(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Yoji, I dun intend to tell my work mates, cos they are more to the gossiping type. So, I will let nature takes its course in my wk environment.

Wat brand multi-vits is yours?? Mine is ABBOTT IBERIC FOLIC. It just hv a funny strawberry smell leh. But yours same shape as mine leh. Wat colour is it??

morning mommies.....

Tired tired today. Woke up at 5am this morning and cant get back to sleep after that. Lagi sian. I also cannot resist cold drink nowsaday leh. Sometimes I even crave for coke. But i normally drink half a cup of coke lite only. Dun dare to drink much.

I actually din self announce abt preggie. I think I will only admit when ppl ask. And I think soon ppl will start asking cos need to wear maternity wear very soon. I am running out of clothes to wear these days.
morning ladies.
a busy monday for me after on leaves for a week...today is better day.

i have told my mgr and my team members yesterday... i think it is the time. but, i didn't announce to friends other then my team members.
my gynae has precribed me multi vit+fish oil, just swallow it. the multi vit is pinkish in color.

i put on weight 2kg... 1kg more then the ideal weight gain. really don't know how to control the appetite.
morning ladies,
this thread is still very fast paced

back to work already?

sometimes, I feel that the MS got worse when I need to go work. Over weekend seems better. Dunno if it is because of more rest?

initially only tell parents, in-laws, boss.. and a few close friends.. then later a lot of colleagues also know cos I look very sick in the initial stage and plus I always go toilet to vomit.. so I guess news spread lor.. and also I was on 2 week MC..guess can't keep it a secret..
think now also cannot hide, cos I always wear baggy tops and pants. Look fat leh...
Kris, hee, at 1st also I feel like telling some other close frens, but I thought sooner or later they will know. So just leave it 1st. Then, there are so many things to plan ahead also, so didnt thought of announcement lor..
How are you feeling today?
Ziying, I guess we are just too sian to go wk. Im like carrying my legs to office every weekday. Wats more, already feel like quitting liao, but cant, so more sian...

Biscuit, I put on 1 kg oni. I was worried issit I ate too little..

Morning Icy. I also feel like drinking Pepsi Twist! But I dun dare leh.
hi yoyo,
I also notice that. After I eat porridge, I feel nauseaous. Funny leh? I tot porridege is easy to digest?

hi Icy Queen,
actually I also sth like u. Din really announce. only say when pple asked..I also always wake up in the middle of the nite to go toilet then after that had a hard time getting to sleep.. then always not enough sleep...sian..

hi Bridget,
u on leave ah? good hor. I nt enough leave *sob*
how much weight shld we put on per mth then shld be consider healthy har?
my multivit also damn big. so sian when i think of taking it. i seldom take it because it gives me constipation. my gynae told me to take on alternate days but i think i only take when i pluck up enough courage to swallow.

i only announced to family and close friends but not to colleagues but i think some can tell from my big tummy. they probably don dare to ask in case i'm just fast instead of preggie.

i no tips in gaining weight leh. i wish i don gain so fast because now everyone can tell that i am fat. sigh. my last pregnancy i also became so fat! i hate that look.

my mom also said the same. i know must eat well but hor, normal meals i no appetite but i eat a lot of snacks. i have gastric pain so i eat whenever i am hungry. also, i realise i will feel nauseous when i am hungry so all the more i force myself to eat some snacks.

that means i am 2kg above ideal weight gain. cham ah. the weight gain will accelerate in 2nd and 3rd trim, i better watch my weight. rapid weight gain is no good and may result in complication, i scare scare.

At first I also dun dare to drink. But the more I think abt it, the more I crave, so end up I decided to give myself a treat and just drink. Dont care. Tell you, after drinking I feel so shiok and happy. And surprisely dat day, I din vomit. So I thought its good to just give in the the craving once in a while. Anyway, read somewhere that for the caffine, 6 cans of coke is equal to 1 cup of coffee. So as long as I stay far far away from coffee....kekeke.

I din put on any weight till now leh. But heard alot of ppl say its quite common not to put on weight in the 1st trim.
Yeah lor, Ziying. Im suspecting maybe cos of the wind in porridge. Cos when pple cook porridge will tend to stir mah, so accidentally stir in the air.
Icy, I admire yr courage> I still dun dare to drink...
Uhmmm, maybe later stage lah, I might give in to the temptation..
Hi gals,
I'm in a dilemma...seriously need some advice here. I actually seen my gyne last sat, everything is ok, baby is growing fine. I asked my gyne for genetic counselling and requested for 1st trimester test (which is the NT scan and blood test) However my gynae asked me why I want to do it and doesn't seem very encouraging...I was pretty upset after seeing him that day...Did any of u encounter this kinda problem? Should I change my gyne?
hi yoyo,

I also took coke or gassy drinks once a while, its really very shiok esp on hot days but normally i took a few sips from my hubby drink as he likes to drink coke.........most of the time i took fruit juice or lime juice....

hi Karen,

actually i scared got bacteria in the ham, so normally i will wash the ham first then apply the honey then steam :p heee....last time i used to buy honey ham but becos i washed it with water, then the honey on the ham also washed away, so i apply honey on the ham again heee :p, then steam
hi gal,
knottsy suggest applying honey on ham and put it to steam, will like to try her method. :p

usually most gynae will encourage the NT scan and Oscar test, as these 2 tests has a high percent of accurately for Down Syndrome. Maybe u like to talk to your gynae again?
I've talked to him abt it....That's why he asked me what is my plan if the results is high or low risk cos he said low risk doesn't mean no risk. So will I still continue with amnio and put my baby through risk....
hi Sherl,

did ur gynae tell u about other tests besides this NT Scan and blood test?

My gynae told me the following:
12th week: can do oscar test includes blood test and NT scan (measure bb's neck thickness)(test for down syndrome) 90% accurate cost 300 plus

or can take triple test (70% accurate on down syndrome) but can only take on wk 16th, cost about 100 plus

then on wk 20th, will have a NT scan (this is to make sure bb's everything is formed okay), think cost 100 also

my gynae told me since i am only 27 years old, so the chances of bb getting down syndrome not so high, so can opt for triple test but can only be done wk 16, and 2 years ago, oscar test is not here yet...as oscar test is very new and 90% accurate, tat's why cost 300 plus

i still thinking which test should i take, oscar or triple.........

then if the test for bb's down syndrome is positive, normally, gynae will have no choice to take another test which is the amino test (forgot the name), she says its to take the "water" from the foetus (which is a very dangerous method as can cause miscarriage)
Knottsy, Yeah lor. Esp now the weather rather hot now, when we lunch out. I hv the ribena wz me now, so I will drink once I feel disgusted (MS) in office. Cramps came back again, on and off. Now, am like used to the cramps liao.

Sherl, I've done my NT Scan at 11wk+ also. How old are you? Maybe yr gynae thinks its not necessary. But I feel that you should explain to him your concerns. If he understands, he will do it for you. However, if you feel uncomfortable seeing him, then I suggest you change gynae. Cos I feel that most impt is you're comfortable wz your gynae so that you can entrust "yourself" to him/her for the next couple of months...

How are you feeling now? Where is Douglas Ong practising?
yes he explained to me but he also said something which really made me very sad...he said for the 1st 3 months i tried my best to protect the baby and why now I only keep thinking of doing test to kill the baby...I felt so cruel...He said sometimes not good to be too kan cheong and paranoid...How???
hi gal,

I think should be okay to eat ham? since its at least steamed, so it will be hot and kill off bacteria already?

actually even before i am pregnant, i dun take cold ham, scared bacteria too, so i even washed the ham, then prepare the steamer, and steam the ham

i also dun dare take sushi even though some sushi are cooked but its still being made by human hands :p, and i got diaherrea once when i took cooked sushi from supermarket (tat's before i pregnant, so now dun even dare to take) but i took mayo esp when i take burger :p

cannot take mayo also?
Hi knottsy,
I was told not to take mayo cause got raw egg inside while preparing.

Seems a lot of people doing OSCAR. I am doing NT scan this coming thursday as well.. Nervous... Next week all results will be known.

yah, i think seems like having ribena in office is quite common for us pregnant women heee:p
i saw my colleague also put one bottle of concentrated ribena in the fridge and when she feels like drinking, she will mix the ribena with water.......but i dun want to bring ribena in now, becos i not yet announced my pregnancy to my office colleagues not even boss .....still waiting after my next appt on wk 13 then i announce.......now on wk 11 (2 more weeks to go)
Knottsy, I just did the NT Scan and Blood Test, also costs me 300plus leh.. So heartpain. Plus the med and consultation, I paid 400plus yesterday.. Sobs. When will you know your results?
Hi Everyone,

I've been browsing thru this thread occasionally but have not posted till now.

I'm about 11 weeks now but for the past 1 week, I've been feeling negative and scare that I've lost my baby. I never experience MS before in my past pregnancies so that's y. The reason why I'm feeling so negative is, I find that I've not been waking up in the middle of the night to visit the loo like I used to in the initial past few weeks. I stopped about a week or so ago. It shouldnt be right cos baby should be growing and adding pressure to my bladder right? I also find that my navel is sinking inwards rather than popping outwards. I'm really very scare that something bad had happened and my appt is tomorrow. I really pray hard that nothing bad has happened.
hi gal,

oops mayo got raw egg????
, i dunno about it....okay i think i better not take mayo, hmm then when i want to eat burger, maybe ask them not to put mayo....
Hi Sherl,

Just to share with you, I did my NT scan 2 weeks ago too and my doc told me the NT test was good. So no need to do the amino... test. But he told me I can still opt for the triple test if I want at week 16. I actually ask him do I need the triple test and he told me its up to me and my husband really. He cannot decide for me. I read the brouchure on the triple test and decided not to take the test. Actually I have already decided not to take the test prior to the visit. Guess the test is more of indicative and not accurate. So wondering whats the point of taking the test. I think it is impt that I trust my doc when he say the NT scan is good and thats is all I need to know.

Gals, I just finished 1 big bottle of the ribena light concentrated drink. Need to go buy the ribena again. Think this time round I will place it in the office.
knottsy and icy queen,
me too cannot resist coke. I keep telling myself not to take it but then still cannot refrain from temptations. I try to limit myself to max 1 can per day. The feeling so shiok le.

My gynae also advised me to take tripe blood test. she advised to enrol for prenatal classes only after 20th week and then my lesson can start in mar or april next year.
hi Sherl,

if ur gynae not understanding and u feel uncomfortable with him, think better change gynae soon....else worried u will not be happy and it will affect bb too loh....must be a happy mommy then bb will be happy, that's what my colleague everytime tell me heee :p

my appt with my gynae almost 1 hour for my first visit and 2nd visit....she is very patient in explaining to me and comforting me, at least i felt assured and not so worried.....i also the worried and kan cheong type but she still explained all i want to know clearly

she even give me her email address if i have any queries, so since i am those worried type, i emailed her quite often :p heee, then my hubby says i keep disturbing my gynae

personally i think maybe u may want to go for blood test and nt scan? and see the results first? actually personally i dun recommend amino test unless no choice becos when my gynae told me got risk of miscarriage i got scared

hi yoyo,

i not go for any test yet....i still deciding which to go, oscar or triple test.......hmmm, i got to decide before my wk 13 appt .....
wow, it seems everyone is drinking ribena and I am one of them too
Water is just tasteless.

However, I do wonder if it will be too sweet for us and then down the track will have gestational diabetes (which happens for preggie ladies and popular in week 26-30)

Hi Knottsy,
So if we do oscar then don't have to do triple test? or do we have to do both?

I plan to tell everyone at work when I am like week 14 cause it's still not showing for me so I assume the later the better.
i heard abt the claiming from medisave also but think there is a max though.

So have you sign up the package with Dr Joycelyn Wong?
gal, if you do oscar then no need to do triple blood test.

I heard that oscar is quite new so that why more ex but supposed to be 90% accurate whereas triple blood test is 70% and thus cheaper. So my gynae suggest that if the mum to be is not in the high risk grp then triple blood test is sufficient but she will not refrain the couple if they insist on oscar
Hi Knottsy,

I don't feel bloated after meals (in fact, not much appetite), no pains, no spotting but just slight backache (lower back). I've been telling myself not to feel so negative and just have to be prepared for the worse tomorrow. So scare that I wont be able to see the heartbeat tomorrow.
hi jesmine,

my last week appt with Dr Joycelyn was only wk 10
, they dun allow me to sign up package
, so cost another 100 plus for the appt....but i will keep all the receipts to claim medisave

yah my colleague only told me to keep all receipts and when delivery at TMC just need to pass all the receipts to the nurse i think and they will settle the medisave thing for us.

my next appt will be on my wk 13, so i will be signing up the package hee so will be cheaper :p
but i am wondering if i sign up for the FBI program will there be discount on the package too...not sure leh........i only know will have discount on the oscar or triple test and those antenatal class.

u sign up for the package already?

Cheer up...think your concern is universal for all mummies. On the other hand, your gynae 's comment has also been sttg dat i was pondering about recently. Cos all these tests really bring lots of stress to us and worse they r not diagnostic thus causing undue worries to us. Many results r also false positive . Did my OSCAR test yesterday, though NT scan is good, i m still worried like shit about the blood test result. But I think all these emotional upheaval comes bundle wif motherhood. We jux have to take it as it comes. Suggest that u discuss wif your hb and choose a course that u r most comfy wif.


I also experienced giddiness during last few wks. U take care hor...maybe take cab fr a few days until your giddiness gets better.
celia... don't worry too much.

I am 13 weeks now. I don't have ms, i experienced frequent visits to the toilets abt few weeks back and now abt only 1 visit per night and my navel is also sinking inwards.
I have already signed up with the FBI program a few weeks back during the Citibank promo. I signed the package after week 11.

No extra discount on package but on delivery fees and those that you mentioned lo.
hi gal,

yah as what Jesmine mentioned, if u do oscar test (blood and NT scan (take bb's neck measurement), then no need to do triple test (only blood test), that's why 70% accurate as no NT scan.

Then if i remember correctly there will be another NT scan on wk 20, this is different, not to test for down syndrome but to make sure bb's everything, legs, hands, fingers, etc etc are formed okay

the NT test in the oscar test for the neck measurement can only be done on wk 12 where its the most accurate loh.
That's why it's a dilemma...cos I also think he has a point...sigh...I think I'll just take whatever that comes along...and try not to be too stressed out lor...Thanks.
Knottsy, the expenses can oni claim $450 Max nia. So ngiao leh. Haz, and this $450 can oni claim from visits starting from wk16, I think. Sth like that. Then the delivery charges separate claim. But I alrdy spend so much on the normal consultation and tests liao.

I think mine maybe under Oscar Test, cos it includes blood test and so expensive. I guess I will feel more assured in a sense lah. See which one you are more comfortable with.
Wat do u think?

Yoji, I also just started on ribena. Cos I realized every after meals, I drink water, I feel v bland and wanna puke liao. So switch to ribena. Hopefully will curb the MS.

Celia, I read somewhere on the web - every woman is diff when they are preggie. Some hv many symptoms that lasted oni 3 months, some lasted the whole preg, some dun even hv any symptoms, like my fren like that. But she went on smoothly and hv a healthy daughter who is coming to 5 this yr. I understand how u feel. Sometimes I also dun hv symptoms all of a sudden, like boobs not pain anymore, no cramps, no MS all of a sudden for that day, and so on.

Impt thing is dun worry and must be positive, if not will affect bb development. Im also v paranoid yesterday before I saw my gynae yesterday. So now, I tell myself I must be a happy MTB so tat bb will be happy also.

think gestational diabetes got nothing to do wif consuming too much sweet stuff. I had GD during last preg and dietician said maybe due to family history and as pregnancy advancemy, my body's incapabiilty of producing more insulin to meet the higher demands to break down the glucose level .
Kono, I felt like v light-headed tis morning, so I looked everywhere to buy a packet of ribena. Surprisingly, 7-11 dun have?? I bot at Cheers instead. Then, I drank few mouths while walking to work, so shiok and satisfied and the light-headedness gone liao.

How do u handle yr giddiness?

Week 20 then we do the detailed scan to ensure bb everything is fine.
Which week can we know the gender of the baby then?
