(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Trinity's got a bit of cantonese accent! Super cute!
She'll make a great cookshow host.

dear mommies HELLO!!!!!!

<font color="ff0000">Happy birthday to Hannah, Adele, Trinity, Yun!!!!! hehehe! hope your parties are fun!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Whew, just did my party on Saturday, Jovann was so overwhelmed he was hyper stimulated that night and kept waking up (around 5 times) during the night! hehe coz many ppl wants to carry him, and this boy, if he dun give permission to be carried and you "snatched" him over he will cry. and it happen a lot of times that day coz everyone kept trying hehee. but rest of the times he was in a good mood, thank goodness for that hehehee.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">THANKS to Clarence, Reubern, Clarice, Arianne and Der Nen for being there! you guys rock! hehe, Clarence and Der Nen, glad you like the car. many thanks to all your mommies and daddies for bringing you there to spend time with Jovann! Hope you had a good time...I know I say this a lot of times, but I feel really bad I didn't spend as much time as I would have like to with you guys ler. 2nd yr birthdays onwards, or 2nd baby onwards, hubby and I say no such big grps liaoz, will focus on the closer friends like u guys and no relatives!!!! hahaha. then i can chit chat all I want!</font>

<font color="119911">hey, i think someone asked about goody bags here issit? i cannot remember who oredi, but since my party is over I can share now lah hehee. Hhmmm.... I kinda separate by age groups and genders. I have babies as young as 1 mth old at the bash, and kids as old as 12yrs old. for 1 mth old (2 girls), I gave rubber duckies for their bath time, gerber food jar (for their weaning at 6mths hehehe), and a pigeon training brush for their first tooth! for older boys like 3yrs - 7yrs old, thomas and friends candy cum whistler, jap grape jelly, jap crackers, bournbon rolls (last 3 all from Meidi-ya). for girls in same age grp, hello kitty marshmallow candy, crayons, strawberry shortcake hair brush, or hair clips, or strawberry shortcake pen, biscuits, grape jelly etc. for the 12 yr old girl, a pink photoframe from hallmark, biscuits, and food stuff. for 1 yr old boys playdohs, mama baby biscuits, japanese salt free rice crackers, toothbrush holder. 1 yr old girls, playdohs, mama baby biscuits, jap salt free rice crackers and bloomB hairclips</font>

<font color="aa00aa">angeline, that was a hilarious video!!! T so talkative so fun! she really look like she hosting a show! i showed my hubby and he commented she is so steady on her feet oredI! hehee. so far Der Nen, Gabriel, Trinity and Enzo can walk very well right? who else ah? Jovann not yet leh... :p</font>
Hah! Talk about damage to wallet:
Chavez stay in KKH: $1.6K (my hubby says even more exp. than 5star hotel)
visit to PD becos of drug allergy: $90plus
visit to PD becos of stomach flu: $120plus
visit to sinseh becos diarrhoea did not stop after 8days: $50

i was quite against the sinseh visit at first but amazingly, Chavez diarrhoea stop after 2 days drinking the medicine.

luckily i bought medical insurance for chavez. nowadays, kids are expensive!
<font color="ff0000">Smiley</font>, Nice meeting you too!
I left early coz I had to prepare for Adele's birthday party in the evening. Really hope to meet you and Clarisse again some other time!

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons</font>, thanks for the birthday wishes! So glad to know that your party turned out really fun! My party didn't quite turn out to be what I expected. I guess Adele was too overwhelmed by all the people and she ended up crying for some time so we didn't get a really nice pic during the cake singing session.

<font color="ff0000">Puppylove</font>, thanks for the invite! Adele and I had lots of fun at the party! So sorry that I got to leave early. Hope to catch up with you guys again soon!

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>, I tried the zucchini cake and found that it taste like corn cake and its a bit dry. hehehee!!!! Not too bad for a wheat free, dairy free, egg free and sugar free cake. Adele didn't get to try the cake until the next day coz she was too cranky at the party and I forgotten to feed her the cake too! hahaha!!! She quite like it but coz its a bit dry so I told my maid to try putting the cake in her milk b4 feeding her this morning.

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>, hope that Jadelle recovers soon! U take care too yah!

WOW, all the babies here have grown up to be handsome little boys and pretty little girls!
alicia, i totally understand....babies are so unpredictable somemore they so young. Jovann also crying when being passed from ppl to ppl hehehee. just before cake cutting he was crying too, but he quiet down once ppl start singing birthday song...he seem to know its for him!

when back home he super hyper, we wanna put him with his balloons to take photo, he kept crawling around and scolding talking to ppl. but once my MIL start singing birthday song, he quiet down and smile at her. funny that they know right? I rem smiley's clarisse also smile very happily during her birthday song..

photos, dun worry maybe your friends got take some nice ones?? sms/email them to ask?

aiyoh, talking about pics...i so anxious for photos now. we so busy we didn't take pictures, so gotta rely on my friends cams and photographer, which i cannot get until tomorrow! i wait until backside so itchy now...kept bugging my friends hehehee.

about the baby cake from conscious choice, i ordered one for Jovann's actual birthday tomorrow. got the peach upside down cake, looks yummy! after hearing the comments from u mums, do hope not too dry leh....hhhhhmmm.....
Hi everyone!

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Happy Birthday to all Sept Babies!</font></font> Sept is not over yet, we should be celebrating the entire month right??

Haven't been posting for a long time liow... Was hesitant to post all along as I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find time to follow-up with replies after that... But hv been reading all the posts here, and keeping in touch with most of the mummies here offline though.

Thanks to all the mummies who came to Trinity's party on Sat and making it x-tra special! Appreciate your taking time to come even though some of you have other engagements that day. Trinity was very happy that her friends came - Clarisse, Der Nen, Adele, Gabriel, Sherilyn, Amabel, Arianne and Reubern!!
So sorry I didn't get to spend much time with some of you... Glad to read that some of you (dumpty, smiley, joon...) actually met for the 1st time at the party!! Hope all of you had fun!

To those mummies who couldn't make it, thanks too for your well-wishes and presents! Very thoughtful of you. Let's catch up again soon k!

<font color="0077aa">Smiley</font> - thanks for the compliments!
So glad we managed to get the poster printed in time, and collected one day b4!! Sure, will upload the video and send the link to you and the rest as well.

<font color="0077aa">Alicia</font> - I'm sure your party was fun too, after hearing abt all your preparations earlier on. Lots of hardwork and heart-work hor??
ya, I understand how overwhelming it can sometimes be for babies. It's their nature lah. T also has her cranky moments too. Really dunno how to say more thanks to you for coming to her party! U've Adele's party in the evening and yet you still found time to come. Glad that you & Adele enjoyed yourselves and met up with other mummies.

<font color="0077aa">Buttons</font> - wah, sounds like Jovann had a great bash! Clever boy lah! He knows the bday song is for him!!
And so thoughtful of u to prepare goody bags customised by gender/age group! I'm sure your little guests love them! Paiseh to say that mine was a very simple one of party favours. Those who were there know lah hor?? hee... And ya, know what you mean by being hyper-stimulated!! Think they'll take a couple of days to adjust back to their 'normal' selves!!

To all the mummies who missed the cake-cutting, here're 2 pics to share:

<font color="ff6000">brenda,peachie</font>
hey, count me in for the beach meet too! would be great to catch up again after so long

<font color="0000ff">dumpty</font>
wow, gab has grown to be such a big boy! looks like housework will be a breeze for him...lucky you, hehe...

<font color="119911">angeline</font>
keep the videos of trinity coming! she's so adorable! i think she'll be the first to start talking too!

<font color="ff0000">buttons</font>
wah ur party sounds great! can't wait to see your cake!

<font color="aa00aa">rae ann walking</font>
oh, i finally uploaded the a clip of rae ann's "walking"...abit lousy lah the quality coz taken with hp ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, I love your video montage, so pro la!!! HAVE U UPLOADED IT YET?! *tapping fingers* quick quick quick! Nice touch on the cuppies with personalised names of our bbs! Err.. I think someone stole Arianne's and licked off her 'A' so it was '#rianne'.. <font color="ff0000">Clarence? Clarice? Der Nen?</font> heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Puppylove</font></font>, hey I love that poster too! And all the nice pics u guys captured of Trinity in that poster, very well done!! Are u going to frame it up? U should!!

Oh, and the cake! so sweet looking!! we missed it so had no idea how it looked like hahahhaha! but jRt and myself were saying, henng ah at least we made it to some a piece of your cake! heehee.. sorry again for being so late but I was glad we made it at least

And T looks like this Melody doll in the pics u just posted! cute la! but she's happier! and she's our crawling champion, isn't it? heh..

<font color="ff0000">Oh taking the liberty in informing on behalf of Joon, her account has been suspended so won't be able to log on for now I think..</font>

Ooh and so we missed meeting <font color="ff0000">Clarisse and Adele</font>! But nice to catch a glimpse of Sherilyn! ya ya ya, and that <font color="ff0000">Sha</font> caught my pimple *bleahhh*
<font color="aa00aa">Milk Intake</font>
Hi mummies,
Can anyone advice how much milk babies 13mths and above should take?

What I've read is that the min is something like 480ml-600ml!

Thats alot in Rae Ann's world because after I've dropped her PM breast-feed, my helper has been spoonfeeding her Similac (yes, after trying all the brands in the mkt, she would only drink similac!) about 100ml in the afternoons.

I would usually try to feed her when I get back from work but she would usually reject. And nowadays, I end up feeding her only before bedtime and at about 7am in the mornings.

My supply has dropped tremendously so I'm really not sure if she's getting enough from the breast.

Is this ok? As long as she doesn't fall sick?

Her solids taking isn't that great either. Its SOOOO hard to feed her! All she wants to do is play and play and doens't even like to take naps.She naps about half an hour after helper and MIL spend 1 hr trying to put her to nap.Is this normal ah?

After trying so hard to put her into a routine prior to me going back to work, its all in disarray now! My poor MIL gets so shacked up at the end of the day and I feel so bad about it.
<font color="0000ff">puppylove</font>, Trinity is so lucky. Desmond is such a good photographer. And he always manage to capture such nice shots of her! Perhaps he can set up a service and help some Sept mummies like me who's really poor at photographer to take some shots of our babies... haha!

And hmmm... I realise I missed catching up with so many of the mummies and babies on that day! I missed the chance to see Arianne, Amabel, Sherylin, Reubern and Sherilyn!

<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>, oh, do share photos of Jovann's bday party okie? Sounds like a great party! And the video montage Brenda mentioned!
cheekz, I have no idea how much milk baby should be drinking leh.. Maybe I can help you ask the PD this coming Sat as I am thinking of bringing C for her jab this Sat.
hi cheekz

my PD says milk intake is not as important as solid foods. Well i know some mothers dont agree but i think you shld know what's best for your child.

For me, I just feed what I think my Rachel needs and what she likes.

However I still feel nap is crucial for their development.

I guess setting a routine for your child is beneficial for you and ur child. Is she having different routines everyday ?

it would be really great if you could ask ur PD. Actually, i've asked my PD but he is so ambiguous and keeps telling me to stop B-Feeding completely so that rae ann will just drink FM.

i can't seem to explain to him how difficult it is to feed rae ann FM. she hates it and will only drink it because we persist and it takes an hour just to feed 100ml if we're lucky!

rae ann has the same routine everyday...but she's very unpredictable. there are days when she will nap easily and there are days that she skips her naps and then makes dinner feeding v difficult because she's so cranky...

end up, she doesn't really her dinner and WAKES up the whole night coz she's hungry!

i won't worry so much if she's taking solids well. but she's so FUSSY! i'm still feeding her food pureed coz she WILL not chew (she has 8 teeth btw) but will spit out anything that is lumpy.

don't mean to complain and complain lah...but i really envy some mummies who have milk and food loving babies! it makes all the effort to buy the food and cook it so worth while!

thanks so much for you reply

no problem. just complain lah .. no one is stopping you. and it's good to share your problem here so some smart mummies can shed some light and we can learn too.

i guess everything has to start somewhere, such as feeding non pureed food, drinking FM ...

it is always not an easy task taking care of kids but we have to persevere for them.

maybe u want to try mixing mash food with her favourite pureed food ?
<font color="aa00aa">Angeline</font>, the x'mas party is on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm. There are still plenty of vacancies. Do join us if you can!

<font color="0000ff">Puppylove</font>, hey dun say that! We r friends right! Its my pleasure to be able to attend the party!
And T's cake is so sweet! My melody is one of my favourite characters!

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, what a pity to miss meeting you and the rest of the sep forum mommmies. Hope to meet up with you gals some other time soon!

<font color="119911">Buttons</font>, hehehe!!! me anxiously waiting for the photos too! Got one of my friend to help out as photographer. She is helping me to consolidate all the photos into one CD b4 passing it to me. Cannot chase her leh coz pai seh so gotta kwai kwai wait for her CD lor.. hahaha!!!
hi cheeky,
u try feeding ur girl tofu?? or steam eggs??
Can add mashed fish into e eggs before u steam but must make sure there is not bones....

My boy also dont like FM, but he still drink a bit 3 times a day but only ard 30-50ml each. I stopped expressing 1 wk ago and only latch him after i come back to work and throughout e night.... He will always drink like he have been without milk for 1 whole day...
so i think is still good that u continue BF if u r comfortable with....
Although he dont drink much in e day but i can still replenish him at night.
cheekz.. ya.. like what ilovebabies said.. it is definately ok for u to complain here.. vent it all out babe.. but u know hor.. enzo is somewhat similar to rae ann.. he also dislikes anything lumpy.. will give me the i wanna puke expression.. so i have to cook the porridge separately, then puree the fish and vege then mix together.. milk wise.. he is not a fan either.. cos he's still not well, having cough and flu now.. juz now he was gonna finish his bottle of milk when he coughed and vomitted everything out... sigh.. feeding him has never been ez too lahz.. so u're not alone..
wow puppylove, the photos are so nice! as usual lah heheheheh! :p was T stimulated too? did she wake up crying the night itself? your cake so pink and yummy looking!

cheekz, smiley, i try to post soon after i get the photos yah? hehee, photographer say will send it to my plc tmlw, but likely we will be out celebrating with Jovann at botanic gardens for breakfast and going vivocity after that! going to make a birthday bear for Jovann! hehehee... *thanks yuna!*

birthday photos not here yet, but photos of a recent high tea at home with hubby, "enjoying Jovann". hehehee.



slurp, he tastes good...... *burp*

brenda, someone licked off the A??? aiyoh how come? hehehee...when i last checked the A still there, must be A licked it off before you ate it lah...hehehee.

cheekz, about milk intake, oh dear, i can't help you much. i only know Jovann on good days drinking around 600ml. on bad days prob around 400ml only? but not sure is it the norm. i did hear some babies drink very little like 100ml - 200ml but its okie i think..depends on their solid food intake. but ur helper is SO NICE, helped u spoon feed!

smiley and brenda, the video montage is done by a very good friend. i just provide the photos, captions and music! *wink*

hey i REALLY love this balloon, it is still floating in my living room while the rest of the latex balloons are limp on the floor! love it!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Happy Birthday to Jovann!!!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy Birthday to Rae Ann and Trinity!!!</font></font>

<font color="ff6000">This is the cake and jelly I had for my birthday party on Sat:</font>



<font color="ff6000">Cheers, Dylan</font>

<font color="ff6000">Mummy got me another cake which I'll post after my actual day 2mlr
<font color="0000ff">cheekz</font>,

u re not alone. ive been having this feeding problem for the longest time.

it's hard not to worry no matter what others may say. i can only tell it's only a phase. they'll get past this phase someday.
eh ur sb LO so nice come join us at the scrapbooking mama thread lah!!

been busy so hv no time to post but been reading and enjoying all the birthday photos!

BLESSED BIRTHDAY TO ALL SEPTEMBER BABIES! and to all mommies, its been a fruitful year so give urself a pat on the back!
eh ur sb LO so nice come join us at the scrapbooking mama thread lah!!

been busy so hv no time to post but been reading and enjoying all the birthday photos!

BLESSED BIRTHDAY TO ALL SEPTEMBER BABIES! and to all mommies, its been a fruitful year so give urself a pat on the back!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the cute dimpled <font color="0000ff">DYLAN</font>!!</font></font> You're definitely going to charm all the girls! <font color="ff0000">Emoments</font>, another good looking cake!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, eh is that your handwriting on your scrap pages?? So neat one ahh!
Ermmm not sure which baby culprit licked 'A' off lah.. hahahha! just curious, why are the cuppies icing not over the top and like flowing down to the sides? I thought all cuppies are supposed to be? No ah?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Cheekz</font></font>, how much food is Rae Ann taking per meal and has she lost significant weight and appearing listless or soft soft like no strength? If so, I guess u might want to check with your PD then. For my A, some times she also fasts and skips her meals, we also face problems feeding her at times until so peck chek (frustrated) then we give up. But very soon she'll be up again with her appetite. In your case, it's hard to point a finger at who's/what's the culprit. Food tastes? simply lost of appetite? or a moody day? if it's the food itself, I suggest u try other methods of feeing. Maybe she prefers self-feeding already? or she likes to use her fingers to feed herself? or another type of spoon? Or the food texture too runny? Prefer coarser texture? Maybe u can share what kind of food u feeding and the menu?

As for napping, I suggest letting her sleep at her own timing instead of putting her to bed when she's all up and awake. Cos that'll only tire your helper or MIL out and u only end up with a very frustrated baby. For my A, nowadays she only sleeps around 11pm, it's not ideal but it doesn't make things difficult for us either, so we just let her be. A sleeps from around 11pm to 8am, naps around 1130am to 1pm, then about 5 to 7pm. I tried to put her down for a nap earlier, but so difficult! So after a few days of trying to do that, we gave up and simply let her be. I get HUGE disapprovals for letting her sleep so late from many mums, but I'll simply tell them, that way, both of us are happier so why change it and make us both unhappy?

Hey, so if Rae Ann's well and happy, don't worry too much yah? It's just a passing phase and looking at Rae Ann's recent pic, you've done well so just keep the spirit up!

I find that it maybe better to let them be. Same for yun when she dun wan to eat, we dun force her when she hungry she will ask for mum mum. If not, very soon I will have heart attack cos it can be very "pek cai" dealing a stubborn baby. Nowdays sometime yun nap only once 11.30 to 2.30pm and refuse another nap till 8.30pm when she tire, she sleep. We can't force her to nap too, so let her be & both of us are happy.

Happy birthday to Dylan & Jovann. May ur day be filled with lots of happiness & fun!!
Advance Happy birthday to Rae Ann & Trinity. May u grow prettier & prettier!

I find that it maybe better to let them be. Same for yun when she dun wan to eat, we dun force her when she hungry she will ask for mum mum. If not, very soon I will have heart attack cos it can be very "pek cai" dealing a stubborn baby. Nowdays sometime yun nap only once 11.30 to 2.30pm and refuse another nap till 8.30pm when she tire, she sleep. We can't force her to nap too, so let her be & both of us are happy.

Happy birthday to Dylan & Jovann. May ur day be filled with lots of happiness & fun!!
Advance Happy birthday to Rae Ann, Trinity & Clarisse. May u grow prettier & prettier!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, another pretty cake! I liek Yun's dress too, like those satin stripes as trimmings, nice!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, another pretty cake! I like Yun's dress too, like those satin stripes as trimmings, classy!
oops double posting! sorry..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe!!!</font></font>, there u go again! so scary la.. Harm Group De Horse hahah!!
<font color="aa00aa">paulelaine</font>
thanks for the suggestion. i'll try it during dinner time coz my MIL usually cooks Rae Ann porridge for her lunch.

come to think of it, my MIL doesn't cook anything else other than porridge. but i can't really "dictate" to her what she should cook lah...

<font color="aa00aa">emma</font>
i ask u ah, what do u feed enzo when u go out? for me, i have to prepare her porridge way in advance, pack up all her feeding stuff and then LUG the whole lot to where we go...

coz she doesn't really like adult food lah...e.g, doesn't really like bread or simple pasta...and when she's out, she's SO distracted that its hard to feed her..

we put her in the high chair since she was 6mths...now, she has begun to rebel and would even jump out of the high chair...coz some restaurant high chairs have no belt to hold babies down!

end up, we hardly bring her out coz we don't want her to miss her milk feeds or meals...

<font color="aa00aa">buttons</font>
nice balloons! nice scrapbooking too! i admire ur diligence! i don't have the patience to make such beautiful things!

jovann really lives up to his name! he's such a happy baby! love the pics of him!

and u hyno-birthed! bravo!

btw, here's a link to her cake


<font color="aa00aa">emoments</font>
hey thanks for inviting us to ur party! sorry we were so blur that day! i think my hubby nodded when u asked if we went out...actually, we all just got up about 2 hrs before that and rushed like mad to prepare rae ann's lunch (which she didn't eat, btw)

i love ur cake...the lychee martini is really good!

catch up again! ur dylan is so handsome!!!! movie star material!

<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>
I've been trying not be a paranoid mother for the longest time lah...

but sometimes what pple say do affect me because i love rae ann alot mah...

for e.g, during her recent b'day, a few friends commented that she's lost weight, not so chubby, etc..

actually, she didn't lose weight lah...she's 9.5kg now (not underweight, right?) but she's just not the chubby cheeked baby she used to be lor..

pple also say that she's not getting enough naps...coz their own kids nap 2 hrs AM and PM... rae ann naps only 1 hr the most in the PM (if we're lucky)...forget AM naps, its not her style!

some pple seriously think that i'm not doing it right becoz rae ann is so different from their own babies!

thanks for the reply

really appreciate it lah!

<font color="aa00aa">brenda</font>
hey thanks again for taking the effort to help me out
thanks for sharing your own experiences with arianne too! A is a really lucky baby to have a full time gourmet chef to serve her the 3 meals!

oh, rae ann is not the self-feeding kind...she will throw all the food away!

you're right, i guess i shall have to work out what she likes...i thought i did u know, and then it changes again!

the only thing i can bet my life that rae ann likes for sure are peaches! darn expensive leh! but thats the only fruit she'll eat!

oklah, with the mummies encouragement here, i feel much better! i will persevere!

<font color="aa00aa">melody</font>
hey, nice pic of Yun!

yeah, stubborn babies! i guess, on the positive side, it means that they are "thinking" hor? making their own choices and decisions? frustrating but this might be their way of learning too? i don't know...but i guess i will have to find a balance : )

i used to get so stressed about "forcing" stubborn rae ann eat, sleep, bathe, etc...i ever dreamt that she got so fed up one night, she jumped out of her cot and ran away from home!

that was when she was 7 months!
Hahaha.. Cheekz! Did you dream that Rae Ann, in baby-form running off? That must be so funny (though I must say worrying for you in your dream lah), but now I am imagining a running 7 months old baby.. Can only find that in animations leh! Heehee...
9.5kg is a good weight! i think a good way to see if a baby is thriving is whether she is healthy, good weight and of course happy! dun worry if she does not conform to the norm. trust me, she will outgrow this phase one day. yes of course it can be challenging n frustrating to deal with a stubborn baby but that aside, just keep reminding urself of her cuteness!! i think i ever told u one of my boy used to be a fussy baby right? well.. he has not totally outgrown it now but is certainly much better. think that happened when he turned 18 mths. fyi, my jo who eats like there is no tomo, sleep like she has insomnia for days is only 9.7kg at 1 yr old. so considering that rae ann is fussy like what u described and doesnt take much naps, her weight is v good i wud say! seriously speaking, most babies wud have lost their chubbiness by the time they r 1, unless they r seriously obese since baby! and if its any consolation to u, all my guests at jo's party had only a similar comment, that she has lost weight!

eh u not talking abt me r u? one of the moms with HUGE disapproval for A's sleeping time. haha...
<font color="ff6000">thanks mummies for the best wishes *mucks*</font>

<font color="0000ff">Cheekz</font>
At least Rae Ann is 9.5kg... Dylan can never get pass 9kg... at 7mths visit to PD, he was 8.7kg and last Fri, when we brought him to PD again (5mths later), he's only 8.55kg... can u imagine that? I was so shocked and upset. I thot he will be at least 9kg... and he didn't even fulfil my birthday wish.. he's still bogei... PD did a check and said if by 14-15mths, if there's still no teeth popping, he will refer us to a dentist who will do an x-ray on his gums.....

Dylan also.. sleeps very little and eat very little also. Can't force him 'cos he will vomit out his food... but he looks happy, so we leave it lor... if we keep forcing him, then more food will be vomitted, then tt's worse.

So dun worry so much... I think Dylan is the lightest Sep baby and also the only bogei one left... sigh...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">BM</font></font>, u do??!! hahah!! okok include u into that list too! heh.. anyway she's back to that unearthly hours again la. So many times of false alarm and disappointment so I decided to give up and let her be..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Cheekz</font></font>, oh dear.. I need to KOK your head la.. 9.5kg! that's very very good weight! My A has only put on 200 grams since 2 months ago until now and I'm not fretting la. In fact, lots of mummies were commenting how much weight she has supposedly lost though she didn't when we met recently.. And yes I remember you mentioned to me before she likes peaches and they're ex la.. keep exploring food with her, don't give up! me too, still exploring, chef or no chef, not going to help.. It all boils down to their preferences..

Oh, my Chloe also used to be damn chubby, much more chubby than Arianne when she was under 1 year old. Now she's so skinny, really stick thin.. that's growing phase for kids I guess..
cheekz.. i tell u.. its hell feeding enzo when he's outside.. like u, i also cook his porridge before we leave and keep it in a food jar.. when its dinner time, will let him have it.. but lately, he has been refusing!!! so we have NO CHOICE.. we bring him to the car, pop him in his car seat, switch on Hi-5 and he will finish everything.. v jia lat.. its become a v bad habit.. sigh.. at night drink milk also muz watch Hi-5!!! how how how???
<font color="0000ff">emoments</font>

kai is 8.4kg at 12mths old (lighter than dylan)!

but im glad his weight gain has been rather consistent, no high no low...

he was 2.8kg at birth.

by 1 yr, bb normally wld hv tripled their birth weight.

kai is exactly triple of his birth weight = 2.8 x 3 = 8.4kg!!
dear cheekz, 9.5kg is a VERY GOOD weight now! really! Jovann is around that weight too! PD said to us before that the right weight for babies at 1 yr is 10kg and we are on track right? i know what u mean about the less chubby cheeks, Jovann also. i think babies as they grow out of their baby hood, they get less chubby coz they are so active. perhaps its us mothers who love them so much that keep thinking chubby means healthy, which i have to remind myself is not necc true. so take heart okie?

i completely understand what u mean by cooking so hard then end up she throw the food away! Jovann is like that sometimes too. i wun say he is the easiest baby to feed, but things have improve. during his bad times, i rush like mad to cook a nice lunch for him, he eats 2 spoons then turn his head away, how not to feel gek sim?

so what i do is....if i notice there's something he particularly likes, i will cook it whenver i can. not overdo it, else he dislikes it, but whenever i can which is weekend lah. for at least one meal during weekends. as for fruits, peach is fine if she takes, so much vit C!

besides porridge, have u tried other staples like potatoes on weekend? try stewing it with meat and vege, then mash, it is very tasty and some babies like the texture. i know how frustrating it is when our baby dun chew!! Jovann ONLY started REALLY chewing like exactly 5 days ago! 5 days before he turns 1. can u believe it? same loh, he will make puking expression once i feed him lumpy food. i used to think its coz i been pampering him too much and feeding too puree-ed food. perhaps that could be the reason, but i think partly also all babies are diff. other babies can chew without teeth, but some dun wanna chew even with teeth. maybe we need to be patient... try showing her how you eat your food, emphasize the chewing movement with your mouth and let her see, gradually she may get the hang of it...
BM, oh hehehe i do peep in there once in a while lah... but i paiseh to go join you girls to chat coz you girls so ON with scrapbooking while i am so once-in-a-blue-moon kind!

cheekz, hahaha, ooops...actually yes i did hypno, but in the end still had to use epi lah, too long labour. :p but the techniques help me have good memories of the birth and labour though.
if you were to worry about Rae Ann weight. Then I need to be more worry about Amabel's weight liao. Amabel is only 7.8kg at 1 year old. And her birth weight is 3.005kg, not even triple lor. But now I learnt to not worry about her weight anymore. Her development is so far very good, alot of ppls commented that although she is skinny but still healthy and strong. She can even push a 4 year old boy down. So I not worry at all now, cos she prove to me she is healthy and strong compare to other babies. So if Rae Ann is still active and healthy what for you worry so much.

As for napping. i agreed with Brenda. Amabel is another night owl baby lah, she can sleep as late as 12am the earlier she sleep is 10pm. There are twice she totally no nap at all the whole day, but most of the time she nap 1 or 2 hrs in the morning and 1 or 2 hrs in the afternoon. I do agreed that we can't force baby to sleep if they don't want so i just let her be lor.

Happy birthday to Dylan & Jovann. Stay Healthy and happy always.
Advance Happy birthday to Rae Ann & Trinity. Stay healthy & Pretty!
hey mommies,
I found this - quite good ideas for those who are having difficulty feeding their little toddlers.


Really the impt thing is don't give up and follow their pace. Sometimes sophie also doesn't want to eat her food and starts playing with it. once that happens, I'll remove it and give her some fruits/bread to self feed. Your babies are really good weight. Sophie eats like mad and still only 8kg. Hee.. donno where all the food goes.

About cooking and then having to throw away, what i do is i know that during dinner time, Sophie is a bit less cooperative. So I norm cook less but i always have fruits/bread w cheese on standby. So if she doesn't finish her food, i don't feel so bad and I have her fav food on standby so I know she'll have her fill.

Hee... i think being a mother really squeezes the creative juices dry.
