(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


shall we wait for another 1 - 2 days ? see if other mummies like Melissa, daisybuttons, puppylove .... are interested ? eheh so eager ah ?
ilovebabies, it's ok...xuan is rachel's name ma...rite?

joon, tips for u, my eyes not big
Some say bb resembles me but some say my hubby.
heh heh heh... thanx for the clue!!

maybe we shld also send in our hb's pic - Match The Family! hahahha... just joking... now THAT wld be tough!

abt the cct stuff, well, the dresses "look" babydoll-like, but they're anything but! i had to sell off the black and blue one coz they were tooooo tight. (ard the chest) really look like bak chang.

will they make u look pregnant? if it's anything like the white dress, i'm sorry but i think so. coz i look like a pumpkin in the white one
anything with a big skirt makes me look pregnant again
... some of the dresses are really for those skinny chicks...
but anyways, i really really like the black dress u thinkg of buying!
joon, thanks for the info on the funnels. then the standard size funnels are probably too small for me as i am using the medela 30mm ones now. pls may i have the no. of infantree. thanks.

I LUUUURRVEE the "happening" picture of DN. Golly! want to cuddle him!

Emma, Enzo is so stylo-milo too! Hahaha... I laughed so hard when I saw his astronaut pic.

ilovebabies, i want to play too, but no picture of myself. wait for me..

ok will wait for u, np !!!


aiyo family one we can play later .. let's match bb to mummies first ! eh the black dress nice hor ? want to buy ?
hi DG,

i can understand why u decided to stay home to look after marcus... i might be going back to work for 2 wks in mid-Dec and the thought of it just scares me... i will miss DN so much, shit! and my MIL will have all the fun, taking care of him, watching him grow, witnessing all his milestones...
boo-hoo... *sigh*... hey? when was the last time u posted a pic of nicholas?
i haven't logged on for some time, so prob missed it!

anyways, infantree's no is 64541867
hehe ok lah, then just enjoy the fun of this game .. no need any prizes

then when we meet each other on the streets, we can recognise the mummies liao ..
oh saw ur girls talking about the matching contest! hehehe i also wanna join. but i super busy now no time to find pic leh!!! no time to catch up on all the posts too. ilovebabies, wait for me can? i try to send by tmlw night lah hehehe.
i too started blogging when ethan was born - check out his blog if u all r free yah


no - in the end i didnt throw the ebm. just continue to express n give to ethan as usual...

i oso wanna play the guessing game leg. gotta go dig out some photo of myself first tho. try to send u tmr okie?

u lucky gal!!! labour only 2 hrs?!?! amazing!
i thought my labour was already quite short. Yours is even shorter, very good leh!!! when u were delivering ur first child, was ur labour as short?

is maplestory very fun? i didnt know adults are also playing too. i overheard conversation among some children about playing this game... cannot make any sense out of it at all.

the "censored" pics on ur blog are very cute...
ethan has nice long lashes.
michelle, the picture of ethan with all the teats is so hilarious. such doting parents. i wouldn't have gone out to buy all the varieties.
in fact, so far we are so lazy, haven't even let nicholas try out the NUK teat i bought. still using AVENT. Aiyo, my poor baby.

how to sterilise NUK bottle/teat? boil for 3 min?

does ethan look like daddy? very boyish look!

joon, forgot to mentioin how much i like DN's milk belly. And I am PROUD to say my nicholas is growing one now... hahahaha
michelle, r u still expressing every 3 hrs?

GERBER bags, i am using it to freeze but haven't thawed any bag yet, so dont know if marking is right. but i always use medela bottles to express, so i know how much i expressed before pouring into the gerber bags. how come u need to use fbm?
<font color="0000ff">michelle / shirlyn</font>

yes. labour was real short for this delivery. i remember i was watching the 10pm news in the delivery ward. my gynae induce and burst my water bag. still no feeling then.

mins later, the contraction pain comes and it was fast and furious. buey tahan. so quickly tell the nurse I WANT EPIDURAL!!

while in pain, they offered me the gas as I wait for doc to give me epidural.

and when i was hook up with the epidural, my gynae came in again and said can start to push and deliver.
but i'm still in pain coz the epidural not in full effect yet. sigh...waste my <font color="ff0000">$$$</font>
within the next 10-15 mins, my baby pop out liao.

my first born dexter took me abt 10hr plus before i finally 'expel' him out of me. haha.
<font color="0000ff">shirlyn</font>

maplestory is fun.
actually majority of the players are teenagers (those in sec sch,JC, poly or even undergrad)&amp; young adults.
then there are another group of emerging players (adults - incl parents)
of coz alot of primary school kids also maple coz thesedays they are expose to computer and internet at a very young age.

the game is quite interesting. you can chk out their website www.maplesea.com
if your kid is playing, then you can consider creating a character also so that you can play together too

at least you know what their lingo is and more topics to talk about.

its 'killing' of monsters to level your char. earn meso ($$$) to buy clothin and weapon.
there is alot of quests to play and interaction with other players.
thus this game is very popular amongst female gamers.

np !! want as more mummies as possible .. make the game more difficult heehe


tks for the info. the black dress I wanted is SOLD oredi. but the while dress with the black ribbon still available but you said it doesnt look good on u is it ?


u like the korean show too ? I watched that show .. ok lah .. but a bit slow that's why I hate korean show ahahah but I like the gal .. she damn cute and her expressions are so funny.

haha u sound as if u r addicted to the game. My cousins in pri sch are hooked to this game too. I watched and I cant really figure out too .. i prefer to play mahjong games ahaahah ... aiyoh talking abt mahjong makes my hands itchy.


i like all pictures of Ethan in the bathtub eheh v fleshy leh .. woo wooo....

hehe why u censored that part ? that's the best leh ahaha

ok I'll wait till this Fri nite lah .. then I try to figure out how to design the game in Excel ok ?
phoebe.. i downloaded maplestory but dunno y cant play lehz..
btw.. i have LOTSA students playing that!!!! hehe...

i used to love to play gunbound... have u played that before? is maplestory similar??? gunbound was FUN!!! hehe

here's my GB Character.. hehe..
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

TuRtLe.bmp (17.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>
hi, any of u heard of taking half boiled eggs for ms increase? tt day was watching a tv program abt tcm and confinement, then there's this mother featured saying it helps.

but im thinking if we were to take an egg a day, our cholestrol level will go up right?
I will think breastfeeding mumies need to take a lot of protein. 1 egg a day still ok lar, or you can take fish. So far i didn't found my bm increase a lot even thou i take fish everyday but my breast milk is thicker or creamier. before that very watery.
count me in for the game.

When you say you soak the pumps in hot water when in the office, do we have to wash with tape water before that, or just soak in hot water directly after use?

I am returning to work on Monday and wanted to be clear on how to 'sterilze' my pumps for my 2 - 3 pump sessions at work.
thanks for the info. will check that out, hopefully wont get hooked on it. i think i must hv been wanting to be a waitress subconsciously coz i love 'diner dash', a waitress serving food, etc. husband commented i can go work part-time since i enjoy so much...
wow mommies, i love to read blogs. anymore bloggers? i shall read phoebe n michelle blog later ya..

i bf my twins for 3 mths. v siong to bf twins!! i cant do any other things except feeding them so i gave up! i bf my third for 7 mths cos i gotta leave him behind for church camp so wean him off. my 4th i bf for 7 wks until the day he passed on. i wud say each bf experience is diff but equally enjoyable.

i quit my job when i was 3 mths preg with twins cos v v tired!! double the hormones! i hv not gone back to work since n i hv not looked back. i wanna be there for every of my children's milestones, to soothe their pains n to share their joy. n im a paranoid mom i dun trust anyone to look aft my brood. it helps that my hubby is v supportive n i really enjoy my motherhood journey.

ming liew
i also heard if fish dun help to incr ms it will make ur milk creamier n more fattening. this is good fats for bb!!
ya, the censored bit was really funny

u girls are quite pro at blogging huh?
a question for bloggers... how do u design it such that music plays on ur blog? so many blogs! yay! i have bookmarked all the blogs and will read them regularly
after we play the game, i will share mine too

oh the dress is sold! :| if u want, i can bring along the white dress for u to try, see if u like it b4 u order. actually, if u like it, u can buy from me! half price! i don't think my mega hips are going to shrink anytime soon

yeah! here's to milk bellies! (wah, a lot of hard work on our part man...)

ok send me ur pics ya ?

after each pump i will wash it with tap water and covered it in my LOCK&amp;LOCK box. then before my afternoon pump, i will soak the pump in hot water.


eh u sure or not ? u look so slim in the pic u sent me ! just cant imagine u as fat leh ..

i only like selected korean shows (mainly the comedy)
those melodrama type, i really find it too slow for my liking. i prefer japanese &amp; hong kong drama.
is the game free?..maplestory?

Emma, wow ur gunbound char so cool!! I used to only play for a short while. U must have been a pro player seeing the many accessories ur char carries...
i am still in them midst of "tidying" up mine. will post the site when it is ready.
wonder how u gals do the colour... or hyperlink thingy.
<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>

addicted? haha

ya lor..i also agreed. my own family all addicted to computer games.

i started on the internet with IRC during my 1st yr undergrad. tats how i met my husband

he introduced me to gaming. started with PC games ie. THE SIMS, MONKEY ISLAND, POLICE QUEST etc.
then followed by MUD - Multi-User Dungeon. during those days, can MUD for 10 hrs a day. heehee

after that, tried my hand on Diablo &amp; Gunbound too. For a while only. Got bored with it and went back to MUD.

until last year, launch of MapleStory. then tried it &amp; found it interesting. my son then 5yrs old also like it. so we played together.

meanwhile, has tried new games ie. AuditionSEA, PangYA. all not as interesting as MapleStory.

<font color="0000ff">emma \ shirlyn</font>

to play maplestory, got to create asiasoft account. its free to play. unless you want fanciful hairstyle &amp; clothings, you can use real $$ to buy. (i dont use real $$)

very easy to play one. once you created a character, next time we can also chat inside.
btw, when you create a character, don't create in Aquila and Bootes world. Very established already. Alot of high level players.
You should create in new world - Cassiopeia or the newly launched world (Delphinus)
most pple say ethan looks like me leh. then again, i do hv masculine features so maybe tat's y he looks so boyish! haha. anyway when u all play the guessing game can see for yourself

i giving FBM cos my fren told me that the bb might reject it after too long on fresh EBM cos it tastes different. so i'd rather get him used to the taste of FBM now (i give 1 pkt a week only) if not when i go back to work, if my supply drop n he doesnt want to take FBM then i hv to give formula n all the FBM will be wasted! i think i hv abt 3 litres of FBM now and i sure hope it wont hv to go down the drain :p

i stopped expressing at regular 3hr intervals quite some time ago. now quite erratic - at nite i will go for as long as 6-7 hrs w/o expressing (cannot wake up in the middle of the nite lah), n daytime i will try to catch up by doing it every 3-4 hrs, or sometimes even 2hrs. wat i ensure is tat i hv at least 6 sessions a day so that i can maintain my 1 litre per day output. so now u express more often than latch nic on? i do miss the few times tat i was latching ethan on tho. the feeling is just sooooo... different. feeding him fr bottle n latching on is worlds apart!

i use the steam steriliser for everything - bottles, teats, pump parts.. i think it steams for about 8 min then auto stop...

haha yah i chose to censor the photos cos i worried if next time ethan becomes the CEO of some big MNC then he get blackmailed by these baby photos of himself how!? hee hee. so only mommy n daddy got privileged access to the uncensored ones! ;) think so far hor.

i actually hv 4 sets of funnels so i'm just gonna bring a really BIG lock n lock box to contain 3 sets as i plan to pump 3 times at work. like that no need to worry about sterilising at all!! i cant imagine how many bags i hv to lug to office when i start work. gotta bring the pump, the 3 sets of funnels, the milk bottles to contain the milk, the FTG bag to keep the milk cold.. i think i shd buy those trolley bags n put all inside! my colleagues sure think i mad one. everyday look like going airport like that :D
i think ur son has inherited both u and ur hub's love for the games! hehe...
SIMS? i have that, was addicted some years back, even got expansion packs.

ya lor. got our genes.
like to play games.
lucky my house got 2pc &amp; 1 laptop.
so all 3 of us can be online at the same time. else will quarrel over usage then

THE SIMS i bought the 'pirated' set. i think is 4 discs (all the expansion packs inside)

havent tried THE SIMS 2 yet.
aiyo all talk abt games ah ? i heard of these but no interest to play.... or maybe becos I have not tried it before.


u have not send me ur pics right ? come come ... dun be shy


i luvvvvvvvv hk dramas. So I subscribe to SCV Channel 55. used to rent DVDs leh ... and I can watch them non stop. But now with bb, a bit difficult lah. But i still managed to finish one serial during ML.
wow... u mums are really hard-core gamers eh! don't laugh, but the last game that i really "played" was Prince of Persia in sec school! that time still using the 5 inch floppy disks! hahahahahaaaa...

no worries! just try it on lor... i am not slim anymore...
my backside damn big, scarryyy...

aiyoh, all the baby blogs are great! when DN sleeps, i just check them all out... rachel's blog, amabel's blog, ethan's blog, jo's blog... now i look back at DN's newborn pics and i miss him being so small... can't believe how i'm so in love with bbs now... i used to be those who wanted to be childless for life! i'm a convert!

sure or not ? hmm so the white dress is really small ah ? can let me know the actual measurements such as the bust, waist (where the black ribbon is) and the hip ? I dont mind buying from you .. since u cant wear it.
Help u to clear stock. But I will order the black dress... u want ?
aye i think dun wait for me liao lah. really got no time to go dig out old photos of myself cos all archived away n i hv to trouble my hubby to take them out fr storage :p

i cant wait to play the game tho!

ya. last time also subscribe to SCV vvdrama chl. then got a period no time to watch, so cancel off.

also rent the drama DVD to watch. but share with colleagues. so can save $$. a few of us love to watch drama. 1 series (eg. 25 esp, each of us only take abt 3-4 days finish liao. heehee)

but this year rather busy, due to company upgrade of computer system. so only rented 2 series so far to watch. 1 by Joe Ma on the hotel and the other by Ekin Cheng on coast guard.


ya if got the time, just take a few days to finish it. v shiok... oh the hotel one was shown on SCV. the coast guard is not.


aiyah u no fotos now ? anyone will do lah ..
