(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


eh funny .. tot the supply shld be lesser after latching right ? or prob your supply has increased ? and also rem that a pump will not empty our breast as effectively as our bb.

my breast is usually v soft after I latch bb on so I cant advise on this.

btw I tend to get blocked ducts in my right B easily. how to overcome it ? I express every 4 hrly leh ... now i can sstill feel a lump there .. v scared .. cos I ever develop fever twice after having this lump. Now waiting for my gal to wake up and latch her cos she can clear the lump real fast.
ilovebabies, normally ur gal had to latch on for how long before ur breast feel soft? Dies she actually can empty ur breast? She everytime latch on to one breast only? how long after her feed then she will wake up for another? Blocked duct, you try massage that lump before pump or breastfeed?
ilovebabies, e-ling and malissa

thanks for your adivse. Now im more relieve and i do wear a mask whenever i bf or carry her.

Everyone here seems very worried abt milk supply. I am giving my gal 50/50 bf and formula. Really cant meet her requirement and dunwan to get hungry juz becuz i hve not enuff milk for her or sometimes when im out. What does all of u think?
I heat my EBM in the VIA cups by standing them in a mug of hot water. No problem so far.
I am no expert on this, but I am guessing that the reason why you can still pump out same amount may be because your breast can 'refill' very quickly. That is, even after your baby drinks up, the breast can refill the soon after.

I recall that day I had the LC come in due to my bad engorgement, she help me to clear the block ducts and expressed out the milk, but very very shortly after (few minutes) my breast became hard again. Too bad this is now a thing of the past for me cos I used cabbage leaves for too long.

can try using a hot towel to massage the area with the lump and then express after. The hot towel and massage will help to 'soften' the lump and make the milk blocked there easier to flow out.

it takes my gal abt 15 mins to empty the breast .. as in feels soft prior to latch, not too sure if it's really empty. Tot as they gets bigger, they need less time to consume the milk.

If my gal can latch for v long on both breasts, she can wake up 2.5 - 3 hrs later. But if she dozed off after latching on for abt 20 min, she may wake up 30 mins - 1 hr later .. so it all depends on her.

Managed to clear the blocked duct after I latch my gal.

Btw I used the FBM at 5am this morning. It is completely defrosted. Previously there are some ice on the milk. So it takes just a few hrs to defrost in a cup of water. Btw the taste is still the same, no fishy smell.


u r right, dun get too stressed up on BF. Supplement when you need to. There's no right or wrong answer, it all depends on individual.
i second what ilovebabies said. you do what feels right for the bb. number 1 priority is never make baby hungry. FM has gone a long way so don't feel guilty about it.
PrincessEmma. at least not so worry.
My baby gril having inj at polyclinic.
Normally when can i start my 6-in-1 injection?
helo mummies, ur babies look so cute! hehehe. i not time to post mine though i got hundreds of photos hehehe. will do so soon lah.

angeline, the nursing mother's tea can be bought at momsinmind.com.sg. it contains feenugreek, and taste good to me, the fruity flavour one.
u can try the same pack first. i only took it about 2-3 times, when my boy having some growth spurt and dun seem to be getting enough. tide me through then, u can try.

bjiou, heard that our BM contains antibodies so ur baby will get the flu antibodies through our BM. just dun sneeze on him i guess....

oh btw how, i heat my EBM in the avent warmer. if i do it in a mug, what kinda mug and how big shld i use? does it need to be thermo mug huh? thanks! i go have lunch and zhu jiao cu now... :p
Hi Melissa, rest of my info:
Nick: ilcy Age: 28 DD: 13 Sep Hospital: GlenE
Gender: Male BB Name: Zachary Weight: 2.715
Delivery BB: #1 Feed Mthd: EBM + FM

So busy these 2 days w/o my CL around...now short of a pair of hands, don't have the luxury to express every 3 hrs
worried now supply not enuf if not expressing so often..
Baby also refuse to latch long...must try harder & keep my FM away from my sight..
I jus finish Bfing my bb. Guess what happen today? My milk stream jet out when BB pull away from my nipples! I dunno what's wrong, I already minimise pumping, thot I over simulate liao, but the milk flow jus keep coming.... And is very messy!

Also, my bb has some rashes on his arm and thigh area and neck area, looks more like heat rash to me, do you think need to bring him see PD?
Isn't that a good thing? You have very good let down. I had that happening to me a lot. Don't forget that babies are the best "suckers" in the world. Hehe. And no need to see PD lah. Heat rash can go away on its own. Save your money for diapers man.

Today I pumped a record of 150ml on both sides of breasts. Right side 100ml, left side 50ml. I used a Medela Mini Electric and I used an Avent breast shield to serve the other leaky boobs. Guess what, when I switched boobs to pump, the other boob leaked oso. Haizz... it just never ends. I think I could've pumped more out but it will over spill my container and I realised that the biggest milk bottle in my house can only contain 3oz max! Gotta go out and start shopping again.

melissa is right ... the rashes will go away on its own. Just make sure the bb is not too hot.

today my milk stream jet out also ! Made such a mess and my gal was wailing so loudly .. dunno if it scares her ahhaha


Why didnt u prepare another bottle ? I usually use two bottles just in case my supply is a lot.
Hehe it caught me off guard. Just asked my fried whose baby is 3 months old. She said she misses the time when we have plenty of BM jet streaming from our breasts. She said her supply not that much now and hard to get let down. Scary man. I don't know if that will happen to us in future. She's on EBM + DBF.

I think prob when we start to work, our supply may drop, I guess ... what do u think ? But remember that there are mothers who can BF till bb turns 1 year old and it is very encouraging. Hope I can be like them .. however I read an article that BF beyond 1 year do not provide much benefits to the growing toddler.
Hi Angeline,
During growth spurts, I just latch him on and he drinks whatever's inside. Most of the time he takes both breasts, or 1.5 breasts (!!). The 1st growth spurt at 3wks, I did it all wrong. I panicked and gave EBM... didn't think I had enough in my boobs coz he drank like 1 hr ago! But I've been reading and that's not the right thing to do. The growth spurts are for the baby <u>AND</u> mummy!

During growth spurts, babies drink more. When we latch them on, they get more milk AND it's a signal to our bodies to produce more milk! Don't be worried abt milk supply. The more they suck, the faster the body will produce the milk. The reason for this is, as our bbs grow, they start to drink more and more. (coz their stomachs are growing bigger) What our bodies produce in week 3 will not satisfy a 7-wk old bb. Hence the growth spurt helps "tell" our bodies to produce more from that day onwards to meet the bb's growing stomach.

This website is quite helpful!

All the baby pictures are so cute! Keep them coming mummies!

Aiyah, don't worry abt the job... I'm sure u'll find the right one soon!
Thanx for the info abt the polyclinic jab. I guess u're right abt it being "free"!!!!! hahahaha! Do u have to wait very long at the polyclinic though? Do they let newborns go first? (or is it just wishful thinking on my part? hee hee...!)

Is the MIM tea nice? How much is it? Ginny's tea is nice, (got mint inside!) but it's quite "fine" so there's lots of tea bits floating about even though I use a tea ball. hmmphff...

Melissa and ilovebabies are right abt the heat rash, no need to see PD. My bb has it too. My PD told me when I saw him last week. (I didn't even know!) Anyways, my PD said, just keep him cool, don't overwrap him, and putting him in an air-con room will help. It's true. When it started getting warm today, my bb's face started getting red splotches. So I quickly turned on the air-con and it went away after a while!
Got a question abt EBM...

When preparing EBM (from the fridge) for bb, do you all notice thick bits of milk (like curd) floating in the milk?? (These thick bits look like egg white in Szechuan soup) When I pour my EBM into the bottle, I notice bits of these.

Is it normal?

It can't be that my EBM has gone bad coz my EBM is the very most 2 days old and I keep it in the chiller compartment of my fridge. Just wondering if it's normal or my milk is just weird!
I use a thermos mug to heat up the EBM. Used to use a normal mug, but found that it loses heat quickly and have to change the hot water. (so ends up taking just a little bit longer) With the thermos mug, I don't have to change the water at all. I'm just lazy lah!
About that sediment, it's completely normal. When your milk is warmed to room temperature, it will go away. Just swirl the bottle. It should dissolve. My way of warming milk is to put the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Not bad, quite fast. I always think of cheapo ways to do the same job, no need to spend money heehee.

Your explanation about latching and growth spurts is right on! I'd say don't worry about not producing enough milk. Our body listens well to the baby. I am TBF and I feed on demand and tolerated bb's cries when it seems that she don't feed enough. I guess it paid well. When I pumped at 12 am just now, I get 6oz of milk and I had to stop even though my milk is still flowing; reason simply, my Medela bottle can only accomodate 5oz! So I'm a true believer of TBF now! I am not taking any supplements except that I find that I'm forever thirsty and so I drink a lot. I drink a lot of Milo.
Thanks for your rental suggestion. Anyone rented any pumps yet? If you decided to purchase how much must u pay? I want to try but I want to know if it's worth it b'cos I read that you have to purchase a startup kit that cost about $60! Add like $20, i can buy Avent Isis already, which is recommended by my friend for producing good let downs. I like the Medela Mini Electric but one thing I can't stand is it's noisy so bringing it to the office is out of question.
Thanks!! Good to know that my milk is normal! I'm not weird! hahaha...

I know u're looking to rent a pump b4 buying, but think abt the Ameda coz I just found this gd deal... but it ends today.

I saw the same package at Motherswork for $350 and I paid $320 for this package, from the distributor!!

I like the ameda. It's quiet, fast (double pump), light and compact. The lilypadz are great too! (can go braless at home and not worry abt leaking)
wow! u can get 5 oz of BM per breast now? how long did u need to pump for? thats a lot of milk! i guess DBF really does help stimiulate the milk flow huh. unfortunately my boy doesnt want to lacth on so i can only express for him. wonder if i can ever get as much as u!
hey u gals arent sleeping ah ??

i have a qn. if my FBM is not enuff, can i mix it with EBM from lower deck or must be FBM within that 24 hrs ??

for eg.

in freezer, i have one bottle expressed on 20/9 9pm and one bottle on 21/9 6pm.

in lower deck, i have one bottle expressed on 14/10 6pm.

so do i mix the 2 FBM or mix one FBM with the one in lower deck??
I'm no expert but i think i will bring down the frozen BM to the lower deck and make sure both are thawed to the same consistency, then i'll mix them. What do you think?

I love the baby photos! Your bb is so cute! Don't babies look cute with caps?!

Yeah but yesterday midnight I expressed 6oz. Almost want to spill my Medela bottle liao. I did not latch my bb first though. In fact I express after her feed and I like to express and massage, express and massage. Sometimes I can take 1 hour to pump b'cos my milk kept coming. Before I knew it, my bb girl wake up again for milk. But I did not give her that EBM, I directly latch her on and feed her from there. I guess my breasts are never empty. Maybe total breastfeeding has helped to increase my supply all these while.

yesterday while surfing the net for rental set, I found that Ameda set too. i'm tempted but scared i'm late liao! the thing is, must pay upfront a sum of money, which i find not so worth it sometimes. i understand it's for hygiene purpose. *sigh* back to the drawing board.
How's your lochia? Has anyone stopped bleeding? Now my bb is 1 month old already but I haven't stopped bleeding. Been wearing panty liners everyday and seeing some watery blood in it makes me feel so sian. My hubby is asking already think he cannot tahan waiting for too long hehe. My episiotomy wound is completely healed thank God! I can feel the line though but it's not indented anymore.
I was wondering where u were
Ur little girl is so adorable! I like the 2nd picture best

My bleeding lasted for almost 1 month. Towards the end, it was yellow in colour, but once in a while, there was a little bloody discharge. Is ur discharge a lot? If ur wearing panty liners that means it's quite ok right? I think nothing to worry about, only if there's a sudden gush of blood and if it's fresh, then better go see ur gynae. Don't worry, it'll stop soon

I wish I could sleep! Was BFg last night and reading the forum at the same time... I got "MyBrestFriend" and it's great! My hands are free to type! yaaaayyyy...
hi melissa, one thing i realised is tt our breasts will never be emptied.

we can keep on pumping and pumping forever, the supply will never stop, just tt it's stoop to "one drop by one drop" instead of "shooting supply"
cereal (cereal06)
ur baby so sute and wear so nice cloths.

my lochia last for 3weeks.I told hubby must wait for 2mths cos must wait till the stitiches completely healed.
joon and huijun,
thanks for the lochia tips! think mine is turning yellow already so that means it's going to be over soon right?! Yay.

hasn't your wound completely healed? mine has. in fact i can now wash it down there without squirming. i gave birth on 14 sep.

ah thanks for the pump tips! yes i stopped when it becomes "one drop by one drop" b'cos must save electricity also mah hehe. well sometimes when i pump i can only get 80ml total so there are off peak hours after all.
hi, gals
All the babies here look soooo ADORABLE! Dun we all lurve them to bits!!!

Angeline, thanks for replying to my post! now i'm totally direct breastfeeding my girl, seldom hv the chance to pump out coz i realised the quantity left after she finishes her feed is usually quite little. Been a bit lazy coz she driving me nuts with the sleepless nights, been waking up every 2 hrly to breastfeed her. At times, she only take from 1 breast and decide its enuf for her, no matter how i tickle her, burp her, she just wana doze off.

I'm trying out different methods, when i realised that she isn't very hungry (ie, she suckles very slow for 5 mins) i take her off my breast. i'm trying to feed her when she is really hungry so that she will b hungry &amp; would latch on to both breasts at each feed.
from then on, hopefully i can get her to sleep longer thru the night... (at least 3 hrly interval).

i its been almost 3 weeks (i delivered 26 Sept) &amp; i realised by lochia is already very light brown, so i thk shld be ending soon.
i thk to be safe better wait a bit longer lah, ask hubbies to tahan abit longer lor. <haha>

for warming up EBM, i thk i remembered reading in TMC's book that we can warm up in a bowl of hot water. so i thk shld b correct method.

for me, i thk i shld start to diligently pump out the milk to keep the supply coming... i read on the constant pumping by all the mummies here, and i really feel so inferior. i only latch my girl on totally, at times when she tks only 1 breast, i didnt even express out the other breast. sigh.

will hang on there! all of u should too!

if that's the case, should the 2 frozen BM be expressed within 24 hrs ?? I am confused.
oh btw my lochia lasted for abt 5 weeks. The last two weeks was v little so panty liner was good enuff.

hey that pillow really do wonders? Will the baby slip off the pillow ?


ur baby is cute leh !! she dont look chinese though eheh ..

gals, i have a problem here ....

recently my Rachel was very cranky during feeding time .. she will start to drink and halfway thru, she will keep crying and crying and refuse to drink. I have to coax her and talk to her then she will drink amidst all the crying. It happens daily .. wah lau so headache. So I have been thinking why she behave this way .. cos she's used to be v kuai when comes to feeding time. Initally I tot she want to sleep so refuse to drink but she is wide awake...... until just now, I try out the Medium size teat for her ..cos I tot prob she is fed up with the slow milk flow from the NUK size S teat. Well.. not too sure if I have solve the prob but she finish the whole bottle in a breeze

any advice ?
Yup yup, if it's turning yellow, the end is in sight! Very very soon

Yeah! The pillow's great! Once u clip it in place tightly, it will hold the weight of a newborn. Der Nen fits nicely on top of it and I can just support him lightly with one hand and type/eat/read a book/change channels/pat the dog (haha) with the other. Once he gets bigger and heavier, I don't think I'll be able to do that anymore though... but for now, it's great!

Abt Rachel, could it be that she has wind and needs to burp? Or, could it be that she's feeling warm? (coz when we cradle them in our elbow, they feel warm behind their necks... Der Nen kenah heat rash there, aiyah) Or maybe u've solved the problem with the new teat! U are after all, number 1 on our list and she is the oldest bb here, so shld be able to suck stronger!
4 more days and she'll be 2 mths old!

I burped rachel regularly but she is still cranky after each burp. I usually use a cloth nappy and support her head when I feed her so she wont perspire due to the contact with my arm. haha ya she is no 1 here hor ? ok lah I will try it out again later and see if it really works... will let u know ;)

ya time really flies .. she is going to be 2 mth old ! and she'll take her 6-in-1 jab this coming friday .. so worry that she will develop fever after that
Then maybe it was the flow tt was annoying her coz she finished the whole bottle with the M teat!
*sigh* I wish I could understand baby talk... coz sometimes Der Nen cries and cries and I don't know what he's trying to say!!!!!

aiyo Der nen so handsome !! U styled his hair ah ? hehe i still think he dont look chinese with his big eyes !

ya very annoying when bb keep crying and I really need to come out with lotsa ideas to calm her down. Luckily I can distinguished her cry for different needs so sometimes it make things easier
melissa, michelle, huijun - thanks for compliments..haha.. i mean abt my bb cute hehe .. i especially like my bb 'heart' romper that she was wearing..haha.. buy from states one leh haha..and bb was still in my tummy when i was there..haha

joon.. ur bb hair style very stylo leh..haha and his look like model haha

ilovebabies...u mean my bb look like which nationality? hehe....actually i also commented to my hb that bb doesn't look very chinese.. dunno abit angmoh or malay or wat..haha....but me and hb both are pure chinese hehe
joon.. i MIA for a while coz just no time to really post messages here la.. bb really kept me busy...and sometimes i oso no time to eat leh...so now i ask my mum to come and help me even after confinement lor..
cereal, joon, your bb are all so cute.
Riushiki, you baby is so chubby and cute leh

ilovebabies, my gal also like that, cry halfway during feed. At first i thought is the flow of the teat too slow, and indeed this is part of the reason also but the main cause is that she is too hungry and we are too slow in preparing the milk for her so she actually fussy and angry and therefore is very difficult to get her drink her milk. We actually need to comfort her till she is calm down then offer her the milk, then she will guai guai drink. So now what i do is to give her a fix schedule like feed her every 3hourly even though she is sleeping. But sometime she is still like that cos she may suddenly wake up before the 3horly schedule for milk then again we have to comfort her till she calm down and really to drink.

for those using Nuk teats, any idea how to tell the sizes apart? Saw in Nuk website that both latex and silicone teats hv their diff markings at the base of the teat, but i simply can't find them! Help!
cos i mixed them up during washing... I'm using latex, 0-6mths, No. 1. This alone has 3 sizes - thin liquids (S), milk (M) and thick liquids (L). I mixed up the S and M...

Read tat some of u also faced slow flow of the teats. I also didn't realise at first tat i'm using wrong size... and bb got so frustrated trying to drink milk fr a S teat!
