(2007/02) February


yup yup .. most likely ..
i've just call for the next appointment..
same as ah ger ... but mine is noon time ..


hope u get the gender u want ..


i dunno if bb movement .. but i do feel butterly flutters sometimes ..
but doc got said .. at about week 18 should be able to feel bb movement..
he said at this point now can't feel wor ..

ah ger,

i meant the price list from dr tham ..
got print when is the detailed scan ...
around week 20 to 22nd week. .
did u ask how much is the blood test and the detailed scan ?

i was looking at the hospital package as well ..
wat is neo rate ?
any idea ?
so normally bb is admitted together rite ?
i dun understand the if bb is admitted and neo rate thing on the table ?

when r u going to shop at the shop ?
maybe i can tag along ..
he he ..
ya i waited 2 hours ..
cause he was in out the other room .. i'm actually just after u .. but still gotto wait cause he's at the other room ..
he he .. and guess wat i did at his room ..
playing around with the stetoscope ..
he he ..
at first my hubby tried listening but cannot hear anything .. then after a while we figured it out ..
suppose to press the hole at the middle of the listener ..

moral of the story .. we can't be left alone in the room ..
ha ha ..

ic .. 90+ will be too exp liao ..
60+ also considered exp ..

but good tat u get to eat the dim sum ..


I had bra extension_even at the the last hook, it still felt very tight....and i notice got a red line beneath my breast when i bath at night after work.

My colleague said must have more "roomy" bra so breast wont feel restricted and will grow lor.

i felt quite comfy with my new bra now...think shd be worth lah...

hopefully, soon the cup size will catch up...

agreed that now is the only chance to feel like "betty boo"
nana....it will definely shrink. I am like you cup A. After bfeed....shrank very fast. Within 1 week...all the nice nice big bos...it gone...
i think rite ..
if eat well and take care ...
then breast won't shrink ...


do u gal notice tat the nipple is actually getting bigger .. so does the surrounding ..

i noticed that the areola area kinda like "spread out" and nipple looks like those bottle teats
JC, my mom will stuck in a place once she starts hr mj so dun want to tire her down with my cf. Most prob, I'll get cf catering.

Catz, you saw the sleep specialist liao?

cherryale, I used to be cup B after birth and bfg, it's cup A.

ck, mine is smaller than pre preg too.
Giggler, huh, from cup B to A. How come bfg will cause the cup to shrink? Has it got to do with weight loss? How many cup sizes did you go up while pregnant? I saw my friend's breast when she was breast feeding, gosh, they are HUGE! after that it definitely went down 2 sizes.

My mummy is the opp, she said before pregnancy, her breasts are not big, prob between A to B, then after giving birth to 3 of us, her cup size went up to 80C/D. This is when she is slim at about 48kg. Hopefully I takes after her genes.
giggler, jc
har??? wld shrink to even smaller than before preg ahh?? *wails* oh no....... then mine wld be nothing liao...

i hope mine wont shrunk so much also.....at most went back to pre preg size... but not smaller lar... *praying*
huh! will shrink? I already cant see and its going to be worst?

Hey ladies, any ideas wat soup to drink so that e breast can produce more milk? Heard Zoe tay drink papaya with pork ribs. HOw to cook? Anyone has any idea?

I am interested to know
Need to have more milk but my breast is so small
hi gals

update from my checkup... bb is only 9.15 cm but doc says dont be too concerned with regards to the size. Heard the heart beat also..like horse galloping!!!

bb is not in a good position , but doc says most likely a gal.. dont know is i think too much or not, but i sensed that hb is abit disappointed. But i am ok with boy or gal.
cherryale, Giggler, my appt with the sleep doctor is tomorrow.. can't wait 'cos the past few nights barely 3 hrs of sleep

My boobs are very slightly bigger but the nipples are HUGE. For me, bf for 10 months, after that, went back to slightly bigger than normal. Hehe.. I very happy with B cup liao 'cos I used to be airport runway for a looooong time until I went overseas to study.

Octbride, there are the tried and tested papaya/fish soup for breastmilk. TMC and KK will provide the soups for a fee after you give birth.. think TMC also gives out the recipe. Moms in Mind has recipe.

Don't worry, size of breast does not reflect supply, promise you that!!! My auntie is AA and she can successful bf 2 kids.
Hehehehe, what I wear at home..... use your imagination

Dr Han also did a quick quick scan for me during my last visit (2 Aug). He tried to find the heartbeat on the doppler but had some trouble. But since we saw the heartbeat on the scan, he didn't try very hard. The visit was very quick. I'm not going for any screening. So my next appt is 30 Aug. Wk 16. And my detailed scan is Sept 27.

I think the 'Week 12' thing is just the landmark week. Not the accurate week. Cos certain things need to be done at certain times during the pregnancy. My appts are still every 4 wks.

I should be signing up for the package. He didn't mention anything about that.
Hi All

Morning to everybody..........

I went to Mama CHIC yest to chk out the shop. Erm... it's nt my type lor. Well, if u r nt a fussy wearer/ buyer, then can lah. U know those tee shirts flare one? They are selling @ 9.90 bt then it's really very big. I wear already can cover my whole butt. Then their berms/ capris - ok lah, can buy cos $30+ only. Bt the rest of their clothes - they hv those maternity shirts/ blouses bt need to b pressed so out for me. Designs wise - if u seen PM & MM's collection, u prob wun fancy. Oh gals, they only collect cash or cheque. No Nets or credit card.

I went to Suntec, regretted din go PM much earlier.
I fancied a pair of checks grey capris, just ard knee length - veyr nice! Bt bcos the cutting is abit small, I took L size then the butt is very tight. No larger size liao. Sobs sobs sobs.......... Then I tried another pair of berms, on offer $31.90. Their new range are low waist ones, quite nice.

I bought a pair of cotton hot pants frm Spring $20+. Seems like sleepware though bt u can wear out lah. The gal told me it's nt slpware. They hv a range of new collection, bt since my body structure is wide, I doubt I can wear for a long period so I din try nor buy.

Somebody was asking on having more milk? Mum cooked papaya w/ dunno wat soup for sis tat time. I heard eating fish helps also?

Bra - I also nv really increase in size, my B is fuller than b4 lor. Bt my width increase, nw las catch then abit tight. Bt my bra is 1 hook one leh, they hv bra extn for tat? Cos usually I see were 2 hooks @ least. Nwadays I wear already when I rch hme, also got a red line, cos it means tight esp our normal bras are nt very stretchable.

gals - another alternative is - dun buy under-wired, buy sports bra, or perhaps buy Bee Dees kind. Tat day I pass by OG I saw a black bra quite nice $22.90. Bt I din try, also din chk out if they hv larger size though. Anyway I m gng to Bkk to rackee.

Oh, my sis's shrunk back after she stop BF, then she said her cup went back *sob sob* bt the width increase. Eg she used to b maybe 70, then went up to 75 bt cup went back to A. Ke lian right?


CK - u still touch his stethoscope arh? We merely looked thru watever his displays r on the shelf, then c the awards/ medals & etc....... then we were estimating hw many Thank You cards he has on the 4 boards, saw one frm Stephanie Sun. ha ha ha......... We dun touch his stuff cos skali he cmes in then see already nt nice mah.

As for the hospital charges, I m also very puzzled leh, yets was browsing thru bt I dun really understand. Bt nvm, since our appt is on Tues, I told hb, to go for the Maternity Tours. it starts @ 12pm, so we can look ard then understand the packages & etc.

Neo rate - I supp is the NICU bah......... I really dunno. I haben really go & yan jiu.

Oh, our nx appt, which is after 16wks - can sign up for the ante-natal pkg liao. Which is $500 + GST nt including the vits & supps.

Giggler - I chk on my nipples - full one leh.

Gals, I m starting to hv sore throat - can I take Strepsils?
Stella - dun get worried abt the bb size - so long as healthy can le + u get the assurance frm gynae. Bb will soon catch up to be bigger in no time.
CK - u meant shop @ the shop? U mean PM or MM is it? I can go anytime lor.........

U let me know lah. If u go w/ me, then PM I hv 20% off. If I lend u my card, u r only entitled to 10%. MM is 10% only.
my pet is a tOrtOise, an indian star tortoise who was with me for 7.5years.

My breasts overfilling the cups long time ago. but no $$ to go buy new bras, think will do so this weekend when i get my pay. I just hope the breasts will not sag after givin birth.

I recalled some has started drinking maternal milk? Do you really follow what was instructed? For eg. 2 serving per day, 5 spoonfuls mixed to 200ml water for Annum Brand? I tried one glass last nite and that was one of the most disgusting drink i ever drink? How??
My mum so surprised I am drinking this now, coz she said, I stopped drinking all kinds of milk after a few months. How??
where is PM and where is MM? Time for me to go shopping as well this weekend.

oH, my tummy oso almost "invisible" in the morning, but nite time it will be very bloated. Think is the water retention, coz i will wake up a few times to pass urine in the nite time.

weight gain is only 300g to 700g in 1st trimester. But waist and buttocks all expanded.
HI Smurfy..

i drinking annum also... but i dont follow the instructions cos i find it too thick.. i add three scoops to one glass of water.

dunno it is true or not..last time when i faithfully drink two glasses a day,bb was growing at faster rate. Now that i drank less, bb grows slower.
I mix the Enfamama powder with Milo. Hb is the one who makes it so dun know whether he follows the instruction though he said he did
hi stella,
actually my hb also prefer boy ( i sense it one lah) but i guess the bb's gender is not up to us to decide....so, dun think too much! buut hor, i feel very stressed too. I dreamt that mine is a bb gal and hb was disappointed....well, see if i can see the bb's gender on my visit next sat!

hi ah ger,
i took stepsils and ricola when i have bad throat last week. if you feel unsafe, go see a doctor then. btw, like wat smurfy said, whats PM? I know what is MM tho....
i add 4 scoops to 1 glass of water. but got weird smell leh. do you drink 2 cups per day now?

u drink how many cups per day?

I TOLD BB WE COMPROMISE.hahahha I try to drink one cup every day for its health. Then it must also let me take cold drinks. Coz at times if I take cold drinks, BB will protest and will experience cramp like pain for rest of the day.
hi gals

i think my hormones are working again.. dunno y i feel so stress upon hearing bb might be gal. suddenly i think of hb may not be so proactive, mil starts to blame etc...

but of cos regardless of boy or gal, still my darling.
Hi gals,

i wonder if any of you have this problem.

I'm a cup A. i realise when i wear a cup A bra, my nipple will get out of shape when i take out my bra at night to bath. its like the bra cup has pushed the nipple backwards.

but yesterday when i wear the 90B bra, the shape of the nipple remains intact. so i wonder is it becos the bra cup i wore is wrong?
i knw how u feel *pat*pat*

i always like boys just because i always think they r cuter (perception). My HB's oso like boys but that's because in his family, girls carry no weight and has no final say.

if my BB is a boy, i will be very happy. But if my BB is a girl, I will definitely shower her more attention, be protective and makes sure she does not lose out in anything.

Nowadays hor, if i got energy, I sure go contradict whatever decisions my future MILs has for the wedding preparations. Must let them knw I have a bigger influencing factor than them arrr. Otherwise next time me and BB no place to stand arr..
But doggy, beri sad hor, the guys got sandwiched between us hoR? But must protect ourselves and our BBs mah.

Nowadays I always ask "Which one you prefer? The weak and sickly me, who goes along with what u say? Or the lively and energetic me, who always digging a mountain out of a molehill?" He's always speechless arr hahaha :p
hi catz

Can i have the receipt? My hospital is at Mount Alvernia.. DUn think they will provide such soup.. I heard must drink during pregnancy. I am not sure i will have enuf milk. My sis's breast also cup A and her bf last only 2 weeks!

Hmm feel a sudden constant sharp pain near e ovary side. Is it okie? Feel like taking half day to see doc now.. **worried
hi smurfy,
true but no choice...have to protect ourselves esp my MIL din really treat me well. U know out of sudden, she called hb to ask me back for dinner...well, all becoz i'm pregnant i think....oh mine, like those drama rite? MIL will treat DIL well when they know the DIL is pregnant! wat era am i in sometime i keep wondering....but i feel the sincerity is not there coz she really treat me terribly
Cherryale, used to be B- pre preg, then go up to B+ when bfg. But now shrink to A liao.

Nana, yup, my breasts shrink after giving birth.

Octbride, I heard of papaya soup to incr milk ss. Also eat lots of fish help too. Milk ss and size of breasts are not related. Dun worry

Stella, think most guys prefer boi. My hb also prefer boy cos hes those traditional type but he also love our gal very much now. The most impt thing is to have a healthy bb.

Catz, good for u that your cup size incr instead.

Ah ger, think nipples not accurate lahK. How to determine if one nipple is split and the other is full? Think Strepsils is fine.

Smurfy, I dun really follow the instructions for those powdered milk, I cant stand it if its too thick
if urs is like those menstrual cramps pain, then shld be okay, coz it shld be muscles contracting for the BB's growth. Gynae said body is very sensitive, can sense such changes. I experience that almost everyday, especially if i take cold drinks :x. But if it is really bad, perhaps u call the gynae for some sound advice.

doggy arr
my future MIL did not even asked me over for dinner ar. But cannot blame them, coz they working oso. But oso did nothing to "bu" my health, despite my very weak health ar. That's why hor, for the customery, I keep insisting I want the SI DIAN ZHUANG, instead of SI DIAN JIN. Gold so cheap, but make them fork out some money to buy diamonds for me mah hahahhaa. Now got BB inside, I got final say :D
CK - u meant shop @ the shop? U mean PM or MM is it? I can go anytime lor.........

U let me know lah. If u go w/ me, then PM I hv 20% off. If I lend u my card, u r only entitled to 10%. MM is 10% only.
later lunch time I m gng to PM to collect my VIP card.
Later when they ask me to chk out their new arrivals, I sure ask abt the capris. Cos yest Suntec outlet cfm dun hv the size I want for tat capris liao. Then I said if 1 of the outlet has it, then when I try then still nt comfy enuff, can I dun take? They said if like tat bcme tat outlet who trsf to them can't sell.

So I dun wanna take the risk to ask them trsf lor.

if Arcade outlet can give me better ans, I dun mind reserving.
PM = Perfect Mum, available at Heartland Mall #02-32, Int'l Plaza #02-81, Tg Pagar Plaza #02-17(the one w/ NTUC), Suntec City Mall #03-019 (the kids' corner), Arcade #02-05.
octbride, sorry what receipt? I think TMC charged extra $25 for 3-4 soups per day.. very shiok. KK is also using the same soups as TMC but dun worry, I didn't take the soup after I left hospital but can bf... basically bf is UP TO YOU...the more you let bb latch, the more milk you will hv. If you are lazy and don't latch every 2-3hrs, sure no milk. The first 1 month is touch 'cos baby will be stuck to your breast most of the time but after that, it gets a lot easier. Just make sure that you get the LC to teach you how to latch properly before you leave the hospital.. and if you go home and cannot latch, faster make appt to see the LC IMMEDIATELY.

Thought most hubbies prefer girl? But my hubby ain't the traditional sort lor. He's hoping for a girl this time.. says that if next time got any boys play punk with her, he will go with my son to bash him up. Heh. So silly.

Ah Ger, I'm on leave tomorrow also.. to see the doctor. Enjoy your leave ah!
hi smurfy..
the pain started from morning till now. The moment i sit down, or walk, or stand, i feel e sharp pain. Getting worried..
Hopefully like wat u say is the muscle stretching
Catz, I think she meant recipe.

Stella - dun miss me - Mon I will b back to hugz u all again le.

Octbride - perhaps u shld call ur gynae & tell him/ her abt the pain. Since it's bn so many hrs.
hi catz

Oh e receipt i refer to the papaya soup.. Dun noe how to cook.

What is LC? Sorry alot of short terms dun understand.
yah octbride think u better call ur gynae..

coz mine is more like those continously but mild menstrual cramps type. not sharp pain

ah ger.
enjoy urself k? but go easy on the food and take ur time to do the shopping, dun rush.
LC - I also dunno wat is means, bt I guess is those nurses in the hospital bah.

Smurfy - yeah, I wun shop alot lah - dun hv so much $$ to do so. I m still thinking hw much to change leh....... just for 3D2N.

Food wise - hv to ctrl on my chilli intake again. Yest had 2 much chilli, end up I think my stomach ccan't take it. No throwing up bt tis morning stomachache lor.
hi ah ger,
thanks for the info and enjoy your trip....i missed the MK steamboat at BKK....YUMMY! yest i eat malay rice with lots of chilli, end up throwing out all my dinner....guess really have to put it a stop...
Hi ladies

Hw everyone? Been quite busy recently. Vry tired today....

Oh...welcome those new comers.

I have my scan on every visit w Dr Ben Tham (KKH) bt i see him at KKH AMK. He printed those scn for me on every visit bt don thk he charge.

Hb is worry so we didn't ML whn i got preg. I guess it bcos we come across some reading abt infection & chances of mc is 9times higher than those w/o infection. so i guess as long as u clean yrslf properly shdn't be a pblm
bt don ML too fierce wor.

Don't thk mine get bigger but the areola area seem to get darker!!! oh...

Stella, smufy, alto hb said both also cn bt i realise he liks bor bor more. for as long bb is healthy both also cn.
