(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Babyblush..how is Chloe already? fever subsided? YH's fever lasted for 3 days...now he is fine already, hopes this last long cos i know his pattern, after awhile become sick bb again...haiz..

Eileen..Zhelei so cute can say bomb bomb hahaha..good loh at least he learnt his lesson, my one thick skin one...not scare..now he likes to climb onto the coffee table and dining chair, so now have to keep a good lookout on him very tired....

Hi all,

What a happy mother day yesterday, l was sick since last thursday, voice all lost.Call back company, colleague say l sound like a witch : and got an MC on last Friday.. Hubby not dare to bring baby back until yesterday 3pm.. so we all celebrate mother day with my MIL at Compass point foodcourt....sob sob.Still having slight uncomfortable today...come back to work now..
Wow Starmoon, manage to look thru the thread and know that u had given birth...CONGRAT!
Time to relax and enjoy!......Maybe can plan for the 3rd one liao...hehe
peng, her fever up and down leh. today her temp hovers around 37.5 - 38 deg. But her cough getting really bad. we brought her to PD yesterday, and she told us if we have to go A&E hospital, bring her to KK (and nowhere else!). PD saw the medicine given by Changi hospital and asked us to stop giving her the cough syrup. ???
babyblush..oh gosh!!given unsuitable medi by Changi Hosp?!! previously when YH was really sick middle of the nite i brought him to Healthway Medical 24hr or A&E Mt Alvernia..during the last week stay at Mt A, YH PD from kids clinic was asked to come over to diagnose him, if we bring him to KK then wiil be KK doctor diagnosing him whom they will not be sure of YH past history...not sure KK hosp allow outside doc to come over to see the kids? cos when i was at Mt A, most of the kids doc are private doc not under Mt A one..
actually Kate past attacks dun have much cough... you dun hear her cough much.. except a 2-3 times throughout the day...and none at night... but she does have lots of phelgm everytime.....mostly she will get infection of her airways.....
this time round she cough more...even at night.... she will cough and it's very chesty cough... but she is ok liao.....I gave her some chuan bei cos too much western medicine also no good... i just boil some chuan bei and use the water to cook her porridge.....
I'm thinking of letting her undergo some allergic test... cos I really dun want the doc to keep hinting it's asthma related.. and if it's really asthma related, then we will deal with it adequately... I see her taking so much western medicine I very pek chet also...cos when I was young I was very weak and I took alot of medicine... but i dun think it's good lor..... so I dun want Kate to have the same thing.... and esp if I'm not sure if she really need those medicine.....so far she was given steroids 3 times including this last episode... and I feel very uncomfortable about it....but bo bian....haiz....

i dun give Kate prawns, chicken.. not even much fruits....
babyblush, dun go kkh... 1st time Kate got sick... we went kkh after numerous visits to PD and MIL keep asking us to go KKH.... then one day we decided to go KKH cos PD no nite clinic that day.....after that trip.. she dun dare to suggestion KKH anymore....it was a horrible visit for us... like factory production.. and wait wait wait...in the end the doc gave us a milder medicine than the PD which was prescribed previously but not working......

Kate's fever also hang around for quite a number of days before finally coming down to below 38...
it takes a while... so must monitor closely.
hope Chloe gets well soon...
ya, it's really not easy being a mum!
Poor kate muz have suffer alot during KKH anyway i won't go there as well since the A&E at thomson medical is cheaper than KKH afterall.

Mummies and tods who r sick
Do take care of ur health and rest more and wish ur all get well soon ya.
Hi mummies out there. I happened to hear from the a chinese radio(can't remember what FM already). There was a mummy who also had a baby who suffer from broncotis(don't know how to spell) but i heard her said zhi qi guan yan in chinese.

She bring her son for swimming once a week and she can see a great improvement in his condition after a period of time.

Perharp can try that also.
Hi Starmoon,

Congrats!! Your boy is so cute. And envy you have a short labour.

My another friend also a very short labour,only 10 min..how i wish my next labour is short too..

Peng, wish Yuheng a speedy recovery. Maybe you want to bring him for flu jab. Wayne had that after the 2nd time admit for bronchlitis, and so far he is doing well...touch wood.. and we really reduce the airon.

Recently weather very warm, i will on for a air to let the room feel cool, then swich off and turn on the fan.

Mummies with no 2 coming along..so envy and happy for you all..I have problerm conceiving again..just like when i was trying for Wayne. Have to start the treatment process all over again, very sian and tired
Wayne'mum...this time round admitted to hosp not due to bronchities is serious throat infection causing the high fever...wat kind of treatment process are u going thru now?

elmo...yah i dun like the waiting time at KKH also!! Mt A fast n consultation also cost lesser than KKH.
HI mummies,

Just got accident this morning. The company bus that i took was bang into the van from opposite direction that not supposed to make the right turn. And that stupid van driver was speeding. Luckily i was sitting the inner seat and was aware of the accident going to happen...but wat i can do is just hold tight to the front seat. Still the impact is very strong. Our company bus after that bang to the traffic light that cos the traffic light to bend and collapse..and the windscreen of my bus was broken. My colleagues that fall asleep or not aware, all bang to the front seats and some of them fall out from the seat. I will go to see my gyane later to have to check on my bb just in case...
talking about swimming better dun go till HFMD is clear cos it very easy to spread via water and 1 of my frenz gal kenna recently due to go swimming.

OMG lucky u were aware or dun noe wat will happen btw do go see doc and rest well ya.

U so pong chang bring whole family anyway u got my hp no rite juz in case.
babygal, we are having mother's day lunch there lah. u think i so "eng" to invite my whole clan down to see the place meh? pm u ur hp no again. i just changed my mobile phone.

aiyoh, xiaoyang, it sounds so scary. hope all is well with you & the bb.
Hi all,
Wow, so many mummies and bbs falling sick. Heard that there is a new strain of flu virus spreading around too. My workplace already has several ppl down with the virus. N this virus is apparently a new Southen strain -> very powerful with us having little immunity to it. So pls drink lots of water and drown yourself with Vit C man!

Zavier is recovering from his cough but still very poor appetite. Now totally rejecting porridge. Still giving him soup mee sua, kuay teow or bread + milk. Sigh... I really wonder when his appetite would go back to normal. Any tips to solve this, Mummies?

Garfield, I also agree that this is not the time to bring our kiddos to swim cos of all the viruses ard. By the way, can't make it this sunday cos working half day. So enjoy!!

Anyone bringing your kiddos to watch Barney and friends? Wondering if I can meet any of you all there? I bought the 7th June, 3.30pm show.
hi mummies,

Went for check up afternoon. Gyane did the CTG for my bb and scan..and still he is very active..and doc said that is a good sign. HE should be alright. Now i can feel pain at my hip and arm. Have to monitor for the next few days see if it is getting worse then will have to see my gynae again and he will refer tme to see orthopedic..
Date : 18 May 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm-3.30pm onwards
Venue : Fidgets or SOL at turf city
Url: http://www.fidgets.com.sg/ (FIDGET)
Url: http://www.solplaygroundcafe.com/aboutus.aspx (SOL)

Activities : Hangout and let the kids play

1) Babygal_1 & Kenise
2) Pama & HB & Hayley
3) twendy & HB & Lorraine (and maybe my whole family)
4) ppp & HB & Nian Qi


Your bb is cute n u rest well.


So terrible the van driver! anyone hurt seriously?

Here r some pics to share.



hi ppp

Nianqi looks like a doll, so cute. U managed to take a photo of the giraffe so close ah, nice shots leh. We went to the zoo a few weeks back but it's a waste of $$ bcos we reached there very late and walked for less than 2 hours only.

Hey bearyhugs
Very true indeed, my workplace workplace oso have many ppl down with flu virus. I did my part to drink lots of water + Vit C "Redoxon". so far touch wood!

Think as Zavier recovers, his appetite will resume so no worries. Porridge and dilute milk was what I gave Owen the last time and once he recovered, whao.. his appetite doubles.

the van driver unconscious lol..from our side, 2 of them being sent to hospital for observation as they fell out of the seat and injured the back. Some of my colleagues got bruise on their face as they bang into the front seat lol..and 2 of them got knee injured when they fell out of the seat also. Basically no serius injury lah..Luckily..
Chin Chin

my frenz's relative is in this business. If u want cheap and budget grilles (limited designs) then u can try contacting Mr Ng hp# 98204322. Good luck!
Hi Mommies, hope all sick babies will get well soon. Ryan also got fever 2 days ago till 39.5, brought him to KK cos late at nite fever shot up. Next day, detected he got red spots on his upper body then found out he kanna german measles (rubella)!!! Today 2nd day liao still have the red spots, hopefully will clear by tmr..
ya... waited very long... I think we waited about 2-3 hrs plus... reached there at about 6plus... went off at about 9 plus.

plus the docs there quite young... so I thot they seems more like practising docs... but maybe I'm wrong lah...
Hi bbgal & mummies

How's the 18May gathering? Juz happened to see there are vegetarian meals in SOL.

18May morning story: I had a family picnic at botanic garden. We spotted a beautiful place (Eco garden) to settle down, there's a huge shelter to accomdate 20 of us, and it's near to the lake with a big open field infront. Shortly, could see the kids scattered over the field playing ball, a few stood by the lake looking at black swans, and some sat inside shelter to enjoy the outside scenery. Once a while a group of pigeons would fly round the lake creating more life. The morning sun was hot but luckily the shelter helped to block away the heat and it was still windy.

I kept using a wet towel to clean Owen, so scared he fall sick. Anyway, he loved the place very much as he could step on grass and see flowers and peas, pointing here and there excitedly. It's so much nearer to nature than those flower pots at the corridoor.

We left at about 2pm when the sunheat was hottest. But we have a happy future Nature Specialist smiling his way home and throughout the day
It was great me,pama hubby,aryanti and stacey had a huge workout by running around and bringing them into the maze.

and ppp also went juz tat NQ didn't want to play guess it all the sleep monster fault.
strawberry, i was there @ BG too! we usually walk around the symphony lake every sunday morning. just walk walk, nothing fanciful like a picnic :)

but we had picnic @ sentosa yesterday! was there from 8 till 2+. my gal had fun playing with sand, digging & "splashing" the sand. weather was kind to us and we managed to get a shady pavilion. she can even napped there for an hr with the windy breeze around. it was so fun for the kids that we would probably be going there again soon.

babygal, wished i could join u all @ fidgets. but my gal was so shacked out after BG walk and she didnt managed to nap at all until 2+. so stupid rite? was already there @ turf club yet cannot join u ladies.

Sorry we left early on sun..initially wanna to say bye bye to u but I only manage to see pa&ma so ask her to convey message.
NQ woke up quite late that day so din take her morning nap and afternoon nap only few mins in car when we r on the way there so might be this reason she very unhappy n made noice! very 'shi tai' pai sei ya....next time must let her 'Koon pa pa' then go out..hehe..but after we r out, she actively run here n there! Funny.......We took our dinner there n went home around 6pm.

We always like to go to Labrador park. Quite a nice place to picnic too.
Now the place not ulu anymore...can enjoy the greenery n the seaview. NQ likes to go there.

We brought NQ to Sentosa to play with sand but the way she throw sand really scare me...afraid that the sand went into her eyes then jialat ...so quickly stop her from playing....but that was few months ago so might let her try again when we go bintan end of this month see she still like taht or not...
hi bbgal

Glad to hear tat. Is the maze big? How do u find the costs is it exp?

Hi Twendy

R u staying near BG? This visit was my first and it turns out really impressive, but I find the parking fee not cheap.

ya, Sentosa is another ideal place for picnic. Long time never been there, must have changed alot.

Hi ppp

Guess Owen would do the same as NQ, though we haven't bring him to beach. Lately, his temper is getting hot, likes to throw things to vent his anger. Can tell from the height he lifted his heavy cement mixer and drop it to the floor when he cannot get the mixer over a curb or when there is an obstacle. Last time only lift up 10cm high, now over his head liao. So scared he will topple backwards one day.


Sorry missed your last message. We have to avoid the sea for 3 years so cannot go Cruise
Ya lor saw u there liao but too bad ur gal asleep nvm next time we go there again ya.

Maybe ur gal see too many ppl+ not enough sleep lah tat why grouchy anyway nvm lah we can organize again lor so tis time roundshe muz koon first hor.

The maze is very big and the structure got difficulty to fit us adult as well got to kenna squeeze into pancakes at times other that tat it was great climbing around lor.

Btw the cost is $8/- for per kid entry and unlimited time ya and as for cost i find it so-so lah.
Hi Mummies...today brought YH for his 18mths jab, as usual lah din cry during the jab as if nothing happens hahaha...he is now 12.8kg n 87ck falls under the 75 percentile ;D
ppp & strawberry,
we go walk walk every sunday morning. usually is BG, but sometimes (but really seldom lah) we venture elsewhere like labrador park, west coast park, bt batok park etc. we have ever went bishan park & lower pierce park too. check out the children garden @ BG, quite good facilities. it's a family tradition more than anything. has been doing this even before we got married.
Hi Jene, I did bring Ryan for his MMR jab during the 15th month leh but he still kanna. So doesn't mean given jab means won't get it but his is a mild one. Ryan is ok after the 3rd day. My mom-in-law used those veg for cooking curry(I forgot what's the actual name) to bathe him then the next day all the red spots totally disappeared. Amazing! Thks for asking..
Twendy...is it the Jacob Garden u mentioned? understand is a fun place for children.

rkjk...glad that ryan has recovered...is it curry leaves hur? really amazing kekeke
Hi Peng,
I wanted to visit the JG tat u mentioned too but these days, the weather is just tooo hot. Thought of bringing Zavier there on Fri AM since I would be on leave. Wanna join? How is Yuheng now?

Chin chin & mousypig, thanks for the info. Gave me some ideas where to bring my family this weekend liao. :p

wow u good leh, can rewind so far back and answer my question now... hahaha..

good hor, your YH at the 75th percentile... Mine only at 25th percentile - 78cm and 9.2kg nia
