(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

handsome lil kaizer wif his gfrens
hahaha ! looks very fun leh .
min , if ur hubby dun go wif u , i think quite tough (personally i cannot last more than 10min carrying n swinging my sonny at kindermusic . he is pretty heavy n i dun hv much strength to hold him too)
but milo n kate can manage their totts thruout the session lah , so i guess problem lies wif me , i hv no strength.
u must ask urself , wat is the purpose for sending D . to interact wif babies or to learn things
for me , i chose 1 class ( GUG) coz i find kinder too short. so i try out GUG first . as i am a working mum , i dun hv time to bring him to playgrp , so weekends are the best time to send him to classes for interaction.
(selfish) i dun want to spend my limited free time going for lessons wif him , so i just pick 1.
if GUG not suitable ,i will pull out n join kinder again .

ixora , i saw ur hubby just now , he was walking towards tiongbahru area ...


cos my MIL said my son seems dont grow by taking this milk lor. cos when my son was young he was very hubby. so now i intend to change his milk lor or else i will be blamed le.

For very special price I can let go at $42
me and dianne take the whole lesson ourselves and think both our kiddos heavier than your zac !
think you can too, juz u think u cant nia :p
micK - dun be fooled by zac's appearance leh . he is a pretty heavy boy . 11.3kg !!!
EE , u decided to go ahead izzi ?
wat ??!! keira also 11.3kg
i tot she is a gal ... bb V also same huh ? no wonder u said both u n diane can handle , i cant
*paisay blush2*
Cai Cai

Yuh, think so far this is the best contraceptive to me.


Thought you have also completed your task right? Do you have any planning?
cai cai..
then my boy is the lightest and i shall not complain! hahaha

actually GUG very tiring too. 1.5 hr bit tiring esp for my son whom cannot sit still! but i like that we can take back their artwork and can frame it up

my son likes music esp drum and piano so tot of exposing him to music
diane , i cant be ur classmate wor . GUG diff slot . :p

min , i heard fm meddy there is some singing at the end of GUG , so i guessed that makes up the music exposure :p
FOX has sale , i just bot a dress for my pal's gal , thinking of dressin up my sonny in it now to take pic
:p *evil grin*
I agree that GUG is quite tiring too! 1.5hrs of lesson is abit too much for both baby and mom haha
and some times there is this so called "Confidence Builder" where we have to swing or carry the child high up to touch some hanging object..tired..haha

evil ah you haha but you reminded me when my brother was younger my dad dressed him in my Primary school uniform damn funny..its really cute to see boys dress in gals clothes though its quite "Jek ark" haha
Nope have not signed my boy up for any classes yet...you got us mixed up with another mummy/baby?

Guess I'll probably only let him join something after 18mths or when he can walk...think it's more fun when he's able to walk.

Hey...your stocking up more FOX for Zac again? heheheh....

How's Jayden progress with rice? He's ok with it already? Tried to feed jonas "muay" these 2 days but dun think he like it...he will just "gum" the food in his mouth and dun chew & swallow...merlioned his lunch today somemore! Signzzzzz......think he may have to stick to his good old porridge.
Hi ladies! I have a 2 year True Yoga membership which I paid in full to let go as I have no time to go now, busy with my new born baby. Got it during promotion so it's a good buy at around $100 a month, unlimited access to all True yoga clubs. The membership is suspended now, can be re-activated anytime. Price neg, interested, Email: [email protected] or 94388528
wah michelle, taro
ur gals reali look sweet leh..and so much hair

remember chloe oso little hair...*sob* i cant even pin up hairclip...i can forget abt pony tail

Jayden depends on his mood. Sometimes he is ok with rice. Pass few days, we cook rice with pumpkin
& he ate quite alot. Then yesterday, we add in some veg in his rice. He ate a few mouth then refused to eat.
Funny thing is he saw im eating rice, he want to eat my portion!

We try to change back to porridge but he eat not much. His favourite is still Mee Sua..

Sometimes throughout the whole day, he only drink milk... Haiz dunno when he will go back to his normal meal...
hello mummies,

had a great shock when i brot bb hippo to the pd for his MMR jab....he weighs 13.5kg now!!! Gorgor is only 15kg at 59mths!
my son been doing head stand since yesterday.. does your child do it too? i puzzle why lately he been performing this stunt! hopefully its a sign that he is gonna stand or walk!
Heehee Min, so cute! That's how the get themselves to standing position
Jesse skipped this though...but then, I hardly see him getting himself to stand unaided. Usually he'll crawl to something or someone and pull himself up. Who knows, maybe he'll get to it in a few months. Sometimes they skip something but go back to in again later...
Min: Very cute pictures... I have never seen Lele do handstands except once at the playground. He walked to the drain cover (you know, those "stripey ones") and he got onto all 4s. I thought he wanted to crawl across the drain (he's wary of these things) but instead he lifted up his body off the ground by clutching onto the drain cover with his hands, and bumped his head.

My hubbie asked, "what were you doing standing so near him (I was just beside him :p) and yet not stopping him?".

I replied in truth, " I was too surprised by his stunt la"

Hee hee...
my gal does that too! And sometimes she even lift 1 leg up, like those doggie peeing! And worse is she always do her stunt on the floor, worried that she might just fall and break her teeth ah..
i realise my boy very kia si.. he won't do it on the floor but once he is on the bed, he start executing this stunt
he will laugh happily when he see us upside down!

i'm also afraid of his neck esp when he let go of his hands and limbs!
but no way i can stop him!!
Hey mommies,
any GUG staff called anyone up?
it seems they are starting a new class this sunday and they are gathering all waiting list kids into this class.
Eh, so that day, you saw how Gladys cried after she fell right?
Btw, she’s not on soy anymore. She’s on Friso 3.

Can email me the pictures or not? My email’s [email protected]. Thanks!!

Mrs Lai
I didn’t bring my camera the other day.
Btw, thanks for the hair clip.
Hello mummies & babies...

finally popped in for awhile...

Btw, Michele, this sat, whole morning my school got Charity Bazaar so definately very noisy & got students going all around the whole Tampines Mart sweeping floor & collecting newspapers...so be warned....heehee
was she intolerant to cow's milk (that's why she was on soy)? I ask cos I'm still wondering what to give Jesse. He tried Gain IQ but it disturbed his tummy...he's still on isomil.
No, she wasn't. Just that she had diarrhoea when she was 1 month old and another time quite recently. And by diarrhoea, I meant more than 10 times of watery stool a day. So PD recommended that she skip cow's formula for a while.

Initially she was on Isomil too, coz she was previously on Similac but it smells really horrible and she refuse to drink it. Then I tried giving her Nursoy which was better. Then after she was ok, I gave her Nan HA 1. She's on Nan until she took Nan 3 which gave her really bad constipation problems. So I switched her to Friso 3 which she's taking till now. No problems, and it's much cheaper!!

The recent case, I gave her Nursoy again and she refuse to drink! So no choice gave her Pediasure which she loves! Coz it's sweet and nice smelling. But now she's back to Friso 3.
