(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

ignore me , 4pm sat is full , even dlim is on waitlist n 4pm happen to be zac 's 2nd nap timing .
so i sticking to sun 2pm ...

lucky you! I think for now feeding problem is far worse any other problems ah!
Btw,dun mind me asking.. Jarred food can mix with instant cereal?
Family Planning - IUC Mirena

Any mummies had family planning?

Have you ever tries or heard of Mirena? Any comments?

This was recommended by my gynae as I experience heavy menstrual flow after gave birth to my 2nd child, it’s almost leak every month.
According to my gynae, Mirena is a long-term contraception that can also help to reduce menstrual flow and cramps. Many positive comments read from the sites. Think to have my appointment for the Mirena Insertion by this month
ya...opps forgot to add ("Mummy Milo") when I mix the two, I also add water till it's the right consistency!
Otherwise it'll be a lumpy mess. haha

I forever cannot remember when people's child was born lah...but using Jesse as reference, born 29 March, just yesterday he started eating again after a month long food strike.

Don't know if it's comforting for some of you to know that...but into his second week hiatus, I resolved to not let it bother me (as in show no emotion and not struggle with him about it) and just feed what he wants and stop when he indicates "stop". For about a week then, he only took about 3 - 5 spoonfuls of food for all his meals (but still lasted through the night). Then slowly, he pick up to about half the portion I prepare and then just yesterday he started finishing his porridge again (but I added more corn and two meats to the stock, so it could be that).

Sidenote: even on hiatus, he did eat more naughty foods like scrambled egg and pasta (with butter!), chips and jarred foods...but absolutely didn't want porridge.

But ya, feeding was our big problem the last one month...now it has moved on to getting him out of the crib (he doesn't want to come out) and diapering him (he doesn't want to change diaper). It's always one thing or another but thankfully each thing will pass.
Alamak…U got Ameda…why neber buy over from me? I would have give you good discount ya know…. :p

U signing up Jayden for GUG? Dun wan to continue with Shichida liaoz?
Yes, have to do homework at home. Sometime im so tired that I didnt really do everyday...

Not too sure also but i heard from somewhere before..

Im still with Shichida..
meddy: how come u in this thread and in april? ur bb born in april meh?? when u join this thread?? wah.. invasion!! hahahaha.. the gals here very fun...kekeke.. are u still staying in serangoon? can meet up with me loh like tat.. bt i am not a SAHM!!

springdance:u can sell ur second hand one to april mum.. she looking for lobang...
no, it's not that...I still change him on a table (dining table - bought one for his room)...anyway, when I say doesn't want to change diaper, I meant, he doesn't want to be carried up the table to change his diaper. Once he's up there though, he's generally quiet/still. So it seems he just doesn't want to change out of his "seasoned" diapers...have to re-season fresh diaper, sian.
i'm the wrong person to ask lah! if i can give solutions to ashlyn's feeding problems, then i won't be having any problems myself, hahaa! anyway 10 mouthfuls of porridge is quite good already. for my standards at least. normally if i can get above 5 mouthfuls of solids into kaizer, i'll be in a very happy mood for the rest of the meal. hahaaa. and after that, i will praise that he's clever clever and will clap my hands after every single spoon that he has taken. he likes it when i say he's clever, so he will usually clap after me. like d, i will not force him to continue if he doesn't want to even if he only ate 3-5 mouthfuls. then i will offer him things that he enjoys eating like bananas, grapes, teddy puffs and bb bites. don't want him to feel adverse to the whole experience of eating by forcing him to eat against his will.

the story of gladys crying easily is very funny! can you get her to "cry" tomorrow to let me see? hahaa ...

sanrio, gene, dlim
seeya all at IMM tomorrow!

do you want pediasure samples? cos the PD gave me a couple of packs but obviously kaizer can't take them anymore after the puking incidents. i know sanrio won't need them and gladys is taking soy. so if you want, just sms me tomorrow morning before 8am and i'll bring it for you.

how do you re-season a diaper? you try to scrunch it before letting him wear?
sandwich: hahaha.. i tot u the solution liao.. cos ashlyn used to eat reali quite a gd amount.. haiz... i hope ur kaizer and my ashlyn will buckk up!!! i know how it feels when they don't eat.. i feel stress.. do u??
mine was a problem cos the PD deemed that 0.1kg in weight gain over 3 months is not really acceptable. i'm not so concerned abt him being fat or thin, but am more concerned that he should pick up good eating habits cos these habits will stay with him for life. your ashlyn sounds ok lah. am sure her eating woes are temporary only.
hee...no lah, he has to re-season it himself.

I don't offer him an alternative if he doesn't eat his meal though...I wait a while (like 45 mins) before giving him something else, if I do...cos I don't want him to think that he can get something else if he doesn't like what he gets. Usually after I feed him, I'll eat my lunch, then he'll want some of mine...but I tell him, "if you're too full to finish your's you're not getting any of mine". Then I proceed to finish my lunch and ignore him. *evil*

After this month with Jesse, I still think that they're not so stupid as to starve themselves...basic instincts will kick in and he'll eat/drink something. But then sometimes, it's almost a battle of "who dares win". Can I remain cool enough until he realises he's hungry and food is good. Many times I panic and give him snacks. haha

Heh, reminds me of a verse we used to say with the kiddos "you get what you get and you don't get upset".
Ya…has intention not to have….scare of going through the whole process again…..

You “zhun eh bor?”…she delivered at least a month earlier than U…now then start look for pump?

How are you? Still on Maternity leave? Would you like to update us the progress of your 2 dearies?
yes, my daughter is born 6 days before Ashlyn ehehe I only joined recently. Yep still staying at Serangoon, can meet up you. Think just early last month i saw you bringing Ashlyn for a walk near the multi Storey carpark but cud not confirm cos very dark. I also not SAHM leh...

I also agree that Kids will not starve themselves.
Yesterday my gal just ate a small portion of porridge and totally refuse the rest. But just 45 mins after, she was whining and super grouchy..couldn pacify her with anything except....milk! So i guess kids will generally show signals once they are hungry and literally demand that you feed them asap!
me ok lor but busy with work and BBs at the same times.

my 1st 2mth of ML over liao. now left only 14days on ML to be cleared before 12 Oct. so happy happy i take ML lor :p

Ashton just had his MMR on Tues and he's 12kg, but lazy to learn walking and talking though he understands us

For Adeline, think now she's > 4kg liao.
Lynn: can't raeali take pumping also.. very tiring leh.. kaitlyn loves to be carried, she doesn't sleep after her milk then cries for carrying loh..haiz... the engorge breasts is very pain!!!

Meddy: oh.. finally u joined..hahaha.. next time can gathering liao loh.. we can play group ourselves.. how is the other gal.. the one with the boy??

Springdance: yes.. i just gave her ur contact.. mst sell cheap cheap ah...
you mean Angelynn? She's doin fine. Think her boy turning 1 next month.

Wah i hate the feeling of engorge breasts!
So pain that i cried the last time..

Feels like carrying 2 rocks on your chest
or maybe she wants more?

Adeline also cries after feed (she's drinking 120ml now) sometimes, so what i do is to give her maybe 30ml more. she will be contented and back to sleep.

how regular you pump now? 3hourly??? last time i also cannot take it. so i drag to 4hourly.

what pump are you using now? manual one or electric one?

electric one is easy for you, manual one is more for established supply.
my D is going for GUG this sat at 11.30am!!

now quite tempted to go for Kinder class but issit very hard to get a slot?

today super busi...wah u bring mi gd news...yeah the ergo carriers are here...
thanks alot for helping us to get the carriers.
Woah….Ashton is a BIG boy for his age ya…your nutritious diet when you were preg with him probably plays a good part.... kekek….my Jonas haven even hit 10kg mark yet.

Hmmm…actually the longer you wait, the more U dun feel like going through the process again….if you wanna wait til; Zac grows out of his cuteness…that can be quite long siah…by then the enthusiasm for No. 2 not strong liaoz… :p

Juz curious….how much you got your pump for ah?

Eh….No school for Jonas yet lei……he still happily slacking at home. hahahah!
this morning, i called to check 2pm sun only left 1 slot. but this class already 2 lesson lapsed. my class full but unconfirmed 2 slots, but longgggggg waiting list.
sd , see how lah . #1 still a baby , long~~~ way to go .

i tot u signed jonas for GUG aredi ?

kindermusic 2pm sun slot was my previous slot ... can meet chloe n lele there wor . min , u can bring dillion to try .
coz it overlaps wif my GUG , so i stopped the lesson liao . hope GUG is not over-rated
can some1 tell me GUG includes singing or not ?
Sandwich: hhmmm..i hvn’t even reali weigh my gal for a very long time.. I see her active can liao.. n guai guai.. that is all I ask for… I tot their weight should be quite stagnant or slow cos they running around like monkeys now? Now I realize my ashlyn just wana eat from pple’s plate…she rather eat rice now.. cos my MIL still trying to feed her cereal n porridge.. boring..

Meddy: oh ya… hahaha.. correct.. angelynn… ooh.. so fast 1 liao.. u still meet up with her? Mine is 2 small rocks.. my boobs can nv compare to urs..hahahaha.. bt no joke man.. engorgement… I reali pei fu those mums who are still BF…hv u met with any of the mums yet? Hey.. u no I am in this thread ah..

Lynn: my gal hor.. she will drink if I give her more.. sometimes.. but hor.. sometimes she drink ah.. like got hole in mouth.. keep leaking.. like she jst wana be pacified… I pump every 3 hrs… or should I say when she wakes up drink.. I feed her liao.. then I pump.. I using ameda dual electric..kekeke.. my supply is here.. but I don’t know how to drag.. very pain loh.. drag so long.. I tried michelle’s method last nite..

Cooldaughter: my gal is not going school. She schools at home..hahahah I thnk she anti.. I hv yet to try GUG.. I thnk when I finish confinement if I hear got trial.. I bring her see if she interested.

Springdance: I got mine for slightly over $300.
micK , i emailed u leh @gmail , QQ's mail kena bounced back tis morning ...
so i told u , i send chq , paisay to disturb QQ lah . i checked the email u gv me agst GG's contact list , dun understand why bounced !!!
they have songs almost through out the lesson, like time to keep the toys, time for story etc. they will use a song to associate these activities. What i like most is the music lesson when the tots get to go to the music room for activites.

Do the tots sing throughout Kinder's lesson?

When are you starting your GUG? I;m still on the waiting list ah

didn't meet up with her but do catch up with her over mail/phone.
SpringD/ Kelley
No sch yet for jboy also. I tink my hb & I are too lazy to commit to weekly classes .. haha. But I am thinking of 18mths playgroup tho'. maybe start with 1/2 day flexi session first.
kindermusic, teacher plays the cd . get the totts to play different musical instruments like drums / shakers / gong .
march up n down the room .
play the big big parachute .
parent need to carry the kid up and down to participate . quite tiring for parent , but kids usually enjoys it . most of the walking totts wander abt the room . those crawlers like chloe n zac will sit there , restrained by mummy . hahaha
enjoyable lesson for most kids
maybe u try to drag for another 30min lor. instead of pumping 3hrly, u pump 3.5hourly. last time i REN lor. if i cant tahan the pain then i just pop 1 painkiller.. :p

he's big meh... i think he's on average only. but his head really BIG. :p

he's quite picky on food. lucky he's not those 'tham jiak' type. any food he likes, he just want a few mouthful then he will stop.
did u all meet up at IMM? aiya.. shd hv join you guys coz its my off day today!!
nvm, we can meet up some other time again !

btw, 1st photo very well taken

Fox sale is here again! time to spend money liao!

i be going for kiner trial on mon.. but i duno if i shd sign up coz i oredi with GUG and i don't wanna tire myself and my boy coz my hubby oredi declare he won't go lesson with my boy
