2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi all
Sorry if you are still waiting for my pix. I didn't make it to take any pix of my bump at 37 weeks. I went thru' emergency C-Section on Fri nite bcos my waterbag broke just before I make it to the gynae's clinic! It was quite a dramatic night, then Sat/Sun/Mon was busy at the hospitals with visitors flooding my ward. Just managed to settle down at home. Will keep you all posted on updates soon.

By the way, Gracia weighs only 2.165kg and Chloe 2.095kg at birth. But both are healthy and well, passing all the tests at TMC and discharged together with me.

CONGRATS!!! Sharing your joy as well.

Twins MTB, congrats to u too. Wow.. it's really getting exciting here. I am waiting anxiously for my turn to come.

Hi Sharon, how old are ur twins now? Not many mummies have popped in this thread. U may want to share with us ur birth experience.
In the past few day my belly is very itchy. I try apply alot of lotion already but it still so itchy.

Anyone can recommend me a good lotion to prevent the itchiness

I'm at week 30 and my belly is only 38 inch.Everyone said that my belly is very small. I juz hope that my babies are growing well inside.

Week 30
<font color="119911">CONGRATS Verona and twins_mtb,</font>

realy good that u made it to 33 weeks, Great to know that the babies doing great, i m sure ur 3 little darling will be home soon with u
please take care now!

Believe me, my instinct told me thats why u didnt post yet
True enough u have delivered already! Great to know that the babies are doing well and are home with u. For now take care and update us when u are ready.
Dear all,
I had my detailed scan today. I was soo excited to see the babies, one of them is lying low near the pelvic and the other one is right below my rib. I got a shock when the lady scaned almost near my breast to look at the babies face. Has anyone have this???? I was really emotional to watch them stretch and move and i felt their movement inside at the same time. One of them was very cute...was touching his head and yawning
Ok coming to the gender, i m gonna have two naughty boys haha...no princes for me liao! But i m still very happy
Everything was fine, except that they cant see twin B's heart beat and lips, they made me wait and wait and scanned me every 30 min but still the baby wont let them see his face....so i have to go again in 10days for repeat scan. hehe i can see them again then.

Dr said, their size is very good but he did not say their weight, wonder if dr loh had given the weight of the babies to other mtbs? He also said, i should expect my tummy to grow very big in coming weeks....wonder if this is normal for all or he only said to me. He added that it comes with the risk of early delivery and has given me progestrone tablets to stabilize the pregnancy. Is anyone on this tablet??? I asked him whether there is any restriction in walking or activities for me and he said 'no'.

Ok i can start shopping in blue now
just kidding, i m gonna let my boys wear all kinda colours hehe...

<font color="aa00aa">Twin boys
19weeks 6days
Gained 6kg so far
next scan on 20/10</font>
<font color="0000ff">CONGRATS, twins_MTB!!</font> I couldn't help beaming when I read that you've popped, and that both girls are well and good!
By the way, could u sahre with us the total weight you've put on for the entire pregnancy? At my gynae's clinic today, I just weighed and found myself having gained a total of 9kg till date. Don't know if it's considered a steady progress or not.

<font color="ff0000">twinsmom</font>, did u tear? I did, at my detailed scan. It was certainly an emotional experience for me to see them stretching, yawning, waving, their beautiful spines, limbs and everything!
At my detailed scan at 21 weeks, the weights of my babies were given - my boy was 423g and girl was 422g. And no, was not given any tablets by the gynae then.

<font color="aa00aa">Antz Antz</font>, has your gynae said anything about the twins' weight and development? If he/she is satisfied with the growth, don't think there should be any worries. My belly was initially growing at an alarming rate till the 4-5th month but it has slowed down a little, and like u, am 38 inches. But gynae dismissed it as my having a very neat belly.

So sad, my gynae didn't give me any indication of my BBs' weight at my routine scan today. She just said that they were growing well and that the weights are only an estimate so not to dwell too much on it. SIGH! But it would have been good to know, so that I could track my twins' progress. But saw the faces of my prince and princess captured on the 3D scan. So cute!
My prince looks so cute and chubby and my princess (side profile)has such a beautiful nose!

<font color="0000ff">24</font><font color="ff0000">wks</font><font color="aa00aa">2days</font>

That's so fantastic tt u managed to hold them in for so long! Think they'll be home soon... Take care of urself too yah? Really can't wait to see pics of ur three little princes!!! Only hope i'll be able to carry my three as long as u did!

Hey gal! That's so fantastic tt u've held them in for 37 weeks!!! Amazing! Really glad ur 2 princesses are home with u! Take care yah?

Must be so great for u to finally find out u're having 2 precious princes! Congratulations! U can finally do all the shopping u've been wanting to do!
Dr Loh did mention at my last visit tt he'll be putting me on a cocktail of medication from the 20th week onwards to prevent premature contraction... dunno what he'll be prescribing so i guess i'll find out when i see him next at my detailed scan on Fri. Will keep u updated!
Wah, I go out for only one day and already so many interesting posts!
Heheh...glad to see all the good news around.

CONGRATS!! You must have had some sixth sense to mention abt taking photo of your belly last week...and next thing you know, you've popped! So exciting! Happy that you and your twins are fine!

CONGRATS to you too!! Don't worry, the doctors will take good care of your babies and you'll be home with them soon!

Antz Antz,
Not sure abt cream, I'm using the Cocoa Butter Cream for stretch marks. What about asking your doctor which cream he recommends for tummy itch? He might have free samples for you to try.

Glad that your babies are doing well. Are 3D scans common? When did your doc start on the 3D scans and will you be having them from now on? I'm looking forward to the first feeling of my babies' movements and also my detailed scan in 3 wks time.

Congrats on finding out abt your 2 boys! Now can shop already!
Hehe... Did you get any report or printout of the detailed scan for you to keep as a record? Did you take video of it? At least you get a chance to see your princes in your repeat scan again. So nice! Thanks for sharing!
No i did not tear but was too happy and emotional. I teared during my first two scans. Thanks!

for me only one medicine and its PO-progestrone. Ya now got to crack my mind to find names for my princes.

Yes finally i can shop liao. Think i m gonna be very busy from now on haha...
Hi Choco,

Yah, guess that 3D scans are getting increasingly common. The 1st time my gynae did the 3D scan was when I was in my 17th week. Her 3D machine just came in then. But my detailed scan was done at her other clinic which didn't have that, so a 2D machine was used. Yesterday's scan was 3D. Think from now onwards, it will be 3D all the way. Don't mind paying a little more to see my BBs in their full glory.
sorry forgot to answer ur questions properly, KKh doesnt allow video cam so i didnt, Yes i requested for a print out but really cant make out whats in the picture...so blurr
thinking of asking for another print out during the re-rescan.
Yipeee...i m so happy that hubby said he wil accompany me for the next scan

alethea, I would also love to go for 3D scan but read somewhere that 3D and 4D scans are more powerful than the normal one and we should try to avoid even normal scans as much as possible. Dont know how true is this :p

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>EDD/DOB</TD><TD>NAME(optional)/BIRTH WEIGHT</TD><TD>NO. OF BBIES/GEND</TD><TD>HOSPITAL/CLINIC</TD><TD>DR. </TD></TR><TR><TD>TCH</TD><TD>DOB18th Aug 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggies mummy</TD><TD>12th Oct 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>dorayaki</TD><TD>DOB 6th Oct 06</TD><TD>Gracia-2.165kg Chloe-2.095kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrynzen</TD><TD>7th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>13th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verona</TD><TD>15th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovia|Ger</TD><TD>23rd Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ants Ants</TD><TD>1st Dec 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>TB Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>27th Jan 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Cathryn Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>5th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3(boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>LC Foong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BK</TD><TD>13th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trips</TD><TD>5th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 (boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinsmom</TD><TD>8th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choco_latte</TD><TD>16th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>Private</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irin</TD><TD>9th Apr 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>qoo</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Dear tch, verona and doggiesmommy, please post ur info for updating once u gals have the time...take care now
Not sure if my gynae has that machine too...Do you find some of the 2D scans also quite blur? Sometimes I can't make out which angle of the baby I'm looking at...prob during the last few scans, the babies were still not that big to see facial features yet.

Yeah, good to share the joy with your hubby in your repeat scan. He'll feel more connected to the babies too. I didn't know that 3D scans were more powerful (harmful?), but I know that some countries only require 2 scans in a pregnancy not like here where we have a scan at every fortnightly/mthly appmt. Of course, we are happy and reassured to see our babies moving each time, as long as no harm is done.
I am not sure if its harmful, but i did read that its good to cut down as much as possible, think so far there is no proof scanning is harmful to unborn babies. Ya i read that 3D scans are more powerful, well some dr in US scan the multiple mtbs every week while some dont. Given a choice i will also go for as many scans as possible :p but dont want if its not necessary.

your detailed scan is end of this month rite? Hope u can have both prince and princess
Congrats to Verona and dorayaki! I am so happy that more people are joining me in the sleepless nights now!!! :p Actually, not that lah. I feel kind of lonely with no one to share my woes. Now that more mums have popped, we can share our experiences.

Best_twins, normally Dr Loh will tell us the weight if we ask for it. And yes, he did give me tablets to prevent contractions.

Alethea, I have put on 17kg at end of pregnancy. Was slow to put on initially too till after 20+weeks then put on quite a lot per week.

Aiyo, looking at the statistics, looks like those who go through Dr Loh seems to bear more boys....Not that it's no good.
Congrats to Verona and Dorayaki!

Looking at the listing, think we're going to have more mums to be popping soon! Thanks to BestTwins for updating the listing.

Hi Alethea
I have put on 15kg for this pregnancy, belly size measuring in at 43 inches. In fact, during the last check up on Saturday, I had lost some weight... babies are very low now that doctor cannot measure one of them so it's anytime now.

I had some contractions last nite but it stopped after awhile. Can't wait to meet the babies.. will see the doctor again on Saturday and if I don't pop by then probably will schedule a C-section next week.

36 weeks 3 days.
Congrats Verona &amp; Twins MTB!

Twinsmom, thks for updating the table. I went for my hospital tour and detail scan on monday. I am expecting 2 boys like most of u. =) Both BBs are almost 500g. It took them almost 2 hrs to complete my scan. backache and very tired after that.

Audrynzen, looks like u may be the next one to pop. jia you ok! =)
Twins MTB, I forgot to ask... when i go for the hospital tour, I notice that they are having renovation and seems quite noisy at certain place in the bldg. was it ok in ur ward?
Hey, seems like most of you are pullin through till the 36th-37th week. Very good! Any secrets to share? Is it adequate bed rest?
For the mummies who have popped or are about to pop, did you or are u planning to opt for C-section with epidural or GA? I'm really hoping that I've the guts to go for epidural, if C-sec is inevitable, cos' the very least I could do is to witness my BBs' 1st cries.
Audreynzen, u're exactly 1 week ahead of me. Ur c-section date be next week or will only be decided by next week? My gynae scheduled it for me at my 38th week.. I have been "pestering" him for an earlier date, say at 37th week, cos quite uncomfortable with bbs in transverse positions (some more near my ribs)+ endless itch on tummy.

AletheaT, I am opting for c-sec with epi. My gynae gave me hospitalisation leave since my 30th week. It seems that some mummies carry multiples do have early contraction. I started having it in my 20+ weeks and have been taking medication to stop the pain. Still, at 32+ weeks, i was warded for contraction. Since then I guai guai rest at home, less walking (anyway, tummy heavy quite "shiong" to walk alot also). I do think that lots of rest do help to "hold" our bbs longer
Jlyn, u're very brave. M looking forward to having u share with us the delivery process after you've popped!
But I think maybe u should try to 'tahan' till 38th week, cos' better for the BBs to continue growing in your womb, right? How heavy are they now (estimated)?
AletheaT, my bbs' estimated wgt at 35wks+ are 2.8 and 3kg. Jumbo hor.. I did indulge in a little durian after i was discharged fr hosp.. cos scared premature labour.. bbs were abt 1.8kg only then. I was also shocked when dr told me the wgt. Anyway, it's just an estimation.. bbs maybe smaller.

I check with my doctor today what shd i eat to make the babies to growth. The answer is to REST. It not so much of what we eat but to have more rest now to ensure the babies grow well.

Manage to meaure the weight of only 1 baby @ 1.4kg. Hoping the babies will grow more the next vist in 2 weeks time as i am resting @ home now till my birth.


Don't take too much durian, the sugar content is high. U take care.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes..

Babies are still in hospital because KKH seems very strict about the 2 kg mark. Weights of the babies have been fluctuating around there and therefore still cannot be discharged.

Btw, I had epi c-section and it was not as bad as I thought. Dr Loh and my anesthetist, Dr Yim were very relaxed and made me feel less nervous. I was fully awake during the procedure and could hear the babies' first cries. Of course, can also see the babies first hand.

TCH, understand what you mean by "sharing your woes". I have been having mood swings, fatique and not enough sleep trying to stimulate breast milk using the breast pump. On the other hand, need to rest as much as possible but also can't help worrying about the babies...Body has been feeling very weak ( cos I lost quite a bit of blood during and after the c-section ).
U got buddies liao! and think more of them wll pop soon

thanks, I was soo gan chong that i forgot to ask him the weight, may be during my next visit i will ask

Can u post ur babies weight for me to update the table (name is optional, so if u dont want name u can say twin A, twin B)

It must be tough for u to leave the little darlings in hospital right, hey but dont worry they are in the best place and hands once they are ready they will be all over u...haha..

Can u also post ur babies birth weight with or without names and DOB? Thanks! Take care for now and rest well!
Hi Alethea
I've just stopped work at 29 Sept when I was about 34 weeks. It was on my own accord as I felt that the babies were not growing that well. My doctor say cannot give me hospitalization leave unless I get warded so in the end I'm using my Medical Leave and Annual for the past 2 weeks. Going to start my Maternity Leave next Monday.So far so good, I've not had any contractions throughout the pregnancy... other than the heavy weight, it's like my previous singleton pregnancy. I get scolded for "walking too fast". For my case, maybe TCM help. I had a previous miscarriage in Nov so for this pregnancy, was on TCM throughout to stablise the pregnancy.

I'll probably be going for C-Section with GA as Doctor is not keen to do C-Section with Epi. In anycase, don't think I have the guts to do it with Epi hehe.

Hi Jlyn
I'll be seeing the doctor this Saturday. Guess will decide on a date by then. But at the last scan as they were very low, he was thinking I might even go into labor this week. His preference is also for me to last as long as possible even up till 38th week but I'm ready to surrender. At least next week is already 37th week which is full term so guess he might relent if I pester him for a date next week.

So envious that your babies have such a good weight. Mine has just hit 2kg... guess the rest that you have had helped with the growth.

Hi Verona
Take care and rest well. Hope your babies come home soon.
hi verona
Do take good care of yourself. I can understand how you feel coz I had been through the same stage once. My babies were all born under 2 kg and needed to be warded into NICU. Everyday, I got to express milk for them and bearing with the wound pain. On one hand I am so worried about the babies and wanting to see them but on the other hand, my wound is still hurting......Seeing them with a lot of tube and needles poking them, my heart really ache....But now, they are growing very well and I must reallly thank the nurses and doc for their dedication and committment taking care of them.....So don't worry, just pray for them and I believe they will be home soon.....
Meanwhile, please do take good care of yourself coz your babies need you when they return......Rest well
hi Peacy - so nice to find u here.
How are yr 3 darlings... do update us at the Twins Thread.

Twins / Triplet MTB - sorry to intrude.
any reason why your doc not keen on c-section with epi? I m also thinking a lot on this matter.

How are u, u r our senior here, do u wanna include urself in the table? If yes please post ur details and i will add u in

welcome here, hey no intrusion, we are happy to have u popping here....feel free ok
Hi Best_Twins
Doc's advice was that GA is safer as the baby will turn after the 1st one is being delivered, he will need to turn the baby. Epi will not be able to take the pain and the baby will in danger if left inside for too long.

But then again, you should speak with your own Doctor as I think different doctors have different opinion on this.
Hi all

Just went to see Dr SF Loh for the 1st time last evening. Wah, the wait at TPS was horrible!!! Previously only needed to wait at most 20 mins when I am seeing Dr TT, yesterday I waited for almost 1.5 hrs!

Anyway, Dr Loh was much younger than I thought (ha!) and quite frenly. He apologized for the long delay, cos that day he happened to see so many mums with twins, triplets, quads etc. Also, the couple just before me had quads, so he spent quite some time advising them to remove 2 of them! What a painful decision this must be! I dun thk can tell the gender so early right??

Anyway, can someone help me update, my boys are 2 kg and 2.2 kg at wk 34. One is head down (vertical), while the other is lying horizontal (hence no space, so growth a bit slow
Nevertheless, he says once they hit wk 34, can come out anytime, and shld be able to discharge with me at the same time.
Still, will persevere and keep them inside me till wk 37. Most likely choosing c-sect with epi, same as Jlyn.

Dr Loh din gif me any ultrasound pics leh. Is that his usual practice? I also forgot to ask.... alamak.
hi Best_twins
I am glad to add my details in your table.....
DOB 29 May 2006
Kaylyn/1.5kg, Nicole/1.4kg and Ashton/1.3kg (GGB)
Gynae: Dr TanHK
Thanks, will discuss this with my doc in the future then

U may be the next one to pop right? Jia you jia you!

yes, so far doc loh nver give me any pictures, i m also wondering if we should ask??

k will update all at one go soon

<font color="0000ff">twin boys
20weeks +
re-scan on 20/10</font>
hi all
me finally found time to pop in

i deliveried on 20th sept, babies in NICU for 2 weeks. I have been struggling with them for a week now. tiring but worth it

jun heng (twin 1)

jun wei (twin 2)
Congrats DoggieMummy
The twins look so sweet and cute. Take care and rest well!
Btw, 20th Sept is around your 37th week right? How come need NICU time?
they both water in lungs at birth lor, and G6PD defeiency. then wei wei has hole in his heart. still on medication.
twins are like that one :p more problems
Hi Doggiesmummy
Thanks for sharing! You're a brave mummy!
I'm hoping to schedule a C-section next week which is around my 37th week but still thinking if can tahan should tahan till 38th week or not.
try to hold as long as possible lor. if not that my gynea is going overseas i would be able to hold longer and may be the water in the lungs may not be there

though on calculation it is week 37 but babies develop at different speed mah
doggies mummy,
cute cute....babies! Really looking upto u mummies...dont know if i can bravely go thru all that like u gals!

Can u share ur babies weight at birth thanks!
Hi all
Finally, my hubby is out and CL allow me to use the PC for a while. CL wanted me to rest my feet due becos water retention has yet to go.

Here's some pix of my twin gals.




My total weight gain was 17kg at 37 weeks. I was shocked becos 12kg was gained in the last 5 weeks! But when I weigh myself at the gynae's clinic this morning, I had already lost 13.5kg. Left 3.5kg to go! Must Jia You!!!

The noise level was OK. I stayed on level 3. Can hear the works going on during lunch and dinner hours. At other times, it was bearly noticeable. By the time you deliver, maybe the reno works are completed already?

doggies mummy,
Soooo cute!!! Your babies look biggger than mine and more sturdy too!
best twins
jun heng (twin 1) is 2.8kg at birth and jun wei (twin 2) is 2.2kg

sincerely hope u do not have to go thr all these

twin mtb the photos are taken when they are 2 weeks plus old. didnt post the at birth in nicu photos, not to upset the happy mtbs
Hi doggiesmummy

Congrats! Ya, your twins are very cute indeed! Are they identical? So their weights turn out to be higher than estimated via ultrasound is it?

Manage to do total breastfeeding? Or need to supplement with formula milk?
twins_ MTB, your twin gals look identical and so sweet! I'm reaching my 25th week and so far, have already gained 9kg. Can't imagine how my weight will climb in the last few weeks.

Audrynzen, think I'll also speak to my gynae at the next visit to see what she recomemends i.e. GA or epidural.

Doggies_Mummy, your boys are of a good weight each. U also started bed rest early?
jovia ger
they are non identicate twins

they turned out heavier than measurement

they were on total breastfeed, but as their feeds increase i cant cope hehee so now kor kor's midnight feeds are of formula the rest of the feeds are breast milk, and full breast milk for di di.

ya i started leave early cos depleting my leaves and lazy to walk

Wah, that's pretty good BF you have there! Hehee... so how do u feel the formula milk? Using plastic cups or spoon to avoid nipple confusion?

Oh ya, so how's the c-section with epi experience? Care to share with us more, cos I am also considering this option. When can u start walking with bearable pain?
The babies are so cuteeee. Looking forward to mine also.
Just went for my 14th wk scan today, gynae can see 1 gal, the other one still unknown, so excited.

jovia ger
my jun heng is a kan cheong spider when it comes to food so didnt latch him on, he will tear down my house before milk let down. my jun wei ned to monitor the milk intake cant latch on too
