(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

here's some pix of Trinity doing her morning excercise " Tummy Time"

Harlo mummies, long time never post. Really salute u all. Can take care of baby and still find time to net surf and post.

Wow. The discussion had went from Nepia, to sterilizing pump at work to CCT, and gaming! And there's a match the family photo game going on? Did I miss out something?

Hey Angeline, your Trinity's hair so thick and black. Very nice leh. My Gabriel also do the same morning exercise everyday :D But I never take any photos. Hmmm... seeing yours makes me think that I should lor.
<font color="0000ff">angeline</font>,
nice pics of Trinity!
yes, she does have very nice soft-looking hair!

<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>,
i've emailed u!

got ur mail ! wow ur pics are very well taken .. SLR ah ? ehhe

eh trinity has ur eyes leh .. ehe think i'm making the mummies here excited of this game ! ahha !
ilovebabies, your "come come don't be shy" is so funny. LOL! Aiya, don't wait for me too as I can't seem to scan my photo properly. don't have any picture of me without marcus, so not fair to send those, else all mummies will know it is either me or blessedmommy since only we 2 have more than 1 kid.

But can I still play the guessing game, har? Can???
<font color="0000ff">DG</font>,
try to crop your face out of the photo loh!

<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>,
hehe, thanks! ya, it's DSLR.
My hubby &amp; I still debating whose eyes Trinity has! we get mixed comments from family &amp; friends. Overall, my hubby "winning" in terms of who Trinity looks like! but she definitely has my eyelashes!
ilovebabies, your "come come don't be shy" is so funny. LOL! Aiya, don't wait for me too as I can't seem to scan my photo properly. don't have any picture of me without marcus, so not fair to send those, else all mummies will know it is either me or blessedmommy since only we 2 have more than 1 kid.

But can I still play the guessing game, har? Can???
Angeline, Trinity looks better and better over the weeks. I love her hair too.

Joon, Emma, I think Nicholas look a little like your Der Nen and Enzo, just that his eyes not as big.

Crop out Marcus's picture? So obvious then. Anyway, I still can't send the photos tonight as all the photos are kept in the study and my maid sleeping already, so can't access.

Sleeping on Tummy
Nicholas sleeps better when we put him on his tummy, but i think his rubbing his face on the bedsheet is giving him some baby acne.

Mummies whose bb sleep on back, do they fall asleep on their own? if not, what do u do? pat, nurse or give pacifier?

joon, actually Nicholas's milk belly starts becoming obvious these 2 weeks and his thighs seem to have grown quite a big too. but I don't think he has put on that much weight. somedays, his cheeks look chubby, some days, they don't. how heavy is DN now?
michelle, yeah i express more than nurse now.

I definitely prefer nursing to expressing but I am concerned that Nicholas gets more foremilk if I nurse him too often as he falls asleep after 5-10min, though at night, whatever amt he gets from that 5 min suckling can last him 3 to 4 hrs! But daytime, he seems to want to feed frequently if i nurse him, an luxury which i can't afford as i have to spend time with Marcus too. But i only expressed 3 to 4 times a day to get over a litre.

i am still waiting for ur pic leh .. dun shy ahha

of cos u can play the game. i try to design the game by this weekend and upload it here ok !

btw I read that if u r carrying ur bb and trying to make him sleep... put him down when he is almost asleep so that he will learn to sleep on his own.

I do that to Rachel most of the time if she is not too cranky. I just give her the pacifier and put her down in cot with her bolster. in no time, she falls asleep. if she is cranky, i just carry her in my arms and pat her.

Angeline, got ur fotos. find u familiar leh ... hmmm


aiyah my hubby also got most of the votes ! Rachel dont seem to resemble me leh ... oops .. is that a clue ??
ilovebabies i read that too. These days Nicholas cries the moment we lower him onto his bed, even before his body touches the bed! And Nicholas cries his head off when his pacifier drops out, which happens at least 30 times before he finally falls asleep.

Actually that is a "prop" that bb relies on to fall asleep, so i prefer to do wtihout the pacifier, but then he just keeps making the sucking sound.. so need to suck, then can sleep lor! SIgh!

Now my MIL has gone back, I MUST SLEEP TRAIN my 2 boys!

My hb going for weekly overseas trip from this week onwards. So i will be alone with maid (who is useless when it comes to putting my boys to sleep)for consecutive days looking after the boys. I am So NOT LOOKING FORWARD! No breaks at all!
eh how come i post something but i can't find it now???!!! hhmmmm....

ilovebabies, wait for me can? i super busy no time to find the pics leh. i try to give u something by tmlw hor? wait for me wait for me! hehehee.

that's why I gave rachel a bolster to hug and it can also stop the pacifier from flying out. anyway I have also trained her to hold on to her pacifier when it is coming out of her mouth. She will push it with her fist back to her mouth so it saves me lotsa trouble.

babies just need something to comfort or calm them down, in this case a pacifier is their best friend now. I dont mind giving it to Rachel, can wean her off when she is bigger.


sure !! anxiously waiting to see ur pic !
DG, thanks for the compliments. Many thanks to your encouragement and the mummies here that I manage to total EBM her for almost 2 months now. Hope I can continue and SS won't drop when I start work on Monday.

ilovebabies, really ah, find me familiar? Which area are you in. Sengkang issit? Previously from Hougang? Which school?

ok i'll take measurements later and email u
i think i shall order those 2 tops
i'll pass on the dress coz my bottom is quite problematic now


blessedmommy, joash is sooo sweet...
*sighhh* and funny too! hee hee... amazing huh? the things they pick up from us? i better stop cursing! #@$^*!!!

wah. u very happening man! and u look real good, don't look like u were ever pregnant!
golly, the engorgement must have been terrible clipart{lame}

i will read the other blogs later when DN and i come home from playgroup

ya ... i am staying in SK leh. You stayed here while you were in SG ? and no I have never stayed in Hougang b4.


tks .. dont worry take ur time. and enjoy ur playgroup !!
<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>,
wow, lovely photos. Rachel is so sweet &amp; photogenic! Looks like she loves to be photographed!
Hi ilovebabies,
Sorry for the intrude coz i seldom post but only read the postings here. Couldn't resist---I wanna play too! Wait for my photos!!
<font color="0000ff">blessedmommy</font>,
I received the Avent Liners le! heheh, didn't open letterbox for a few days until today... Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>,
u're right, nepia M is not as soft! But I didn't try on Trinity cos it's still too big for her!
It's a good one inch longer than S and looks huge! She'll prob stay on S for a couple more weeks.
ilcy, rainnie, cereal, elaine

rcv ur fotos !! wow we have abt 17 mummies (incld me) in this game ... ehehe I dont think this is an easy game cos some bb dont resemble mummy. hah !


very disappointing right? i tried out one on Rachel, well no leakage for pee pee. THe S is definitely too short for Rachel cos her thighs are growing. ALways leave a mark on her thighs.

finally got my new laptop aft my old one died on me!!!

i love babies
weah ur rachel so pretty leh *whistle whistle*

glad u recv the liners!!

oh yes i oso notice nepia M not as soft but still ok though im now using pampers whiile waiting for my nepia to be delivered on tues. pampers still best but soo exp!
ur trinity v good hor can lift her head mine still cant leh. but she is flipping oredy. alamak havent learn to walk wanna fly???
ilovebabies.. rachel is realli pretty!!! too bad she older than enzo.. lol

here's enzo at his first Formula 1 driving lesson!! oops, think he fell asleep at the wheel.. hehe..

Enzo and Rachel of the same year mah ... months doesnt matters heehe want to be in laws ah .... but my hubby want to screen enzo first ! haha !


hey hey ur gal is a pretty babe too ! and she doesnt look chinese ;)


hmmm my hubby is designing the game online for the convenience of everyone .. err so how ? can or not ?
joon joon! paiseh din reply ur post abt outing till now. so busy busy..... yes yes! i def wanna meet to collect the harness from u.
and i will bring ur nepia.
but hor, as to the dates what time we meeting huh? coz 9 dec i got my good friend's girl's 2nd birthday celebration at around 5plus pm. 10 dec i got full mth celebration dunno what time, shld be afternoon...

1. Joon / Sun 10 Dec / location : no ideas yet!
2. blessedmommy/ sat 9 dec / location:??
3. ilovebabies / sun 10 Dec / location : any where with food and drinks ? and with nursing rooms of cos !
4. Daisybuttons /sat 9 dec mid afternoon

blessedmommy, yah man! i love vongole loh. thats my fav spaghetti dish actally, aside from anything aglio olio. so not easy to cook and keep in fridge leh. i dun fancy those with tomato sauce.

heheh all ur babies so cute! and all ur blogs so nice loh! i so inspired, just started a blog for Jovann too. but had trouble uploading photos leh! how come ah? and hor, how do i use another downloaded blogskin? i tried edit html but cannot leh. sorry i blog illiterate leh. hehehe.
prob i had with my blog was, pics arent avail when others access the site. in the end, upgraded to the new version of blogspot and that seems to solve the prob?! btw my pics are uploaded from my laptop, cant work when they are from the online photo gallery.

tough work coz i am new to the blog, considered blog illiterate too
read ur blog. wow ur gal had such nice hair when she was born. what a pity to shave it all away. she look so pretty n girly with all those hair. n btw, i have the same clips as u haha.. guess we mommies of gals r fascinated by all those things to make our gals more feminine!! my gal has a lot of hair but still some ppl can mistake her for a boy, even when she is wearning pink!!!
one lesson i learnt from this hair shaving - she doesnt suit the bald look. if she wants to do that when she is older, shall produce all the pics to show her.

those clips are so cute, wanted to get more... but got to control since they are not cheap.

mistaken for a boy? i am so used to that comment for the first 2 mths but realised that it stopped when i put clips on (coz now her hair grew a wee bit longer, so can finally use the clips!!). haha... but ur jo is very girly, i wonder what is wrong with those pp who had mistaken her.

pink is no longer a girl's colour. remem michelle's ethan who looks good in pink? hehe... men are wearing pink now.
hi gals, check w u something. bb kai is on tbf. lately i noticed tt his stool has turned a bit gluey. the color is still the same mustard yellow. but instead of watery seedy, it's now more like a gluey paste. wonder what's wrong. or is it normal?
do u mean the stool is thick, dry-looking, smeared on the diaper? i thought it is coz i left the soiled diaper on her for too long. the gluey part i am not sure.
watery seedy --> fresh stool, that is my understanding.

yup, i noticed that abt der nen's poo too. it started getting gluey abt 3 wks ago. that wld've made him 10 wks old. it's like mucous right? i always meant to check ot out online, but never did!

so many mummies! wow, its going to be tough! but real funnnnnn! looks lik rachel is going to be one cool rocker chick!
rock on!

wah, looks like jovann will be real busy next weekend, hahaha...
btw, i'm going to collect the carriers from lulu this afternoon

looks like trinity likes tummy time!
so cute! der nen absolutely hates it and canno last for more than 2 minutes on his belly
