2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Hi ladies,

just to share a cough remedy that i heard is very effective. Confirm this can be taken by babies even earlier than 8 months because this is very mild Chinese herbs.

南杏 – 1 handful
北杏 - 1 handful
薄荷叶 – 5 片
川贝粉 – 1 teaspoon
无花果 – 3 粒

Cook with 2 bowls of water (slow cooker)

I heard some Chinese medicine shop also sell pre-packed version of this, just have to ask.

Alonzo and Alena has been coughing for more than a week already and i have been to 3 docs liaoz! burnt a big hole in pocket already! The last doc was a paed at jurong east and I brought them there last Monday. They were prescribed antibiotics and cough mixture. today, just boiled the chinese meds i posted up yesterday and mix with milk for them to drink.

just wanna check with all the mummies here,
cough take some time to recover izit? My hubby and I quite worried and is contemplating whether there is a need to bring them to another doc? Besides occasional loose stools, they are eating, sleeping and playing normally. Alonzo also has running nose...
Hi all mummies

I wanna join here too!!! So sweet to see so many twins/triplets here...so fun!!!

I have a pair of boys..they just turn 1yr old on 19Jul...

I really kudo to mummies who have triplets...muz be very tiring to look aft them...
Afternoon mummies.....

Dorayaki-im back!!! Hahaha.. IE was done, but my mistake.. Now all is well.... See hw long it took a lazy mum like me to repair it.. hehehehe...... Gt ur email, they are sooo adorable...

New mummies- WELCOME!!!!!!!

All, have a good week ahead!!!
Dodo, I've been giving that prescription to my twins every week, but minus the mint leaves, tho' I add lily bulb for more than half a year. As for water, I use about 1.25 bowl and double-boil for about 1.5-2 hours. Recently, I've been told so much about the benefits of LifeStream Cordyceps Stroma Gold, that I'm planning to order from this spree http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1577208.html?1216655832. It supposedly helps to build up the immunity system of the kids, strengthens their lungs especially.
j&s mum,
thanks for the reassurance! I've given them yesterday and today and they seemed to have gotten a bit better, although my Alonzo still sounds like he has a lot of phlegm. i intend to give them over the next few days and observe further. they are still on antibiotics and the cough mixture though... let's hope the east + west works!
Hello twins mummies,

Finally back again
Wow, so many new mummies now .. been reading the previous posts, many info to catch up hehe ..

My boys finally turn 14 months .. hooray, have past the tiring 12 months. For new mummies who have been wondering how do manage with 2 babies at the same time without maid, well it can be done. Though I've learnt it thru a really tiring route, with the help of only my mum managing 3 terrors.

Hi Dodo and J&S mum,
Thanks for the chinese recipe. My boys used to have cough for almost 2 weeks, and sometimes it can be so serious that 5 days Neb is required. However I find that after the whole series of medication, their immunity becomes even weaker. I currently looking at other formula to build their system.
Hi janice,
you are most welcome! Alonzo and Alena has finally completed their course of meds but still coughing a bit... i intend to give them this chinese meds recipe for the next few days to help them recover fully. seeing them take those western meds pains my heart cos they will be wailing away!

btw, u hv triplets ah? u say 3 terrors??

I have a pair of twin boys and a 5 yr old girl. The 5 yr old is tougher to handle than the boys .. vomit blood. I can't imgaine when the boys are older like the sister!

Dont worry dodo, its only temp. Once they are well, they need not suffer anymore
Hi mummies,

WAnna check with you. Now with the twins slightly bigger, I hope to venture out by bringing them out alone hehe ... so thinking of getting a twins stroller. I'm considering the maclaren twin triumph or techno. Any gd advise?
Hi <font color="0000ff">janice</font>
Triumph is slightly lighter than Techno and the seats can be adjusted to 5 positions instead of 4 on the Techno. It is also cheaper than Techno. So I think its a better buy. But I'm not sure which is more comfortable though. Perhaps its about the same. My gals had the twin traveller which is the equivalent of the twin techno now. Its comfy but heavy. Perhaps mommies who are using or used Triumph before can help?
Thanks! I've seen many using a techno, but not a triumph. Its lighter but wondering why so many prefer a techno instead.

My hubby is complaining I'm wasting money on the twin pram since its not suitable to be used in malls cos hard to fit through doors. Is it true?

I'm using Peg Perego Aria twin stroller 40/40 and it is about the same width as the Maclaren twin strollers I think. Doorways I think is not the problem (can fit my super cramp lift means should be alright) but aisle of shops and eating places is super tricky. Handling: I told hubby before, if we can manouever the Giant Hypermart "I-have-a-mind-of-my-own" trolleys then handling twin strollers no matter now wide is easy. Hehehehee....
wow, your pics are so cute...esp the second "what's the difference between your hand and mine?" one...comel!!!
Lefty, yes enjoy this honeymoon period now. once they start crawling... u'd get busy.

my place is fully child proof. my whole living room is theirs, cordoned with a divider and the floor is fully rubber matted. so they are quite safe to be left alone to venture in 3 or more directions if they desire. only worry is when they start picking up toys and whack each other or when they pull each other 's hair.

as for sleep arrangement, all 3 of them sleep on mattress on the floor. the rm has nothing but a wardrobe and 3 mattress... so its quite child proof too. and yes, they do get up on their own and crawl out of their rm in the nites sometimes..... but they'd make some noise and one of my helpers who sleep with them will hear them.

don't think u should get cots. mine started attempting to climb out of their cots ard 9 months i think.... i think better u leave them on the floor.... its safer.. .just try to make the rm more child proof which is necessary once they start crawling and walking anyway.
Hi Lefty, yes mesh is right. The best way is to sleep on the floor. For me, I converted their playpens into cots, so each of them will sleep in their individual playpen. I find it useful because its not easy for them to climb out and the netting is soft and will not hurt them when they are rolling inside.
Lefty, my 2 boys oso sleep on the floor since they re 3mths onwards...tn when they started to crawl &amp; climb i pile up lots of pillows to block them frm going out of the bed...
Thanks Mesh, Janice &amp; Dot16 for your input.
Will stick to mattress on floor then. :eek:)

I am still too posessive to let them sleep in their room which is also where the maid sleep now.
I took NPL and maybe quitting work just so I can look after them.
To babyproof their room is much easier than in mine.
But I'm just not keen to let them sleep with the maid.
I think ALL mothers have this posessiveness right? How to overcome it?
And I dread going to the next room should they cry at night....
my younger boy juz now fell out frm the playpen and has a big "baluku" on his forehead...haiz!!! so notti!!!

lefty, i oso has this posessiveness hahahaha...
i also have this feeling of jealousy at times, esp when they seem to smile happily when they see the maid...but slowly letting go cos maid doing quite a good job and i really need to rest at times. i think we already trying our best cos there r some mums who leave their kids during weekdays with caretaker...isn't that worse?

want to ask u about the chinese medicine u post....i went to buy also...but after brewing do we feed direct to the babies or must dilute/mix with milk....i scare they reject leh... feed the whole bowl or juz a few spoonfuls?

he always love to hang himself on top of the playpen lor...so i think he muz have topple out of it..he hit a toy which is on the floor...luckily the "baluku" nt big..bt got a red mark..darn jialat!!
Dawn, how old are your twins? I started giving them the soup when they were 12 months old. After their lunch (rice/porridge/potato gratin), I will feed them the soup, minus all the ingredients i.e. lily buld, almonds, figs, chuan1 pei, but with the fruit (I use either pear or apple, tho' mostly the former, to double-boil in the soup cos' pears are known to soothe coughs and strengthen lungs). The kids enjoy the soup cos' the figs (wu2 hua1 guo3) make it quite sweet and the fruit is all soft and juicy. I serve them the soup once a week.
DoT16, I can understand. You must be damned heart-pain, right? I cried a few times when my kids fell and howled away, revealing a balooku....
We will use either ice or hard-boiled egg, wrapped in a towel, to sooth the bump. Then once they've settled down, I will ask them simple questions to elicit some form of response, to see if it correlates to their usual response (for my DS, it's 'Elephant!' and he will pinch his nose with 1 hand with the other hand swinging to imitate the trunk). It's just to set my mind at ease, that they've not gone cuckoo after the fall/knock!!!
J&amp;SMum, so scare lor...so high also can fall out...really scratch my head...hard to lock them up now coz they wanna walk around the house by themselves..."sigh"
hi DOT16,
i know what u mean. my gals now crawling only also refuse to be lock up. this morning when my hubby carry meimei into the playpen, jiejie saw, she immediately crawl away in full speed, haha!
thats why i really say u wonderwoman can handle by yourself.
BTW, how you do your marketing, shopping ?
hi twinkle

i usually do my marketing once a week when my hb is off lor...my hb works nite shift...tn when he cum bk in the morning, he will be sleeping like a pig liao...so im like alone wz the 2 boys whole day long...so sianz!!!

at least u got yr mum wz u...not so boring...
i tried letting them drink as it is but they reject it, haha... (i did not put pear or apple though).. so i added into their milk and they took it quite well! tried a few times already and it works! well, i portion about 1:3 e.g. 1 oz of cough remedy and 3 oz of water. my babies are about 8 months when they first tried it... ;)

regarding possessiveness,
haha... all mothers are like that!! i was also like that during the first few months.. After I started work, I slowly learned to let go... and also with my husband's counselling la, haha.. I did contemplated to take NPL for a year or so but my husband was afraid that I could not take it, keke... Now, come to think of it, I think we made the right decision as I've managed to strike a balance somehow. During the weekdays, the main caregivers are my mil and maid. At night, my hubby and I will take over, and also weekends. This arrangement has worked pretty well so far... ;P

I do get a bit jealous sometimes but on the other hand, looking at it positively, it shows that they are in good care! Anywayz, I have done my best to spend quality time with them and I am glad that I can find my balance.
Dawn, you could try feeding them from a spoon, but perhaps, they may still be too young. Like Dodo said, let them drink from the bottle, like a Mag Mag cup or something. You could double-boil the pear/apple as well, and mash it up for them to eat cos by above 6 months, they should gradually be introduced to more textured food and the boiled pear is very very soft so all you do is to mash it up further. And it helps that there's natural sweetness from the fruit.
hi DOT16,
u r right. i am lucky to have her to help me out. can't imagine how to handle the two gals without her. thats why i say u r my idol, give yourself a pat k. u shld sometimes pamper yourself a bit la, buy something nice for yourself, u were great.
dodo, thanks for the tips...will try out next week, mixing the stuff with milk.

mummies, there is a talk on "looking after twins" @NUH tomorrow, 1-2pm by Dr. Citra Matter, who will share how she coped with the twins after going back to work.

call 67722184 to register.
help mummies!!! anyone here using the pigeon mag mag straw cup? how to put the cover on such that the water does not leak from teh airvent or the straw? i thought it is suppose to be spill proof? but my children are shaking thebottles and enjoy seeing teh water drip or flow out from either the airvent or the straw? is it something wrong with my bottles?
Hey mesh ... its not spill proof lah. My boys also love to invert the cup so that they can play with the 'pool' on the floor. I bought a Nuby too ... but don't know why the water still drip.
hi mummies, any recommendations for car seat for my 13 mth olds? me looking for 1 with isofix and 2 without.

books and dieticians say can give the yolk after 9 months. As for egg white, after 1 yo,

I started my kdis on egg yolk ard 10 months too. they are now almost 14 months... about to start on egg white.
dodo, i attended the talk...but it is no good...not what i expected. feel that i had made a wasted trip down to SGH. the speaker just shared what she went through bringing up twins...which is just like what we r sharing on this thread. oh, i tried the chinese medicine u put up earlier...gosh...i myself almost couldnt drink the medicine...is it suppose to have such a strong taste/smell? hee hee...in the end i didn't give them....i drank finish all of it as i also having some cough. how r ur 2 kids....starting to walk all around liow?

longxia, i started feeding my twins yolk when they were 7 months, PD says ok. think one mummy was telling me yolk lots of nutrients n good stuff so if ur kids have no allergy to eggs, can start them bah.
