(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

i duno what's going to happen when i go back to work. im not sure if i can pump punctually as my work sometimes is rather urgent and needs to be resolved asap (technical line), so i cant put pumping as my priority.


me here ... yes yes eyelids dropping .. have been yawnning continuously.

i miss my coffee but trying to abstain from it in case the caffeine is pass to my Rachel. yest t-break had one cup, luckily she slept last nite ... haah


wah .. that means ur ss is good ! try to stretch ur pumping interval now then u wont feel so engorged. I pump like every 5-6 hrs now in ofc. wont feel engorged at all.. at most breast a bit hard.

ok time for moo moo ...
thanks. yah was a v difficult time for me. i nearly had depression everyday locked myself up in room n wished god will take me away too. but my mom knocked sense into me. i had other children whom i love as dearly too n who need me. i dunno how i conceived johannah too. she must hv been sent to comfort my heart as she came almost 2 mths after joel left n even had same edd as him.

on bm donation, i ever called bmsg they say they dun accept leh. thats why i discard them, only recently i learnt that i can use to wash my hair haha...

i warm up the ebm when i gave my 3 yr old. those fats floating on the milk look v disgusting if they r not warm up cos they dun dissolve.

i love babies
when r we playing the game?? cant wait leh. both rachel n trinity so pretty. dunno when can c the real pretty gals face to face, so far hv only seen the hip hop DN n he is soo chubby. joon feed him well haha...

e-ling & i love babies
thks for ur comforting words on my blog.

u r welcome ... joel is really cute. you are still my idol ! I wouldnt know how will I cope .... but I feel so happy for you now, with johannah in ur life and not to forget ur 3 other "bosses" !

ok ok I'll rush my hubby tonite .. make sure he finish the game ok ? actually the site is up and the photos are there oredi ... see until i blur .. there are 21 mothers !! but I wont reveal it now ahahah ...
blessedmommy, hug hug you.

ilovebabies, so when the game start? haha all are eager to play the game liao

so are we still gonna meet this weekend??

michelle, what is ur blog url? so i can link all your blogs to my blog?

Hai... i supply cannot meet Amabel demand liao so i got to give her fm on and off. Once every few days. Cos she now drink abt 180ml for 7 feeds per day and i only pump 4 times per day at abt 170 to 200ml per pump if first pump in morning better 360ml.

yes u can link to Rachel's blog

wow Amabel really can drink. So ur ss drop when u come back to work ? it's ok lah .. supplement with FM is alright since u giving her BM for most of her feeds. dont worry ok ?

ya dunno where to meet up hor ?
ilovbabies, but not many mommy can meet right? I think is best to go one of the mommy house or go shopping? Haha! And which date to meet?
ilovebabies, i dun pump regularly.

only when im going out the next day, i'll try to pump today and tomorrow to accumulate 1 feed for kai while im away.

so poor thing, 2 days of pumping to accumulate only 1 feed. haiz...
hi all :

this forum consists of very creative mummies , joker mummies , very confident mummies , very responsive mummies , each time when i log in ... for sure could find something interesting to read , learn , laugh .... and admiring the photos of cutie pies and cheeky boys here ... plus the blogs too ...

separation anxiety

is normal for all moms including me , think of it as an early training lah ... somehow we will have to let go eventually .. in the next 18 to 25 years .

i was taken care by bbsitter until the age of 5 , i could hardly remember anything b4 age 7 .... i bet i was left ' gong gong ' most of the time coz when i went back to the bbsitter years ago , could not believe why my mom left me there , it was so small , not very clean , not a conducive environment to bring up a child ... anyway , did not question my mom about it coz i believe she did her best .

... i think i turn out alright without being consistently stimulated , taken care by an aunty who did not even complete her secondary education , i am not too sure will i be a better person if things were done differently , so far , i am ' behaving ' in a socially acceptable manner ... :p ... so , FTWM who does not have the luxury of being a SAHM due to various reasons , is alright , the bond between mom and child is not replacable .. i bet when the worse hits ( cross fingers and toes , better not ya ) , only mom or dad will give up anything for the child , not any care givers etc ....so , cheerup girls ...our children will feel it eventually , they are too little to understand now .
true true .. in fact, now I still nurse my rachel at nite. but since u are going back to work soon, u need to start storing some EBM for rainy days and you need to train Kai to drink from bottle.
kai has no problem drinking from bottle. when im out, my mom will feed kai ebm via bottle. no longer cup feeding.

right now at this moment, i only hv 5 x 90ml bottles of fbm. not sure when are they going to be used up. i try not to utilise them, try to pump fresh ebm the day before i go out.
e-ling n ilovebabies
thanks thanks.. only a fellow mom will be able to understand the pain of a lost child huh.. *hugs* back

r we still meeting this weekend?? like not many mommies r joining leh. or wanna arrange for another date?

wow!!! ur annabel is a super duper drinker! my jo still drinking 150ml. now that my mom is here to help i nurse her twice or 3 times a day. v shiok, its a luxury i cant afford once mom goes back cos i gotta tend to other kids too.

i also find that my jo is getting more kpo n distracted when she drink milk. she drinks faster when she is sleeping. any babies with the same prob too??

yah agree with ilovebabies. dun feel guilty in supplementing with fm. our main goal is just to fill their stomach right.

to those babies who hv turned 3 mths, in another one mth or so, we can start them on a lil cereal. im a lil excited even though its not my first time feeding my bb cereal haha... but every baby respond differently n it excite me to start feeding from spoon. another milestone. anyone intend to start at 4 mths? i usually will delay 3-4 weeks at abt 5 mths then start.

my rachel will drink at one shot cos she is very hungry by the time I warm the EBM. but sometimes when I nurse her, she likes to turn her head left and right, left and right, left and right ! it is so fast that i cant catch her ! haha

rachel is only drinking 100ML !! so little hor ?

my MIL want to give grind brown rice with EBM when rachel turns 5 mths old. hey I am v excited too cos it's my first bb mah ! but I agree with u that all bb responds differently. Hope rachel likes it.
baby acne
mummies,when did your baby stop getting baby acne?

Nicholas is 8 weeks old now (I realise he is the youngest in this thread 'cos he was born in Oct) but still having rather bad acne. I know we don't have to do anything and they should come and go, but i notice for the last 2 weeks, his acne seem to be on the same place of his face. How??

not sure cos my rachel do not have any acne problem so far (touch wood!)

but have u consider changing nic's pillow case or mittens more frequently ? did u see a PD on this ? and you can also clean his face with cool boiled water after nursing in case he dirty himself wif ur BM or contact with your skin ?
hi DG, kai has it too just before 1 mth, after 1 mth, it was gone and lately came back again. tt time i did ask doc, she says it's due to maternal hormones, it'll go away on its own. now tt it's back again, im not sure is it becos he's now sleeping w us on our bed? u know bb's skin quite sensitive... im abt to ask do u all place something on ur bed before letting bb sleep on it?

i dont know her weight now but she is going for her 4th mth jab on 23rd dec. let u know then !

how abt Kai ? wat's his weight now ? how much does he drink?
my pd say baby acne shld taper off by 6 weeks though there r few babies who will hv it longer. my jo has it after 4 wks n by 7 wks all clear. i didnt do anything except clean with water every now n then.

i love babies
wow ur mil doing home made brown rice powder?? rachel so blessed! my boys all start with nestle rice but for jo i wanna try organic cereal.
i thought WHO recommended to fully BF for 6 months? I read in the 'What to expect' book that introduction of solids too early may cause allergies due to BB's immature system. But i guess most of our chinese parents started to introduce solids from 4 mths onwards. My mum is coming over when Trinity is 4 mth old to perform a customary "wipe mouth" ritual. This suppositely guarantees she will always have food to eat.

Pls allow me to lament / air out some more abt MIL. Rushed home last night to see Trinity. Once again she was left in stroller fully awake staring into air. Trinity is coming 2 mths 2 weeks now, so she should be going through a growth spurt soon. I have already left instructions with MIL to feed her EBM whenever she is hungry or willing to drink. However, last night MIL said she is feeding Trinity every 3 - 3.5 hrs only and inbetween if Trinity is cranky she will give her water, since 3 hr interval is a proper meal time for BB. (Isn't the standard 3 hr interval for formula only). After that, she even dare ask me if she can give Trinity some porridge water inbetween meals as it seems like my EBM is not fattening up my BB enough. In my mind I was thinking %$#&( if you don't let my daughter drink all the milk she wants and just fill her up with water, how the hell is she going to grow. And this stupid porridge water cannot be more nutritious than my BM. Anyway, I held my tongue and just told her nicely, lets wait till she gets a little older first. And reminded her that I always bring her extra EBM so just feed it to Trintiy as and when she is hungry.

I'm in
I think so far, it's
1. Blessedmommy
2. ilovebabies
3. Eling
4. Daisybuttons
5. Me (joon)

Now I can only make it on Sat... how? Still on? Bb and hb invited?

Oh dear, sounds like lotsa friction between u and ur MIL. Have u tried asking ur hb to talk to her instead abt what to feed Trinity? She sounds like those old-fashioned kind of mother, the kind that dote on their son lots. Maybe she will listen to her son? btw, what is the "wipe mouth" ritual???

wow, sounds like ur MS is really super! Which is good and also bad lah...
... but let's look on the bright side, Kai will always have enough

here's the link to michelle's blog for ethan


ya! i'm getting excited too! have all the little bowls and spoons on standby already, haha... but i'm also not keen on starting so soon coz DN's poop will be really smelly then!

baby acne... hmmm... i think DN's skin cleared up when he was abt 10-11 wks old... but he has eczema, so i don't know if that's why it took longer to clear???

Milk &amp; Weight
When DN takes EBM, he drinks 130-140ml... Amabel good wor!
At DN's last PD visit (he was 10wks), he was 5.5kg. He's just turned 3mths... shld be 6kg now???
wah. away for a day so many postings liao.

<font color="0000ff">game</font>
yes, waiting eager for the matching game too.

<font color="0000ff">EBM</font>
i have also been feeding on demand only. so started to build up my EBM supply last Sat. 1 day freeze 1 or 2 packs of 100ml milk. So far so good, got about 8 packs liao

will then start to utilise and freeze new EBM when I hit 10 packs.

<font color="0000ff">baby consumption</font>
my boy also small eater. i think he drinks between 70-100ml each time. but he drinks every 2hr lor.
ilovebabies, i weigh kai myself at home. he's abt 4.9kg now. im hoping he gain 200g per wk. he shld be 5kg this wk.

im not sure how much he drinks coz im DBF 100% unless im out, then my mom will feed him 90ml.
Mummies whom are on TBFG
hv ur menses arrived? tdy i was so shocked to find tt i am spotting, seems like a prelude to my usual menses. need to monitor if the real mense will come. my lochia has cleared and i alrdy did pap smear a few wks back. results came back ok. so i am v puzzled why my menses is coming since i noe tt it shldnt come as long as i am on tbfg. anyone in the same spot as me? i called the nurse in the clinic, she dismissed it, saying its normal. if my spotting continues, i will call again.
edksd, my MS also not that good. Seems like alot of mummies can express alot more milk. me after expressing, my baby got less milk during his next 2 feeds. heehee

but situation has improved...think supply has increased abit with the additional pumping of milk.

so far, i only do the additional pump during wee hrs and morning (when supply is more too)
ur boy is a bigger eater than mine... he only drinks abt 60-80ml of EBM at times. occasionally he will finish 90ml. i rem it only happened twice. but he is gaining weight pretty rapidly, so i juz leave it as tt.
gynae told me tt as long as i am on tbfg, menses will not come, thus i am puzzled lor.

oh ur menses came at wk 7? earlier than mine... thot i was the weird one wif menses arriving though i am on tbf.

big eater? i saw alot of mummies post to say their baby can eat 140ml &amp; more.
if i give EBM, it will be 100ml. sometimes he finish, sometimes still left 10-15ml. sigh...waste milk.
but i do say his weight gain is good, better than his elder brother. he is already wearing his elder bro's clothes at 2mth when his elder brother then was wearing when he was 3-4mths.

i went for my pap smear and gynae asked if menses came already. told her came, and was on TBF.

she just said i'm the unlucky 1. normally ppl on TBF wouldnt kenna so early. nothing wrong, just unlucky only. haha.
edksd, ilovebabies,
nicholas is also small eater. he is 8 weeks old now and still drinking 80ml a feed, every 2 to 3 hrly.

edksd, i usually put a piece of clean cloth on our bed before placing Nicholas on it as he prefers to sleep on his tummy.

Baby acne &amp; eczema
I think his acne is probably worsened by the fact that he sleeps on his tummy a lot. He can't sleep well if he sleeps on his back, so after a few tries, we usually give up and place him on his tummy again. i have been changing Nicholas's mittens twice or even thrice a day as he is beginning to put his hands into his mouth a lot now. Recently he doesn't wear mittens in daytime though and I also wash his face 2 to 3 times a day leh. His bedsheet is changed everyday. I also wondered if it is 'cos my maid didn't wash/rinse well, so i have asked her to put his clothes/bedsheets etc into washing machine to wash now.

eczema runs in family. My hb had mild eczema when young and true enough, Marcus had it too between 3 and 6 months old. Always a small pinkish/red patch (luckily it was small and non-itchy) on his cheeks. Now I hope Nicholas doesn't get it too bad, but his acne is worrying me.

perhaps try to get hb to speak to MIL about it. My MIL also asked me everyday to give Nicholas water when she came to stay and I repeatedly explained that BF bb don't need water. She continued nagging for 2 weeks and only stopped when one day she sneakily tried to feed Nicholas some water while I was in shower and hb caught her red-handed and told her off.
how old are your bb? Phoebe's boy is Dexter right? Crystallized, what's your bb's name?

crystallized, I am on TBF and my lochia still here leh.. after 8 weeks... though only very occasional pale brown stains now.
tell me abt it lah. sometimes can warm up 120ml for him and he finish like 40ml... i always scold him 4 wasting milk and my mum on the other hand wld tell my son "nvm lah, ur mummy has excess milk 4 u to waste!"
yah agree tt most mummies here hv babies whom can drink much more.

yah think my son oso hv gd weight. hahaha...

then i am joining u as one of the unlucky ones tt kena menses now too.

my boy is 10 wks old now and he barely drinks as much as ur boy lor.

We named him "Reubern"

Thing is, my lochia cleared completely 3 or 4 wks back and did my pap smear. so now is not lochia anymore but definitely either spotting or menses lor. i am puzzled.
sometimes i have stains on and off... at first thought it was menses but it isnt.
i am tbf so usu how long later will menses starts?
it's good to hv period isnt it? recently ive some serious pimples and my mom says tts becos my period is not here so no way to expel the "poison".

my gynae did mention tt even if period is not here, must take precaution during ML coz will get pregnant, most fertile period.
i understd tt as long as we tbf, menses shldnt arrive. tt explains whyu i panicked when i saw stains tdy.

i noe muz take precaution if we ML coz we might still ovulate though there r no signs of menses. but why is there menses when i am on tbf... *puzzled*
<font color="0000ff">DG</font>
my older boy - dexter is 6yrs old. primary 1 next yr.
my new addition - javier is 2mth 2 wk old.

<font color="0000ff">babyzucchini</font>
i feel that my milk so precious. so hard then can express additional 100ml or more to keep. if dont drink and waste, very sayang ler. at least for formula milk is waste $$ only. haha...still can afford for him not to finish.

today bring baby with me back to office to 'collect' presents
and to see HR to settle my ML.
will be going back to work on 10 Jan, after taking 'must clear' annual leave.
more time to spend with baby as well as settle my boy to primary 1.
starting on other food
my MIL thinks that my babe is ready for "chor bee" in another 2 weeks (hehe, teochew... not sure if it is brown rice?) and i didnt clarify. i am not eager to start on other food so soon since she is not even 4 mths.

MIL said she will just cook a few grains until they are soft and then mix with bm. i am going to double check with my pd this coming sat about it first. anyone here heard abt it or going to do it?
