(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday Rachel, Trinity, Rae Ann & Clare!</font> <font size="-2">All girls today eh?</font>

ya, have to start on FM coz my SS is dropping. not only dropping ah, it's @#$&!& <font color="ff0000">plummeting</font>!! my frozen milk bank is going bankrupt man. we bought a small tin of isomil, but he hates it. die la! any tips on how to get him to drink it? or does this mean it's a shot in the dark and i have to buy and buy until we find one he likes? do all soy-based milk taste the same?

when u're ready to start on FM, u might want to try enfapro. that's what my PD gave me. he said it's the closest tasting to breastmilk, so chances of the bb rejecting it is lower. ask ur PD for samples la!
apparently some PDs are given lotsa samples.

no, i didn't go to coverlooks. i asked coz i remember reading abt some $18 package, but after they take all the pics, they show u so many nice ones that one cannot help but buy them all! what's included in the $188 package btw?
thot u bot such a nice green cake for Rachel! and <font color="0000ff">happy birthday to Rachel, Trinity, Rae Ann & Clare!</font>

ohhhh, FTG! mine stinks oso~! coz i put inside the freezer and they r usually wif raw meat so kena the fishy and prawn smell (though i keep the FTG inside a plastic bag).
i haven tried to really wash the FTG but juz use USED tea bags to soak the smelly odours. it works though.
j@@n, goat milk smelly meh? Sorry ah ... i used to feed my dogs with goats milk cuz its lactose free mah....dont find any smell ... just like normal milk ;)

peachie, i might have to ... forget abt Qing for donuts today liaoz! Sighz...have to cover my colleagues from 12 - 1 before i can go lunch...plan to go at 12 to 2 one...but now .. so sad...haiz i shall see u arnd 1 plus ok/?
j@@n, enfapro taste is closes to breastmilk? Is enfalac and enfapro taste the same also? If wondering y Amabel reject Enfalac. So i changed to Similac, and she is ok with it.

ilovebabies, i like your nick too. Very nice~

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy 8th months to Lovely Rachel</font></font>

<font size="-2">My lil Amabel 8th months birthday is coming soon too in another 2 days. Hooray!</font>
ooooooooo Happy birthdays to Rachel, Trinity, Rae Ann & Clare!

wow time really does fly. we're all going to be super busy in Aug/Sept when all our babies turn one! So many bday parties to go to!
Happy 8th mth birthdays to Sweet Rachel, Cutie Trinity, Beautiful Rae Ann & Adorable Clare!!!

Wow... time really flies, by Aug/ Sep our babies would turn 1 already.
omg.. sigh... but i guess its no more suffering for her.. but i cant imagine how it muz be hurting for her parents.... sigh.... so let's treasure everyday, every moment we have with our little ones and all our love ones.. (for me, that includes all mommies and babies here..)

oh my..... i just went to look at the posts. Have just been praying but not dared to venture in. so painful..... i can really feel the parents' pain. Oh God pls help them to walk through this.
emma, yalohz...treasure everyday with ur close ones...if u have not visit them for a long time pls visit them...haihaihai i'm tearing liaoz! See how sweet Saby is ... yet such things happen to this little sweety 8( but at least now she is with GOD .. i'm sure she will be happy
oh noooooooooooo
so sad. i was really rooting for her and convinced myself that she would pull through. and i just cannot bear to read through the thread or look at her pictures. started crying when the first pictures appeared, got to quickly close the window. this is terrible. oh noooooooo, her parents & family!
morning gals !!

thanks for your well wishes for my LITTLE rachel ! ehehhe ....

eh your used tea bags idea sounds good ! or maybe I can try pandan leaves too ! but I am bothered by the stains leh .. hmm ..


I tried similac on Rachel and she doesnt like it so I switched to EnfaLac too and I agree it taste near to our EBM so she's quite happy with it now. I've just requested for EnfaPro stage 2 sample from Meadjohnson yesterday.


I dont really know what happen to this pretty baby but I know she went thru lotsa operation. I think it's too taxing on this little one and has emotionally drained her parents as well. I hope she is leading a better life in the other side of the world and her parents to move on.
It is really really a sad day. Though we do not know Sabie and families at all, think all of us are crying and feeling hurt for them.

This morning, 1st thing i did when i reached office was logon to Oct05 thread for updates. When i saw the posting the Sabie is gone, my tears juz rolled.... It is sooooooo sad.

We must really really treasure our little one and all the loved ones around us. Life is so cruel at times....
hey let's talk abt happy stuff ok ???

how abt 1 yr old celebration for our darlings ? any ideas ? I was thinking of a chalet then I dont need to clear the mess at my plc cos I have no helper, v taxing on me and hubby.
i used 2 USED tea bags and put on a small plate, then place it in the FTG. i dun place direct lah, else will stain the FTG. i heard lemons will do the trick oso. but since i drink tea everyday, might as well make use of the used tea bags.

wrt to little Sabie
i saw her photo gallery. she is such an adorable little girl. my heart wrenched when i imagine how much suffering she had went thru all these while.
we r all so blessed to have healthy babies. I juz wish her peace in the other world that she is in...
IBL...1 yr old celebration,....who are u going to invite? Family members only or include friends? For my case..i will hold it at my mom or my place inviting my family members/ relatives only. So should be ok loh
ILB, need to boil lemons in ur electric pot one meh? I thought rub on the metal stuff will do? Cuz my pigeon steriliser .. thats how I do to clear the stains
dear mummies,

<font color="0000ff">what a blue day this has been.. Was so sad to see the news on Sabie....the news made me tear.. i saw the postings too but like Ling, i dare not venture in..</font>

<font color="ff0000">Dearest Sweet Sabie</font>,

Your sweet smile and personality has moved God and He will keep you close and safe by His side. You will be missed!

ya my electric pot need descaling like our steriliser. Slice the lemon and boil it. then throw away the boiled water. U cant rub the internal of the pot cos u will damaged it.

ya I will be inviting my friends and relatives too but that is quite a lot of ppl ! during rachel 1st mth celebration, I have almost 70 guests in my 5 room HDB flat !
IBL, oic ... sorry i never clean my electric pot cuz ... my old one spoilt liaoz keke as for my steriliser ... the manual state that can rub so I'm ok ;)

my rainnie 1st month celebratioon also have abt 70 or more guests but split am & pm session. If u have alot of ppl u can have it at chalet loh ;)
So sad to hear the news on baby Sabie.. I was praying hard for her last nite and logged on this morning to find out her news... so sad to learn of the outcome...

But it's the end of her suffering... I guess *sob*
<font size="+2">Happy Birthday</font> <font size="-1">(& many more to come)</font><font size="+2"> to all the pretty girls... Rachel, Trinity, Rae Ann & Clare!</font>
<font color="0077aa">J@@n</font>, oh dear.. I really can't tell you if all the soy based milk taste the same but I guess they surely has one thing in common, that's SOY! But are you 100% sure that it's animal fats that DN's allergic to? Sorry that day at the food court got lots of noisy children(Buttons, JRt & Ling heehee..) yakking away so didn't really manage to hear you well.. If I remember correctly, I fed my Chloe Frisomil (maybe spelling sa-lar..). Hope DN overcomes this allergy soon like my girl yah..

<font color="0077aa">Cheekz</font>, if you want more detailed info of ANY Spas, <font color="ff0000">Mrs Buttons aka SQ-SpaQueen</font> is a better person to ask, she specialises in SG, M'sia and some say Batam.. heehee..
<font color="aa00aa"> Thank you to all the sexy and gorgeous Aunties who sent me their warm wishes!</font>

See this is how my lazy mummy dress me up @ home...she said its good for me because i sweat like a pig....but i think she just has no fasion sense...

cheekz.. i see you've removed the moving part of the mobile.. i'm thinking of that too.. cos enzo broke it.. pulled so hard till the mobile cant rotate no more.. lol
hi mummies,
me taking a quick break off work. so sad to hear about Sabie. Let's look on the bright side that she's no longer suffering and will be God's little angel. Pray for her family to stay strong and pull through this difficult time.

thank you all for the birthday wishes. Won't be able to do anything special for Trinity this month cos busy like hell at work.

But she continues to give us a special present every month just around her birthday by surprising us with new tricks she learnt. She's been crawling pretty well for the past 2 weeks and we've been letting her practise pulling and pushing herself to standing position. Last night, she can actually push herself up standing and release her hold and stand unsupported (wibbly wobbly of cos) for a split second. This gal so pleased with the new trick she learnt kept trying and trying again (I was starting to wonder how come her bum doesn't hurt from all the plonking down). at one try she actually managed to stand for about 2 secs before falling again.

so fast thinking about 1 year celebration already. Time really flies doesnt it. Same time last year, i was throwing up morning day and night and even having thoughts of giving up the baby cos its making me feel so sick. But she's such a bundle of joy now.

mmmhh.... wouldn't it be fun if we hold a big combine birthday bash just for us sept babes? We seem to be quite a tight bunch meeting ever so often isn't it. If there are other mummies with thumbs up for this, I will make sure that I fly back with little T to attend.

Brenda darling, wanna organize?

Joon, I still have to pay you for the class. how huh.
cheekz, so cute of rae ann!!! heheeee no worries u are not a lazy mummy lah .. my daughter also dress like this in the afternoon!!! Cuz its soooo warm right! And too much aircon for them no gdz...
<font color="0000ff">Ilovebb</font>

1 year old celebration?!
Oh gosh.. haaa! We did thought of that. thinking of holding it at my own house and then, invite relatives n family members. We trying to keep the size small!

But I will need to travel on Wayne's birthdate! So i celebrating it earlier!! Yes.. who's travelling on Sept 11. Me lor!!! So silly, isn't it.
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Bed Hunting</font></font>
I am thinking of getting a bigger bed for Sherilyn but I have no idea where to start hunting?? Anyone got any suggestion as to where to look for and idea on the type of bed?
<font color="ff0000">Cheekz</font>
Heeee. That's not no fashion sense! That's totally smart and clever to dress Rae ann like that. Weather so hot!! I actually let wayne wear like that in the afternoon!!! So I am thinking .. our bb all look almost the same since we realised they dress the same kind of tops! haaa!
<font color="ff0000">Sha</font>
I am planning to shift wayne to sleep on mattress first. Right now, he is still co-sleeping with us.. but once he knows how to crawl, it's mattress time for him! no more bed!
So for now, we not planning any bed hunting program yet. heeee.
I am also thinking of 1 year celebration but then again all of us here will be so busy this year Step '07.

Going on a hoilday is a good idea.

wah need a bigger bed ?? buy those single bed for kids lor .. but I think not safe.

Actually your playpen can last v long u know ? my niece slept in the playpen for 2+ yrs leh ..
HAPPY 7th month to Trinity, Rae Ann & Clare

Regarding FTG
We had an experience where 1 bottle of EBM wasn't capped properly and the EBM spilled into the FTG during transportation... so what I did was to soak the entire FTG into a basin of warm water, then used the Pigeon baby cleanser to wash it... then soak it again with warm water then rise it thoroughly. I think its perfectly fine to wash it.. but please ensure you hang it up to drip dry. At best, let it dry for 1-2 days. (not in hot sun hor.. kekeekek) If not, when you next freeze your FTG after the wash, the remaining moisture may become ice, then when you bring it out doors, you will find the FTG alittle wet.

My wife does store the FTG in the freezer other than our own home (our own freezer is fully utilised for frozen EBM and puree. Other than that, when we are at my in-laws place, their freezer do have those standard meat and fish stored within.

As my in laws have a good habit of storing poultry, meat and fish in storage containers, it helps to reduce any liquid from the poultry, meat or fish staining or dripping onto the shelves. (which is the main cause of the odour) But in any case, we will place FTG into a zip lock bag (but too big so cannot seal the zip lock bag).

The best way is to wash it thoroghly and regularly. Using lemon will only rid the FTG of the smell but its still good hygiene to wash the FTG whenever possible.
<font color="ff6000">Happy 7th months to Rachel, Trinity and Clare</font>

<font color="ff6000">emma</font>
ooooh, that mobile WAS her favourite toy in the world....she was heads over heels in love with it and would get so excited whenever she sees it...

@ 5 months, her father manhandled it and it stopped rotating...the age recommendation for the toy was 0-5 mths...so "chun" lor...

i took out all the soft toys from the mobile and now she plays with them individually....

<font color="ff6000">rainnie and lil pony</font>
Eh post pics of ur babies in the same singlet leh...sooooo cute!!!

helo Mommies! I MIA for so long.

<font color="0000ff"> THANKS to all Mommies for the birthday WISHES! Thanks Dylan and hope you enjoyed your 7mths too!! Me as usual celebrate by buying him toys! hahaha. think our house full of his toys oredi.</font>

<font color="119911">ilovebabies</font> hehee think my hub hub answered for me about FTG oredi. i wanted to say that too. we washed it and its okie. no problem. coz i feel the cooling panel is enclosed within some plastic or something, cannot be not-waterproof. sure waterproof one. as long as dun use HOT water to wash it, or SUN it. shld be fine.
and like hub say, drip dry. very dry.

<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>, were you the one asking about spa??? hehehe if yes, think I replied you in email liaoz hor? But then how conme brenda's post addressed to Cheekz huh??? cheekz did you ask about spa?? hehehe sorry my EYES LIGHT Up when i see the word SPA.

<font color="ff6000">joon</font>, does DN have rashes after taking FM thats why u say allergic??
