(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

so good to hear the news.. think Yuheng may need a little more time to recover after the saga... oh yah put more cream on his poo poo hole.. must be very red & sore after so many poo poos in a day....

bearyhugs, a smack on the hand is ok la. I will firmly tell her 'No' first. If she still continue to touch forbidden things, I'll smack her on the hand or butt sometimes.

But caning is different. When the parent is angry and starts to cane, sometimes they lose control, and the harm can be damaging.

Chloe recently started to repeat 'no no no no'. Seems to be her favourtie phrase now. Can't help laughing even when you are angry at times.
hmm...i also hav never hit cayden before...heart pain lah. my hubby did before though, but that is the last resort. my hubby usually will give a loud and firm exclamation a few times first. if cayden still does it, then my hubby will hit "beside" my boy's hand. only if really doesn't work then my hubby will hit his hand.

wahaha, finally can relax liao! actually, i think this happens to lots of babies...cos when i told my hubby abt it, his first response was "another one". haha.

any of u mummies brought ur baby down to orchard to see the lights/deco? i was thinking to bring my boy this thu...but a little afraid of the crowds. how u manage huh? hubby say to go after xmas where got less pple, but like the xmas feeling gone liao leh. :p

I have been bringing Wayne to Orchard quite a number of times liao. Outside still ok, not that crowded, is the shopping centre that is very crowded especially taka.

Dunno why my Wayne is not afraid of anything, scold him quite loudly, he also ignore me. Even I hit his hand or thigh, he also no feeling, will keep doing what I told him not to. My mum say he is like me "thick skin", not afraid of anthing. He practically not scared of me, only a bit scared of hubby if he stare at him and scold him.
<font size="+1">Just to share with Cayden's fans out there !!!!</font>



That time his birthday fell ill for a week lor.. Glad now ok liao, but weight haven't gone back leh.. Now-a-days also dun like to drink water. Headache leh...
glad to hear that YuHeng poo out the battery..

Yaoyao still can't walk without support..and still prefer very much on her commando crawl..She can stand with suppport...

I think yao is the skinnest bb in the Nov bb liao..She only 7.9kg @ her 13 mths..I think underweight liao. She is 3.22kg at birth leh and by right should be around 10kg now..And can still wear her clothes that is 6-12 mths..

Her feeding schedules:
7.15am- 8 spoons of oatcereal
9am - 5oz of milk
Nap time till 11.30am
12pm - Porridge with veggie puree + minced pork
2.30pm- 5oz / 6oz of milk
Nap time till 4.30 or 5pm
5pm - fruit puree
6pm - Porridge with veggie puree + minced fish
8pm ZZZ....zzzzZZZZ...
11pm - 6oz of milk
3am - 5 oz of milk
Don't worry too much abt bb's weight unless PD says so. Most impt, they must be healthy. Zavier can also still wear some of the shirts 6-12mths too. So it really depends on the clothes cutting.

Bbblush, I let my HB be the disciplinary master cos I can't bear to do it. He does smack his hand once esp when Zavier tried to enter the bathroom (which is the out of bounds area for him other than his bath time). Heh, has Chloe completed her lessons at Gymboree? Zavier still has two left, now festive season, no time to bring him cos of appts with frens n families. So farnie, Zavier kept repeating the opposite of Chloe. He kept saying "yes yes yes" to whatever we asked him recently.

Dumbger, I also brought Zavier to Orchard last Sunday. Went in the evening, shopping centre was crowded but like what Wayne'smum said, outside is ok. He was quite amazed with the lightings, we were outside scotts isetan. Then back in the car, he kept pointing to the lights when we said lights.

Anyone bbs here luvs french fries? My Zavier jus simply luvs it since we let him try one abt a month ago. Each time we eat fast food, he would be screaming to have one if we don giv him. He can finish one v fast. HB kept saying its unhealthy food for bbs.

Heh, peng and Twendy, your crocs are here already. Please email me on the collection arrangement. Twendy, already arranged though.

Wayne also love french fries. We will dip some tomato sauce for him too.

At least Zavier knows that is out of bound area. We have repeatedly told Wayne many times cannot go into bathroom, but he still does it. He simply ignore us. He will go in and pull the tissue and tear into small pieces. And love to open the kichen cabinet drawer and took out the ladle to play. All kinfs of slding and bi-fold door also know how to open.

Me and hubby really headache how to prevent him to go to the kitchen cause we not able to put a safety gate.

Even when I put something behind the bi-fold door so he cant come in, he will use his walker to push and push until he is sucessful...headache..
Wayne's Mummy

heee...i have been training Yuheng since he is 6 mths old! since now i dun need a safety gate for the kitchen...he knows that he is forbidden for that place...he will just stand at the door way n watch me do my things in the kitchen!! even when he is at my parents n ils place he also know that he cannot go into the kitchen...hahaha i think i did a great job training him this one
Sooo cute. I shall put him in that rattan basket, place a big bow over it and take him home. *kidnaps Cayden*

Bearyhugs, your hubby in military organisation mah, very suitable for disiplinary role, while you are in caregiving role :p

Better to have a child say yes than no. I finish my classes already, and now I'm so bored on Sat. I might sign her up for a short 8 class program after Dec. Was thinking of trying out the Music class.
waynemummy, bearyhugs
cayden also knows that the common toilet is out of bounds area, cos my cat's litter box is there! dun wan him rampaging into the sand. my master toilet he will go in though. but kitchen i can't bar him also leh...cos his favourite pastime is watching the washing machine cycle go round and round...*slaps forehead*

but i must say that wayne is definitely one adventurous and curious guy! heehee!

the shots of ur cayden very nice!! i like the dustbin one!
which studio u go to huh?

sigh, i realise my boy is drinking me dry of milk powder...i bought TWELVE cans in mid october, and as of today, left only 2 cans!! that's one can per week!!! *faint* gotta ask Mr Dumbger go sell backside liao.

I also been training him kitchen and toilet cannot go, VCD player cant touch. But no use. He is quite stubborn, he will try ways and means to achieve his objective.

Every time pd and nurse see him, will say he is still so active as last time...like duracell battery..

The only thing I managed to train him is cannot touch the portable air cooler, told him i will cane him if he touch.
Wah.. if cayden goes missing i know to look for who liao.. What a way to kidnap!! Heheh

Its the studio Loft that i went to. I think the shots are pretty standard if you go through their archieve..

Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
Heng ah peng, scares me leh reading yuheng's case. Luckily it came out liao if not nightmares men..

Earlier Owen pie oso swallow 'forbidden food'. He has a crave for paper. Once my Malay neighbour pass him a green bao (Malay's ang bao) and before I knew, he had eaten a corner of it, exposing the $10 inside. 2 other incidents include paper box cover &amp; envelope. Ask him eat porridge very slow, eat paper so fast!


Yes lunch, I boil rice in soup for a while. He ate less than half a bowl then half an hour later I gave him milk+cereal(7oz) seeing him eat so little.

Congrats Wayne! Can walk oredy har!

Wah Pauline, very nice studio photos of Cayden! Well taken leh. Is it exp?
Gou Ma

Was wondering where u wld be going. Go Taiwan tour ah?! So good life leh. Nowadays the word 'Tour' is only but a dream to me. U brave leh, brought Alyssa on plane at this young age.
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
Hi Doggymum,

I am planning bring Nicole to Bangkok this Jan. Can you advise me what you pack for your BB Alyssa 's meal? Now headache about all the packing! Sigh..

Gd to meet up again

I check my schedule and confirm again. Will be interesting to see them walk and crawl around
talk about packing! realli big headache one... lotsa things to bring for BB. Hmm, airline doe provide bb puree, so there's no need to plan for her meal onboard. But for her other meals, I did bring along a pack of cereals and biscuits for her. Other than that, I just let her eat whatever I eat.

Hey whilst onboard, get ready water for your gal to drink prior to take-off and landing to ease her ear pain. Don't start giving her water after she starts crying, like I did, cos by then will be too late liao. Or you can get diluted apple juice from the flight attendants. In case the flight timing coincides with her feeding schedule, bring an empty milk bottle and milk powder in your hand-carry luggage. You're not allowed to bring above 100ml of water in your hand luggage. Get the attendant to top up the bottle with warm water for you..
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.

Hi Doggymum,

OK thanks! I oso plan cereal and biscuit but she has been taking home cook porridge. not sure is it safe to feed her outside food when she so young. Yet i scare she eat so much cereal sure puke one :p

talk of bring a pot along for cooking! my HB give me that look! haha
bring pot? aiyo u siao on ar? dun bother lah, most bb will "hong sim" when u bring them out, so won't be eating much one lah. be prepared she'll lose weight after the trip. Mine lost weight too
Too kpo looking around, refused to drink milk or eat proper meals.
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
Hi Doggy mum,

haha..i still ve time to plan la. it's really crazy to be away from home and not able to have all the things available :p

Haha..hope I can meet you gals next sat!
Hi Mummies

any babies here sick of eating porridge already?? nowadays Yuheng seems to reject porridge leh...after 1/2 bowl he will keep shaking his head and refuse to eat liao...but give him biscuit n fruits he will finish very fast..
JK oso sometimes sick of porridge.. cos every weekday is porridge at my mum's place.. so now weekend i sometimes lazy lor, give him cereals for his dinner (different flavours at one time)...
excuse given by me: babies sometimes oso needs to eat junk food... just like adults eat mac or kfc... so once a week give them a change of menu :p
Hi Peng
Yes my boy already sick of eating porridge a few weeks ago.

So now I will cook plain porridge to go with different dishes such fry egg, veg, potato, tofu etc or noodle for his lunch. Then for dinner he will take plain rice with fish, veg &amp; soup. He is eating almost like us.

Maybe you can start to intro rice. Whenever I go out, I will not bring cereal nor porridge for his dinner. Will either give Wayne eat rice with soup or buy a bread. He can finish almost the whole red bean bread from breadtalk follow up milk.

Now I also lazy to keep cooking porridge for him. Cause weekday he is already eating 2 times of porridge everyday.
hi peng,
i will cook pasta/macoroni with meat/fish and veg for brandon.. to give a little variety to what he eats. his babysitter sometimes will cook mee sua, bee hoon or brown rice for him.
Hi all

Can I join you gals for the gathering as well? Will be bringing my twins..

Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay
Hi all,
Got gathering ahh? I wanna join too! Bbgal, finally Zavier can get to meet your Kenise again....

Hi all

Can I join you gals for the gathering as well? Will be bringing my twins..

Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay
7) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)
Hi all,
Got gathering ahh? I wanna join too! Bbgal, finally Zavier can get to meet your Kenise again....

Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay
7) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)

Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay
7) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)
8) DG, Mr DG &amp; BB DG
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay (chicken nuggets)
7) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)
8) DG, Mr DG &amp; BB DG
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay (chicken nuggets)
7) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)
8) DG, Mr DG &amp; BB DG
Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) ppp, hubby &amp; NianQi (bring cupcakes &amp; donuts-me new baker hope u all give face to try.
5) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
6) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay (chicken nuggets)
7) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)
8) DG, Mr DG &amp; BB DG
Hi Kelly

Yeah, been a long time.. Good to finally be able to meet you all and put a face to the nicks!

My boys look different to me, but leave it to you to tell me if they look the same next week!

Here's a pic of them at the studio shot =)


Cayden &amp; Jaydon
Yes yes finally my gal can meet ur handsome boy again ya.

Do tell u how to identify ur twin when meet next week ya.
Hi all,
We also brought Zavier for a studio photoshoot today. Was a free trial so only managed to get back a few miserable shots. If we were to buy the whole 50 over shots, it would cost us a good hefty 500bucks, so HB n me decided that its not worthwhile. Thnk would go somewhere else to get a proper studio shoot. Overall, quite a fun experience. : )


Doggymum,bbgal &amp; other mummies,

Very sad this coming sat cannot join u all for the gathering already...sobsob...my boss just informed me that need to stk take on 30th so got to work very late on 29th.....

Day/Date: SAT 29 December
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: Doggymum aka jeannie place(Telok Blangah Crescent(near mount faber safra)
Agenda: Gathering
Pls take note it a POTLUCK(Food can be decide wat to bring when date nearer)
1) Babygal_1 &amp; Kenise
2) Peng &amp; Yuheng (bring brownies)
3) Serene, Hubby &amp; JunKai
4) jene, hubby &amp; ashley
5) Jes, Hubby, Cay &amp; Jay (chicken nuggets)
6) Bearyhugs, HB &amp; Zavier (Fishballs &amp; Otah balls)
7) DG, Mr DG &amp; BB DG
