2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

it's a special feedings to be able to hear the babies' first cry the minor miscomfort and fear is worth it lor

i was on wheelchair on the 2nd day and walking slowly by end day 2. was walking without help by day 3. Gynea say i very fast walking liao no choice lor cos need to go see babies mah

Hello mummies here

First of all congratulations to all mummies who have recently delivered their beloved babies. They look so cute.... For all who are still pregnant, jia you and "tong" until 34 weeks at least huh!

Just a question for mummies with twins/ triplets here, what tests did you all do to check for Down Syndrome during your pregnancy? Need some advice here... Thanks for feedback!!
Hi Alyy

For DS test, thk you can do the NT scan at wk 12 (1st tri), if not, then the triple blood test at wk 18 (2nd tri), though the accuracy is a bit higher for NT scan, which also offers earlier detection...
hipeee...another set of cutie pies photo on the thread! Ya ur girls look alike to me too...
Enjoy motherhood!
Thanks jessp for the feedback.

I was told that mothers with multiples cannot take blood test for OSCARS, as it wont be accurate. Why so? Is NT the best way to scan for DS then?
Hi mummies

If you can leave your emails here (or private message me), I can send u a link to some of my uploaded videos of my ultrasound scans during 1st/2nd trimesters, which includes some 4D shots of my boys as well ...

Now, I'm just counting down to 2 weeks more before my husband is back, and 3 weeks more before we hold our boyboys in our arms!
Hi Alyy

I thk Oscars = triple test is it? In Spore, dunno why they say for multiples is not accurate. I did both overseas, and the gynae said no prob doing the triple test, cos they have another range of (higher) values for mums carrying multiples to check against..

Anyway, you shld do NT scan if possible, unless of course, you only realise u have twins later than wk 12, which means NT scan can't be done..
I have missed reading ur post on ur babies gender, just saw it while trying to update....yeah!...welcome to the boys club! boys rule the multiple mtbs table i think haha...
<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>EDD/DOB</TD><TD>NAME(optional)/BIRTH WEIGHT</TD><TD>NO. OF BBIES/GEND</TD><TD>HOSPITAL/CLINIC</TD><TD>DR. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peacy</TD><TD>DOB 29th May 06</TD><TD>Kaylyn-1.5kg Nicole-1.4kg Ashton-1.3kg</TD><TD>3(girl/girl/boy)</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Tan HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>TCH</TD><TD>DOB18th Aug 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggies mummy</TD><TD>DOB 20th Sep 06</TD><TD>Jun Heng-2.8kg Jun Wei-2.2kg</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>dorayaki</TD><TD>DOB 6th Oct 06</TD><TD>Gracia-2.165kg Chloe-2.095kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrynzen</TD><TD>7th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>13th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verona</TD><TD>15th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovia|Ger</TD><TD>23rd Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ants Ants</TD><TD>1st Dec 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>TB Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>27th Jan 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Cathryn Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>5th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3(boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>LC Foong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BK</TD><TD>13th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trips</TD><TD>5th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 (boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinsmom</TD><TD>8th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choco_latte</TD><TD>16th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>Private</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irin</TD><TD>9th Apr 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>qoo</TD><TD>16th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Dear all, post to me if u have any updates or changes and i will update the table when i m feeling ok.
Hi Jessp

THanks for the info. I guess I will check direct with gynae for more info. Appreciate your help!
My gynae told me before hand that triple test for DS is not accurate for twins. But my HB feel that we should still ot for it and we did. Guess what? The results were negative (ie. suggesting high risk of DS) and gynae do not recommend amniocentisis as well. We had to worry day and night till the 5th month detailed scan. So if there is no absolute necessity to do the triple test, I suggest you skip it since its not going to be accurate anyway. Save the money.
I did not go for any test


U have a PM
Ur hubby is overseas now?, mine too poor him so far never seen any scan except the very first one when the babies looked like a dot.

Hi all,
did anyone have cramps or sprain kinda pain in their calves (the back part of ur leg below knees) while stretching or sleeping? I have been suffering from this pain since the past three days, it happens early morning and i couldnt even move my legs for a few minutes
Now its soo painful whenever i walk.
Hi dorayaki

I kind of agree with you, why shd we subject ourselves to the unnecessary worry when the result is not accurate. I was hoping for more accurate test for twins but it seems that no blood tests (for OSCARS and triple test in this case) are going to be accurate for DS testing except NT scan and the detailed scan. I didnt know abt this until i was sent for an OSCAR test, so i think i've learnt something along the way.

Thanks for the feedback!
Hi there! Welcome to the thread. About the DS triple test, my gynae said it's not compulsory but left it to us to decide. They have a different range when testing for twins. As for my case, we decided to go for the triple test anyway and luckily our results were in the low risk range.

You will need to discuss with your hubby and think about what is your purpose for finding out, and what will be your next step for each of the possible outcomes of the test. For example, if the triple test results are unfavourable and indicate a higher risk of DS, will you be open to amniocentesis which has its risks of miscarriage too? And if the results of the amnio are no good, what will you decide to do with the baby? These are some of the questions our gynae asked us to think about before opting for the test. If at the end of the day, you decide that you will keep the baby no matter what, then might as well not do any of the tests. Good to discuss with your gynae too as he might have a diff opinion.

Doggies mummy and Twins_MTB,
Your babies' pictures are so-o-o cute!!
Sigh...when you look at them now, do you reminisce how they felt when kicking in your tummy for so many weeks?

I'm getting more backaches now for the past week or so. Previously sleeping through the night was a breeze...now i feel like i have backaches because I don't seem to switch sleeping positions that much. Then the ache wakes me up a little and I remind myself to turn to the other side. I haven't got the leg cramps you mentioned, but I checked the babycentre book i bought. It said to ease leg cramps, immediately stretch your calf muscles by straightening your legs and flexing the toes back (i.e. opposite of pointing your toes). You can then rotate your ankles too. Or you can massage the muscle, or walk around for a few minutes to ease it. Maybe you can try it and see if it helps...
Hi Best_Twins

Replied to your email liao =) Ya, my hubby overseas. Actually I was with him too on his overseas attachment since the start of my pregnancy, only came back in my 7th mth to get more nourishment from my mum... hehee... So at least he can see the ultrasound all the way till the detailed scan..

My 4D scan was provided FOC leh, think it's already in the price for my detailed scan, which costs abt S$350 for twins.. thk a bit ex right? But we dun mind, cos we get a DVD of the whole scan (abt 45 mins),4D face shots of the 2 boys and some ultrasound pics ...
Great for keepsake!
Whenever I get cramps behind my calves, I tilt my entire feet towards myself (i.e. bend ankles and make your toes point towards you). It helps. I get it in the morning after my hubby left for work already, so no one can help me massage. So must help yourself by doing this little trick.

Before I deliver, I told my HB I will miss those kicks and fluttering feelings after the babies are born. Indeed, I do miss those feelings now. But the babies are keeping me busy so no time to really think about it. You must enjoy them now while you can. Hee!
Before I forget, I must assure you that Dr Lawrence Ang's stitching skill is indeed one of the best. I was operated at 9:15PM on Friday and I could walk around the following day after 2PM. Everyone who visited me thought I went through natural delivery. So trust him if you had to opt for C-sect. You'll recover very fast. Even my confinement lady think I recover really fast for C-sect. And the stitches were neat and nice. Dr. Ang even suggest I ask my HB to take a pix of the wound when the bandage was removed. Haha!
ya i miss their kicks
but i made it a point to really enjoy and remember how they feel inside me

now it's a different experience. everyday is a new learning experience. the boys are learning, so am i
will enjoy everyday too cos soon it will be a different stage of their life.

will bring them back to Dr Fong to disturb him hehee
Wow, so good...dvd ah? Where did you have your detailed scan done? So nice to have it as a keepsake.

Doggies mummy,
Wah, so fast man3 yue4 already for you! Seems like only recently that you were telling us you were going to deliver soon...time really flies. I'm waiting for my detailed scan...Did you also have your detailed scan done at TMC? I understand that we can't bring in video-cam to record the scan...did you try? Did they give you any print-outs for you to keep?

How much did you pay for your twins pkg with Dr Fong? He hasn't mentioned it to me yet. Must compare with you to make sure he's consistent...haha! Also, did he do any 3D/4D scan for you? Sorry for asking you so many questions...just that since ours is private doc, can't compare with the other sisters who are going to the docs at the hospitals.
Congrats to all the new mummies!!! Just went for my 14th wk scan on Thursday. Gynae was able to tell us 1 of them is a gal.
The other one still can't see clearly. Looking forward to my detailed scan in 6 wks' time.
Dr fong charged me $900 (50% more than single) Detail scan is 50% more too at TMC then print out is computer print out, cant figure out what is what
. I didnt do 3D/4D scan. didnt want to waste money.
Hello all
2 more days for me! I'm scheduled for a C Section on Wednesday morning (37+ weeks).

Looking forward to meeting the babies soon.
Hi Audrynzen

Wah, so exciting! Finally can meet your twins soon! Your hubby allowed to go into the theatre with you right? Wish you a smooth delivery, and do post your newborn pics soon!
Hi twins_mtb
Thanks for the info. btw, were u given free upgrade of room during ur stay at TMC? heard that dr ang's patient will get it if rooms are available. did u stay in single or double bedded? i am still hesitating between tmc or mt a... actually prefer mt a. but think free upgrade not available at mt a. =(
Audrynzen, wishing you a smooth and easy delivery! Take care! You must be really excited....

Doggies mummy, thanks for the info!
Hey mummies, I've been feeling my tummy hardening quite regularly lately. When it happens, I can feel my insides being compressed, then suddenly, I see my tummy (both sides, left and right from the navel) protruding such that my rounded belly then becomes almost like a square. This protrusion will remain for about 10-20 secs, before the bumps subside, and all will be calm again. Initially, I tawt maybe it's the BBs' heads or butts jutting out, but becos' it's happening like once every hour or 2 hours, I'm afraid it's something else.

Any of you mummies ehre experienced that b4? Is it Braxton Hicks? Any cause for alarm?
Hi AletheaT
How many weeks are you now? I experienced this before and I think you should let your gynae know....It could be Braxton Hicks but it can also be contraction....Better see your gynae if you feel uncomfortable.
peacy, I'm in my 25th week. There's no pain, just a tightening sensation. It's happening rather regularly over the past few days. And when it happens, the protrusions makes my tummy look square-shaped!
Hi AletheaT
I also experienced that around that period. At that time, I thought that they are just moving around so I ignored....However, when I was admitted to hospital, these movements can cause contraction when they used the CTG machine to detect. So I guess you should consult your Dr to be on the safe side.
Alethea, that is contractions but may be braxton hicks...better check with your gynae. Contractions may not come with pain. If it is serious enough, your Dr may prescribe you anit-contraction pills.

peacy, your babies are so cute. You mentioned they don't look alike but they do look a like to me...my twins look so very different
hi tch
heehee....one look, they may look alike but when you look at them again, they look different. So how are your babies now? You look after yourself right? How I wish I can do that...
Expenses quite high for 3 kids so got to work.....if you got msn, maybe we can chat further . my e-mail is [email protected]
hello all,
I couldnt find our thread for the past 2 days, did anyone else had this prob? Maybe something wrong with my computer.

Doggies mummy,
wow! one month already? How was the celebration? I m sure u and hubby enjoyed urself

soooooo excited for u dear! its one more night only! jia you jia you...

sorry for the scare u r going thru...i really dont know what is it.....like our seniors say do consult the doc asap. My doc said must go 24hours or call if the tummy tightens but did not say the shape or anything.

<font color="119911">20weeks+</font>
re-scan on 20/10}
best twin
the celebration was tiring...
i tring to maintain my breast milk supply, but it seems like dropping... sigh anything i can take to increase it? cos boys refuse to suckle from breast
peacy, I am still on ML but will be going back to work soon. I understand what u mean about expenses as I also have 3 (1 elder boy) myself. Cannot afford not to work.

Babies are doing well though not growing as big as I wish they would be. My eldest son grew at a much faster pace though he wasn't born much bigger then them. Their schedule are more manageable at night now...at least I get to sleep a stretch of 3 hours sometimes, unlike the first monthen when I have to wake up almost every hour. I just hope they will sleep through faster.

I have added u to my msn.

Alethea, don't worry, I think it's quite common to have early contractions for multiples but just see your Dr to put yourself at ease.

Doggies mummy, hv you tried Fenugreek? You can buy it from GNC and the LC said to consume 3 pills 4x a day...the dosage on the bottle is not sufficient to increase supply. It did help my supply but still not enough for my boys though so I stopped EBM after 6 weeks.
Hi tch
My supply is not enough for my 3 babies too. So I only manage to give them 2 feeds everyday and the rest is supplement with formula...I intend to stop at 6 months but my hubby wants me to continue as long as possible.
peacy, but how many times do you hv to pump for the 2 feeds? Isn't it difficult for you when u start work? I had to pump whole day 3 hourly then enough for 2 feeds leh.
I also couldn't find our thread for the past 2 days. Now I know I'm not the only one.

Yes, I was originally under the 4-bedded package. Dr. Ang advise me to take the cheapest package in case there are complications at birth. He said I could end up "bankrupt" if babies are very premature and need to be in NICU for a long time. Haha! Anyway, I took his advise but was upgraded to 2-bedded FOC upon admission. You can actually opt for single-bedded after you had delivered and everything turn out OK. One of my friends did that at TMC.

For your info, after Medisave deduction, we only had to pay $898.00 cash upon discharge. I'm very happy with that.
Your milk flow is very good hor. I only managed to pump twice a day and achieve a total of 2.5oz (approx. 70ml). Only enough for 1 feed and 1 twin. They take turns to consume the BM and take FM at other times.
twins_MTB, but u do let them latch on? What do you mean only manage to pump twice a day? I only achieve that more towards end of 1st month..you have just delivered not too long ago right?

Initially, I pump every 3 hourly even after they latch on. But only for about 2 weeks cos it's so tiring and I don't know how to manage the schedule cos they feed at different time. After that, I totally express every 3hourly.

I should have gotton a good pump right from the beginning. I was using 1 side
Avent manual and the other Madela Mini. Was thinking of getting one before I stopped, but hub said no point cos I am going back to work.
Hi tch,
My milk flow is coming in quite slowly. Lactation only started on 6th day after I deliver. Today is the 11th day. I cannot get much out except in the morning and then another time in the evening. Yes, I do let them latch on but my nipple is not quite protruding, so they get frustrated after trying for a while. Does it help if I just keep pumping at regular intervals even though the supply is little?

I'm using the medela electric pump. I find the suction quite weak. Not sure if its my problem or the pump.
my twin 1 drinking 90ml now and twin 2 70 ml. they gets hungry every 2.5 to 3 hr. so my "was enough" EBM is no longer enough.

every time i pump (at least 80ml) is enough for twin 2 with a little left over. so now twin 1 only gets EMB 2 or 3 times a day so guilty to make him drink cow's milk

Fenugreek ah? is it effective? my boys are G6PD defiency leh. so dun noe i can take or not

i pumping every 2 hourly to squeeze out every drop of milk now hopefully the supply will increase soon
twins_MTB, I am no expert since I am not to0 successful in BF. However, my supply did slowly increase over the days. It was like 5ml in the first weeks and slowly increase to about 50 eventually. So yes, I would say it helps to pump regularly, every 3 hourly and 15mins minimum each breast. initially, I would even go up to 30mins each breast when I didn't let babies latch on. If you are really persistent on BF, continue to pump 3hourly though there is nothing. Supply will definitely increase. Pumping only twice will not help.

I tot the medela electric pump is quite good? I was using the mini and find that the sunction is good enough. If you are using the PIS, it should be good enough leh.

And oh yes, drink lots of water. Have to be like 2 to 3 litres. I think that help too. And after I stop expressing, I started to take fresh milk and realise that for that initially days when I started taking milk, the dried up supply seems to come back a little. So maybe drinking milk helps as well.

Doggies mum, you can call the KKH LC to ask about eating Fenugreek for G6PD babies. I think pumping regularly does help as I did see my supply increase from 5ml to 50ml. Just that I find it too much hardwork for too little milk. In addition, sometimes when the babies fusses (in the later weeks), I need to manage them as well and thus throws me off the schedule. And also it was very tiring at night with the pumping, feeding and handling the fussy babies every hourly. I hardly had a continuous hour of sleep in the first month. So decided to stop BF.

But do perservere if you have the proper pump as BM is best for babies. It took me a month to see the increase in the supply, albeit very low. In fact, doggies mum, your supply is already very good compared to mine. Just that maybe you have increase the length each session.
Hi tch
I pump about 5 times a day. Every day, I can pump roughly 700ml per day. Currently, they are taking roughly 120ml per feed so should be enough for the moment.....I stop latching them around 2 months plus also coz really tiring.....I was using medela mini initially but I find the suction not so good....Now, I am using ameda dual pump and it really helps coz pumping both side at one time is like feeding 2 babies at 1 time and this simulate the milk supply.....
hi peacy
how old are ur kids? only taking 120ml? mine 1 month old taking 165ml (for both) really cant cope. i latching them on (they just managed to do it) to increase the supply
pumping after bf too, to squeeze out every drop of milk
hi doggies mummy
my babies are 4 months plus. They are born premature and their weight now is around 5kg. So if corrected age, they are only 2 months old.
Hi all,

Update from Audryn Zen. She has delivered 2 healthy babies yesterday. Baby boy is 2.735 and gal is 2.730 and both are about 48cm.

So happy for her that the babies are of good weight..
Hi TCH, I've chosen KK B1 ward and paid the 2.2k deposit. My c-sec has been brought forward to next fri on 27 Oct (at 37wk+5d). If everything shun shun li li, I intend to upgrade to A1 like u. Need to check with u... u paid deposit for B1 ward and when u upgrade to A1, did KK hosp ask u to top up cash for deposit? I believed u should have received ur bill already.. the cash deposit enough to cover? if not, how much did u top up? Tks in advance.

Hi Jlyn,

KKH bills the babies' and mum's bill separately.
They didn't ask me to top up deposit at all.

My bill itself comes up to almost $5k of which $3k is from medisave, plus the deposit of $2.2k, in fact, there is a small refund. So I guess that's why it's not necessary for top up of deposit. Babies' bill should be about $600 each if no extended stay of which almost all are claimable from Medisave.
