(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, aiyyyyyyooo finally! heehee..

From Brenda Peh
To Account POSB Savings
104-06508-2 Mrs See
Amount S$45.00
Transaction Reference 1478752447

Thanks for your patience! ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yasmine</font></font>, hihi!

Hi, I am a Sep 06 mum but too busy to join in the chat... Could I join in the party?

It will be:
Alice (favgiraffe)+ Andrew + BB Aaron + maybe Helper

Will transfer funds later tonight. Okie?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">favgiraffe</font></font>, hihi! yes of cos! the more the funner!
Once you've transfered the funds pls PM Alicia to let her know ya

Alicia's Account Info:
POSB Savings
Amount S$45.00

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash</font><font color="119911"> on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC</font></font>
Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean + Adele - Paid
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + Chloe - Paid
3. PG + Sean + Chloe - Paid
4. Joon + Der Nen - Paid
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann - Paid
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve - Paid
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James - Paid
11. emoments + helper + Dylan - Paid
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann - Paid
13. Kieran's Mummy(Dec Thread) + Hub + BB Kieran
14. Ling + James + Sophie
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier
16. Alice (favgiraffe)+ Andrew + BB Aaron + maybe Helper

Total Cost: $688 nett
Total Current BBs: 16
Current Each BB Cost: $43.00

<font color="ff0000">Alicia will make the $$ diff to us on the actual day</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">X'mas Bash on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC</font></font>

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean + Adele - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
3. PG + Sean + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
4. Joon + Der Nen - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
11. emoments + helper + Dylan - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
13. Lynn + Hub + BB Kieran - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
14. Ling + James + Sophie
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
16. Alice (favgiraffe)+ Andrew + BB Aaron + maybe Helper

Total Cost: $688 nett
Total Current BBs: 16
Current Each BB Cost: $43.00

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Brenda</font></font>, thanks for helping me to include Alice's name into the list.

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">favgiraffe</font></font>, welcome! Looking forward to seeing you, your hubby and Aaron on Sat. Please also PM me your mobile no so that we can contact you.

<font color="119911">Mommies who signed up for the X'mas bash - I will make the $$ difference to you on the actual day once we have confirmed the total no of toddlers attending the party.</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC</font></font>

Confirmed Attendance at this moment: (Maximum is 20 babies)
Mummy | Hubb | Baby
1. Alicia + Sean + Adele - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
2. Jaimie + (Hub?) + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
3. PG + Sean + Chloe - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
4. Joon + Der Nen - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
5. Buttons + Sam + Jovann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
6. Brenda + Shawn + Arianne - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
7. Laura Mok + (Hub?) + Melody
8. Joanne + Benard + Maeve - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
9. Eling + Maybe HB, Maybe Helper + Amabel
10. Joyce + Joe + James - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
11. emoments + helper + Dylan - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
12. Cheekz + Hub + Rae Ann - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
13. Lynn + Hub + BB Kieran - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
14. Ling + James + Sophie - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
15. Phoebe + helper + Javier - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>
16. Alice (favgiraffe)+ Andrew + BB Aaron + maybe Helper - <font color="aa00aa">Paid</font>

Total Cost: $688 nett
Total Current BBs: 16
Current Each BB Cost: $43.00

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">HO! HO! HO! ITS PARTY TIME TOMORROW!</font></font>
Oh yeah!! <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Party!!</font></font> Not too sure if it's too late to suggest this.. Shall we all dress our bbs in <font size="+2"><font color="119911">green</font> or <font color="000000">white</font> or <font color="ff0000">red</font> or a combi of all or 2</font>?? Just thought it would be fun to see that happens! heehee.. party mummies try try ok!! See u all tmr!
Hi Alicia,

I have made atm trsf of S$43 this morning. Kindly check..

Ref : 1118

Oh yes, cos my hubby is working on a project and he is not free to join us. Can i ask my sister & brother in law to join me?

Laura + melody + my sis + my bro in law
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash on 15 Dec from 4 - 6pm @ MyGym GWC</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Mommies who signed up - I have checked with My Gym. They do not limit the no of adults accompanying the babies/toddlers during the 2 hours session. It is not necessary to wear socks too. Just one more gentle reminder, please try to be there 10 mins earlier if you can as I need time for registration. Thanks!</font>
Hi may be a little late as Aaron wakes up around 4pm for his nap.. will try to make him take his nap earlier...

Looking forward to the party
Hi Alicia, so sorry for the delay

To Account POSB Savings 104-06508-2 ALICIA
Amount S$43.00
Transaction Reference 1483120847
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'mas Bash</font></font>

First of all, a big <font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Thank You</font></font> to everyone who participated in the party yesterday noon. It was great to see so many babies/toddlers enjoying themselves and hopefully the daddies n mommies too! Hope to see all of you soon again!

Also special thanks to <font color="0000ff">Brenda, Buttons and Joon</font> for helping out in organizing this bash and making this a big success! Thanks gals!
Christmas Party
Hi all, esp to Alicia n those who made it possible, thanks so much for organising it. I think SOphie really enjoyed herself.

I didn't realise that she was falling sick. She was coughing a bit just before we came but I thought it was just sth uncomfortable in the throat. But when we left the party, she developed a slight fever and she's now coughing a bit and just generally unwell.

So, I'm really sorry if any of your babies catches any bug as a result of this! So sorry... really pray that no one does.

Looking forward to see the picts!!!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">X'Mas</font><font color="119911">Bash</font></font>

Wooo! So fun! Aiyoh, DN really really really had lots of fun yesterday. I think his favourite part of the afternoon was when his mommy was not looking so he could run amok and pull dangerous stunts on the gym equipment.

My favourite part was when all the babies sat down for their snacks! So cute. If you guys have those pics, please post okay? Kayu me forgot to bring my camera.

No need to thank me! I didn't do squat! It was you and Brenda who pulled the whole thing off! Thanks thanks thanks

Thanks (again) for organising B!
It was indeed a fun afternoon. So glad that so many mommies turned up.

Oh no! I hope Sophie gets better soon! Is she still having a fever today? Gosh, can't believe that she's unwell. She looked super happy on the swing yesterday!

So happy to see you and ... Maeve yesterday! I tried what u did with Maeve last night (the sleep training) and I managed to put DN back to sleep at 1230am but when he woke up later (ard 4am I think?) I forgot that I had started sleep training and latched him on.
Hi everyone!

The "J" family really really enjoyed ourselves yesterday. James has never seen so many other babies before and he was all excited jabbling away.

And a miracle happened - he was able to sit at the table without pulling off the tablecloth for more than 5 minutes haha! So Brenda guess you're right! Peer pressure works!

Thanks Alicia for organising this! Let's make it an annual affair!!
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">hO <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">hO</font></font> hO!</font></font>

Yesterday party was indeed a bash! So glad that the turn out was so good!

Nice to meet all of the mummies and babies I haven't met before and of cos those I haven't seen for awhile! ;)

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, thanks for everything you've done *pat pat*!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Joon</font></font>, ya that's my favorite part too! Seeing them all at the table (well err.. A was there like 5 minutes also count la) so cute ya heehee.. For the pics, once I sort out mine, I'll send you some
also for you girls, <font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font> <font color="000000">and</font> <font color="119911"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font> ya..

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Joyce</font></font>, yes I was convinced when I saw my Arianne doing it at the class we attended and it was further affirmed by the coach who took us the parenting course on last Sat that it's encouraged to let kids sit together and eat! Guess we are imparting the wine & dine concept to them this early la.. heehee..

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">mErrY</font> <font color="119911">x'MaS</font></font> everyone!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>

Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this <font color="ff0000">Xmas/CNY</font> festive seasons! Thanks for your support of this BP!!
hi everyone,thanks for organising the party, especially to alicia & brenda..thanks!
kieran did enjoy himself though he got frightened by the parachute...timid boy...

glad to see the mummies behind the blog too.. i been reading up you mummies blog regularly and i can say i really enjoy reading up

hopefully i can join you mummies future outings if you all don't mind..

a merry christmas to all mummies and babies...
-kieran's mummy
<font color="ff0000">Hi Mummies @ X'mas Bash</font>

My family had a lovely time yesterday. Thanks to Alicia, Brenda and all mummies who chipped in to support the party.

My favourite part was when the kids are snacking too. Looking at the picture now I can't help but to feel as if my daughter is all grown up. I can almost imagine her having her tea break at kindy. Ha ha!

<font color="ff0000">Joon</font>, my husband managed to get some shots of DN on his camera. Have pm-ed you the link.

<font color="ff0000">Ling</font>, sorry to hear about Sophie's illness. Hope she gets well soon.

<font color="aa00aa">Ling, Joon, Joyce, Brenda, Berry n PG</font>, you are most welcome! I had fun organizing the bash too! And the best part is seeing how the babies/toddlers enjoy themselves. It is definitely worth the effort!

<font color="ff0000">favgiraffe</font>, So sorry to hear that ds came down with a slight fever. I was looking forward to see him at the party. Nevertheless, I am sure there would be lots of other chances in the near future. Hope that he is much better now!

<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>, sorry to hear that Sophie is sick. Hope that she is much better now!
Hi mummies,

Thanks for organizing the xmas party.

although melody was a bit cranky tat day but we still enjoy ourselves very much.. Hope to join more of these parties/outing in future

Merry Christmas to all
Thanks Alicia, ds is well now... could be due to his teething. Was actually looking forward to joining you all.

Look forward to the next event!
Hi Alicia

Thanks for organsing the xmas bash... Dylan enjoyed it very much.

Too bad, all the photos I took that day were blur... so fedup tt I sent my camera in for servicing today..... so those who managed to capture some shots of Dylan, please send to me.. including the group photo... thanks a lot!
the event sure looked fun! i like the shots of all the toddlers sitting at the table having their makan! i dunno whether if ethan is there he will be able to sit at the table wif the others too.
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Here's wishing you &amp; your family a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
Hi moms,

Sorry for having MIA-ed for so long! I finally got to see the pics of the Xmas bash at MyGym! Gosh!!! It certainly looks fun! Wish we were there!!!

Alicia, kudos to you! Thanks for organising the fantastic bash!
How's your pregnancy coming along? You know the gender already?

Before I go, just wishing all forum moms and babies and daddies a healthy and blessed 2008!
Hi Angeline,

Here are my Xmas pics! Other mommies, do pop in to share Xmas pics too can???

On Christmas day, little Clarence...

1) Had his favourite Agedashi tofu,


2) Sat at the dining table (in his brand new Santa suit) and waited for Mommy and Daddy to finish their meal,


3) And played his first "tune" with Mommy


Plus followed Mom and Dad to the grrreat Robinsons sale, and saw little Clarice in the evening to wish her Merry Xmas!

That's for Clarence's XMAS!!!! Ho ho ho....
<font color="ff0000">emoments</font>, you are most welcome! Glad to know that Dylan enjoyed himself during the bash!

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>, welcome back! How was your trip? We had lots of fun at the bash and it was everyone's credit not only mine lah to make it happen. I am into my 5th month now. Just went for my detailed scan last weekend and confirmed that it would be a boy this time. So can close factory liao... hehehehe!!!!

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">WISHING ALL THE MOMMIES IN THE FORUM HERE A FANTASTIC 2008!</font></font>
Hi to all!!

Sigh...so sorry to have to vent here so close to the New Year, but really don't know where else to complain! And I need to get this off my chest hmph. Then I can start the year on a sweet-tempered note.

I brought James to a famous photo studio on Thursday (my birthday, no less!) where I had heard such good reviews about and seen great works from. We were late, which I agree is our fault, but that was because baby was still sleeping.

It started out quite well, but the photographer was quite cold and unfriendly, and didn't try to put baby at ease. She made comments like, "Why do you look so stone?" I don't know if baby was picking up bad vibes, but he soon started wailing whenever the camera was pointed at him!

And still no reassurance from Fierce Photog! She made it very obvious that she was irritated and rushing for time and said she had an outdoor shoot at 3pm.

Well, we did what we could and rushed through it with much tears! But at 3.30 she was still sitting in the studio editing previous shots.

I felt very bad for poor James, who should have enjoyed himself. I'm sure mine was not a typical experience and maybe the photog was having a bad day, but it was not a nice experience at all.

Well, thanks for listening. Just feels good to get it off my chest!
Hi Alicia,

New Zealand is simply great! We toured the whole of South Island travelling between 300-400km per day, and changed accomodation 7 times! It's a crazy thing to do, with a toddler on tow.... But we really got to see the whole of South Island properly.

As pictures speak a thousand words, here are the pics for those moms who asked me for the pics. Just do it! Don't think too much... The baby will be fine out there!


Hi all!

Just stopping by to wish everyone a

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY 2008! May the September Babies grow stronger and cuter in the coming year.

<font color="ff6000">Peachie,</font> wah! looks like Clarence has started his music appreciate class already. Your NZ trip looks very fun. My husband has been wanting to do that but I'm worried about the long road trips. How did you keep Clarence occupied in the car during the long trips on the road?

Hi PG,

You guys want to go NZ too? Let me know if you are! Can pass u lotsa travel tips plus guides and what nots....

Actually we were clueless as to how to survive long road trips. Hubby and I basically booked the air tickets, circled out all the must-see attractions (as per the Fodor's Guide Book on NZ) and booked the accomodation. We only got around to packing the day before the trip! Haha.... let alone figure out how to survive.

But honestly, after so many changes in accomodation and modes of transport, here are some travel pointers which are good to share for a long road trip:

1) Dun get on a coach. Rent a car with GPS (the GPS idea was from Brenda and it's fantastic) cos you may not be able to help to read the map and look after the tot at the same time. With a rented car, you can get off the car, pop into a cafe and get something for the little one to munch on whenever he gets cranky. Or you guys can simply walk around (if you guys are stuck in the mountains!) and take a breather.

2) Travel light. Leave the packs of diapers and slow cooker and commercial baby foods at home. Unless you are travelling to a third world country, you can always buy diapers once you get there, and the toddler is big enough to share our meals.

3) Bring some sweaters along for the little one. The weather may turn cold (even in summer!).

4) Bring some music cds along to sing with the tot on long car rides. Clarence was in zzz land most of the time though.

5) Travel in the summer and not winter. It's not the cold, but the time which the sun sets.... In NZ, it's summer right now and sun sets at approx 9.30pm every night. So when it takes 4-5 hours to get to the next place, the last thing you want is to arrive at night, or even worse, drive in the dark cos it can be dangerous as visibility can get really poor.

That's it! We are planning to go Scandinavia (Helsinki, Oslo and Copenhagen) next year (probably during June/July) so that will be more long road trips....
