(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Cereal... ur birth situation so similar to mine.. me also waited like 24 hrs but only 2cm dilated.. finally gave up for c-section.. but most imptly is baby is well lohz..

Domesticgoddess, elaine's PD is dr ong eng kiow.. the v famous one.. hehe.. but muz wait quite long to see him....

anyone knows a good PD in the west side? my colleague said that the PD assigned to Enzo at TMC, Dr Keoy is good.. but TMC a lil far lehz...

Domesticgoddess... ya.. muz wait to see him.. esp if ur baby suddenly falls sick.. then u have to walk in... its a nightmare waiting with a sick baby... that's y i hope to find a ALRIGHT PD near my place... more convenient...
mummie_of_rhys, have you given birth? No news for past few days...

angeline, you are going for elective c-sect tomorrow? What is the reason for c-sect? All the best to you and bb.
emma, yeah lor.. i can understand. Even with appointment, must wait up to 1.5 hrs to see Dr Ong.

My boy's PD is Dr Ang Poon Liat from TMC and his queue is shorter, especially if you go early like 9am. We may just stick to the same one for #2 after all.
Hey u girls scare me with all these confinement food. With my mom taking care of me, the only thing she restricts are seafood, glutinous rice, some veggies and cold water. I can still eat KFC chicken leh! So now I'm craving.. err.. "air bandung" hahahahaa..

Wow 2 weeks? I am beginning to feel worried b'cos today is my doctor's appointment and I have a feeling that she wants to see improvement. However, my wound still feel raw and whenever I applied the antiseptic solution, there's always blood in there. But then again, it could be menses blood as well. Hehee. I didn't get the salt bath thing. What is it called? Also are you talking about that old fashion, thick Kotex Freedom pads? I am using Kotex cotton natural now, the one with pink packaging from Watsons. I prefer the ultra slim ones. But if the thicker one is more comfy I will make the switch immediately!

Yes totally normal! My baby was 3.185kg upon birth and 3kg upon discharge. Nurse said perfectly normal b'cos the baby would've loss all that retained amniotic fluid and meconium. Don't worry ok? Babies will start putting on weight on 2nd week onwards when BF and bowel movements are stabilized.

My bb is only 5 days old and she seems to want BM all the time. Is she going on a growth spurt or I never feed her enough??
domesticgoddess, Yes if natural labour doesn't kick in anytime today, I'll go for elective C-section tomorrow afternoon.
Reason being I have a fibroid, so to avoid any emergency c-sect due to possible complications by firbriod.

Also cos my maternity leave already started as of Monday and I prefer not to waste 2 weeks of leave just waiting around.

And that tomorrow is deemed to be a good day by the numerologist. (but this is minor reason)

So anyway, going for checkup again this morning. As long as gynae gives the greenlight that baby is healthy and full term, we will look forward to seeing her tomorrow.

Starting to get excited and anxious about it. Had a hard time trying to fall asleep last night. Sure cannot sleep tonite. My last day as a 'single'. Tomorrow onwards, will me mummy liao....
Angeline jia you!!!
Sleep while you can, it will be the last time you will cherish the moment! Don't even let the anxiety get in your way!!

Can't wait to get more updates from mommies who just poppped!
Congrats to puppylove! Waiting to hear your birth story and see your bundle of pride here!

Angeline, jia you and all the best for tomorrow. Seems like I'm gonna be the last few Sep Mum to deliver liaoz... ... That's good! Can learn from all your experience!
dumpty.. glad to see u are still looking on the bright side.. hehe.... enjoy being free while u can... hehe... go shopping.. go eat watever u wish.... confinement realli sux.. haha...
yah lor, of coz try VBAC if possible rite? my bb ah, still v comfy inside me man. might b the last one to pop in sept... he haven engaged yet and i am almost 38 wks liao.

alrdy thinking wat to eat aft confinement! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

Thks 4 sharing ur bill size.
we can opt out of hb's meal even if he stays in rite? $75 is too exp for 3 meals leh... and i heard the food not really tt fantastic.

Oh Vivian aka mummie_of_Rhys had popped last nite to a healthy baby boy! She will b discharged tmrw and will probably pop in to update her story when she can!

i am still waiting wif u leh. seems like my bb oso taking his own sweet time to pop. sigh...

u so funny!! hahaha.. i wanted to cry when i read your remarks, cos we are in the same boat..... i see the fish, i wanna run manz.. and i still got 2 weeks to go??

i think my mammary tissue not very much, (i small breast plus so far no engorgement, only a full full feeling in breasts..) so that is why my girl feed so often.. I took her weight last nite.. she was 3.19 kg when born and when discharged was 3.07kg. on Day 5, she was 3.2 kg liaoz.. last nite, i weigh her, she is 8 pounds = 3.6kg.

I was a little concerned about the frequency of feeding, but PD say, as first time mum, i gotta established my milk supply, whenever she wants to suckle, let her.. as long as she gaining weight, poos n pees fine, he ask me dun compare..
but yes, it is tiring for me.. i now expert at lying down position when nursing, so i can grab some winks..

i heard about this book, but izzit really good? can share in brief what the book iz trying to tell us? I went to www.kellymom.com last nite and it really reassured me about my girl's crying..

after reading it, i am convinced she feels insecure and wants to be near me. The site do advice me to nurse her to sleep but take out the nipple when she half asleep but still cuddle her.. it seems to be working better now.. anyway, <6>6 months! keke!

you seems to be doing fine! jia you! Your milk seems abundant, cos my breasts never leak leh.. keke..

BB's stomach very small in size, there is only so much they can take at one time. So, that can explains the frequent feedings.

Just feed when baby want to suckle. if she spit out the nipple, then she have enough liaoz lor..Remember, your body is also still adjusting the milk amount to match baby's demand.

ya, mine still flabby leh.. n still got a little pouch.. sigh.. looks like i got lots of work to do on tummy.. darn..

My hubby see me so ke lian.. he smuggled to me some small chocolate wafer biscuits from Royce.. i cried lor when i saw it.
so lucky he so supportive..

my girl this morning latch on 1 side only?? think morning milk more bah.. so, i end up with lopsided feeling in breasts and decide to pump out and i got 30ml 1 side! first time.. so happy leh..
Congrats to Vivian aka mummie_of_Rhys! Way to go!

crystallized, we wait patiently lah. My next checkup is on Thurs which is my EDD already. Will see what my gynae suggests.

Emma, what to do? If baby dun want to come out then have to sit and wait until the time lor.
how heavy is ur bb now? if my bb wasnt piling on weight, i will let him stay inside me and still wun b concerned. my EDD is 2 wks away...

yah lor, there is nothing we can do if they dun wanna come out mah. i think they oso making preparations inside us to get ready 4 the day! hahaha
Congrats mummieofrhys!!! Welcome to the club of sleep-deprived mummies! (don't know if this is gd news or bad!)

Ur hb is so sweet and nice!
That really made me smile
I think our hbs are very impt... w/o their support and love, I think we wld all go crazy

U are the 1st person I know who lost weight during pregnancy! Amazing!

Actually, Dr Keoy saw my bb while he was at TMC. I find him ok only leh... a man of little words... I found that he wouldn't volunteer information unless u ask him... but then again, diff pple prefer diff PDs with diff styles... but I think it's a gd idea to find one near ur place!

Yeah, for me it took 2 weeks, and I tore naturally, no cut... don't know if it's supposed to make a difference or not... the tub is called a "Sith Bath" if I'm not wrong and it's green and looks like a WW2 British helmet! Yeah, the Kotex maternity pads are quite good... very thick and comfortable... when I ran out I wore my regular ultra-thin pads coz I thought thinner would be better, but I was wrong! I felt the thicker the pad, the more comfortable it was when sitting down... wah, u can eat KFC! I'm so envious! (but I stole one of my hb's french fries when he bought KFC the other day, hohoho...)

All the best for tomorrow!!
Melissa's right, enjoy tonight's sleep as much as u can!

Can share how u use the lying down position to BF? All that sitting up is killing my back man...
So what are u dreaming of eating after confinement? heeheehee...

Dumpty &amp; babyzucchini,
Enjoy ur last few days! Soon u'll see ur lovely bundles of joy and like me, will be dreaming of what to eat after confinement too! (so better go and eat now, hahahahha!)

Anyone got any PD to recommend at TMC? Preferably one that gives a discount with the FBI card? heeheehee...
joon.. realli ah... actualli me also find him alright only.. hehe.. when enzo went back for cx up... he like reading script lidat.. haha...
i cant eat wat i like liao. my bb is super gd at absorbing the stuff i eat. my placenta is super efficient in delivering it to my bb oso!
i dun wan a big baby... i will feed him bai bai pang pang when he is out, not now when he is still inside me.

i bet i will dream of wat i wanna eat during confinement but now the little fellow still inside me v comfortable leh. sigh...

i am taking Dr Ong E K, which got FBI disc, i think. but i heard his queue is super long!
Hi all,
I just called TMC's parentcraft centre and spoke to Margaret (the Welsh lady) abt my BFg concerns (my milk diminishing) and she suggested these things, which I WILL RELIGIOUSLY FOLLOW FROM TODAY! I hope it helps those who, like me, are worried abt low milk supply.

1. Drink 8-10 hot drinks a day.
2. ALWAYS massage ur boobs for 5-10 minuntes before latching bb on or pumping.
3. If u have a pump, express AFTER bb has drank his fill. This empties the breast and tells the breast to produce more for the next feed.

Going to try this out... will update u all end of this week. (with positive results, I hope!)
Dr Ong EK, the famous one? No lah... I really don't want to queue... very boring leh...! But everyone says he's very good! Is he at the Singapore Baby and Child Clinic?

I eat chocolate too! My mum give me some more! hohoho...
Yah the famous Dr Ong E K lor! i will hv him as my PD but dun intend to stick to him 4 long term coz of his queue. i dunno where is the S'pore Baby &amp; Child Clinic leh. only noes he got one at TMC.
hi joon, my friend who has just given birth in july oso find tt her breastmilk diminishing and she's using ameda pump. then she recalled for the past wk the pump suction doesnt seem strong as compared to before. so she brought the pump to mickey. was told the valve was spoilt. so she got a replacement.

but now she gave up breastfeeding liao.
OH NO! She gave up??! OH NO! *sigh*... Why didn't she carry on after replacing the valve? Still can revive the milk supply. So far, my pump is ok... urs?

I'm so close to giving up coz it's boring and tiring, but I told myself : "at least 1 month then we'll see how"... and the interrupted nights are hell for my eyebags... So now, my hb will give him EBM while I pump to remove the milk... it's so much better coz it's faster!
hi joon, mine is ok so far. but these 2 days ive been pumping frequently so tt i can bring the ebm to my bb who's now in tmc for phototherapy.

she gave up not solely becos of the pump, she finds it a chore.

how much are u able to express each time? and each time how long do u express?
me pump 2 breasts at one time abt 15-20min.

the most i can get is 35ml. most of the time is only 20-25ml.

pathetic leh...

if i pumping time is too close eg. 1 or 1.5 hr apart, i can only get 15ml :p

my mum classify chocolates as junk food n "poison" to our recovering bodies.. from BF point of view, chocolate has caffeine n can't eat too much.


lying down position ah.. i start off as cradle position, then i switch to cross cradle position when moving from sitting position to lying down. i then tuck one hand under my pillow while lying on my side. i support bb's back with my body pillow so she can maintain the same sucking posture. n then i conked off too n only wake up when i feel my girl has stopped suckling..

amount is definitely lesser then wat bb can suck out.. as bb r the best breast pump in the world..

use a hot towel n massage to encourage letdown b4 u pump. u also need lots of fluids n rest. stop staring at bottle!
hi jasmine, it's so encouraging. thanks. im glad tt ive made the right choice to travel to tmc at least twice a day to breastfeed my bb... hopefully he'll recover by tomorrow on his jaundice. yday was high at 16.8. today abt 14+.
crystallized, my baby was 3.1kg last saturday. I think the size is still ok leh. How about yours?

Reading all the BF woes really kind of prepare me for the better (or worse) :p Jia you all mummies, I hope I can join in the club end of this week ;)
dumpty, ur bb size sounds juz nice leh. mine ah, alrdy 3.3kg at 38 wks. at this rate, he will hit 3.6kg at full term... hope he wun b so heavy at birth man.
ok Gals, me getting off the bench.
Just came back from checkup. doc said the amnio fluid level running low so better try to induce today instead of waiting for tomorrow. So now back home to collect luggage, bath, wash hair and back to hospital. Will try natural induction with epi first and if it does work, then go for C-sect.

Update you all when I get back in a couple of days. Tata.
melissa, it is perfectly normal for bb to want to feed often, especially in the first few days as they are probably not getting enough since your milk would have just come in. Feed on demand is very important in the first 2 weeks at least to help you establish your supply.

joon, i got all my bf tips from TMC parentcraft (mrs wong) and from all the books i used to read up too. Good to know that the 3 tips you mentioned here are same as those i mentioned before. Jia you!!

angeline, i see. thanks for sharing. take care and all the best!

crystallized, the good thing of a slightly bigger baby is they tend to be able to feed more efficiently (eat more per feed) so can last longer between feeds. Mummies can catch up on sleep.
Dr Ong Eng Keow is on 5th floor (at the millienium wing) of TMC.

jasmine, the Baby Whisperer book gives advices, insights and parenting techniques and teaches new parents to recognise potential problems and how to troubleshoot them. It teaches the "baby language" so we can understand the child from the child's point of view. It is very famous for its E.A.S.Y. approach which is a routine that enables parents to understand their infant and satisfies infants' needs.

Do check the link to browse through the book. I just got 5 mummies who PM me to enquire about the book. Looks like a lot of new mums have heard about this book.
edksd, i read before that if we can express 2 ounces using pump, we can safely estimate that bb can suckle 3 ounces from us as bb is the most efficient pump in the world!

have you tried expressing in front of your bb? maybe you can get higher yield?
yah thats the only advantage i can think of 4 bigger babies, and so-called pple say easier to take care. But then we all so scared of big babies since it means lesser chance of natural delivery. So dilemma.
Jasmine, the BM between 1am and 5am is the richest as it is meant to keep bb sleeping longer through the night. i used to wake up everynight to express once during that time so as not to waste the BM..
crystallized, i asked my gynae recently of the common practices of gynaes in singapore who would suggest induction to mumies who may have bigger babies and he maintained that induction doesn't improve chances of natural delivery, in fact more often than not, it increases chances of emergency c-sect, especially if a big baby has not engaged and cervix is not ready.

he said 95% of bb (even very big ones) will be ready for birth by latest 42 weeks and nature will ensure that the cervix is ready. if bb is not ready to be out and doc induced, mummies may not go into labour fast enough which will eventually distress bb, hence need for emergency c-sect.

so i definitely won't be inducing bb.. even if it means bb is still inside by week 40.
Hi Gals
Me still struggling with my breastfeeding. Nowadays my bb always fight with me when I try to latch him on :x Guess that's the result of using bottle but I have no choice coz he is not having enough milk.

I may have to resort to pump out the milk and feed baby instead of letting him latch on. I can pump out 110ml the most so far :x using Ameda pump.

For me, pump out is easier as my bb will take 1 hour to feed and still not full
Oh .. by the way ... the first few times when I started to pump was 10ml then 20ml then 30 ml then 40 ml etc etc .. before it reached 110 ml in the 3 weeks now ...

Aiyo .. really NOT EASY ! Didn't know breastfeeding is so TOUGH ... worse than no epidural :x
Riushiki, yeah man! I personally felt that breastfeeding is the hardest part of the first year of motherhood.

But your persistence and determination will pay off when it comes to BF. Well, look at it this way, giving your bb EBM is still better than not having any BM at all.

So do come into forum and tell us about it whenever you feel you need some encouragement.
halo gals!

brought my Rachel to PD for her checkup today. Supp to take her hep b jab today but I chose the 6-in-1 jab so the next jab will be taken when she is 2 mth old.

Was worried when everyone at her full mth celebration told me she look yellowish. PD saw her and confirmed that her jaundice is back, so PD suggested we do a liver function test on her. She had her blood taken at the hand (ouch !!! me so sim tia) and results were fine !! phew !! so PD said we dont even need to sun bath her cos it will go away in abt 1 month's time.

And she had put on 1.3kg after discharged. PD says she is growing well and ask me to cont to TBF her
so happy, at least I know my milk is feeding her well.

and i eat Ngor Hee everyday !! eh fish is one of the best source for BM leh .. dun stop taking it !!

but another concern is that Rachel tends to vomit milk frequently. PD gave some tips :

1) feed her freq with the same amt, that means dont try to increase her feeding amt which may cause more vomitting.

2) hold her in 45 deg position for 30mins - 1 hr after feeding

3) PD prescribed colic drops to be given to Rachel before feeding.

btw Mona told me that her gynae said chocolat can contract the uterus faster ! eheh I eat quite a lot during confinement as I am a chocolat lover ! But agree that it contains caffeine so eat in moderation lah. Have quitted coffee since pregnancy till now ... ahhh How i miss the taste of kopi !!

how's other babies doing ??

yah thats wat i am worried abt oso. inducing means higher chance 4 c-section. actually my fren has oso told me there r v rare cases tt baby's head is not proportionate to mummy's pelvic.

and yah the most impt factor is dilation. when cervix is still thick &amp; not effaced, think induction oso wun help. sigh...

i am juz worried coz my hips dun seemed to b big enuff and my hips merely increase by 2 or 3 inches during this pregnancy, so i got the concept tt my hips cant accomodate my bb.

i wun b inducing if there isnt any medical complications. yes, even if it means he stays inside me still at 40 wks. coz i noe its v umpt tt our cervix has dilated for labour to b successful.
welcome japancraze !!

three mummies on the waiting bench . it will eventually be your turn although the waiting seems ages . awaiting for your labour summary .

glad that all mummies here did try to breast feed and i am one who did not get really good support from those around me now except hubby , don't know how long i will last , :/ , still trying . just enter my second confinement week , did not really get constipation for the past 40 weeks during pregnancy and now i am getting it , umumum..... should have this b4 delivery then i would have practice my lousy' pushing skills ' during delivery a little more . :p . the confinement food is really heaty . can't even eat any fruits which i don't really get it , anyway , still drink black current juice when nobody is aware coz that is the only source of vitamin c i have access to currently .... don't really get it man !!!
