(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

thks Emma for helping me to reply domesticgoddess qns, Dr Ong E.K. is really very popular but he got 3 types of queue no. for his pts... 1 for babies (newborn) 1 for appt n 1 for non appt. so far he will try to see newborn 1st so e waiting time is still very fast, think becos he dont want our babies to stay at e waiting area with full of sick children too long

ilovebabies.... like Rachel my Zhaohui is still very yellow... his jaundice nv goes off... did e liver functioning test too n his liver was fine so PD says his is breastmilk jaundice so not to worry n dont have to sunbath him if not later he become bronze in colour... during his 1 month celebration me so stress cos everybody is saying he is very yellow n keeps telling me to sunbath him butlucky yesterday i ask PD n PD says dont need sunbath...

hi elaine, ilovebabies, what's the jaundice level of ur bb? dr ong told me above 20 is dangerous. but why some PD never bother huh?
My bb's jaundice is 10.6 ... put him off breastmilk for 36 hours and dropped to 9.6 ... pd said can continue with breastmilk and just take note if he get more yellow. Didn't do the liver test :x

For those having problems with breastfeeding, my friend has a word for me "as long as bb is not hungry ... dun take it too hard whether it's cow milk or mummy's milk" To satisfy his hunger is much more important

Really stressful to keep thinking of providing enough breastmilk for bb ...
hi riushiki, can i ask u something abt breastfeeding? if let's say

10am - i pumped.

11am - i breastfeed, do u think bb is able to still get the amt of milk he needs consider the fact tt earlier on i've just pumped out milk 1 hr ago.
hi edksdid,

last time Zhaohui admitted with jaundice 19 but discharged at 8.3
but after he is back home e jaundicestart to come back again... last tues when he is 23days old i brought him back to see Dr Ong cos Zhaohui cries until he has hoarse voice n also i find him yellow. so Dr Ong ask to have liver functioning test done for him becos he says tat jaundice should goes off at Day 21 normally, lucky Zhaohui's liver is alrite but jaundice level is 14.3 but Dr Ong just ask me to monitor his stools n urine colour. yesterday was Zhaohui 2nd Hep B jab so go see Dr Ong again n he says since Zhaohui's liver is functioning well so his jaundice should goes off n he mention he got 1 baby whose jaundice only goes off at 3rd month.
riushiki... i agree... as long as we try our best.. there's nothing much else we can do... stress will only hinder milk production... right?
most impt thing is baby is healthy and not hungry lahz..

jaundice level too high can cause brain damage to baby.... if e level is higher than 15 baby willhave to go under phototherapy... if very high then some will end up having e need to exchange blood..
hi elaine, how many days of phototherapy zhaohui has to go thru?

my son was admitted w 16.8. after 1 day of phototherapy, he's now 14+. today is the 2nd day of phototherapy. hopefully tomorrow can discharge.

im still on total breastfeeding for my son. what abt u? dr ong didnt say anything abt stopping bf.
hi all, im just wondering why my bb is still pooing meconium (duno how to spell), tot he's on total bf, shld be pooing greenish yellow stool.

today is officially my last day of confinement and my anniversary with my hubby leh ehhehe


yes my PD said no need to sunbath rachel as well. Her level was 10.6 today. She was 10.1 when she discharged with me, and went back to mt A as her level went up to 14.


dun worry, the nurses at the hospital will make sure bb is under phototherapy 24 hrs a day except feeding time and also bb is receiving enuff fluid. the level will drop fast under their care ... ok ?

not too sure abt the brain damage thing as PD din mentioned to me. She is only concern for the liver. anyway glad to know rachel is ok ... the pain she went thru today to extract the blood is worth it then

oh btw edksd ... i encounter the same scenario as you. I pumped and emptied my breast and bb was crying suddenly. Think she wasnt really full at her last feed so I still latch her on. And when she stopped, i can see a lot of milk inside her mouth. In fact the pump do not empty our breast totally leh ...

I compared the amt of time the pump and bb takes to empty the breasst ... bb takes half the time I presume as I feel my breasts is softer in a shorter period of time. Try that out ..
My bb is 5 days old and she is already pooing dark brown stools. Meconium was there on the first 3 days. I guess your baby doesn't have enough milk? Try to breastfeed on demand and make him suck your nipple until he totally rejects it.
Hey girls...

do your babies like struggle in their sleep? enzo is constantly like struggling till he is like so red.... but never wake up one... is that normal..
Yes she stretches and struggles and make funny noises when she's asleep, just like daddy.. hehe I find it cute, not unusual.

My bb is now 6 days old and poo is like kaya spread hehehe.

looks like you are enjoying your bonding time with bb!

my girl's meconium went off on 4th (brownish) to 5th day (mustardy liquidy yellow). Are you able to measure her weight? she should have started to regain some weight if she is feeding ok.

For BF babies, ensure she have 6-8 wet nappies in 24 hrs and min 4 x poo (though normally can be 6-8 times!)

For formula fed babies, poo can be lesser, but urine should be more..

to know if bb is still hungry, look out for tongue action and if u stroke the cheeks n she open her mouth.. also if she attempt to suck her fingers.

emma, my girl also struggles n stretches, but for her, it means.. MORE MILK! occurs in between breasts..
hi edksd

ya i think you shld latch bb more often to flush out meconium.

read this:

last nite gave rachel the colic drop that PD prescribed and it is very effective. She can burp very easily and she did not vomit milk last nite. Wow .. will cont to do it daily.

and now I put her on a baby chair that inclines at 45deg after each feed for at least 30 mins.

last nite she can suckle for 1.5hrs .. the longesst record so far and she is still hungry. can feel my almost fulled breast being emptied by her oredi and she still cries for more ... wonder if it's growing spurt for her ??

today managed to freeze my 1st bottle of BM of about 80ML since my expressed output can meet her demands now.

will be returning to work on 13 Nov but may clear 10 days of leave after ML so the frozen milk can be used to feed Rachel since it expires in 3 mths time i.e. 19 Dec
for mums who feed babies direct from breast, pls enlighten me...cos recently i start feeding Zhaohui direct instead of expressing but i find tat he is asking for milk almost every hr...

tat means after feeding him he can only manage to zzzz for an hr then wake up to ask for milk again... unlike expressing he usually ask for milk only every 2-3 hrs... hai.... i'm really tired latching him n wishes to change back to expressing cos at least hubby can help feed him.
Do u all have similar problems??

u r not alone !! see my post abv... my gal can suck for 1.5 hrs and wake up 1 hr later !! why ah ? need to warm milk like EBM then can last longer ah ? ahah that's the difference I see in our BM and EBM.

as for latch on, bb find that it is v comfy so tends to doze off easily thus they only feed a small amt each time .. so they wake up faster. but sometimes I find that it is not good for the bb as they dont rest well. But we need to latch them on to est our supply leh. v contradicting lor.

so now I alt betw EBM and latching. Gotta balance both else milk supply will go down.
Jasmine, i tried lying method and she can get hold of my breast easily unlike sitting position, but she tend to vomit out the milk when my breast was removed from her mouth. Dunno y leh.

ilovebabies, you are using avent steriliser also right, do you de-scaling using the citric acid? I dun quite understand the instruction written on the citric acid packaging leh
lying down method, bb milk tend to flow to stomach slower, so, some milk will regurgitate out..
you can try burping bb in between breasts.. using a pillow to slightly elevate bb while feeding will help also leh..

Also, maybe your milk flow better when u ly on your side, cos u squeezing one side of ur breast?? such that bb can't cope with the flow so well lor..

bb find it comforting to nap n suckle n they fall asleep faster..so amount taken iz smaller lor... but their suction is much better then pumps!

Why don't u feed EBM via bottle at the last feed before sleeping and for the night feeds? This way, baby will still be used to bottle..

I wish i can do that.. but i got not much milk to express now as i latch most of the time..... not responding to pumping in the daytime.. though more successful in morning!
Jasmine,yah i think my milk flow to fast cos everytime when i wanna bf her my breast will keep leaking the milk until my gal face and clothes with milk. so messy leh. I like lying method but milk will regurgitate out lor. As for sitting position she always have problem geting hold of my areola. So sad therefore most of the time i bottle feed her. But scare she will reject my breast in future leh
hi can i check w u all...

if i put bottle A of ebm in the fridge (not freezer).

the next day i express another bottle B of ebm and oso keep in the fridge.

few hrs later, can i combine bottle A and bottle B together in one bottle?
when i latch bb on, he will suckle and after a while, he tends to doze off.

ive to keep him awake by touching his cheeks. this can go on forever.

is he tired or is it my supply too slow?
ive another qn...

if let's say im now pumping milk (to stimulate more supply). after im done, who knows, half hr later, bb wakes up and want to suckle.

so i latch on. but i wonder if bb is able to get any milk??? coz i just pumped out not long ago mah... maybe still left a little la... but duno enough for bb or not...

sigh... so many qn abt breastfeeding...
one last qn...

for storing of milk... do u all use bottles or bags?

tt time i got some bottles from tmc, but they say dun reuse for too many times coz sometimes the glass inside crack, and we wont be able to see the cracked glass pieces...

so im wondering what other choices and what brand is good and convenient?
does any of ur gynae measure ur hb count? hamaeglobin blood count.

mine does. it's low 8+... alamak... so ive to take folic acid... just wondering how else can i up the count....
Wow so many questions!! Can't answer all but I'll try within my very limited knowledge. Of course, congrats for brown poo! Hehe. My bb now has yellowish poo.

About combining milk, think I won't do that, but if you don't want to waste milk A, use milk A first, then use milk B. My bb oso doze off while suckling but i read somewhere that this is normal, see when she suck, she's trying to get milk into the mouth. The pause means she's swallowing the milk. And it's very comfortable for them, that's why they doze off so I always touch bb's cheek to wake her up. So it's a "no" for both of your question.

I haven't pumped yet, if I feel engorged, I will force feed or try to make bb feed until she reject my nipple. So I can't answer any pumping questions. However, I think it's a good idea to keep latching if u pump so that your milk supply is consistent.

My gynae did not do blood count. On my first follow-up visit, she only check my episiotomy wound and gave me that topical spray like u mentioned before and check for blood clots and all that. She said keep taking the DHA pills and prenatal vitamins. There's nothing wrong with continuing folic acid too. Now I take Enfamama milk formula for breastfeeding mom.

Thanks I am enjoying bonding time even though I don't get enough sleep anymore. I've learn to take naps in the afternoon when bb is asleep. Luckily I get all the help around the house so it works for me. And keep sharing those tips! They're useful!

Appreciate your shared tips too! Keep them coming and there's nothing to repeat them once in a while for new mommies who just popped!
do u all intend to go to PD or polyclinic for all bb's vaccination? what's the price difference and what're the pros and cons?

yes I am using Avent Steriliser, and I just de-scaled it few days ago.
Which part you dun understand ?

ok here's what i did

1) get ready 200ML of water and pour in one packet of citric acid. stir it and make sure the citric acid dissolves.

2) pour the abv into the sterliser and let it run on Mode 1. you see some black particles coming out from the bottom of the steriliser. Wait for 1-2 mins then switch off the supply.

3) leave it in the steriliser for 30mins and pour it away

4) run the steriliser in mode 1 without any item inside.


you can mix EBM that is expressed within 24 hrs. Say bottle A is expressed yday at 4pm, and bottle B is expressed this morning at 10am, so u can mix them both and feed your bb. rem to shake well before mixing them. Mt A nurses assured that I can do it this way. btw after I warm the milk, I make sure they are consumed by bb within 1 hr, if not I'll throw away. Wont use it for next feed even though some websites say can.

btw pump will not be able to empty our breast as effective as our bb. Thus there is always milk in our breast even after you pump. I did latch my bb after I pump and realised there's still milk for her. if there's not enuff milk, your bb will cry for more right? if not means he/she is contented.

i am still taking NeuroGain PB Plus and calcium. Calcium is impt as they are depleting from our body via BF.

I have asked for 6-in-1 jab to be done at my PD's clinic when Rachel turns 2 mths old.
hi japancraze, how old is your first child? mine is 24 month old. How are you preparing your older child for the arrival of #2?

whatzup, I am one of the 3 still on the bench, i guess.... err... so few left. Oh, why can't eat fruits during confinement?

elaine, thanks for enlightening! I didn't realise that Dr Ong EK has 3 queues.. that will greatly influence my decision.

riushiki, the best way to gauge if mummy is producing enough milk to satisfy baby is bb's weight gain. So don't be stressed about it and comparing amounts between bb also doesn't help as each bb has different appetite and growth spurts. Try be relaxed about it.

Emma, Enzo is really cute! Aww.. reminds me of my son when he was still newborn.
edksd, BM can be stored in fridge for up to 48 hrs and actually you can mix EBM expressed at different times as long as they are all within the 48 hours. However, their temperatures must be same when mixed, ie. cannot mix cold EBM with freshly expressed EBM.

I used to store EBM in freezer using Medela freezer storage bags to save space and also I didn't have that many bottles to spare. I used Medela (yellow cap) bottles to store EBM in fridge.
domesticgoddess.. thanx!!! realli remind u of ur son when u was small? hehe.. so cute... soon you'll see ur other little one... looking juz like his gor gor.. hehe... so exciting hor..
Hi Ladies,

Sorry for the interuption.

Im from July MTB, I have a pack of S Size Drypers for sale. Used onli bout 4 to 6 pcs so i think left with about 58 pcs. As they are too small for my gal. Selling the 58 pcs for $10 only.

Pls PM me if interested.

Dear All,

I am finally back. Managed to get internet access with dial up connection. But the speed damn slow! I almost zzzz when waiting for the pages to appear!

Anyway, thanks to Melissa for updating the timetable and yes, I delivered on 11th Sept (wat a day) to my little prince, Wayne. And he weigh 3.15kg (the weight was unexpected)....

I am currently on mix BM and FM. My BM flow was fine but I tot too little. So i have to supplement him with FM. I have been eating fish everyday, hoping to get the flow ... but it seems I am jus a cow with limited milk. haa!!

Wayne has mild jundice and since yesterday, he started to get heat rashes. Oh gosh, I see him, i heartpain! His whole face damn red! Will try to put him out in a much airy living room to sleep and see how it goes.

How's everyone doing now???? So the bench no one already huh... or still got MTB waiting and waiting....
I am using an abdominal binder. I bought it from my massage lady. I signed up for my massage lady on a 7times session and she comes almost everyday to massage. She will use a cloth to tie my tummy everytime.. at night, when i need to wash up, i will remove the cloth and replace with the binder.

Coz my tummy still quite big after delivery.. so i have to use the binder lor!!! Hoping it will work!
littlepony, my bb also has mild jaundice.. doc said mild so just sun her every morning for 10 mins.. hope ur bb is fine.. not too sure wat caused heat rash.. but read tat it is normal..
I am also using binder
hehe.. but because after c-sect, need binder to "hold" the uterus so that walking will not be painful for me

But stupid GlenE sold me the binder at $60+ but no choice cause 3rd day need to start walking abit..binder was necessary to reduce level of pain

hi cereal im oso using the binder coz of the c-sect. but i realised the binder is getting looser leh. today is the 9th day after my delivery. i started to walk the next day after delivery.
