(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

the reason why the binder is loose is whenever we sit down, there'll be creases created on the binder from my fat tummy and thighs and buttock. hehe.... so the whole binder seems a bit out of shape already.

do u intend to do post natal massage? when? im thinking of doing after 14 days. duno still in time to slim down the tummy or not.

Cereal, i bought mine for $45. Heard from my massage lady that it's the cheapest and she bought it from Mustafa. So for those who wants to get a binder, maybe can ask hubby go there and find.

Edksd, the binder maybe getting looser becos you slim down already leh??? heeeeee!

i didnt know the compulsory vaccinations are free at polyclinics!!

then why do some pple still prefer to go to PD for the compulsory vaccinations?

what abt those non-compulsory vaccinations like rotavirus or pneumoccal?? is it cheaper at polyclinics or the same?

anyone knows what's the diff between taking 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 vaccination?
My confinment lady say if bb wants to sleep and misses his or her feeds, it's fine. Don't have to force them to wake up because it's better for bb to sleep than eat. Sleeping helps to build up the brain... and when they are hungry, they will surely wake up for their milk.
Here's pic of my little boy, Wayne Ng
Hi Sept mommies,

I brought a msg from dumpty. Her gynae said she got high blood and suggested C section this afternoon. So her operation is scheduled for 4.30pm this afternoon. Will update you all once I got the good news from her.
Littlepony..Wayne is cute.. wat is he looking at? haha...

edksd, my binder still ok leh.. anyway my binder adjustable, can go as tight as i want to.....
I will do massage for sure, my massage lady called me when i was still in hospital, then i told her i had emergency c-section and she said that then can only do massage after 2-3 weeks. She said that one of her client had c-sect and insisted on doing it on her 8th day and massage lady did not recommend that but the woman insisted and she no choice but to do it as per her wish. So it is wise to do it on 3rd week ba.. this is my plan...
hi gals

ok i think I'll ask hubby to get one binder for me too ... cant stand the flabbiness !

littlepony.. ahah finally u r back
ya what is wayne looking at ? he looked so focused !

wow congrats to dumpty ! so there's one MTB less on the bench ? who else ? domesticgoddess and ??
Welcome back! Wayne is just so adorable! I love it when they purse their lips like that
So cute...

Motherhood no joke huh? I see u have time to log on today
We brought Der Nen to the doc yesterday so I had no free time to log on...

Now that ur confinement is over... when are u going to start bringing Rachel out?
I'm DYING to get out of the house... was so happy yesterday when we went to the doctor... I even psycho-ed my hb to drive to BK to buy his lunch just so I could sit longer in the car... then at the car park, I got to drive and park the car!!!!! So happy! (coz we were illegally parked and a car park lot became free) What a wonderful day
My hb even gave me 4 french fries, 3 chicken cheesesticks and 2 sips of Coke. He also bought me a Timeout chocolate bar... wahhhhh... for once, no ngor hee! I miss junk food!

Oh, can I ask? How long is everyone's confinement? I thought it was 1 month, but my MIL said 40 days yesterday. I almost fell out of my chair. Wah lao... really meh? Not 1 month??
joon, u super funny! Jus like small gal. Hahaha..anyway I think most of us are like tat now. My HB attempt to buy me MacChicken...but i have lost interest in all food....All meat, vege & fish taste e same...Eeeee
ilovebabies, thanks for ur info on mixing the breastmilk within 24 hrs.

domesticgoddess, is the storage bags better or bottles?

I used to store EBM in freezer using Medela freezer storage bags to save space and also I didn't have that many bottles to spare. I used Medela (yellow cap) bottles to store EBM in fridge.
Chng's wife..my binder is called Dale Abdominal Binder.. i got this from GlenE hospital.

Joon.. no joke man! everyday perspiring like a pig, and feed like a cow!! Like animal farm!!!!! Even when i on my laptop everyday, b4 i can do anything to it... wah lau.. feeding time liao...cow-at-work. Hardly any sleep also...
Wah.. u ladies dun tempt me abt chicken leh..
arrgghhh... my mum say i cannot eat chicken bcoz of the stitches....So i eat fish everyday, so that I can have more milk and be a better cow..... mooooo mooooo moooo....
I know! I've been sweating and sweating and sweating! And cannot bathe... jia lat... I feel damn gross, carrying the baby, all my sweat and germs and shit like that... this confinement is making me damn grumpy.

Chng's wife,
Trust me, junk food tastes better than what we've been eating everyday! (especially Coke!) I think u shld give the McChicken another shot, hahaha...

I'm using glass bottles and the avent milkbags now, but glass bottles most of the time... coz it's easier to store and pour etc... I didn't use the original caps though... I bought the reusable plastic caps from the pharmacy at TMC... I read online that bottles and bags are equally ok for storing BM.
my boy has got heat rash too! It started from one side of his cheek and spread to the whole face. Now his face is red and covered with pimply like spots....really heart pain....
While this is common for newborn as what my coll says, she said for her case, her bb's rash went off in abt 1-2 mths...gosh, is it really goin to take this long?

u funny gal ... i haven plan to bring Rachel out .. but tot of going compass pt tmr to get the binder from Kiddy palace. but hor gotta plan properly, cos if I feed her EBM from bottle, it can last her for 3 hrs so that's the best time to bring her out

ya my mum said I need to eat confinement food for 40 days. but i guess my confinement is over as she said I can bath daily oredi

my milk has been leaking and i really smell of milk ok ... or rather smell like a cow haha

prob will take Mac for lunch tmr ? but hor we cant eat such sinful stuff as we are still BF-ing our baby.
Joon, I bathe everyday :p and wash my hair alternate days.. hehe. Can't stand it.. really everyday perspire, and i tot after delivery..bb come out liao..will not perspire..but...
Anyway.. i not only bathe everyday, but also wipe down once or twice a day depending on how bad i smell..haha...
hi all
i've delivered on 14/9 n its been exactly 1 wk

hv an urgent qn to ask: i hv been expressing BM and keep in the frdige. when bb needs it then i warm it up. i'm wondering if bb doesnt finish that bottl of EBM, can i put it back in the frdige again and use it a few hrs later for the next feed?

any help is greatly appreciated!
congrats michelle !

i know some websites say it is ok to leave it to next feed but they did not elaborate whether we can warm the milk again or mix with the next feed's milk ?
thus I throw them away, thinking that I can still get milk by expressing.
michelle, better not risk la, i will not keep the unfinished milk back and feed again later. I know it feels sad coz EBM is like sooooo precious... but no choice. So maybe next time, u express the usual amt that ur bb eats, and use another bottle to continue to express.. so that u dun waste any EBM that are in excess for bb's needs...
ya lor... EBM is SOOOOO damn precious! pump n pump to get so litte then later bb doesnt finish it so sayang to throw :p but i guess no choice lor since we only want the best for them

anyway i still hv to supp wif formula cos BM stil not enuf to meet his demand yet.

anybody got numb fingers after deliver? i can hardly feel my fingers as i type noW!

You can't put it back in fridge. EBM that already come into contact with bb's saliva will start to deteriorate.. Your fingers are numb? izzit due to epidural?

i am using mostly glass bottles for my EBM, as i don't pump out much. But i do have AVENT milk liners on standby.. i accumulate those that i pump out up in lower fridge to a max of 2 days (48 hrs) before i freeze it, in multiples of 30ml now as my girl tend to drink that amount after latching on if still hungry..
jasmine, thks for the advice. i will certainly not do it again fr now on!

i did not hv epi - i had petahdine instead. but my dr was saying wat i hv is water retention and it shd go away in 6 wks.. sucha long time sigh.. the numbness seems to be worse after i deliver. during preg, still manageable.

anyway here's a pic of ethan taken just this morning:

cereal, u bath everyday!!! Haha...Me too! Secretly bath everyday, then tell my in law I washing my wound. Hehehehe. Yest, hubby brought me to salon for hair wash...soooo shiok!!!! But i think e salon kind of cheat my $$. They know I'm doing confinement and charge me $13 for a hair wash..
btw, bb's skin looks very dry and kinda peeling leh. anybody got tips? i apply johnson's baby lotion lite . or is there a better alternative out there?
cereal, I staying with in law mah. Very traditional one u know...cannot do this cannot do tat. How to wash at home!?!
Chng's wife,
I was secretly laughing when I read ur post cos it applies to me too! hee... I told my mum I'm washing my wound which in fact i'm washing off the shower foam from my body..haha..I'm now looking forward to Sat when I'm goin to salon to have a thorough hair wash b4 my bb full mth celebration on Sun!! Can't wait!!
chocolat, super envy lor! Sun full mth liao. Me still long way to go man... Dunno how many times i need to sneak out of e hse to wash hair man.
Hi michelle!
We have the same birthday remember? Hah! Your bb looks mature ley like dun look so newborn looking, maybe b'cos he has a head full of hair!

My bb has heat rash too but my PD gave me a cream to apply. It has only been 2nd application and the heat rash seems to go away already. So happy to see that bb's skin is clearer now.

I also use the abdominal binder. But mine is the cloth kind that's tied around the waist. It's tighter than any velcro-based binders and I'm excited to see that my tummy is slimming down!

Did anybody shave their bb's head?
Hi all.. so many of u suffering like me... but me ate a McChicken alr... my MIL says ok.. so my hubby bot... my mother nothing to say.. haha... the next morning, my mom bot me a fillet-o-fish for breakfast somemore... now my only craving is for an ice cold COKE... drools.....

me also shower secretly.. hehe.. when my mom goes to the market... shhh....

14 days to go till my confinement is over... me gonna go dye my hair... or rebond... still considering.... hmm....
Chng's wife,
tell ur mum u gotta go for chk up? hee..so bad ask u to lie..Anyway, can wash with herbs right. u know so far I only wash my hair once and I'm now in my 4th week...other times, I'm only using dry shampoo..no choice lo, able to secretly bathe I consider a blessing alrdy.
joon, jasmine, the bottles u used to store ebm is it from hosp or any particular brand?

i got some from tmc but they told me not to re-use it too many times. usually they re-use once and recommend throw away the bottle.

so im thinking what's a better long term way.

for those of u who feed bb w ebm, are u using NUK premium teat? arent u afraid bb will get nipple confusion?
bb has already taken bcg and hep B 1st vaccination at the hosp. can we still take 6-in-1 vaccination which oso includes the hep B 1st vaccination. isnt it a repeat?
Hi mummies,

I'm back to share my labour story

2pm Got show & mild contraction started. Was busy with work therefore didn't check timing but call gynae and he say if not intense then c him at nite in the clinic.
7pm Gynae check and 3 cm dilate ask me to admit tmc & induce that nite. Actually if possible would like to delay one more day as my wedding anniversary is on the 17th. But gynae said wun not be able to drag

11.30pm Reach TMC, nurse prepare everything & waiting for gynae to come to break waterbag.
12pm Waterbag was burst, given a drip to induce.
12.30pm Pain was getting intense almost every minute cry for epidural.
1.00pm was given epidural.
2.00pm Dilate to 4cm. nurse said go to sleep
4.00pm was awake by next door baby was born
4.30pm Gynae came over & said ok already fully diate can push. With about 4-6 pushes, bb was out.

Was busy adjusting to bb schedule. Was on total breastfeeding till the day we bring her back. Everthough I feed her everyhour she still hungry so no choice feed her formular.

Up to now still not able to pump out much milk only abt 10-20ml. no wonder she always hungry

Got to attend to her liao.
same here, first thing I'll do is to rebond my hair..cant stand my hair alrdy it has been so unmanageable since preg and now worse...
heeh u gals are funny

tell u wat, i secretly bath almost daily. tell my mum I am cleansing myself with boiled water .. but I actually rinse myself and apply body shampoo on armpits. Dont dare to apply on whole body else she can smell it heheh but better than nothing right ?

guess what, me eating ice cream now ! shiok man .. miss the taste for so long and mum finally agreed !!


my gal took hep B 1st jab at birth and I opted for 6-in-1 as well. Think it only hep B 2nd jab leh.

i am using the glass bottles from friends and Mt A for storage of my EBM. Glass bottles can be reuse right ? unless you are referring to the metal caps. The nurses say the caps cannot be reuse so I bgt the plastic caps from Mt A pharmacy.

I am using the NUK teats for my gal .. so far so good leh .. she can adapt quite well to both the teats and my breasts.

u gals rebonding ur hair so soon ?? me intend to do it before I go back to work leh ... seems like rebonding is still a trend ah ? hehe

but it's ok to do it even if we BF-ing right ?
ilovebabies, no it's the bottles tt the nurses at tmc told me cannot reuse too many times.

are u using the latex or silicone teat? i notice the latex one the color will lighten a bit after sterilising. looks scary.

did u take 6-in-1 from polyclinic or ur PD?
ilovebabies!!! u v bad lehz... tempt us with ur ice cream!!! notti notti....

long straight hair is always nice mahz... never out of fashion one..
hmmm then i am not sure. if the glass bottles cnt be reuse, then wat else can we use ?? anyway my frens have been using them for their bb, so shld be ok, dun worry

i am using the silicone one, so far so gd. ya the latex one dun look promising to me and the instruction note says to boil it with milk b4 use to get rid of the smell.... so ma fan !!!

i am taking the 6-in-1 frm PD. saw alot of discussion on this in aug thread... so much info...
emma hahaha not to tempt u gals but to encourage all of u to persevere.... and enjoy the fruits of labour....heheh

me intend to cut the layered bob hairstyle and rebond it hehe

i using the glass bottles leh..
so far ok..

i getting confused over all the jabs!! keke... but celine in aug thread juz share good info about 6 in 1 @ national healthcare group polyclinic.. cheapest i have heard so far!

wonder if the toa payoh polyclinic which is under national healthcare group, have this 6 in 1 boh..

ya just saw the post. v confusing indeed. anyway i am not going to do so many research... just take what the PD suggested and as long as it means lesser jabs (torture) for Rachel, i am ok
ilovebabies and cereal,
Haaa. Wayne is looking at his black and white picture book... he loves looking at the zebra picture... and always very focused. haaa!!

ya.. my confinement lady said that heat rashes sometimes last for a couple of months leh. I hope not so long ... i hope my bb will look handsome on his 1st month celebration. Oh, my CL said that you can apply calamine lotion on his face. If the rashes get worse, then perhaps i will use it.

It's normal for bb's skin to look dry and peeling. In fact, you don't have to apply any lotion. The peeling is just shed of skin... and bb will get new skin... so don't have to worry!!

Haa!! All of you so naughty .. secretly bathing .... actually, me too!! but i didn't bathe.. i just keep using towel to wipe myself... just to keep clean... but i don't dare to wash my hair yet!! I juz got my 1st bubble bath this morning with herbal water! Damn shiok!!!

hey quick qn again (sorry so many things to ask)

if breasts are leaking milk, does it mean i shd pump again even if i just pumped like 2 hrs ago?
