2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs


seems all are about wk36...I am now on hospital leave because of the contractions. Gynae doesnt wan me to give birth yet coz its too early. I hope I can endure till after wk34...very panic now...scared waterbag anytime will burst...Dun wish my babies to be in incubator leh...

<font color="0000ff">mummy yan</font>
I delivered my twins at week 37 when waterbag broke. Don't worry or panic, ya? As long as babies are of good weight, and your gyane given prior jabs to strengthen their lungs, etc. your twins may not have to be in incubator. I visited a friend 2 weeks ago who delivered a pair of b/g twins at 34 weeks due to contractions on/off (started at week 28). Both babies were just slightly above 2kg at birth. One didn't require special care whereas the other was in NICU for a day. Both discharged from hospital with mommy on the same day.
mummy yan, me also delivered exactly at 36wks thought i started feeling the contractions daily at 4am from 34wks onwards. did the doc give u any anti contraction medicine?
Hi Lefthander and Ah Da,

Thanks for the info. Looks like it would be a great challenge for me to handle them.

Ah Da,

I also have a total of 8 pacifiers for them too. My hubby make so much noise when I bought them. 2 at bedside for each cot. 2 at my mum place and 2 in the car...initially thought I quite KS. Looks like its a norm for twins I guess.

Mummy Yan,

Try to relax yourself and agree with the rest of the mummies, dun walk too much.

I delivered my twins at exactly 38 weeks. Elective caesar. I start home leave at 37 weeks cos get tired very easily.

So must jia you jia you !
hi lil twin stars,
when I was hospitalise, the nurse got give me 2 injection to mature their lungs. I am also on medication now to prevent the contractions. Glad to hear your friend's twins was in gd shape and dicharge together with mummy! I really hope non of my twin will go into NICU.

hi dawn,
yaa I had been eating the orange jelly pills now to stop the contraction. It seems better now compared to few days ago where gynae tested my CTG and I was on contraction for every 10mins! Thats why I was admitted. Now the contraction interval seems to be more further apart. Cross my finger I can endure till at least after wk34.

hi Crystal,
So good you can endure till wk38 for twins!That was my target initially but now with this situation, I dun pin so high hope. As long as the baby come out got enough weight and strong lungs, I'll be contented....
hi crytal,

Will be delivering in TMC...the last scan was at week 30 and each baby is only around 1.5kg.

I am now about wk31.5....few more weeks to go!!

Wah 8 pacifiers! But you know what it's good to have spare. I only have one for each baby and there are days when DH and I get annoyed at each other when we misplaced the pacifier. Mummy &amp; daddy more distressed than the baby!

With regards to the car seat- just persevere. They might scream their lungs out and refuse the pacifier also. But I guess if you keep on doing it they will learn that they have no choice but to comply to you.

Ah Da,
Thanks. Will take note.

By the way do anyone here give any supplements for babies? My babes are on total formula feeding.
Hi mummies,
Want to seek your opinion. I'm thinking of buying a twin stroller, deciding between the maclaren twin techno / triump or baby plant twin stroller. Any good suggestions ??

Any mummies tried bring the twin stroller up on a MRT ride? My hubby says its a waste of money to get one since I usually travel by public transport.
Hi Lefty,

No choice. I experience the distress that somehow the pacifier will be missing when u need them even though it is at home. Cannot understand. That spurs me to have extras extras.. somemore my husband is those that bo chap. So learnt my lesson.

Guess have to start 1 at a time on the car seat...

Hi Mummy Yan,

Hang on there. The babies will grow very fast towards the last tremester. So stay positive and your babies will grow well. 500g more to go.... My babies were 2.9kg and 3.3kg when they were born. Did not expect these weight cos the last scan (ard 33 or 34 weeks) were only about 2.4 and 2.5kg...see how much they can grow within weeks.
Hi Mummy Yan, I delivered my B/G twins at exactly 36 weeks too. They were 2.15kg and 2.45kg. I started having premature contractions since week 24 and was admitted to hospital in week 25 and stayed there till I delivered. I can understand your anxiety but be positive and pray about it. So long as you cross the 34-week mark, all should be fine
And to add on, both my twins were in good health and didn't require NICU despite their weights (barely over 2kg). My girl was discharged with me while my boy stayed on for 1D for jaundice treatment. Thank GOD that things turned out well! Have faith, k!
hi mummy_yan,
my babies was delivered @36 weeks+ and both were of good weights @2.8 and 2.2kg; no need to go NICU.

jia you! just keep a positive mind, reduce movement and rest more. you will make it to 36 weeks!
Hi Mummies,
Anyone here manage to deliver your twin/ triple naturally? one of my twin is still not in head down position and i'm afraid of c-section will prefer normal.
my twins were delivered at 36 weeks naturally, with epidural. you can still hv vaginal delivery if yr presenting (lower) twin is head down, even if yr other twin is not. have you spoken to yr doc abt this? it's impt that yr doc is supportive of yr decision/preference. not all docs are, esp if you're carrying twins. i was also afraid of c-sect
singmum, my presenting twin was head down for a few weeks and when i went to check up at 36week, gynae discovered i was already 4cm dilated. but still ended up emerg C-section cos the dilation was stuck at 4cm for 6 hours even after the doc broke water bag and put me on drip to induce. so depends on luck one.
<font color="0000ff">singmum</font>
lyricist is right. Your gynae's support is very important, so check with him/her first if natural delivery is encouraged. My gynae is very pro-natural without epidural! Unfortunately for me, even though presenting twin was head down, the breech twin's water bag broke and I was leaking like an overflowing fountain. Also ended up with emergency c-sect to save the breech twin from distress. Thankfully, my c-sect experience was really good. No pain at all and post delivery recovery was also very smooth.
Hi Mummies,
I wan to try natural but my gynae does not support it if one of the bb is not head down, he's afraid of emergency c-sect if failed on the 2nd twin.

lil' twin stars/ dawn,
R u on GA or epidural for your c-section? how is the recovery and pain level? I've veri little pain treshold level and i heard alot saying the c-section is veri painful when 1st step out from bed.
Hi Singmum,

I am sure all the mummies here who went through C-sect will be told to buy a binder. To me it helps a great deal in assisting the wound recovery and moving around.

As for me, my leading twin also breech, so my gynae proposed epidural c-section for the sake of my babies safety, she is afraid of having a trap situation for the babies. But during the injection of epidural, the sedation did not work so in the end, I had GA.

Like all things, 1st step is always painful especially when flesh is concern. But dun worry, the nurses will help you out of the bed and teach you breathing method to eliminate most of the pain.

Dun worry too much, with the aid of painkillers, binders and breathing technique, you will get by it.

Jia You Jia You !!!
<font color="0000ff">singmum</font>
I opt for epidural bcos I want to be the first person to hold my babies! Hee... Also, TMC doesn't allow HB to be in the operating room if GA, so gynae advised to opt for epi. Anyway, no time to consider that much cos emergency. Hee...

Recovery was fast and smooth for my case. I don't know if my pain threshold is high but I didn't find it difficult or particularly painful. But 2 of my friends who underwent GA seemed to have more pain issues and problems with their wound. Wonder if its GA-related??? I didn't get the binder cos I was feeling OK. But my HB got me the binder a week after I delivered cos his colleagues told him to buy!!!??? And then the binder was given away later on cos I never use it. :p

Actually, the chances of having to go for emergency c-sect after twin 1 is out is quite rare. As long as presenting twin is head down, twin 2 will have ample space to turn after twin 1 is safely delivered. Its probably far easier than we thought, esp since twins are generally smaller than singletons. But most gynae don't want to take any risk at all for fear that twin 2 may go into distress mode. Plus you'll end up with 2 bills to take care of (natural + c-sect) as well as 2 areas of pain to bear with (vaginal + c-sect wound). So it could be double whammy.

I'm not trying to discourage you from trying natural. In fact, I think its one of those regrets I had to live with. I'd love to deliver my gals naturally if not for the risk of distressing the breech twin whose amniotic fluid is draining fast. So you should review all the options you have and discuss it with your gynae &amp; HB before you come to a decision.

P/S: Though my HB was supportive when I said I wanted to opt for natural delivery, I knew deep down he is very worried abt losing a twin if things doesn't work out. As such, I also had to take his fears into consideration when making a decision. He is afterall the babies' father though I still have the last call. Your HB may feel the same way too, so remember to ask for his honest opinion.
My boy just fell from the bed and knocked his head against the bedside table
2nd time he's fallen while in my care, at night, from the bed. This time round, he's got a huge 'balooku'. Hubby tried to rub it in a circular motion to dissipate whatever blood clot there is. We will be monitoring him tmrw to see if there's a need to take him to the doctor. Any one of you have such experience? How to soothe a bump? Besides loss of appetite and drowsiness, what other symptoms should I look out for?
<font color="0000ff">Alethea</font>
Oh my! Poor J. Is he alright today? Normally using ice pack would soothe the bump. Try not to press too hard on the 'balooku' cos the poor boy may not be able to take it. The swell will subside on its own.

One of the signs to look out for is unusual vomiting. Some kids may cry till they vomit bcos of the pain, but if the vomiting persist even after their initial bouts of crying, then it calls for medical attention right away.

Don't feel bad that J got hurt while in your care. Kiddos at this stage are quite accident prone. And you must be exhausted as well since you're still in 1st trimester. A lot of blood channelled to your womb, so probably more sleepy and not as alert. Take care, ya!
The swell will subside on it's own, unless you believe in the egg theory... have never tried it but heard so much about it.
<font color="0000ff">Ava</font>
My gynae is Dr. Lawrence Ang from Thomson Women's Group. He has his own clinic at Sun Plaza which is very near my home.
Hi Mooch

Sorry unable to attend ur kiddos' bday party.

Heard from my MIL that party was fun!!! With Mickey mascot.... Too bad my ger sick unable to attend...

My MIL kept asking me to let her bring my ger to the party but I said since she is not feeling well better don't. Moreover, sure got many children, afraid may spread.

Got pixs for viewing pleasure?
Thanks, Dorayaki and Lefthander! His bump seems smaller today and he's still as greedy and active as ever, so reckon that he shd be ok. SIGH! U're right, dunno why these kids are so accident-prone! Really no energy to keep up with them.

Dorayaki, me not in 1st trimester aldy lah. M now almost 6 months preggers, due in late Sep, F1 period
hi mommies,

so so sorry for being MIA here.. my babies have turned 1 year old a few days ago.. we had a party on sunday and it exhausted me more! now i am busy with post party stuff..

JGze, your triplets baptism this sunday right? thanks for the presents for cayley and austin! yeah we had a mickey mouse mascot and a bouncy castle and all the kids went crazy.. was really hoping to see Evangeline.. but its okie.. she is not feeling well..

anyways.. sorry haven't sorted out all the pics! but here's some sneak preview!

i promise to post more when i have sorted them out!
Mooch, nice pics, if only u could enlarge them :p Looks like no efforts and expenses were spared for their 1st-yr b'day!

Hey, mummies, I'm now looking to change my maid. THe more I think about her having checked into a hotel with her bf (came across her SMS), the more worried I get about her bringing home diseases. For those of you who give your maids day-off, do you know what they're usually up to? M just thinking that for the next maid, much as I would want to treat her well, I'm worried about her treading the same path i.e. keeping a HP on the sly, demanding for off-days, then getting up to no good when she's out, etc. Sigh! HOw I wish I could do w/o a maid, but too bad, I can't!
it's ok - i just found out that the polyclinic has dental services as well, so most likely will bring my kids there. but thanks anyway
My birthday wishes to cayley and austin.......the two pictures resembles my kiddos birthday party in India...just that no mickey mouse!

is this your first dental consultation? I m also considering bringing for their first dental consultation at National Dental

Ouch! poor little boy! yes ice pack works I usually wrap a small hand towel on it ice pack if gets too cold.
yup, it'll be their first dental check-up. just got off the phone with the central appt svc - wow, they're really booked up! our appt is in august!

i asked them abt n'l dental ctr, and she said that they accept only kids 3 and above, but you can call and check. the ctr's contact no. 63248802
Oh is it, I once saw on their notice board that a child should have their first dental check up as soon as they have tooth....so i assumed they have keke...thanks for the info!
your 1 year old birthday bash for your darlings looks cool! wow, there's a mickey mouse mascot somemore... very impressive! where was it held? haha... my twins just passed 6 months and we are already thinking of possible venues for their 1 year old bday party, keke...

btw, i've just started alena and alonzo on porridge. alena is taking it well but alonzo just refuses to open his mouth after a couple of mouthfuls!! he just decides to seal his lips!! any mummies has similar experiences har? also, any advice? looks like he do not like the taste of the porridge cos when i give him apples or cereals, he open his mouth big big!!

glad that your boy is ok. regarding maids, is yours a philipino or indo? you may want to try getting indo... although they may be slower, they tend to give less such problems.
Hi mums
Did any of you get a steroid jab before birth to help development of babies' lungs? any feedback?

Havent seen you on Sept thread for a while!
Hi mooch

Thanks for attending my boys' baptism. Reli great to see u &amp; ur kiddos too. Ur kiddos so cute, but time kinda of short unable to play with them. Next time ya. Thanks for the baptism gifts too

Will upload the pixs once I have the time ya.

I took the max of 6 lung maturity jabs. Gynae said is must to take since my kids may be premature.
Hi <font color="0000ff">mommies</font>
Where's everyone? Gone for holiday??? So quiet... Kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font> and <font color="0000ff">Lyricist</font>
Do you enjoy watching your kiddos play nowadays? My gals' prelude to the terrible twos phase came to a halt a few weeks ago. Parallel play also diminished for quite sometime while interactive play seemed to have picked up a lot lately. Not sure if its because mine are both girls, so the stuff they play can be quite "entertaining" to me at times. Hope you ladies are enjoying this phase as much as I do.

<font color="0000ff">Lyricist</font>
Though I'm quite fond of visiting the dentist, I somehow have this scary vision of my girls screaming their lungs out on the chair when being examined by a dentist, so I have not mustered the courage to check out dental services for the tots. Let me know how it all goes for Kai &amp; Min after the August appointment, okie?
Hi Ava,

I also took the lung maturity jab a day before I gave birth to my twins at 37 weeks. Pain pain pain. But the pain last less than 5 mins, so don't worry too much.
Evening mummies!! I have been busy settling my kiddos in sch... so far so gd..

Dorayaki- i agree, nowadays its fun to watch them play... They interact more wif each other..And they have more expressions.. To me lah.. their sch teacher said tht they were cute coz everywhr they went they hold each others hands... Hehehehe...
hey mommies

sorry i've been MIA. been busy, busy, busy. kai &amp; min started school last week, so before that was busy preparing and making sure that all their school supplies are bought and packed, uniforms altered to fit, etc etc.

here they are on the first day in the new school uniforms... sigh, they grow up so fast, don't they?


i think it may be becos my twins are 2 months behind yours, so not yet at that stage of play. i'm actually quite annoyed with them when they play these days, becos they've been fighting alot. i guess that's also a form of interactive play. i try not to intervene if possible since all the books say they need to try and work out the conflicts on their own, but when they start biting, hitting and pulling each other's hair... sigh, i really hope they outgrow this plase soon. so, not exactly enjoying this phase at all.


hee, i've no fear of dentists, but this is the 1st time i've heard anyone say they're fond of them. actually i doubt my twins will cooperate and sit still for the dentist to inspect their teeth (they already scream the house down when the barber tries to cut their hair!), but there'll hv to be a first time. just want to make sure that everything's ok with their teeth. will let you know how it turns out.
hehe, yours 2 months behind them and mine are 2 months behind yours.
I'm also experiencing lots of fighting these days. And it's always Reyden bullying Reyes. He bites, pull her hair, pushes her &amp; etc ... I try not to intervene too but I'm also worried about Reyden getting from bad to worse. dilemma ...
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>
K&amp;M so cute in their uniform! I'll probably get a little emotional when I put on their first set of uniform and prep them for school. Hee...

Oh, I really enjoy visiting the dentist. I dunno why. I love the pateint's chair since primary school. Kekeke... And when I started working, I find my company dentist very charming! Hahaha... Oops! Got carried away again!!! :p

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
Any pix of D&amp;Y in uniform? I think they look very adorable too! Take one pix of them holding hands lah. Must be very sweet. Kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">Irin</font> and <font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>
Oh, you mean its better not to intervene even at such a young stage? I thought I'll let them sort it out later when they can express themselves better, like when they can speak proper words??? My girls doesn't do the hair pulling or biting stunts, though they may push one another away at times. Until now, I always step in to remind them the importance of sharing and saying "please" if they want the toy which their sibling is holding on to. And in the event their sibling is reluctant to let go of the toy, they'll have to learn to wait for their turn. Otherwise, the whiney/cranky party gets time out. Hmmmm... Perhaps I should step back more often and see how it goes.
Dorayaki, nice Cros shoes. Did you get them at the BP? I've always wanted to get them but afraid that my kids will outgrow them very fast....

Lyricist, K&amp;M look so cute in their school uniforms! My J&amp;S are also fighting. Tho' Mei Mei loves her GOr Gor (always checking on him first thing in the morning when she wakes up and whenever she takes something for herself, she will rem. to take his share and pass it to him), when they fight over something (Gor Gor loves to sntach her stuff), she will get so mad at him, that she will whack his head, pinch his hand or bites his cheek!!!

hi mommies,
been mia for awhile, couldn't catch up with u all.

J&amp;S mum,
i dun give my maid off day, right frm the beginning have already told her so. its either she accept xtra pay or dun work.in the end, she's ok wif the no off day n no extra pay.jus shudder at the tot of those getting off days maid doing nasty things. so many news abt them.
mine oso seldom went out, cos my mil will b at hm watching over her.but my maid oso not v good w kids, both my sons doesn't quite like her. my younger still throw his toys at her whenever she comes near him. so naughty. planning to send her back after this year n enrol them in playgroup.
jus couldn't tahan my maid anymore.

hi mooch,
wah, the kids must have enjoy themselves so much. btw, hw much do u spend on the bday bash?

hi lyricist,
are kai &amp; min studying in cherie hearts?

mummies staying in bukit panjang, any gd playgroup/childcare to recommend?

brought them swimming recently:


