin, i think it's a falling sick season loh..

I'm praying it doesn't rain this evening.. DH and me are supposed to go swimming after work..
vic_ma, trishelle is well again
thanks goodness, got us all so worried

sporty, ya that's wat we plan to do when we eventually shift her to sleep on mattress..

lin, oh dear now gabriel's turn to feel unwell. u keep mointoring him ya.. hope that gabriel is all right
Morning Ladies!!

great to hear AThan recover!

i understand how terrfic u r co when i preg with Jovial i also had a very bad accident..Gald that u n bb is fine.

take care ya.. Gabriel will be fine
Bear, ha ha, I had visions of joshua chowing down the WHOLE piece on his own
good leh if he likes bread, more variety of things to feed him.

Quiling, oh dear, so glad that you and hubby and mickey is ok. Please take care.

Lin, hope gabriel recovers soon.

Sweet, think u may have to get 2 bedrails and line them up and maybe that will help?
Sweet, yes..the cheese I bought is savory cheese bits.

Pooh, I bought the savory cheese bits and vanila flavour. I dare not let Joshua try the rest.

Quiling, glad that you and hb are fine. You better don't drive so often lah.

Mich, Joshua seems to let to eat things which he can gum leh..
Bear, the savory cheese is laughing cow? I like to eat it myself hee hee... but quite expensive I find. Oh my hubby also fed Joy with the adult cereal softened in milk also... i think that's another alternative?
morning ladies

im oso quite picky in giving food to emmanuel... oso afraid he mite develope savory n sweet tooth on food... so try to give as bland as its natural taste as possible...

peifu tt u gals can study n look aft bb n work for pinkz... me now taking some tests oso find it difficult to find time to study cant imagine if realy take those academic course...

emmanuel oso getting out of hands soon... he will try to ways n means to get things tt caught his eyes... cant deviate him w other things... eg he like to touch d plugs, u distract him, he will like entertain u awhile den move towards the plug again... tt day told him to b careful, he will knock his head on d wall, he purposely knock on d wall like to chk whether really painful anot n do it a few times... silly boy rite...

ya my sil oso got it fm her collegues... cos a few of them tried to ballot... den happen one of them prefer another date for the chalet so let off d unit for my sil... otherwise tink i mite nid to place it at hse dwnstr foyer hahahah...

glad tt trishelle is well again...

phew! glad tt all are fine... take care n rest well... congrats on ur mickey...

athan really looks v active n happy despite d chic pox... hahahah good oso lah... not whiny or else v sian oso...
din cya for a while in church... tink tt sunday u brgt serene to d n12 isit? oni saw ur hb w joy...

take care n hope gabriel recovers soon...
i cant make it for tonite's makan too... or isit still on?

Makan session in Apr...
Date : 14 Apr (Mon)
Venue : TBC

1. cary
2. Irene
3. char
4. ros
5. caitlyn
6. Sharon
Hi powerpuffs, for 2 weeks, I was with Serene in N3 and yesterday was David's turn to accompany her and I was sitting behind Hall 10 but didn't see you. Hopefully Serene can attend N3 by herself soon! Were you in church yesterday.
ytd i went but sat inside... din bring emmanuel out coz aft svc went bb hyperstore wana get new carseat but no stock... oso we went for facial...
afternoon all..

just back frm dr's again.. gastric flu again.. 2nd time in 2 weeks.. something wrong with my tummy lor..'

i also wun be able to make it for tonite's dinner.. dun think it's on rite? since venue not decided?

qiuling - glad to hear tt everyone is okie.. take care
powerpuffs - i also dunno leh.. seems like this mei mei v fussy with food.. i dunno how many times gastric flu this preg liao lor.. n also seemed to hv developed gastric problems
dear all

lin, pray u and gabriel be fine
rest up when possible.

quiling. ya, agree w bear, better dun drive too much, and really glad all is safe .

brought dylan for allergy skin prick test last sat, he is highly allergic to eggs and mildly to dust mites...sian. so must clean house like siao.. hahaha. went down to allercare to buy their dust mite spray adn anti dust mite pillowcover. spend so much again. oh yes, if allergic to eggs, cannot take flu jab, so had to unorder the flu jab at the clinic...

can anyone recc any antiseptic wet wipes? i bought the dettol ones, but so soapy!!!!not suitable for baby rite>

we leaving for hk next fri...so must get ready, gonna lug the slow cooker there too. wahahha.

talking about getting out of hands! DYLAN IS OUTTA HANDS! he screams nowadays and if we disallow him to do stg, he babbles away as if complaining about us. bababalalalalnenenene like a small adult. smack him, and he gives a nottie face! just last yesterday morning he cried a full half an hour before sleeping ....i was soooo fed up, i just left him there to cry while i brush my teeth. cause no matter how i pacified him, he din wanna stop. put dental gel also no use.guess he was over stimulated. in the end. bo pian, brought him outta room to cool down a bit and let maid sayang. then i asked maid to make him sleep cause my tuition kid had arrived.
sm preggies do experience gastric prob... just gotta take care n eat less oily food n meat, more veg n fruit n fish for better digestion... of cos if appetite permits... sm with smell of fish wana puke liao...

allergy to egg.. den dylan cant take d mmr yet rite?... tt time went polyclinic d nurse did mention if allergy to egg cant take mmr cos mmr jab got ingred similar to egg white so if allergy cant take till cleared...

emmanuel will oso cry n scream if din get his way... beat them n scold they cant really ustd too... n we cant always give in... tink can oni let them cry n know tt they cant ve their ways as they want...
no lei, powerpuffs, i asked 2 pd if mmr is related to eggs, they say not related.. but pd told me to try giving egg again when 18 mths, cause the allergy tends to wear off when older..
hey gals..
hope all have been well.
Haven log in for few days..
Sam down with fever for the first time. started since friday and he kept waking up at night crying non stop..
This morning 6plus fever 38.8 so decided to bring him to see doc. Its throat infection and also ear drums are red and sore. Put on antibiotics for a week.. and gotta drown him with 4 diff types of medications.. heartache..
: (
powerpuffs, ya she's finally well and happy again

caitlyn, do rest well. so how was isaiah's reaction to your ai xin lunch on sat? hehe

elaine, dylan is allergic to the whole egg or just the egg white? i also heard that if allergic to eggs, cannot take mmr leh

btw gals, there's a toy fair at Leisure Park, Kallang. hb just went this morning but he said that it's relatively small and more boy toys than girls' toys
powerpuffs, so you let bb cry? but what if keep cryin? dylan the hot headed kind will fight with you till u surrender.
if i give in last minute it is worse.
at times really have to let him cry n i cool down... sometimes he will stop when i just keep quiet n ignore him... if alone with him will crawl to me den i tell him nicely n we do other things instead... or if hb ard he will take ovr n talk to boy... but oso nid to c if he really cry non stop oso cant leave him thr for too long just carry him n walk ard...

me n hb oni lah... how to bring emmanuel along... my mum at my pl to look aft him...
i juz "dig" with the cotton bud lor.. like adult. then Jovial like there like very shiok..he wun move and enjoy somemore after that he will flip to the other side for u to "dig"
hui, but if u dig with cotton bud, can u actually see the ear wax? coz i was worried whether will dig too far in or if too shallow, whether can get anything out anot.. coz recently, trishelle kept poking her index fingers into her ear, like very itchy like tat hehehe
powerpuffs, wow 1st time i heard of this method! what type of olive oil do u get? and by the side, u mean the side of the ear hole? u dun drop it direclty into his ear?
any olive oil.. i bgt d lightest one not so oily heehee... or bb oil oso can... ya i put at d side let it drip dwn in their ear hole... if direct i duno of they feel d sudden blocked... even for adult oso more advisable to do so rather than using cotton buds... cos d last time he kept rubbing his ear we tot got someting inside his ear brt him to c gp... d gp told us to do it tis way n not dig...

Ear wax, hubby use those metal thingy to dig it out for the kids. My kids ear wax is the dry kind. If it's oily kind, need to use the buds. The other day, grace got 1 huge huge piece in her ear. it was like 2cm long and a FAT one. haha...
Jovial also.. keep digging ears and i got to clean his hand fast coz te next thing he did is to put into mouth..dirty boy! His ear wax is wet ones not try ones so i use cotton bud everything come out.
hello ladies
went to work today and got chased.. haha.. my boss asked me if i can tahan anot and told me i can go home anytime i want when it's only 1030am.. but i managed to "tong" til my offical knock-off time.. hehe
after which, i went to my boss and asked for tml's roster.. but my boss say she ain't going to let me work tml onwards liao.. haha

today got alot of hardenings and "sgn sgn" feelings but i think it's most probably due to the excessive walking
pooh why dont stay at home - for me i will scared cos the baby head already near birth canal - walking so much now will rub the head more or not ar?
vic ma
for me, i not scared la.. the delivery suite is just a step away from where i'm working

my boss also bo chup already coz she tender liao.. counting down to her last day.. heh
wa! sng mom 2 cm! you must hafta felt real shiok when you saw the bigbig ear wax. i have an obsession w dylan's ear wax, always like to clean for him lol.. then when i see the pieces falling out, i feel so darn happy. hehhehehe.

sweet, or you can try vitakids, they have some lotion for ear wax to come out. made of herbs. very safe.

elaine, u share the same 'habit' as me ar.. hee.. i also like to see bigbig earwax... hee.. but i dun dare to dig for jerral yet leh.. nw i help hb to dig his.. heehee..

ok.. cya gals.. i am gg hm le.. :p
