(2007/02) February

ah ger,

wah .. appointment got posponed ..
i also find that this few weeks time pass soo slowly .. and weight gaining pretty fast ..
especially i went back to m'sia ..
i'm already 56kg liao le
9.5 kg increased !
i better watch wat i'm eating daily ..

almost 7788 liao ..
short of the avent bottles, the avent bottle brush, breast pads, play pen and 2-3 tubes of elancyl and breast pump ..

i am thinking of gettin the RM175 one ..
cheap and seems steady as well ..
he he ..
i saw quite a few play pens at kiddy place at toa payoh .. quite a few r SGD 99
but not as steady as the one i saw in malacca ..

as for the cream ah ..
i've been putting it on twice a day ..
the thing i'm lazy to do is scrub face ..

why your MIL dun do the washing for u le ..
since she's free to nag at u ..
myself do it ..

i left all my shopping spree stuff with mum ..so she can help me wash also ..
ah ger,

ya ya ..
my underarm also darker now ..
some more all my clothes r sleeveless ..
i gotto put my arm down as much as i can ..
he he ..
I understand what u mean..I also had m/c once so didnt want to buy anything until things are certain. For maternity clothes, I also waited till I really cant fit in my normal clothes then I bought. Hence, I really look forward to delivery date when baby is borned. Think its very difficult for others to understand. Even for my hb, he will think that I worry too much.

Ah ger, hb and I manage our finances separately. I guess we can afford but just painful that its a huge sum of money. Its not easy building up the savings but very easy to spend.

Catz, how much does the Medela PIS cost? My friend advised me to go and get the electric pump straightaway rather than buy manual to standby.
Ck..hehe..its yr mum..of cos she'll wash for u..
My mum will do for me too if I ask..she washes my n hb's stuff, those I left at their place in woodlands..

Oh..I havent done ironing lah..Jus finished folding clothes!

May go out with hb tonight instead of going my parents' plc..Hb say he want to take me out dinner n shopping..cos ytd I complain Im "depressed"..this kind of time with hb very rare leh since we got married..so if he offers must grab the chance..haha.
Ah ger, think Tollyjoy cheaper but material not as good. My appt is all along 1mth once. Good that you've finalised on your massage lady, me still considering who to book. My col got a chinese physician to do post-natal massage for her just this week. I'll wait for her feedback first.

Charis, tell your mil that there's no pt to wash bb clothings so early cos they'll collect dust leh.

ck, as long as the playpen is steady, it's good enuf lah. Actually my gal didnt sleep in playpen for long.

cherryale, if you can afford, Medela PIS is worth the buy. Think it's selling at $700+ now.
Hi mommies

I am back.
My boy boy weigth abt 700g+ on last sat.(Wk 24) Paisai, too excited tht cn't remember e weight.

Sorry for MIA quite awhile. Chg of work profile within the co. But actually quite upset w the new boss. young, single HR mgr. lady boss. sigh... quite picky & demanding.
trying to stay hapi.
Giggler..dont like to "counter" wat she says leh..I try to be very obedient..hahaha.
But I do procrastinate lah..
my MIL is also the gan cheong type so she will nag at me and hb when we were staying together. But both of us are super stubborn types, so we just dun respond, after a while, she also gives up. Now that we have our own place, its much better, no need to listen to her nagging.

Gig, think that is the one that my friend mentioned. She also said its 700+..wow, guess if I have another kid next time, it will be good but if just for one kid, then very wasted leh. it is so expensive...but she said the manual pump will pump until the hands are very very tired so she dun recommend.
Doggy..haha..a couple of months leh..
Not yet..my hb said no need to find so early..we getting a resale flat in Bishan..that's the plan..
Cos we can only move out when baby is at least 6months old..
cheer up Charis..looked at the bright side. Talk to bb more often n u will feel happier.

I agreed with u ...these day i also very emotional. A little bit of things will upset me very much.
bac frm lunch! Had fried wanton hor fun.

Hv checked out the prices from Precious Moments.

1) Rompers - $11.90 (slvless)/ $13.90 (slv)
2) Slp wear - $8.90 (top)/ $10.90 (trousers)
3) Soccer lookalike rompers - $18.90 (slv/ slvless)
4) Water btl - $6.90 (4oz)/ $7.90 (9oz)
5) Teats - $3.90 for 2
6) Water btl & Teats cleaning brush - $6.90
7) Pacifier - $4.90
8) Hooded Towel - $24.90 (dunno can b used as receiving blanket or nt cos it's towel material)
9) 4pcs water btl drying rack - $22.90

My gf said better dun buy their water btls cos it's nt anti-colic. bt it's damn cute & nice! The rompers also!
CK - usually when u R&R, u tend to put on wt pretty fast. Ur 9.5kg is morning or after meal? After meal nt considered lah, cos u hv to b constant in measuring your wt, ie ard same time.

CK - tats y these days I prefer to wear w/ slv. Anyway my arms are fatter nw, when I wear slv tops, I also look FAT, hence I wear w/ the short cardi lor.

Cherry - yeah, actually it's very heartpain to c the savings suddenly just gone. bt again, look on the bright side, happiness can't b bought by $$. Ur $$ is gone bt in rtn u get a lil one to cheer ur lives up & bring u joy!

Gig - my gf recommended me, she used her after she delivered.

Leomum - sometimes u will need a while to adjust to ur new profile. Dun b 2 upset, think of something else to brighten ur days!
hi girls,

honestly, tollyjoy breastpads were the worst.. i threw away 'cos didn't absorb. i like pigeon..my one and only

cherryale, er.. Medela PIS I bought for discount at about $500-600? the reason I advise you standby avent manual first is 'cos it's cheap and effective then u can evaluate how the bfeeding is gg for u. no pt buying a lousy single electric to standby which is more expensive than the avent manual and end up not bfeeding lor. then once u are certain u can maintain supply, go and get a good hospital grade like the PIS or lactaline. Tt's what the bfeeding experts say. Don't waste money on half past six pumps.

Playpen- there are safety hazards with cheap playpens for e.g. corners that baby could get trapped, strangulation hazards or the playpen collapsing on the baby. Personally I very kiasee so I always buy the best lor.

For bottle brush, Avent is not bad but I prefer the Pigeon half blue half white one with a small nipple brush. Don't buy those made of sponge, they only last like a week!!!
charis, just went to Arcade one yesterday. Sales still on but most of the 19.90 and 50% ones gone oredi... But there are still 10%, 20% and 30% ones. Members got additional 5% for 10% and 20% sales items. Another hole for my pocket yday. Spent $150 for 5 pieces, but they gave me one $10 voucher. Wonder when will i ever use it.
Precious Moments are available in many places, but whether they sell bb stuff in all shops I m nt sure. 1 is at Plaza Sin, 1 at CityLink, Raffles Link, GWC. Their shop name is Precious Thots.

U can find their locations thru here:

Yes - PM is still having sale. it's their year end sale, so doubt they will end so fast.
Jas - wah nt bad wor, quite gd buy $150 for 5pcs, which means on the average is $30 per pc. I went in bt dare nt browse too long, just did a quick look & went off. Ha ha ha.....
ah ger,

weight is after eating ..
plus 2 cups of water ..
now i'm feeling a bit scared of my weight ..

u notice bb nowadays also getting stronger ..
mine like to scrip me with his hand ..
i feel so weird when he does tat ..
or when he shift
feels v funny ..
Charis, I used to be very obedient DIL too... only complained to my hb abt MIL. And my hb did a great job being the bridge bet both of us. At least he helped me to understand his mom better.

cherryale, the cheaper version is abt $200, I think. But no pt getting that cos it's not good. If you got budget constraint then get Ameda, it's comparable to PIS. I agree with Catz leh, dun waste money on half past six pumps. Some of my frens gave up bfg cos the pumps are not good, then they become demoralised, kept thinking they got no milk.

JC, me too leh... kept scolding my gal for nothing then feel guilty after that.

Ah ger, I got too many pple recommending me that massage lady. That's why cant make up my mind.

Catz, how come you got such gd lobang for PIS? I may get PIS if my Ameda spoilt. hehehe...... Tollyjoy breastpads are really lousy lah so I only use at home. I also using Pigeon bottle brush. Hehehe

Jas, you bot more maternity clothings again???

ck, ya... bb's kicks are stronger nowadays. And I try to respond to him once he kicks... feel like he can 'read' me leh.
CK - if all along u measure wt b4 u eat then u do the same thing. If u talk abt after eating, me also put on 9kg liao lor. Scary.

Me arh, just by drinking 1 - 2cups of water, the wt already can increase by a few 100gs. Ha ha ha..... Bt over the wkend I got diarrhea, end up lost back some fluids. Ha ha ha...

I feel very very bloated nwadays. Esp when I know I m hungry cos can feel, bt yet my stomach is still bloated to the top. My rib cage pain is getting worse, just lightly touch & I feel the pain. My SIL said as bb gets bigger, I will feel worse + more breathless.

Of cos bb is getting stronger nwadays lah. Then lately I notice bb likes to do alot of stretching, cos I feel my stomach so stretched, then when I topuch my stomach, I can feel like something protruding out, so very often my stomach is alot loop-sided. Ha ha ha.....

I still can't c which part of the body is moving when bb moves. Skin is still very thick. Ha ha ha.....
Gig - nvm lah, take ur time. I just wanna b more ks, try to settle things tat I can rem. I just wanna let her know, so tat @ least by then I dun hv to panic, esp when Feb has so many MTBs leh...... Ha ha ha.....
Aiyoh... the free wireless just slightly off my block. Dunno whether can still receive or not.

ah ger and gig, wanna get some casual tops to wear during weekend. So got 4 pieces of tops (the cheapest $19.90) and a 3/4 brown capris ($29.90). The salesgirl again bring me a lot of tops and bottoms to try but luckily she is not those hard press kind, so end up buying 5 pieces.
Jas - mine totally nt covered! Wa liew..........

I was thinking of casual tops for wkends also..... bt I dun wanna spend so much $$ again so I REN REN REN!

2day just wore a new pc of PM dress. My coll saw & asked "wah new dress!" I said I bought mths ago bt only open ceremony 2day. Ha ha ha.....

When u wear maternity dress, u really look very big cos it's flare & wide @ the bottom, makes me look like I m due anytime. Ha ha ha.......
True, ah ger, weekend when i wear normal tees, ppl dun even realise i pregnant. But today my boss and colleague just commented my tummy looking very big!

Yaya, hubby coming back tomorrow! In time for his bday celebration this friday.
But haven't got his present yet lei... Headache...
AH ger..maternity dress is flare at the bottom? Why?
I bought a dress from Mothersenvogue @Delfi..its not flare leh..

Jas..PM salesgirls usually quite pushy with their sales right..they always ask u to try..
I must politely decline..with my hb around I think easier for me..if not I usually give in..
Jas - my coll even tot all along my tops were just bb doll clothings. Until she saw my dress 2day then ask "wah finally u wear ur maternity clothes." Ha ha ha......

Jas - tell ur hb "tis yr no b/day gift cos all $$ saved for bb's arrival"

Hahaha... think my hubby won't object no present this year but i just wanna get him something loh. Maybe try Robinson today.

Charis, salesgirl at PM Arcade so far are alright. She will recommend but not pushy. I told her frankly yday i just wanna get some cheap clothes for weekend. She is still as nice and friendly as ever.
Ah ger, I cant see which part of the body moving when bb moves too. Think I thick-skinned also
Ya, actually shd book malay massage lady now liao lor. But I still cant make up my mind. Then it's not good to book them but didnt use their service mah. I think my blk is covered leh.
I agree that certain design make us look so fat and big.

cherryale, no prob at all....
Just sharing whatever we know only.

Jas, I'm lucky that 2of my frens passed their maternity clothings to me. Just tell hb that you've got the best present for him in your tummy.
Charis - cos it's empire cut, so the bottom is wider lor.

Charis, PM gals will ask u to try cos sometimes u may overlook some designs, or sometimes u find the design ugly bt when u try it on, it's nice. Arcade gals nt pushy one, if u say dun want they also wun say anything.
Gig, my SIL also pass some maternity dress to me but they quite old liao and too big for me to wear now. Maybe end of the term... For hubby present, think just get him a small gift then a nice dinner together on friday. Our little one got to share the food also mah.
Gig - ha ha ha, we both r thick-skinned.

Oh, tis massage lady I booked, I heard frm my gf she can take 2 per day, bt I just wanna let her know tat I will need her svc. I dun wanna scout ard already, since my gf said nt bad then take lor.

Haiz, I bought my clothes when I was abt 3mths preg, then b4 & after, really very big diff. When I 1st wore the dress, it still look like a normal ofc dress cos stomach is still flat, bt nw, like a big gallon infront of me. Then the breasts/ arms tare also more meaty.

I hv my sis to pass me her clothings bt then bcos my body grew wider, I could only wear her bottoms. Bt then so many bottoms bt no tops also no use.
Ah ger..oic..

Tonight I think i'll go suntec n marina sq with hb..it has several maternity shops..plus also baby stores..can recki some cots too..good idea right? Suntec n marina sq?
Charis - happy shopping then! Yeah Suntec L5 I think, has alot of kids' stores. I think there is a big shop called Kids' Mall, they sell quite alot of stuff inside, can go take a look.

Charis - gd gd gd! Done w/ hsewk then take some rest, bb needs to breathe also!
Jas, go for romantic dinner on Fri !!! Enjoy yourself!!!

Ah ger, true lah... got more confused with more recommendations. Hehehe... Lucky me, both my frens got similar size and taste as me so I'm practically wearing 90% of what they passed to me.
Hi all, me so busy today. But just stole some time to come in and glance through the postings...

Avent Breast pump
I find it easy to use ley. Not really tiring on the hands. You don't have to keep working the pump all the time. Once the milk sprays out, just keep the pump down until the spray stops. Sometimes can be quite long.
But then again, maybe cos I didn't pump so much, so I didn't experience hand pain. I only used to pump a little every day for Sarah's breakfast cereals when she was btw 6 and 12 months.
i often feel tt my tummy hardening & contracting .......so uncomfortable......breadthless some more......

anyone .......?????????/
