(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

chin chin

your girl is very sensitive and caring. mine is turing out to be quite a bossy babe! she will be nice to her granny or maid only if she wants something. when i am back from work, she just ignore everybody else. don't even want to kiss my mum goodbye sometimes. how to teach a child good manners?

JK starting to call me "Ah Bu" liao... hahahaha.. my mum taught him, so now when i call home, he will shout "Ah BUUUUUUUUUUUU"...nearly fainted when i heard it for the 1st time.. hahaha.

yeps JK these 2 weeks also like to repeat after us especially on the last word... and likes pple giving him attention.... he's now trying to stand on his own, everytime he's "performing" he will alert everyone to look at him... abit hao lian hahahah
Long time din see your posting liao. Saw from FB tat u jus came back from France? So shiok.... Me preggie with 2nd one so all travel plans got to put on hold for a while now I guess....

Actually, Zavier's language skills is abt the same as Chloe's too. He can speak in complete sentences now e.g.
"On the Elmo disc"
"On wheels bus disc"
"Daddy, Mummy, wear shoes"
"Open the box"
Whenever he doesn't want some things, he would say e.g. "don't want water / don't want porridge"
He also knew how to count from 1 to 10 abt 3 weeks ago. Can say A to F; still picking up letter along the way.
The funniest thing is that he said to me "Excuse me, Mummy." last week when I was blocking his way in the bathroom. Haha.. made me burst out laughing.

When he's in the lift with strangers, he would call Uncle or Aunty when he's in the right mood.

Today, brought him to see PD. I greeted the PD, "Hello, Dr Tan" n he followed after me! Really farnie. He's really parroting after all that we are saying now.

It is indeed touching to see how our kiddos are growing up and picking up new things so fast. Zavier would always kiss both me, Daddy and my tummy (bb junior) goodnite before his bedtime now which never failed to touch me.

Starmoon, do take care of yourself! Its good that you have good support from your family members. Hope that Megan would have a speedy recovery soon! SO r u stil putting her back to CC?

Here' r some latest pics of Zavier:

At the Animal resort
bearyhugs, Zavier is so cute. I'm sure he will make a great elder brother.

How are u feeling? I can't imagine being pregnant again so soon. Well, not in my current job at least. Too stressful to get pregnant anyway. Has it been an easy pregnancy so far?
bearyhugs, thanks. yah wouldnt know wad to do without support from them. the PD gave MC till monday and asked us to bring her back for review on monday. kkh gave MC till 10 jul (17 days)...think they are more kiasu. will be putting megan back into cc after she is well cos next year she needs to go pre-nursery and will also be exposed to all these viruses so makes no difference to me. also i find that after attending cc, she opens up more and try to speak up more nowadays as well and she is oso more independent (e.g. feeding herself) and she even tells us when she wanna pee and will bring the potty to us and try to pull her shorts down and remove her pampers so i find there are more pros for her to carry on with the cc.

U 37weeks already hah...that means u might pop any moment leh...take care ya.


Megan had HFMD...oh...must be very painful....hope her recover fast.....


Long time din hear from u ya!!! Chloe is big gal gal liao lor...see which day free, we meet up for kopi ok...can jio Alyssa to go along too....u still go gemboree every weekend?

Today NQ cc brought us outing...fish farm is the most interseting place for NQ..she likes the longkang fishing untill din want to leave.....cry badly when we forced her to return the net and pail....will upload some pic later.
ppp, I still have 8 lessons or so at Gym, but I do not go every week. Chloe seems to lose interest in it, so we go there once in 2-3 weeks.

I see ur lao kong quite often near my workplace, cos he is at Science Park also right? Where is this fish farm?

Let me know whrn u going gym, if we free, we go there to meet u after the gym class...see NQ still remember Cloe or not.
Ya, he works at Science Park. he always come back n told me he see u...The fish farm is somewhere near Lim Choa Kang....I was told Pasir Ris also have some fish farm there..may be we can plan to go there one day together....


Happen that NQ bring back a box of playdough from cc(birthday's goodies bag from one of her cc's mate) I use my cookies cutter to teach her how to cut out shapes few times only then she can do it by herself liao...but I still need to flatten the playdough n ask her to put the cutter in the middle....u all can let your bb try too.


It's the same PD we went, AMK SBCC. He refused to co-operate, cried and struggled until muscles all tensed up, tat's why swollen badly.
I still thot PD joking abt Graduation Cert leh, oso neber mention abt mailing. Maybe I shld call the clinic & check.


This booster jab is the last compulsory jab. Has Lucas completed the jabs oredy?


How I wish Owen will repeat aft wat I say! He is really one rebellious type, won't follow and v alert and careful not to let me lure him into speech. He oso doesn't wan me to hold his hand with a crayon to draw, has been throwing toys including crayon for weeks liao.. *Sigh*

Uno, my SIL's daughter was able to repeat like a parrot when she was 1 year +, so her mum had an easy job strengthening her vocal vocab and she becum an early learner ahead of others too. Now in her primary 5, she is one of the best and top students in school.

So I conclude bb who can repeat after their caregivers will stand a high chance to learn faster.
Yesterday I brought Owen to my colleague's bb boy's 1st birthday party. There was magician in the restaurant engaged to perform for the kids. I brought him nearer so that we could watch the magician pump balloons and made them into animals. Suddenly, the balloon that the magician was pumping burst. The loud PONG shocked him. There was a silence, and suddenly Owen burst into tears crying so loudly until everyone stopped moving. Got so embarrassed and worse, my hb frown and carried him away.

Later, he was abit stun, kept patting his chest and covering his ears... jiat lat. Felt so bad.
Hi Strawberry,
sometime we dun need to be so xan cheong about the kid progress , as long as we know that if they are growing fine ,can eat well , then Ok liao. Ofcourse we do compare among others kid just to see if anything go wrong with our kid..
other then that should be OK.

Like last 2 weeks they do not know how to do this..but these 2 weeks suddely they will know..
maybe one day suddenly they know how to argue back then you will get a big shock.

remember my guy classmates..all are so lazy and only know how to play basketball..but when come to O level..their grade even can better then the usual hardworking one. So just take it easily........
Caomei, check lucas's health book already, have taken his booster jab already. Thought i have missed out.

Peng, just happened to go into your peng's kitchen and see see look look. Wow. interesting. Maybe i ask what is wolfberries leaves and Burdock under the soup portion. Would like to boil some soup for lucas since he is not eating much.

I find my boy very timid and emotional. We were watching chipmunk the movie and somehow don't know why he suddenly cried. I try reverse back to see which portion that make him cry and everytime when he saw that portion he cried. So Emotional......

And he seem to be afraid of everything. Take for example those 20/50cent ride that can be found in shopping center and outside shophouse. He dammed scared when it start to move, he will struggle to get off from there. He see those machine with barney/ those funny funny bear or animal on it, he will never go up and sit. He only aim for those plain one, nothing extra on it.

Yesterday i bought 2 durian home and i thought maybe i can show him what is durian. Ask him to touch he said "don't want". While he is sitting down on the floor trying to remove his shoes with his leg wide open, My hubby took the whole durian and put in between his leg, scared the hell out of him.
ashley is the total opposite. not afraid of anything one. when my mum brings her to library, she'll even pull a chair to sit besides some mothers who're reading to their kids, and say hi to people she sees.
ppp, megan recover liao...2moro can go back cc but PD said to play safe let her go back next week cos she scare later megan fall sick since her immunity system prob not 100% yet.

tiwi, megan last time loves to sit on those rides...sometimes sit 5 times in a row but lately she dun wanna sit liao. today she dun wanna sit on those kiddy rides and she dun let others sit on it as well...very "ba tao".
ppp, nianqi has very nice hair now. so feminine. yes, we should catch up.

strawberry, did u read today's paper about the 3 year old who can read and order from menu at restaurant? kids' today are very different from our time. U have to be consistent and persistent in teaching them, and you will see results.
Hello mummies...

Wah, did not realise that I have not been reading the forum for so long liao... and all our babies have grown so much...

Jennifer & Xiaoyang,
Haha... my boy cannot really talk yet too... he can say 'ant' and 'daddy'. I don't know why 'ant'. And he will point at the ants when he will say it... He can make all the animal noises. E.g. you say Sheep, he will say 'Ba-ba'. I am not very hopeful because my hubby only started talking when he's 3. Haha! And apparently, sometimes it's hereditary. Oh well...

Zavier is so smart! Can talk in whole sentences liao!

And Cayden is such a handsome boy... saw his photo in one of the archives...

That's the updates from me right now... still no No. 2 yet... sigh...

Have been travelling lots from work. Hope to catch up with all you mummies at one of the gatherings soon.
Hi Stawberry

I guess Reena is the same type as Owen. Even simple things like :waving her hands and Bye-bye, she refuses to follow. Somemore, she will purposely turn her head to the other side, as if she did not see anything. Sigh...

Though I have to convince myself that every child has his/her own progress, it is so difficult not to compare with other kids.

My 2nd one is coming end of Jul. Hopefully it will not affect our attention on Reena.
Lucas can shake hands with Owen lor. Owen oso v timid, abit only scared. The plane flies pass he quickly crawls into my arms; the balloon burst he cries; a toy tat runs to him suddenly makes him jump. * haiz *

I still think that bb has to be attentive from young as it'll impact his learning speed. But of course I believe there r ways to teach kids who r less attentive or rebellious, juz tat we hv to keep trying diff ways, and so it's more testing on us as working parents.

I oso find it hard to accept that his first 3 years is slipping away, when it shld hv bn the best time for him to absorb if not for the obstacle.

Wah, Yuheng is one super-fast learner, peng.
Hi mycrysania,
Long time din see your post! Saw that you are doing pretty well in your job...from your FB profile... Well done! Corum looks like a big boy now too. I'm still bringing Zavier for his GUG classes every sat. Think those classes do help a bit in his vocab and interaction with other kiddos. Is Corum still attending?

ppp, NQ looks very mature now too. So how's your little one doing?

Peng, YH looks so contented with his snack. What kind of nectarine do u use? U sure hav lots of ideas for food leh. I'm running of main meals ideas to give to Zavier. Pls teach me some tips leh.

Bblush, when u mentioned abt the menu part, I rem Zavier recently luved to open up the menu and really pretend tat he's reading hard too when we go restaurants. Quite an amusing sight..Me still coping well with 2nd preg, no MS at all but just tired cos got a Zavier to take care of. Guess what Zavier said this morning to me again when he woke up, "Mummy, tummy too big".

Chinchin...wow ur gal even super can hold chopstick kekeke

Bearyhugs...now nectarines can be found at ntuc think is the season now. I dun give complicate dishes lah, juz mix here n there, i share some what YH eating now, below is my combination of vege, can add either fish, toufu or egg, i dun mix too much protein together. Nowadays weather too hot, i will boil barley or chinese pear drink for him.

Lunch or Dinner
1) Wild Yam + Pumpkin
2) Potato + Carrots + Pumpkin
3) Sweet Potato + Beancurd
4) Potato + Tomato
5) Wild Yam + Tomato
5) Spinach + Beancurd
6) Spinach + Potato + Beancurd
7) Pumpkin Rice + Scramble Egg + Panfrid Salmon
8) Sweet Corn Soup
9) Minced Pork with Pumpkin
10) Black Bean Soup

so far i only give these items as snacks : pau (i remove fillings), fruits puree, homemade muffin/cakes, yam cake, wholemeal bread, raisin bread.

NQ same as Lucas! she doesn't dare to sit on those cute cute machines with cartoon character, she also only aim for the plain one!!!! n when she hear some sound like sound of opening door, thunder or the sound of aeroplane flying over, she sure run to grab me!!!!!


Wow...YH can self feeding already hah....NQ will still messy up the whole place if I let her do that...so normally, I only train her when eat out...hehehe...opps forget to say U really good in cooking!!!.


Oh I see...NQ also rested at home for almost two weeks when the time she kena pheaumonia as according to PD's advice....n when she return to cc she needed to take about a week's time to settle down there...so u be prepared ya..hehe...


Thanks...last time longer n nicer...I prefer her to keep long hair like Alyssa....but cc seldom help her to tie her hair up so no choice have to cut cos weather very hot....


Thanks for your concern.
everything goes well...can see that my tummy grow bigger n bigger liio..hehe...Zavier really looks like as if he is going to order food for himself that y...he is reading hard...hahaha...

Chin chin,

I still don dare to let to try NQ on chopstick..scare that she poke her eye!!!! Try not to let them hold chopstick when they r walking as I ever heard of an accident happened because of chopstick. This kid had a chopstick in his mounth, when he trip n fall, he hurt his throat badly.
hehe this is the first time l let her hold the chopstick only. Never let her try since then..but will only let her hold on the chair never let her hold chopstick or fork while walking. just try for her motorskill only.

WOW peng..you realli can cook alot. By the way, black bean soup how to cook? hear must soup the bean overnight is it?
Hi mummies, how have you gals been? Been awhile since I post here liao, got miss me anot?

Long time no see, and congrats! Very soon you'll be holding your 2nd kiddo in your arms liao hor! So fast. Take care hor, you'll be popping anytime. Keep us informed when you've delivered okie?

You take good care too, you'll be popping anytime also..

chin chin
hey, your hair grown liao. Now with your long perm hair, look so "cha bor"liao.. hahaha... hao you nu ren wei leh...

U realli xian qi liang mu... can "go into the kitchen, out to the living room".. hahaha..

So long never see or hear from you. Miss you n Chloe leh. Ya, one day should meet up

wow u really miss my Alyssa ya?! I hear you mentioning her name so often leh.. kekeke... too bad yours also a gal, if not we can be"qing jia"
ChinChin...where got cook a lot? cannot compare with Eileen, she is more creative than me :p black bean must soak overnite..slow cook with pork fillet can liao no need use pork ribs if u find it too oily for baby.

PPP...i only let him self feeding snack time lah, lunch n dinner no lah wait play with his food dunno when can complete the meals :p

Doggymum...thks for ur compliment leh...see me so up kekeke i think i more become like 'hua lian poa' liao ...
Why I don't know I am more creative than u, hehe! I am very lazy one n lucky my Zhe Lei is not choosy on food. What I cook he just eat. But these 2 days, he seems quite hungry n always finish his rice very fast n still ask for more.
hi Mummies

Sometimes does your toddler gets bad breath? Ever smell before? It's not like the morning smelly mouth type but majiam like heaty those type.

peng, the dishes example yam+pumpkin = 1 meal har? only 2 types for a meal or u got add rice?
yoyoz everyone...

finally, today afternoon will be on my way back to SIN.. ending my 2 weeks adventure here...
miss all those local food... going to indulge in all the hawker food over the weekend hahahaha.. and yeah yeah going to JK real soon

1st time can hold the chopstick so well!! wow.....


Hey! your A all along is my little idol!!! u don know meh?? hehehe....can't be your qing jia, can still be A god mum leh, see A still need one or not. although I have 2 daughter already,I don mind 'kio" A leh....hahaha....

Peng n Eileen,

U both r good cookers here!!! must learn more from u both.


I also notice NQ sometimes got bad breath....I was about to pop the question here liao then saw u post....sometimes very smelly hor.....


Hi Hi....ya she is a little gal now..hehe...the last time u saw her is during your wedding dinner...that time she still need to be carried now she can run very fast already.
U got chance so see her again soon...


Welcome back.
kekeke.. peng, I really thot it's yam leh. Thankss.


heehee, yah, esp when he yawned in my face. Nowadays my MIL disciplined him to drink plain water (total 8oz) a day so not too bad now.

Serenemeow, sounds like u hv been away for quite long leh, welcum back. JieKai must hv missed u dearly.

bbroom, wish u well and back soon too. Me tonite oso very sianz, the whole force is asked to stay back to work tonite.. gonna b home very late tonite but b4 12am. Cannot bring Owen home tonite liao..
any of you mummies still making flashcards for ur baby? i'm hanging up the white flag. so wanna clear my existing stock of 800+ blank A5 flashcards @ $15. will be giving away protective pockets free together with these flashcards. let me know if you are interested yah?
no energy lah. prefer reading books to her than flashing cards. let her attend shichida is just to enjoy the activities. not really intending to develop her into a genius. so, we are not a "true-breed" shichida parents, hoho...

how's the shichida method work? does it really work? heard like it will be quite hectic to the parent, parents have to follow up with kid at home too...it is true?

ChinChin...from what i understand parents have to play and practice everyday with the kid to really develop them into shichida genius ..but how many parents can really afford that kind of time right? Have u watch everyday tues channel 8 'xioa chao ren', can see those super kids how their parents put so much effort on them to groom them.
