2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs


Hmm.... my maid is 25yr old, married with 1 kid. ( I have Bangla issues...frightened of getting single maids! But married ones also cannot fully trust hor..)

I would love to have older maid but am afraid I'll be too polite to them and then SHE will tell me what to do...hahahah! I am a perfectionist; so I guess I'll be in trouble, doubly so for my maid. Thanks for your input.:eek:)))

On the on-going subject of maids, if I do get a new maid, the following will be what I will do differently (regretted not laying stricter ground rules):

1) Get an older maid who's not so attractive *haha*. My current one's 35, tawt that's old enuff, won't fool ard. But well, tho she's married with 2 daughters (13 yrs and 15 yrs old, & hubby working in Msia if she's to be believed), she still has a bf here. Maybe cos' her features still quite presentable, big eyes, small, oval face. Sometimes when we go out, I see the foreign workers looking at her.

2) If there's insistence on off-days, then that particular day of the monoth should be set by us, and not determined by her (now she suka suka take off)

3) Tell her no handphones are allowed. My maid started to change after she lay her hands on a HP (she sneaked out of the house once or twice when my dad forgot to lock the door, met a fren/sister to get the HP, and when we found out, came up with a string of lies so preposterous that they can only be found in a movie script). If she somehow comes into possession of one, insist that she surrenders it to you in the day, for you to return it to her at night during the weekends. My maid used to SMS every single minute, discreetly from her pocket (she tawt we couldnt see) and sometimes answers calls even when she's cooking!

4) Tell her, 'no kissing or cuddling the kids close to her face'. My current one has been doing that which disgusts me sometimes, cos' I can imagine that when I kiss my kiddos, some of her saliva are deposited on my lips!!! *eeks* And it doesn't help that she falls sick one every week or fortnight.

5) Make her drink 6 glasses of water a day. Dunno why, but my maid, as well as frens' Indo maids don't like the taste of our water, said it's got chemicals. Thus, they don't drink much water, which results in my maid being down with a sore throat almost every other week.

6) Insist that she wears a face-mask whnever she's sick. My maid tells me that she cant breathe with that, so prefers not wearing it. DUH! Even my hubby and I wear the masks when we are not well, for fear of passing germs to the kids.

Will come up with more when I've more time to think about it. Lest you girls think I hate my maid, I actually don't, lah. Like I've said, she's a fast worker who loves my kids and juggles 2 pretty well. What we don't like about her is her lies (which have since snowballed from 1 white lie to cover her tracks to one gigantic avalanche), her keeping of a bf (found out that she went to a hotel with him last week through an undeleted SMS) and her love for chatting on the phone (tho' I do understand her need for communications, just like our chats on forum, MSN, etc). And oh, how could I forget, her close bond with my DS, which gets me stark raving mad! *Grrrr....*
hi lefthander,
my maid is an indo, 26 years old, married with one 8 year old son. The first month was very tough due to comms issues as she's a first time maid. seems like her malay language and my mil's malay different so that created a lot of mistakes during the first month! even her english is limited only; you cannot assume that she understands what u say... haha...

for me, wat i did to make sure she knows what i am talking about is to show her first, then ask her to do it to make sure she knows. a lot of times, i have to repeat to reinforce into her the message i want to comms to her.

overall, she's ok so far and most importantly, she loves the kids and knows how to play with them. to me, this is my main factor.
<font color="0000ff">Mummies with toddlers</font>,
On the issue of bonding, here's my 2 cents worth. Don’t get too upset (or over react) with your kiddos clinging on to your maid or other caregivers. If you think about it, toddlerhood is NOT easy for your little ones. They are easily stressed because they are still lacking in so many areas, eg. physical, psycho-social skills, etc. And because of their inability to handle so many things which they are struggling to, they get stressed out very often even though we don’t physically see the issues they faced. So they retreat to their comfort zone (eg. maid, pacifier, favourite blanket, etc.) for security whenever they feel defeated or when things didn’t work out as predicted. That’s why routine and predictability is so important in the first few years of their lives – to give them a sense of security. Hence, this is the stage where we seriously have to exercise more patience and perseverance (P&amp;P!). I personally supplement patience with lots of prayers because I don’t have a lot of it. Kekeke… So its PP&amp;P for me.

And not to forget kids at this stage generally suffers from “amnesia”. They’ll still love you, kiss and hug you even though you had just spanked them minutes ago. So I believe the reason the cling to the maid is for security because she is a familiar figure in his/her routine. So to me, the maid = a pacifier or blanket! Hee…

And what makes a mommy different from a maid? Well, the same logic applies. Due to their lack of physical and psycho-social skills, toddlers depend a lot on their senses. They sense love, joy, wrath, fear, anxiety, etc. So if you render them lots of tender loving care, they’ll know. Even if they run to your maid the minute they lose a fight, tell yourself your kid is merely seeking comfort. Deep down, your kids probably know the maid loves him/her but not as deep as mummy does.

Hope this makes you feel better because I find the relationship between me and my “not-so-close” twin improved tremendously after I adopted the above approach.

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
Your maid's logic is in every sense "logical" cos she is a temporary "fixture". Hahaha...
well said, dorayaki!

altho i may not experience the same bonding issues as most of you mommies here, i can appreciate all yr frustrations and resentment. i would feel exactly the same way if i'm in yr shoes.

Thanks a lot for the ground rules you proposed and am guilthy of almost all. As a first time maid employer, think I am too 'chin chai' (easy going) and generous with her. Some things are too late to be changed.. such as we lend her our used HP not one but two when my own baby damaged it.
wow wow! reading all these makes me feel stronger right now

wonderful of all of us to share our deepest feelings here.......

cheers to mommies of multiples
i also thinking of lending my philippino maid my old hp to use and even just bought a Kababayan SIM card for her last tues so that it is easier for her to call back home. is it really a NO No?
tot she has done a good job, and this is a small reward for her....
Hi ladies

I need your help!!! I just gave birth to a pair of twins 5 days ago. Luckily both were over 2 kg... I am trying to breastfeed them in hospital but couldn't latch them on properly and ended up in sore nipples and blood oozing out...

The problem is my twins are discovered with jaundice on the day i am discharged. So the babies couldn't come home with me and i cried and cried. Later in the day, i found that my breasts are engored and become very hard and uncomfortable. So i pumped it out for about 15mins for each breast. The milk was quite little and i didn't know what to do with it, so i stored in the fridge. I was wondering should i feed them with the little breast milk i had pump out?? As the milk was really very low, i'm afraid that they might be sucking in the air from the milk bottle. Ladies, should i feed them with milk bottle, teaspoon or throw away the milk??? Currently i'm being engored again, but i dun feel like pumping out. Will there be any problems such as breasts will not supply any more milk, i will ended up in fever or other things?

Another question is, how do you breastfeed your twins? While i'm trying to breastfeed one of them the other cries... How should i alternate their feeding time?

My friend who had one child told me to alternate my breast for 15 mins each for each breast. That means, if i got 2 child, can i breastfeed them for half an hour for each breast? Will my nipples become sore?

Desparately needing all the help you all can rendered?

Thanks in advance.
bb08, congrats to the arrival of ur twins!!

I think u should massage ur breast and pump out the milk, otherwise the supply will drop, n u will feel very uncomfortable. i tried football hold oni the 1st week and gave up bfing them together, either stagger their feeding time so that u can feed them one after another or bf one and use FM/Ebm for another twin. I didn't use bottle for the 1st few weeks cos hospital taught me to use cup (those tiny disposable 30ml medicine cups) to feed them to avoid nipple confusion.

maybe the rest of the more senior mummies can offer more suggestions!
that was great sharing! i think, being mother of twins, we have greater challenges to deal with, esp when they are older. I am sure there will be lots of comments/comparisons from relatives.. haiz, i am already facing such issues. I'll choose to ignore those comments but occasionally, will try to "educate" them that such remarks are not healthy for their development, esp when they start to understand things. do you ladies face such issues too?

bb08, i only latched on my twins at the hospital. once i am back home, i latched on a couple more times but it was really tough and both had problems latching on. i had to use a nipple shield every time i latched on and it was so troublesome. subsequently, i expressed out totally and bottle fed them.

you'll need to express out if you feel engorged. else, may have fever. also, you will need to express out every 2-3hrs, esp during this initial period to up the supply. use a warm towel to massage your breast if necessary. i know its tough but do perservere to give your baby the best gift ever. good luck!
hi mommies, jus a quick one.. anyone know of any photographer for birthday parties? i dun think immediate family will have time to take any pics..

you wanna check with Yew Kwang from the business thread? He does event photography too but not sure is it too late to ask him now.
Your babies will benefit from whatever little you have. Your breast pump will become your best friend because you can feed one direct while giving the other the bottle. Get someone to help you feed the other if they cry at the same time or just stagger their feeds.

I found what was really useful to help the milk flow was a milk bottle filled with hot water. Get a small face towel and wrap the bottle with it and then roll it on your breast. Its effectiveness last longer than a hot towel and the rounded shape of the bottle is ideal to massage your breast with. Use copious amts of nipple cream as well, that helps.

Dodo, there are times when people like that talk and while I look like I'm paying attention to them, my mind is dreaming up ways of telling them off rudely or slapping them if they really irritate me.
hi mommies!

I've been mia for a loooooooong time. My gals are now 7 months old. I've been following this thread on and off.

re: maids
saw the great deal of discussions on this. I currently do not have a maid. Instead, I've moved in with my parents-in-laws. I've also decided to be a SAHM rather than engage a live-in maid. I've heard too many horror stories. And I also had a bad experience previously with my mum's maid. Seems like maids having bf here is a common thing.

Another thing which prevented me from getting a maid is I'm afraid the kids will like her more. I don't think I can bear it. I already feel a tinge of sadness when sometimes my gals want grandparents more than me. What's more if it's an outsider. Very possessive hor?

re: mil
since i'm staying with my mil, maybe i can share some experiences. I moved in to stay with her when I was 7 months pregnant. All's well and fine until the babies are born. As different individuals, there will always be difference in opinions. I remember the first few months was really tough. Being a new mum, having to juggle twins and trying my best to breastfeed was terrible. In addition, I had to deal our differences on how to feed the gals, breastfeed or formula feed(coz not enough breastmilk). I gave up breastfeeding due to this. Now, whenever she has her own way of doing certain things, always ask her for the rationale. That way, I can better appreciate her intentions. Of course, mothers being mothers, there are certain practices which she learn from her mum and she couldn't explain the rationale behind. On such occasions, as long as I feel that the action will not harm the gals in anyway, I'm prepared to follow. Else, I'll insist on my way and will explain to her fully my rationale.

All in all, I'm still greatful to her on helping me with the kids. She'd sacrificed her freedom and sleep to help me. Think bearing that in mind makes things easier.
Hi all,
I have a question about car seats: since mulitples may be born early/preemies, can they still use those convertible car seats from newborn to 4 years or is a capsule better? The people at the shop i went to were so unhelpful...and my elder son was 3.64kg at birth so I never had to ask this question before!!!
Hi Ava,

I bought the convertible car seats for my gals. They used it since the day they were discharged from the hospital. They seemed to fit in just fine
Hi mommies,

I need advise on the sleeping arrangement for twins.

Currently, one gals sleeps with me and another sleeps with my mom-in-law. We'll alternate babies every 2 weeks. As they grow older and become more aware of their environment, the change of bedrooms for them can be quite disruptive. It usually takes them 2-3 days to get used to it.

We didn't let them share a room because when one wakes up, the other tend to be awaken too. And that ended up with a lack-of-sleep and grouchy mummy in the morning.

When is it a good time to let the kids sleep on their own in their own bedroom?
They were between 2.2-2.5kg when they were discharged from the hospital. We bought the Safe &amp; Sound brand. We used support pillows to secure their heads.

On lending HP to maid.

My maid is quite responsible, she seldom msg during the day (anyway she's too busy with chores n the babies) and does it only at night when free. Even then, I asked her to set it to silent mode so that the beep sounds doesnt awaken the baby.

Hey, the HP is not that bad after all! there were times when we need to contact each other in a mall such as got lost or each running own errands.

I had those basket type of car seats for my babies as we found the NB-4 yrs type very big n bulky. Esp since we need to squeeze a maid in between the 2 in the back seat. The subsequent 7/9kg onwards type of car seat is much slimmer dep on which model. So u may want to take this into consideration.
A+Cmum, thanks! i guess it depends on how responsible the maid is. Think i will give it a try but set the rules 1st b4 passing the Hp to her end of this month.

what is ur car model and carseat type? ur maid still can squeeze between the 2 carseats at the back? I thinking of putting one carseat in front when they turn 5 months so that the car seat is facing front not rear. now, oni fix in one carseat , maid will carry the other twin. no choice, dun think she can squeeze in between 2 carseats.

Ahda, i planned to let the babies sleep in their own rooms, but realised they wake each other up, so now my gal sleeps in my room while my boy sleeps in baby room with the maid, tried to rotate them alternate days, but cannot, think they too used to the bed and room liow.

how old are your babies now? We used both of them sleep together with me during their first 2 weeks. But ended up not waking each other. I also cannot cope when both demanded feeding at the same time. So my mil ended up taking care of 1 baby. At first we also rotate them alternate days, but it's too disruptive, so we extend the duration to 2 weeks now. They are 7 months already. But sometimes they still get up in the middle of the night.
Hi Ah Da,
my twins are sleeping with Daddy and Mummy every nite! haha.. During the initial 2 months, I was like you, alternating the babies with my mil. Then, she fell sick near CNY and we take care of both at night. We managed to syn their feeding time so if one wakes up to feed, the other will also do so as well. it was quite all right, with hubby's help... each of us will be in charge of one lor.

fyi, we have 2 queen size mattresses, stacked up during the day, and pulled down at night.

to all mummies, esp those whose babies are a few months old and sleep with you, do be extra careful!

yesterday night, we had a scare. Our girl rolled off the bed!! Somehow, she managed to inch herself to the bottom end of the mattress and rolled onto the floor! We were only awoken when she wailed out loud! I was so heart pain when I saw her on the floor, ai yo...

Luckily, she's ok after some comforting and I checked and checked her, no bruises la... she smiled after a while and managed to fall asleep well after drinking milk. As our mattress is on the floor, the impact is minimal la. We re-strategise our sleeping positions immediately after this incident to make it more fool-proof, keke...
my boy also fell off our bed last night. i think he fell headfirst altho there doesn't seem to be any serious damage. just shock and wailing. he was ok after a while and fell asleep. this is a third time he's done that. we've configured our sleeping positions such that my hubby, I and the bolster cordoned off all three sides of the bed. still not good enough, i guess. this time he tossed and turned over my legs and fell off. actually unless you sleep on the floor, there's no such thing as a foolproof cordon.
gosh, lyricist... sounds tough to keep them fr falling! is your mattress on the floor as well? wa... falling headfirst sounds serious if he fell from a double bed with bed frame!
Ah Da, my twins are 4 months old, first 6 weeks they were sleeping together in the same playpen/cot one. but they disturb each other lah! My hubby refuse to let the babies sleep with us leh....cos he says next time v difficult to train them sleep on their own.
think he scared he will squash them also! so u tried to rotate every 2 weeks, is it better?

aiyoh lyricist and dodo, u must be so heartpain when u find the kid on the floor! that day i nearly kena, cos i left the boy on the bed for a few seconds, just to take something and he did a lightning flip!!!! nearly flipped off the bed! luckily the maid was nearby!
Hey Girls, my fren's just circulated these - Maids' Code of Conduct &amp; Schedule - to me. You may wish to read this and follow some of the rules set out for your new maids. Else, you could always have a read and a good laugh after that.

I found it kinda farnee; would have been more hilarious if I didn't have prior experience that makes me more aware of how impt. some of these rules are!

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Maids' Schedule.doc (46.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Code of Conduct
Maids' Code of Conduct.doc (43.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
lol wow...i had a list of "conduct" but not as shiong lah i think...anyway our maid so far quite zhidong...maybe her prev employer trained her well! the schedule is always a good idea.
thanks for sharing. actually we tried letting them sleep together a few weeks back. one of them slept in the cot while the other slept between hubby and me. All's well till one of them woke up. In the end we had 2 wide-eyed babies. Hubby was tired in the morning.

dawn, i find that rotating them every 2 weeks is better. However, do note that every baby is different. You'll have to try out to see if it suits them better.
j&amp;smum, the code of conduct is useful, will certainly use it with my next maid. but it'd be better if we can translate to the maid's own language cos some of the words used very cheem leh.... my maid didn't understand words like guilty, immediately, comfort level,.... and so on... i always use the simplest word i can think of like say sorry instead of apologise.... hahaha.... cos i scared they dont understand and pretend to understand.... have too much of these le.... must preempt their excuses. hehe

hi ladies, can share where you got your cakes, caterers and venue for 1st bday? me still looking for a place that can accomodate abt 100 pax.
J&amp;s mum,
thanks for sharing the schedule and code of conduct for maids, I have schedule for the kids and i let the maids come up with their own schedule that is in line with the kids'. I have only given them verbal code of conduct and its not that efficient.....wah can only sleep when mdm says ok ya keke....i used to let my maids sleep when they want to ( of course not during the day time)as long as they have finished their chores and there are many times i wake and take care of baby during early morning while the maid still asleep. may be must make some changes to it
hi j&amp;smum,
the code of conduct is really funni but i must admit some of the pointers are really good! huh, should really share with my maid some of it.. haha... well, i am a temp SAHM from today till friday (mil went gentings for a break) so can find some time to drill some of the pointers into her!
<font color="0000ff">Ah Da</font>
Regarding babies' sleeping arrangement, I used to have one gal sleep with me and the other in the babies' room with the maid, then we rotate every few days. Its similar to what you're doing now. I had both of them sleeping with me for the first 2 months. Though one crying may wake the other up, but the other one will soon fall asleep without much fuss. But I still had to "relocate" the other baby because they outgrow the big cot in my room. And my bedroom couldn't accomodate 2 cots, so one of them had to sleep in the other cot in the kids' room.

The "separation" last from 3rd month till they turn one. Initially we were worried about them waking each other at night cos they had not been sleeping together for so long. It turned out they had "disturbed sleep" for about a week and now they are just simply oblivious to the other twin's cry/fuss (if any). Probably gain immunity against the other twin. Kekeke... I think they're used to their twin being around from day 1 in the womb, so sometimes I wonder if it was a mistake to separate them in the first place. :p

You may want to try out putting them back in their own room soon and see how it goes. One advantage is they'll both get used to having their other twin around. But the most obvious benefit is my HB and I get quality sleep. He goes to work feeling better while I can better concentrate on the kids during the day while the maid handles the household chores.

<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>
Your boy fell from the bed, but I bet your heart aches more than his wound! Ouch!!!

<font color="0000ff">Alethea</font>
The "code of conduct" is really quite funny to me. But I believe your friend must have "suffered multiple blows" before she decided to carefully put together these rules. And she even had the section for signatures!!! Just like the MOU or contracts drafted for commercial purposes. Hahaha...

Nice job... and timely too cos my maid's coming this evening! Funny, but realistically important to spell it out to them too!

Re: sleeping arrangement
My triplets currently still sleep together but of late my DD will cry with a shrill causing the boys to wake up being very angry and then I'm left with 3 crying babies. Will think of how to separate them soon... but difficult cos house small lah!

Thanks for sharing. The code of conduct is interesting, I didnt have one. Agree with Dorayaki, sound like MOU. haaa..

Cannot chit chat with other helpers huh? Very difficult for my maid leh. She can chit chat with any helpers she meets in playground etc!

My car is Nissan Latio 1.5L only. My maid squeezessss between 2 Combi baby car seats behind.

Lyricist &amp; Dodo,
reading abt your babies falling off the bed makes me worry. My girl love sleeping on my bed. Maybe should "downgrade" her to matresses on the floor.
I think chit chat cannot be curtailed lah, just tell her not to spill any dirty secrets lor...best we can do I suppose!
Advice needed!

My babies are 11 weeks old and they have blocked nose whenever we turn on the aircon. Now my girl is having persistent blocked nose. I try suctioning out any mucus but only v.little comes out. Must I send her to a clinic for her blocked nose? She is still feeding very well, just super irritable and took forever to sleep.

You should continue to pump while your babies are still in the hospital else you will get engorgement or blocked ducts and your supply will be compromised.

Latch the babies on when they're home. Latching them directly rather than pumping out the milk saves a lot of time. I tired pumping out for 1 month to feed them direct and to know how much they were feeding and it was a hassle and I couldn't build up my supply. So I latched them on instead and my milk supply improved....used less FM top up.

I alternate the breasts at each feeding. For eg. at the first feeding i let twin 1 latch on left breast and twin 2 the right one. On the next feeding twin 1 goes to the right and twin 2 the left. Keep alternating the breasts at every feeding. I also find mastering the football hold and feeding them together a time saver especially for the night feedings. So if both twins are hungry at the same time just latch both of them on together. Btw, I feed them on demand. It will be stressful for the first 3 months breastfeeding the twins...but it gets better after that. You need to persevere and stay positive. My twins are coming to 8 months now and I'm still breastfeeding them. I actually enjoy breastfeeding them. I have gone back to work and I find that continuing to BF them helps in the bonding since I don't get to see them so often now.

Oh, and the most important thing is if you are still having problems breastfeeding, try and seek help from a lactation consultant as soon as possible. There should be at least 1 lactation consultant at every hospital.
<font color="0000ff">lefty</font>
I think most doctors will not prescribe medication for 11 week old infant unless absolutely necessary. Try getting <font color="ff0000">ILLIADIN Nose Drop</font> (hope I spelt correctly) from pharmacies like Guardian. You can only buy when the Pharmacist is on duty because it is a scheduled item. Not available over the counter. It worked for my gals when they were a few weeks old. But you may have to try to eliminate the aircon and rely on the fan instead. I understand the recent heat is killing. But kiddos get blocked nose easily when the temperature around them keeps changing. So unless you're prepared to have the aircon on at all times, then its better to have the fan turn on full blast instead.

Ah ok. Thank you very much. Babies can beat the heat with the fan, the mother cannot! Especially when I'm flustered when everyone started crying, hehehee.. A happy mother = happier babies right? ;p I'm very sure my electricity bill will skyrocket this month.
Hi mummies,

My twins are coming to 11 weeks now.... can someone share how to train them to sit on the car seat ?

As I send 1 of them to the nanny, she refuse to be tie and I have to be dependent on my husband timing to bring her home. Sometimes it is quite frustrating.
hello all,

For those who had already given birth to twins, can I know at what weeks are the babies born?

I know twins tend to come out much earlier but which week is consider the appropriate week for deliver? Anyone go beyond week 34?

Pls advise. This is my first pregnancy and I am having twin girls...I am in my week 31 now and started to feel contractions. Abit worried

My triplets somehow behave well in their carseats; probably since they were placed there from the journey back from the hospital! They still fret at times, I just get the soother or milk ready to sedate them. Otherwise once the vehicle start moving they tend to be quiet.


I thought twins tend to be alright and be delivered 36-38 weeks? I carried my triplets till 1 day shy of 36 weeks. My gynae refuse to "let me see them early" and reiterate that every additional day they stay in your tummy is a bonus to them.

Now they don't need you to sleep with them? Really envy you. at first I feel really bad about separating them. But no choice cause they also need some quality sleep. Think I'll try putting them together in another month's time.

lefty, my gals had blocked nose few months back as well. Doctor prescribed Iliadin nose drops for infants to them. If you're going to use it, do note that after using for 5 days, you'll need to stop for a period of about a week before continuing.

My babies also use the car seats from the day of discharge. So they're quite used to it. They only make noise when the car stops moving and the pacifier acts as a great 'stopper' to keep them quiet. Heh... I always have 4 'stoppers' on standby. ;p

Try to rest more. Don't walk about too much. i took leave from work from 30 weeks onwards. I can really feel the weight then. Managed to tahan till they're 36 weeks. Jia You!
