(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

ya i took my ML 2 wks early before ethan was born, so i oredi into 3.5 mths liao.. i hardly go out, only recently wkends i go out.. before that i tot wah so nice i can go shpg on my own when ppl are WORKING..but no lor. i enjoy staying at hm
of cos stimes must go out la.. when i go shpg i got good buys i m esp happy keke.

blur, QQ, ya man.. i am becoming more and more yellow.. and staying at home really makes me lazier and more stupid.. stupid coz lazy to use brains. waahahhha!

joelle, she told me the reason why she changed her mind. coz she wanted to find another carrier with better back support. she even said she will regret if she really bought my carrier. i replied her she shld do her research before commiting, not as if i rushed her into it. why shld i pay (opportunity cost) for her bad decision? sigh.. suan le.. like rr told me, one kind of rice feeds a lot of diff kinda pple.. just my luck... anyway, thx for consoling me and helping me to think on a more positive note
i also kinda agree le.. the brains part, alamak, hv to get my brains working on mon liao.. sianz. by then i will be complain queen n start complaining of the ppl on my line!
i also want to tell u, edde.. one kind of rice feed many types of ppl. dun b unhappie cause small problem.

mummies with maid with off day, how do u pay your maid salary? and your maid carries cash all the time right?
QQ, i pay mine cash every mth.. she either sends or keep. the agency will give u a file for her to sign during pay day..

ecmom, hahahaha looks like u and joelle hv met worse pple than i hv! :p
I want to faint. I ask hb to boil some rice water for me to drink. He boil until the whole pot chao da and got smoke filling the kitchen already n he still didn't know! I came out of my room n told him I smell something burning then he rush to kitchen!
why u ask js to boil water ? he must have forgotten all abt it lah.
u shld have boil yrslef, than save urself the trouble to clean up
Forgot to say I want the big bottle de. If u can get.

I diarrhea mah so ask him boil rice water for me lor.
autum. haha!!!! JS must be long time never boil water or do housework liao. forgo tten.
haha! chao da liao,.
u wanna drink rice water cause u laosai?got use? i never hear of it

edde, i see. usually maids without off days are easier, can just sign and everything easier.
i also told jay just pay her, whatever she wants to buy buy la. it is kind employer-employee relationship. so easier and less control. but our rules must be obeyed la.
once anyrule is broken, then bye bye.
sounds like employment contract.; haha!
kaexin, waiting for last pump la. meanwhilethikning of houserules.
your ex-maid no off days, easier for u to keep. cause those with off days they wanna go out and they will get t use mah.
i am ok, just want to understand nia. now moving my mindset to another spectrum of maid management. new maid and ex-sin maids are differnt
whey why u boil for Mich never boil for me. So sad. But JS boil another pot for me le.

huh u never hear of rice water?every time our kids diarrhea we suppose to boil rice water mah. Same treatment for adults.
u can ask her pref, but tells her its beta, you keep for her, and when she wants to go out, she can get from u.
so this is to prevent any misunderstanding in future
last time we also gave my ex-maid cash. We didn't even let her sign anything. Luckily she didn't say we never give her pay. haha!!
Initially we wanted to deposit into her account (for proof) but after some time, lazy. Anyway she needed to withdraw to send or use too, deposit and withdraw so troublesome.
QQ, last time i gave my maids houserules, dave almost fainted.. he said got 1001 rules wahhahahha! ya, i believe in xian xiao ren hou jun zi.. i told char that too and she understands.. my take is, "i give u trust first. but if u know the consequence liao still betray my trust, then bye bye to u and good luck."
if open account, need to maintain mah. actually brot her to the bank, then found out, must have min amt, if not have to pay $2
I was telling JS next time cannot eat exp Buffett le. Eat le shou4 zui4 haiz.

I didn't really give rules per se. But yet I m a stricter boss than u. Haha.
autum, i never boil rice water for adults la. for tian, also when she is sick i also never boil that. i tot it is to boil and make fm for them, so tat go for vaccination then wont get fever. same as paosheng water. haha!!

edde, i also think we need to lay the houserules also. if break then bye bye. but mine looks simple, not 101 rules la. haha!!!

kaexin, we will ask the ex employer first, how she do it, then see how. if she wanna send home montly then dun need to put in bank. if she has a bank account and likes to keep in bank, also good cause it is a good trait la. SAVE ma. some maids dun really save for themselves, always send everythingback home.

so kaexin, shall i call ws to boil u rice water then? ask him to boil la. haha~
ya, need to have $500 inside. So for the 1st 2 months, she didn't use the $$. Anyway she only started to go off from think 3-4 mth on.

yalah!! Tiam jiak, hahaha!
Ws koon liao. actually told my maid, no need send everythng back. coz by the time u go home, nothin liao. may as well , keep for yrself here, end of ctt, u can see this is the $$ i have been working for.
kaexin, can wake up de ma. but i think u can wait till tomorrow :p

rr, ya agent oso said, 1st 2 months no off. 3rd month onwards,

my netbook hor. i kept touching the mousepad and cursor kept running up down.
i think there was this email going ard that mentioned ricewater is the fastest way to get fibre into ur system during diarrhoea. something like dat...

i have quite a few cans of the big ones actually.. due to some last min orders of the lullaby, and i had to spilt up my combos during the last bp. maybe i can pass to some mummies here? who will u be meeting soon?
kaexin, good to use la. small and look nice.
i am not used to the keyboard nia.
and my thumbs hor, quite stupid de and kept touching this pad. i guess la, otherwise why my cursor kept moving when i type? leceh sometimes and i have to delete and cut and paste what i have typed.
still learning.
overall ok with the performance.
finished pumping, i go orh orh liao.
got to enjoythe last few days before my confinement lady leaves next wed.
after that i am on my own leh, until my cousin come assist me at home from 24 onwards.
harlow! anybody still ard? we've moved.. nw vv near to pink!

autum, mist
vitacost on the way. sorry for the delay. hv been vv bz...

thks pink, joelle for your advice on lasik. i hvn't called the clinics yet. vv bz. may go w shinagawa. need to find out more..
pax, your LSS bag still with me.
will route to u via pink. or drop at your mums place next week. your mum's place v v v near to pink's? is it? not v near la, it is near, ok. unless there is a short cut, ? teach me.

Autum, seth needs to go school on 19th, so i guess joelle not joining? joelle let us know if u joining. i think i also want a bio-X. hee... standby! cause have been using that ONE and only can.
my honey is running out soon, must buy 6 bottles then have discount? I'm thinking of getting 2 bottles.

Tiring to search for maid here and there. Hope this transfer maid is good. When u going back to work? Are you on contract? Heard your new director from my side very scary, dun renew some that's on contract.
Huingee, wah like that ualso hear? i oni know i am on maternity leave, everyone busy like hell. then i even went back office once, work from home most of the time cause they wan me to dig data for them to present. i ask them why why why so busy? they said cause new gahment.
and some of them really din get their contracts renewed. some for some reasons la but some really a bit surprised de

i think i go back work early nov.
oh yes, i used to be on contract, but previous ED happie happie let me on open contract since last year. so i dun need to go through renewal de
He's our ex head, he is those kind new wants to make impact. That's why i told u that time you all will be very busy. When he's our head, quite scary also.
Lucky yours is open contract. My colig has friend working same as yours so i know some info.
huinge, ok la. i quite like that new change at this moment but then i dunno if i can keep myself up when i go back. cause now can see ppl starting to keep up and work in a more ren4 zhen1 manner. we used to have dunno how many % of ppl working o ni. now at least can c some balance.
good move le.

actually, maybe he comes too late. cause he might be the right boss for me as during his speech, i shared some feeling with him and he doesn't see PAPERs so seriously. but then, the whole system might not allow him to do so. see how.

so far, my work team all that went through renewal, all ok. some team really jialat cause no projects.
hm.. huinge, i am going out soon. u know where la.
wish me luck!

not going to bring ah will le, cause i think i can assess. with him around i scare later he cranky then wanna drink nen nen then distruptive. plus the loan is oni 2 months, if everything goes well, then just continue. we will give it a shot! unless something happen again.
huingee, ck thanks,

everything seems ok and we will go down agency there and pay deposit next week.
the maid will come here once the employer got her new maid. should be late aug or early sep.
i need more luck after that then.

i will work out on the rules, and schedule for her. meanwhile we brought tian there, tian likes her v much. they kept playing while we chatted with the employer.

CK, told u. she will give usurprise. and it is so GOOD!
Good that u found your maid. So end up u have young maid too. 25yrs right? Ren suan bu ru tian suan

I m sure u must be very happy to be able to bring CO out by yourself. Kekeke.
Aey y my post disappeared?

As a mummy, u wil always hv a special place in CO's heart
No matter how stern I m w YE, she wil stil come look for me

Tt's gd news for u
N m I glad u r coming back to LNT nex wk
So ur mum say can let pple bao4 bao4 or nt?!
Autum, yalor. i cannot believe it. i wanted an auntie earlier on, then now come young maid.
she said she has experience with newborn in phillipnes.
and she asked if tian is allergic to any food? i said seafood, so i dun give seafood except fish. she ask if egg is ok.
so means she has a little bit of knowledge.
she knows how to feed baby milk and burp them.

SQ, can bao4 bao4 la. but i dunno if ah will can smell your milk then wanna drink from u. haha!! he a bit pai2 kuan4 when latching.
autum, i specifically mentioned got grandma at home, ask her scare of her or not.
she said ok, she will not argue with her.
anyway, if she is not good, then send her back to agent la.
generally, i think she is v young la. if nobody give me good feed back i will not even consider.
she is quite smart, i think she will learn bad things when go out often. so i told her we have house rules, cannot break otherwise cannot.

Autum, 1st two months no off days. once she pays off her loan then can start. we will send her to her sis place and pick up for the first few times.

oh yes. i saw this 6-in 1, 5-in 1 jabsuntil blur.
polyclinic got 6 in 1 or not? so that i dun jab ah will too many times.
and this pneumococcal seems changed the pattern liao. so if jab above 1 yo, just need to take 1 jab?
