(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Me start telling my col this week, my week15. Actually din announce also but if someone ask me, I will not deny lor. Will def say yes, I am pregnant. I think its a good news leh, no need to hide mah. My col see me drink milk and soya bean drink every morning, more or less can guess also.

hi ezann,

thanks...i hope to hear from them soon as well.. wait till neck long long liao. at least if they can't match my package, also let me know right... so that i can stop waiting...

hi ice queen,

when is ur next checkup with Dr Chan? shd be signing the package liao at wk16 hor? he said he will do triple test for me at wk 16.

btw ladies, do u all plan to buy something expensive and u really desire to pamper yourself during the pregnancy? at least... give ourselves a nice nice reward?

Gng nx monday. Yup, will sign up the package nx visit. I am not going to do the triple test, but will be the blood profile test and the thalamisse(not sure correct spelling) test.

I think for now I just wanna save $ for bb...kekek....1st b wanna give him/her the best. Don't think I wanna buy anythin ex to pamper myself.
hi ice queen,

oic, i dunno leh... when i ask dr chan abt oscar test, then he told me wk16 will do blood test and will be triple test...what's blood profile test?

so nice of u... i very sianz now and really feel like buying something to cheer myself up... do u ladies have such feelings ? i saw this chopard watch and have been eying for it.. but now broke coz my wedding anniversary is tmr... thinkg of buying omega seamaster for hb... any recommendation what to buy for hb for anniversary gift?
Last night, I heard 4 knocks on the right side of my abdomen while I was in bed. It was like someoone knocking on the door yet it's someone knocking inside the tummy. Was so surprised by the knocks

I bought a little carrier bag the other day and my father told me to leave some money for his grandkid to use. Think now most likely won't splurge much on myself. Hearing the knocks again should be able to cheer me up
TLC is tender loving care lor..

Dun have pain when urinating leh..but just dat sometimes, when u pee..feels like something buldging in the stomach..aiyah i oso duno how to explain..maybe its the bb lor..

oh i just placed an order from Old Navy..will let u gals know how is the quality and sizing when I received the stocks..
hi taro,

cute hor, u heard knock knock... me have not heard anything yet... heehee..

hi cheetos,

thanks.... actually, i juz ordered the watch from hour glass...tmr will go down to pay liao... now at least i dun have to fret abt what to buy anymore. think next year ard this period will have headache again... i find its hard to buy stuff for guys...while for girls, so easy to buy gifts for us hor... we like so many things

If i am stuck on this current job... i think i will take my AWS and splurge on either a chopard, or buy myself a prada... else, i feel very miserable...
if i can change jobs, i wont buy anything
I also experienced the knocks... on sun and i think mon night. it's somewhere at the upper abdominal and below the chest bone. Where do you girls experienced the knocks?

My tummy also quite obvious. Mil and grandma commented that mine bigger than those of the same week.
ZhuZhu, Oic.. TLC. Something bulging means? Perhaps your bulge is showing?

Lovedogs, I guess maybe they need a little time to think to match your package... DUn worry first. If really cant match, they would already inform you earlier liao, right?

taro, so envious of you, can hear knock knock alrdy...
my gynae n some gynae felt tat triple test is sufficient unless d mummy is under d high risk group, then other tests may b ordered. my frd had her 1st bb n now 2nd bb under dr chan, only did triple test. triple test is to test d level of 3 hormones (1 is HCG, cant remb d other 2) in the blood, n 2 b used as an indication of down syndrome risk. but agn, such test results may not b accurate. some pple results may show high risk but d bb is perfectly normal. so w tis result n other risk factors assessed, such as age, family history etc, d gynae then decide whether to advise d mummy to go for further tests like aminocetesis.

i alwy ask my hubby, wat he wan for his b'day etc, he wld say no nid lah, save d $ for urself n bb. so somtx i wld give him v simple surprises like a self made card, w some drawings n my boy n my foto n said some 'rou ma' n 'thankful' words to show my appreciation for his TLC. wen my boy jus learn to talk a bit beta, i recorded his voice saying 'papa.. mama, ashrel love'. took me wks to 'rehearse' w my boy n get it recorded. but he din fin d last word 'u'..
somtx i buy 4 hubby his necessities like briefs, socks etc.
af my boy came n me being a sahm, less romantic liao, jia lak..
hi yoyo, thanks for the comforting words. I just checked with him he told me some internal candidate applied and they have to look at internal people first. warrao, i feel very played out so very depressed now. He said I still got chance but somehow, i feel hopes are diminished. I feel perhaps its their nice way to tell me i am pregnant but dun want to outright reject me or something... so very depressed thinking of retail theraphy..

hi sanrio,

thanks for the explanation. wow u really very knowledgeable

how's ur fren's experience with Dr Chan? yeah, my hb always will say no need gift. i bought him a handphone this BD... and this is a first expensive gift i will be giving him... hopes he like it ...
i also experienced knocks but they are at the bottom of my tummy. i am unsure whether those could be baby's movements because i am only nearing 13 weeks. it could just be my intestines moving.
Lovedogs, dun get dishearted. At least you had called them and show them yr sincerity.

Ezanne, when will u hit wk13? U & I maybe quite near... I felt pain on my left abdomen these few days. Dunno why leh.
me feeling ok....appetite definitely better compare to last time. Last night even wake up in the middle of night...cos very hungry....end up eating tapioca chips, shared with my hubby cos he just back fr noon shift. heehee......but some morning i still puke out those gastric juice when i brush my teeth....think empty stomach lo.

i also take multivit with milk at times...just know last night tat we should take 1hr b4 or after meal from yy......prob tomor i confirm with my gynae again...will update u ladies.....

so nice...the knock knock so frequent now ah.....hmm....i only feel once...but dunno if its the knock knock fr baby or my stomach gas

i also try to save more $$ now for baby ..... if wanna splurge....i would have spend money to buy myself a new dress n shoe n bag for the coming AD&D liao. but think better dun spend so much $$ on myself......

does anyone experienced itch on their nipples?
I found thant my nipple is quite itchy sometime and there are some white sticky stuff coming out.. not ssure what is that leh

Metro is having a 20% storewide, starting from tomolo till sun..maybe can start to get abit of bb stuffs 1st..

sometime i feel itch at my breasts area, not nipples.....but now no have liao. my colleague say tat time she saw her nipple heads have some white stuff, so she go scrape them off with her finger nails n milk starts to flow abit out....tats when she is only at 6 months....she gets a shock. but u how many weeks??....wanna ask gynae? i think its better to check it out just in case its some kind of infection.

now abit early le...but dunno if we can get good stuffs like bras n maternity clothing....hehe
hello cheezel, wat did u eat for your dinner?

Vivitix/Cheezel, my itch is on my breast area, then some v tiny light red spots appear on my breast area. Nowadays I also see white "spot", v v tiny on my nip head. I dunno wat is it, so I dun dare to scrap leh.
my mil cook niang dou fu noodles for dinner. u leh??

eh...i also got those white "spots"....like those "fen ci" on the face like tat....n my colleagues actually go scrape off n milk starts to flow out abit lo...so when i heard that, i just them alone......breasts not so itch anymore...but i also got some red spots like pimples...i just leave them alone.

i stopped watching crayon shin chan when i started work liao....no time le......
.....y not paste some crayon shin chan photo in ur room....hehehe.....dunno baby come out will look like him anot.....
Cheezel, I eat noodles for dinner. Heheee, U hv the same symptoms as me. I also scared dunno wats the spots for, but I guess maybe its of some use. So, I leave them alone.

heheee, I watch whenever I got nothing to do at home. But my sis said, better dun watch too much, wait bb come out be like him - so naughty.... Heheheee....
yy, ya i aso dunno whats that...dunno if its the milk gland heads....hehehe.....

my colleagues also ask me not to watch too much...wait baby like him then jialat next time....sometimes during weekends i go my parent's place, i also watch the cartoon
hi yy,

few days nvr 38 wif u liao. how's life? Remember dun squeeze your nipple hor, may cause contraction in rare cases.

cannot squeeze our nipple??.....really can cause contration??

my colleague who is abt 8 months preggie drove hm fr work yest evening...then half way thru the drive, she experience painful contraction...got a scare.....cos she say quite painful.....then she drive slowly back hm...after tat the contraction stops.......so scary leh when she told me tat....

i wonder how contraction is like? how will we know its contraction or not or just pain leh....

me everynight also here le.....hehe....

try to let ur DS sleep early so tat u can rest early? or ask ur hubby to take care of him for w hile so tat u can rest abit more?

contraction is like menstrual cramp but of course as cervix dilate, the intensity will get worse.

Actually, I was stil exressing milk out for DS until gynae asked me to stop. said is dangerous may cause contraction.

My hb reached home very late. Luckily my dad is helping me to bb sit. If not i sure got depression.

my tummy is so itchy. yesterday went to eat dessert and the lady asked me am i gg to deliver soon!!!! I nearly faint!
hello, Kono!!! How are you?
Long time never see you like that.. When can u use pc in office? Wey, you must really rest well cos I know its really not easy to take care of one when u are carrying another little one... Dun "lei(4) huai (4) le(4)... ha, I never squeeze lah, but really will cause contractions ah? Why ah?

Cheezel, I tried singing last night... Yaya, really feels good leh.. But today got abit cramps on and off, maybe I didnt sing well last nite?
Cos 1st time mah... Heee, I change to watch HK Series during weekends.
Kono, issit that as our preg progress, our vagina opening is v fragile or softens ah? I feel abit uncomfortable leh last night...
Wat dessert did u have last night? How come the lady ask u such Qn? Hehheee..... She young lady issit?
Kono, my back is itchy... Then everytime I tried to control not to scratch.. My buttock bone area also v itchy. dunno why leh.

Cheezel, u experienced itchy too?
i seldom get mens cramp b4 preggie...cant remember how its like liao....haiz.....

ur tummy starts to itch liao? so fast??...ur tummy bulge out alot liao??

cramps on n off is prob qiute common for us ba.....not becos u sing badly la...hehe....try that everynight, n when u sing u will think of the baby.....feel so nice......
Cheezel, heee, okay. Will try again and do it every night. Eh, if sing inside my heart, issit counted? Can BB hear anot?

dunnoe leh..gynae told me in a very serious tone so i ks and stop bf lor. think i read in some books too. I jux read your email, have replied u liao. Anyway, i kaypo go and read the posts and u r very right!

Yup, vagina will feel more engorged. Last pregnancy i sua ku thot is cervical incompetence and scared until cried. paiseh

I had sweet potato soup, the lady is an ah soh. I was so embarassed when i told her i only 13 wks preg. She mux be thinking dat i m having twins. Haha!
I think metro got carry some maternity range...I saw a very cute disney romper at Isetan...think i going to get it tomolo..it was too cute to resist
Cheezel, the itch is bearable. But just that sometimes back aches or buttock bone area pain, so I thot massage it a bit, end up like v itchy like that. So strange... My skin also got v mild irritations, esp on leg laps and hands.. I tried not to scratch them.

u go read what posts??

vagina engorged?...hows the feeling? sore?

dun bother by such remarks...sometime pple just say without thinking one lo....dun care them la
prob its ur 2nd preg so tummy will look more obvious....my colleague around the same time as me....but her tummy already like 5 months also....she also mummy liao.

come to think of it ...looks like my company has quite a no of preggie ladies...ehehe

prob cos u go massage the area n become itchy...
Kono, Haa..Great minds think alike. When can u start to use pc in office? Still bz? Uhmmm, Im also v KS, I think yeah, better dun touch. So u also must listen to your gynae yeah.
I like to eat desserts so much, but I dunno which desserts we can eat, cos some got coconut milk, some got cooling stuffs. So, I asked wat u having... heeee... so tat I can hv another option next time.

Eh, tummy big also good sign mah. Means ur BB is growing v well and also chubby. Mine still not much sign of bulging. Maybe v tiny bulge, I cant see yet. Heee, so I dun need to be scare abt the vagina thing liao.

tmrw i can lug my laptop to conference room and act busy. shhhh....then can 38 wif u guys! The auntie told m dun take chin chow, she said may cuase fits.
Cheezel, maybe my skin too dry also. I still havent buy any stretchmark cream yet...Didnt apply moisturizer too. How ah, am v lazy leh...
hey kono,
sometimes i feel sore sore at the vagina there...i tot its cos after urine, i wipe too hard......now then i know.....
