(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

oic, thanks, i think i've seen those. SO the colouring book can be reused too i suppose? Hmmm... shall go get some for sophie coz she seems to be handling the pen quite well now. And she is grabbing all our pens right now...

thanks! it was a good trip, but quite stressful coz sophie kena stomach flu and had to be rushed to hospital to see the PD. But thank God she recovered in a day.


i think there're some threads in this forum abt gug, u can check out their comments.

ive started kai with swimming class last mth for 9 wks and will end just before xmas.

next mth i may start him at MyGym for 10 sessions.

early next yr then i'll enrol him for JG classes. to get him to be more focused in classroom kind of environment.

what kind of schedule you'd like to know? meal?
hi Ling, oh no......stomach flu no joke. but so lucky she recovered in a day!! glad she is okie now.....

eling, schedule ah? mine a bit funny lah. coz he has milk when he wakes up from nap and not the other way like most mommies hahaa.

7.30am - wakey. Nurse.
9am or 9.30am - bathe (depends on at my mums plc or MIL plc, reach diff time)
9.30am or 10am - breakfast
10am/10.30am - nap
11.30am/12noon - wake up drink milk 240ml (half of that if at my mums place)
12.30/1pm - Lunch (porridge)
1pm to 3 pm - play
2.30pm/3pm - nap
4pm/5pm - 240ml
4.30pm to 6.30pm - play
6.30pm/7pm - Dinner
9pm - Bath, Massage, Book, drink 240ml. Sleep for the night.

I have went to a trial at GUG before. have u trialled there? dun sign up before u have trial lah.....thats what i tink.. see if you like it...

edksd, thanks!! will buy from popular then!
i have also enrolled Jovann in swimming classes starting this Sunday!
oh ya! Sophie wore the dress you gave her for the wedding... it's really pretty! can see my blog.

OH! Where are you doing your swim class? Sophie norm has hers at Dempsey w Aqua Ducks at 5.30pm on Sun too.

my schedule for sophie is abt the same as buttons except that sophie sleeps at 7. She eats earlier - lunch at 11.30pm and dinner at 5.30pm.

But since coming back from shanghai, i'm exploring to change her timing to, down to 1 nap for 2 hrs:

8am Wake up, BF
8.30am Breakfast
9am Play
11am Lunch, Bathe
1130am Nap
130pm Wake up
230pm Tea
3pm Play
5.30pm Dinner, Bathe
7pm Sleep

I tried it today and it was fantastic. During her nap I could do so much!
This is Hannah's schedule,

7.30am - wake up and milk
8.45am - breakfast (whatever my mom prepares)
9.30am - bath and play and snack
12.30pm - nap
2.30pm - milk and play and snack
5.30pm - nap
7pm - bath, milk and play, snack
10pm/11pm - sleep

She didn't have proper lunch or dinner. She hates porridge now so whenever i have lunch or dinner, she'll share my meals. She has rice and some random dishes of the day.
thanks all mommies who have share yours bb schdule. It's good to know. Amabel's schedule as below:

7.30am - milk (no matter she wake up or not, will still feed her)
7.45 - nap
9am - Bathe
9.30 - nap
10am - breakfast (cereal with fruit or yogurt or bread)
12.30pm - Lunch
3.30pm - Milk feed and snack
4pm - nap
6.30pm - Dinner
8pm - nap
9.30pm - Milk feed
11pm - sleep
12.30pm - Milk feed (only if at this timing she still not sleep.

Why I ask about urs schedule is becos my in law said her makan time is too close, each meal the interval is 2.5 -3 hrs, somemore her meal portion is damn lot. Is it ok?
Next is becos Amabel sleep alot in the morning and sleep very late at night. Anyway to fix her schedule? Sometimes she can sleep until 11.30pm still dont wanna wake up to eat her breakfast. If we wake her up to eat breakfast at 10am, she will keep crying and crying and wanna continue sleep, so bobian let her sleep but like that she will skip her breakfast leh. I wanna to train her to have a fix napping time , but how to? Any advise?? Maybe becos morning sleep too much, at night when I off the light at 10.30pm, in the room, she will play and run around the room until 12 plus. Most of the time she bore of it, she will start to fuss and scream and point to the door, want me to open the door and bring her out to play. Hai....

Amabel nowadays even more naughty. Run here and there, climb up and down. Alway climb up the tea table and highchair. Anything that can climb she will do it. we put her in a playyard, she climb the panel and attempt to come out of it, which is super dangerous also. No one can leave the eyes out of her leh. She is specially naughty at home. And if anything doesnt work her way out, she will scream, shout out of her lung, cry, beat, pull her own hair or pull people hair, pinch people, bite herself or bite the people who trying to stop her from getting her way and throw things. She did all these to make us surrender. Aiyo, we really headache leh. Whenever she cry and fuss, she will then lean backward and hit on the floor. So when she fuss, we must be specially careful.
And we don't let my hubby hug me or kiss me, she will cry and push/pull my husband away from me and beat him. Is she jealous? She also dun want me, my helper and husband to sayang other kids.
To me she is too active and bad temper. She just couldn't quietly sit on a chair and had her meal. She will run here and there, so we will need 1hrs to feed her a meal.
edksd and BUTTONs,

Amabel nv went for GUG trial. My hubby said dun need to go for the trial and just enrol her. We went there to enrol her for next term class total 8 week lesson for $500+.
Hi Eling,

So you're going to GUG too! Clarence has been there since 7+ months.... On hindsight, it's an absolute waste of money (not to say time and effort) to put him there in the initial few months, cos he could not comprehend most of the stuffs. It was more to let him interact with other babies and keep him from boredom at home....

Which session are you going for?

But seriously speaking, I am terminating Clarence's GUG session after this term is over. It is getting worse, with their staff turnover and he is taught by 2 very young and inexperienced teachers. I am not sure if this is going to be a prolonged problem, but I guess so many months of GUG is really more than enough.

On your Amabel climbing everywhere, I have the same problem too! Clarence climbs up and out of everything.... even from ALL the highchairs he's sat in, despite all the 5 point or 3 point harnesses! He's best at doing a Houdini.... So it's a real headache for us as well. Buttons can attest to him climbing out of the Ikea highchair when we were at Breeks! Oh yes, Clarence is pretty jealous too... When I was holding Clarice's hand one day, he pointed to it and fussed. Haha, our toddlers really share quite some similarities!

Hi Brenda,

I laughed when I saw Buttons' post! Aiya, Arianne is just super duper friendly.
I am bringing Clarence swimming tomorrow, at last!!!

By the way, I drove past Dempsey yesterday and saw the Aquaducks pool! Looks cool! But quite ulu hor??? It's really hard to find...

Okie okie, enjoy your weekend in BKK! Don't worry about Arianne. You'll see her soon!

To the preggy mommies (Melissa, Alicia, Michelle... and oops, I can't remember the fourth...),

You gals are fantastic! So when are you all due huh? Boy/Girl??? Any names yet?

Oh yes, someone requested for toddler pics right? Here's some of Baby Shopaholic (whad to do??? His mommy is a great shopaholic too!)

<font color="0000ff">1) Mommy, there must be a sale at the LV store since the queue is so long. Quick quick... call Aunty Buttons!!!</font>


<font color="ff0000">2) This store rocks! I want everything in it!</font>

Hi Laura,

You are right. Normally MMR jabs are taken at 15 months, though some toddlers have the jab at 18 months. I am bringing Clarence for the MMR jab on 1 Dec, right after he'd turned 15 months.
about MMR jab, in australia the standard is for 12 mth old to take, so ethan's had his already
the schedule is slightly differente fr spore i guess

seems most of your toddlers have rather fixed schedules? for ethan, he's down to 1 nap a day and that can vary anytime between 11am and 2pm. he will only nap for about 2 hrs (sometimes even less like 1 hr only!) and the he will be up all the way till 8pm or 9pm at nite b4 he goes to bed. anyway this is a typical schedule (ie happens about 70% of the time at least!):

5am or 5.30am wakes up for milk then goes back to sleep

7am or 8am wakes up/change diaper

9am breakfast then play until he naps

11am drink milk and nap/drink milk n continue playing till 2pm then nap

1pm or 4pm lunch (depending on wat time he naps)

after lunch will play

4.30pm drink milk

5.30pm bathe

6.30pm dinner

8.30-9pm last milk and sleep

i just find it so hard to force him to do things like nap when he doesnt want to. so these days if he doesnt wanna nap i just let him continue playing. when he's tired he'll auto go n nap anyway. this way both of us are more sane else all so upset for wat rite?!?

jovann's daily milk intake is quite a lot huh! i added together its like >700ml? is he still able to eat a lot at his mealtimes?
kai's schedule:

9am - wake up and go grandma's hse

10am - breakfast

11am - nap

2pm - lunch

4pm - nap

6pm - dinner

9pm - supper (cereal w milk and his only milk intake for the day)

10pm - sleep

wake up time
if he sleeps by 10pm, the next day he'll wake up at 8am+, else will wake up at 9am+

we give him porridge for breakfast. my mom and i believe in eating heavier in the daytime than night time.

for dinner his meal is usually lesser amt than breakfast n lunch. the supper is just 3 tablespoons of cereal with abt 80ml of milk.

normally i'll try to delay the jab and not so on the dot like u! haha...

eg. if the jab is meant for 15th mth, i'll probably go a day before he turns 16 mths old.

sometimes even later if the following mth has no other scheduled jab.

tts oso the reason why i didnt let kai go for any class when he's younger. i feel tt they just duno what's going on.

when he turned 1, i brought him to many trials and then planned something for him.

1st i wld like him to go for swimming. to let him hv no fear of water and to enjoy it so tt in future we can bring him on our own.

2nd is to go for gym classes. a little bit of songs, dance and exercises. a safe place for him to utilise his energy.

my mom is staying near gwc so during mygym's free play hrs, she can bring him there daily. fully make use of the package!

next wld then be JG classes. classroom kind of environment. to get him ready for nursery? (or is it called playgroup?)

i think it's not really up to us to decide the interval. take cue from bb whether he/she has had enough.

if we feed kai too close an interval, he wont be eating much. he has been small eater all these while. so we space out a bit.

sometimes when i read abt how other bbs can eat so much, im kinda scared. but PD assured me to just follow bb's cue as long as he's healthy and putting on weight.

sleep training
sorry i really couldnt help you in this as i dun believe in training and never trained before.

im those type who nurse bb to sleep kind. hehe..

sometimes kai is still full of energy when hb and i are going to bed at 11pm+.

i try to nurse him to sleep but after nursing, he's still awake and still want to play. so we let him.

after playing a while on his own, he'll either fall asleep on his own or if im still awake i'll try to nurse him again and he'll sleep this time round definitely.

kai is oso v active, he doesnt walk, he runs. he can never sit still, tts why we dun use the stroller or car seat. and getting himself all bruised.

but i dun see him as naughty, just active and curious. i think at this age, they want to explore coz a lot of things are really new to them. and oso their new found freedom of being mobile.

maybe u shld monitor her behaviour (jealousy, biting, hitting, etc) for a few more mths and seek help from professional or do some reading?
Thanks for the MMR advice..

i'm also thinking of signing up with mygym, i heard there is 1 at parkway parade too.. is the same right? i think i'll find out & sign for trial first
hey eling....

I've been thinking thru the problems you raised and I do have a few suggestions on how you can adjust Amabel's sleeping times. Not sure if you've tried them before?

7.30am - milk (no matter she wake up or not, will still feed her)
- The best is to wait for her to wake up and then feed her. So if she doesn't wake up, don't feed her coz then you'll extend her morning sleep. You have to feed her this early because you need to go to work is it?
7.45 - nap
- Don't let her fall back to sleep after nursing. I assume you're still nursing her? Try to let her stay awake, talk to her abt the day, get her all excited etc... You can try feeding her breakfast after nursing her. She's got a good appetite right? Like Sophie can eat a full breakfast even after a full milk feed. So you don't have to worry that she won't eat right?
After that you can continue with the rest of the day. I'm not sure how long she can stay awake for. Prob after 3 hrs or so, she might need a nap. So she can nap at abt 10.30/11? If she sleeps long, let her. You can either feed her a bit of snack before she naps or feed her lunch after she wakes up.

If she sleeps for 2 hrs, she'll prob wake up at 1pm? Then she'll prob last till 5/6? Then she can take a short nap and then have dinner. Actually if you come home early, she doesn't have to have the 8pm nap. Let her stretch as long as she wants from dinner time onwards and then try putting her to sleep by 9/10 or when she starts yawning, which ever is earlier. Coz if she naps at 8pm, it's unlikely she'll want to sleep at 10pm.

If you start from the top, it's likely by 10pm she'll be really tired. But you need to do it for a few days before her clock can adjust. The reason why she needs so much sleep in the morning is coz she's got not enough sleep in the night. Does your helper bring her out in the mornings? It's great, expands her energy and she'll sleep better in the night.

If her sleeping pattern gets better, her moods/behavior might improve too.

Hope that helps...
Hello all september mummies,

Hope you still remember me. I have been busy with work and have not been checking the forum.

Anyway, my daughter finally decided to walk on Friday. I'm so happy now. Its so delightful to see her take her first few steps unsupported. I bet its the same feeling for all the mummies whose babies have started walking.
<font color="0000ff">Alicia,</font>
Is the Christmas bash still on? I'm still keen to join in.

<font color="0000ff">Brenda, </font>
Your pics of Arianne in Europe in very nice. She's so adorable.

<font color="0000ff">WEANING</font>
Mummies who are still breastfeeding, may I know when do you plan to wean your baby and how? I'm thinking of weaning Chloe but not sure when is the right time and how.
Hi edksd,

Kai looks so cute and grown up already! You going to Julia Gabriel? When? I think that is a good transition to get him ready for playgroup (below 3 years) or nursery, depending on when you wish to enrol him.

Actually I am having a transition problem right now. Basically Clarence has a HUGE separation anxiety, and as 2 Jan 08 draws nearer, both my hubby and I are getting worried. Clarence will be going to a half day playgroup (no parent/caregiver accompanying is allowed) on a DAILY basis from then onwards, so we are all scratching our heads as to how to go about leaving him there with the toddlers and the teachers, say our goodbyes and then LEAVE. Anyone with any idea as to how this can be done, or how this can be better done (to save the tears and the fits and the screams...), just let me know can? I don't really have a choice here cos my mom has been complaining for months that she doesn't get to exercise or have a break. So putting him into half-day playgroup is a compromise which I have promised my mom, and I know she's really looking forward to that.

Anyone else is putting your child in such playgroups? Can share share too?

Hi Laura,

No probs. Just sharing mah. I do get tonnes of info and ideas from this forum too!

Hi Alicia,

A thousand apologies. I will be in Christchurch from 9 to 19 Dec, so I will have to give the XMAS bash a miss. To sort of atone for that, I have gone through all the past postings and drafted out who has expressed interest in the XMAS bash. Hope the list below helps.

Remember to post lotsa photos of the bash on this forum can? I'd really love to go, but too bad the flights to NZ/Aust are kinda full in Dec, and that is the only slot we managed to find.

<font color="ff0000">DEC X'MAS PARTY BASH at MYGYM ON 15 DEC FROM 4-6PM</font>

Confirmed attendance:
- Alicia
- PG
- Jamie
- Angeline
- Joon

Pending confirmation:
- Phoebe
- Buttons

Might be able to go:
- Brenda

ive went for the trial but not started the class yet. next mth perhaps. thus hv not decided on the slot, most likely morning classes.

ive some leave to clear by this yr, so not sure shld i pick a wkday class, and then convert back to wkend class next yr. will check w them is it possible this way.

it was fun and the place is spacious. during the trial while everybody is having songs/dance, kai wandered ard to play w the toys. the instructor said it's normal, they're fascinated by new things.

actually it's quite similiar to gymboree. but i chose mygym coz it's within walking distance to my mom's plc. so she can bring him there to play everyday.
<font color="0000ff">maid</font>

check w u all...

my agency told us we've 1 free chance to change maid.

after having the maid for 6mths, the maid told us she has something on at home and cant work for us anymore.

we'll hv to get the agency to find us a replacement maid but this's not considered the 1 free chance right?

yes thinking of enrolling kai for JG next yr (in mar most probably). by then he'll be 18mths old. i guess more ready for 1hr30min class.

i think tt transition phase everyone has to go thru. my mom used to tell me my bro and i behaved like tt too (separation anxiety) when she has to leave us at childcare. i guess the phase will pass after a while.

which playgroup are u sending clarence to? near to ur mom's place right?
hi pigeon
long time no see
I'm also still bfing sophie, not sure when to stop... haha... Congrats on Chloe's walking!

i just went to see mygym website. Which do you think is better? Gymboree or mygym? I'm also thinking of signing sophie up for sth like that once she starts walking a bit. To help expand energy.
<font color="ff0000">Michelle n Melissa</font>, thanks for the compliments on the headband!
I got it from this website called pinkbowtique in US. But Adele hardly wears it coz she will start pulling it off her head after a few mins.

<font color="0000ff">PG</font>, Congrats on Chloe's latest development! I cannot wait for Adele to start walking. She will only walk a few steps towards us and thats it. Really hoping that she can start walking b4 x'mas. Great to know that you will be joining the bash too! Really looking forward to it!

<font color="aa00aa">Peachie</font>, I am going into my fourth month now. EDD is early May 08. As for the gender, hoperfully we can get to know end of this month. I am really hopeing that I will be able to TBF this time round. Must get lots of tips from the mummies here!
Wow! You going to Christchurch! So envious!!! I am sure you guys would have lots of fun there! Thanks so much for helping me to compile the list.
Hope to meet up with you n Clarence some other time!

<font color="ff6000">edksd</font>, the agency that I went too doesn't provide 1 free replacement at all regardless whether which party decides to terminate the contract. I would need to pay an admin fee to get a replacement. Me also changing maid tomorrow. My maid decided to stop working for us due to her skin problems so I am getting a new maid tom.
Gotta train a new maid all over again and having Adele to get used to her is making me all stressed up.

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>, Arianne sure looks like she had lots of fun in Europe! And oh I love the pics that u posted with u n Arianne wearing the same clothes! Am thinking of trying it out too! And hopefully with Daddy as well! Hahaha!!! I am sure hubby would freak out!

when i went to gymboree@tanglin mall for trial. the 'lady boss' tried to sell me the package and i dun quite like hard selling leh.

at tt time they were still in the temporary location for the gym, so it's definitely way smaller than mygym. im not sure abt the new location.

program and instructors wise i feel tt it's abt the same. mygym will make use of props to set up an obstacle course. whereas gymboree has almost-ready-built-up setup. both are gd i think. the instructors we met at both are rather enthusiastic.

u too? sigh.. the tot of getting another qualified maid makes me feel stressed out too.

when we first got this current maid, it was such a breeze as she was a transfer maid and we got her on the spot. quick and easy since she passes most of my mom's criteria.

we're quite ok w this maid and kai likes her too. but since she has to settle her problems at home, then no choice loh.

is ur new maid a transfer maid?
Thanks Ling for the sugguestion. Actually 7.30 in the morning feed her with milk whether or not she sleep is becos i scare she will hungry. Amabel is those kind that will sleep until can dun eat one.

I do agreed that they are exploring the thing around them and is good that they are active rather than quietly sitting at one corner. Just wanna complain cos it is really tiring. I would say amabel is independent, often she fall down, she wont cry, she will just stand up herself and continue playing and running. That is not a problem to me actually, the thing that make us worry is throw tantrum whenever things doesnt go her way. She will hurt herself to get attention.
The more we stop her from doing dangerous thing, the more she will purposely do it.

Peachies, oh so GUG standard not as before? Anyway I had already sign up with them for next term class. Only 8 weeks, will try and see how if no good will switch to JG/ When she is bigger will enrol her in a playgroup under my company benefit.

Btw, have you all start giving them outside food? with salt, sugar, msg etc? For home prepared meal, you all start adding abit of salt, sugar, oil?
edksd, mine is not a transfer maid. Coz usually transfer maid's asking pay is slightly higher coz they got experience. So u getting a indon or filipino?
i think the 1 free chance covers both cases, ie whether u r the one who wants to change or the maid doesnt want to work for u anymore...
OH! I think i met the same "lady boss". I went for a trial once but ya, i don't like hard sell too. Hmmm... maybe i'll go for the mygym trial n see. But GWC is a bit further away for me. Thanks for the info.

oic... Have you tried not feeding her at 7.30? What time does she wake up?

Outside Food
I've started giving Sophie outside food for fun, only once a full meal e.g porridge. I'll give her bread from Breadtalk, pancakes from Macs etc... But at home, I still do not add sugar or salt to her food. She already has a lot of sugar from the fruits/yogurt she takes and salt from all the biscuits and processed food (cheese, yogurt, bread) so I try to abstain as much as possible.
After she drink her milk at 7.30am, she can sleep until 11 plus leh, so sometime got to skip her breakfast and let her has her lunch earlier lor.

I just started to give her outside food for fun also, wont be full meal, just alittle bit for her as she wanna eat. But I will only give her food from those clean restaurant. no to hawker food now.
This is also what i think she already has a lot of sugar from the fruits/yogurt she takes and salt from all the biscuits and processed food (cheese, yogurt, bread) as what you said. This is what i alway told my parent and in law. They keep saying you dun give them eat food with some salt and sugar, they wont be strong enough. then i alway firmly told them that some of their baby food already got that. So I will stick to no salt, sugar in home prepare food.
ling, eling,

me too. no oil, salt, sugar for his home cooked food. outside food is just for fun too but still im selective.

coz i always feel tt he has so many yrs to take outside's msg-laden food, why need to worry abt it now when he's only 1 yr old?

oh u met the same lady too? haha..

gwc is just a little further from tanglin mall. furthermore gwc has a lot more other shops, u can do ur shopping or hv ur meal after sophie's class.

do i make a gd salesman? haha...

do take the trial and see if u/sophie likes it.

oh really? hmmm...

so will they wait till i confirm on the replacement maid before my current maid leaves?

she wanted to leave 26 nov. i wonder if enough time to get a qualified replacement.

my current one is indon and most likely getting indon replacement too.

my mom prefers indon maid. she thinks filipino too smart :p

my mom told me she watched this show on tv abt children. she said there's this family w 2 or 3 kids. one is a newborn, the other is over 2yrs old.

the 2yrs old will keep crying day and night for every little reason. the mother has no choice but to seek professional help. the professional installed cam at their home and analysed the situation. conclusion is the 2yrs old is jealous of the newborn and suggested to the mother to pay more attention to the 2yrs old, etc.

of course this story doesnt relate to u. but sometimes when we're at wits' end, it's gd to seek help.

but if i were u, i'll try some other ways first and monitor. like what ling suggested, let her hv sufficient sleep and see if her behaviour change for the better.

i think we can only trial and error since we dun hv experience! just come in here if u need to vent frustration! haha...
ya my MIL also the same. She wants to put more oil into sophie's food. But i do use olive oil and butter for some of her cooking but minimal. Don't worry lah, you are the mum! just stick to what you feel is right. Prob after 18 mths/2 yrs, I'll relax a bit.

hey, why don't you try not feeding amabel the 7.30am feed and see what time she wakes up? Let me know?

hee... not bad your sales. I think once sophie walks abit, I'll go for a trial at mygym. All the best for your maid replacement. Really hope it works out well... This kind of things can be so stressful.
<font color="0000ff">Peachie, Ling ah Ling, Alicia</font>, Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>, Christchurch ah! That's nice. Presumably its for holiday right? Have fun. I'm going Sydney next week for conference. However because Chloe is not yet weaned, my hubby and daughter are tagging along. Sigh! Have to tell my boss not to send me to other countries where I cannot bring baby along.

Does Clarence's playgroup allow him to bring along a toy. Not sure if it helps, maybe if he has a cuddly with him that he is familiar with, he won't feel so alone.

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>, really pei fu you having a 2nd one so soon. Take care of yourself, ok! The trick to successful TBF for me was not to stock FM at home so got no choice but to keep latching on baby until the milk supply is established.:p
Morning mummies,
I had started giving yun outside food whenever I do not have time to prepare for her. Partially also due to yun love to eat our food rather than her own porridge.

I had sign up yun for the gymboree membership after a trial at habourfront. Did not take up the classes as that day instructor could not handle the class well. So I just sign up the membership which include 1 free trial & free play at $8 each visit. Yun had too much energy so intend to let her use them up at the gym Muhahahah.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, Nahh I missed her smell, wet kisses and tight hugs! Cannot use IP cam to express la.. but anyhow, I'VE SURVIVED the SA!! Heehee.. okok I made only about 2-3 calls home and 6-7 smses to my mum per day, not too bad yah?! Heh..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, no problem! I will check my bank later, thanks!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, ya I met a couple of doulas here in SG. I supposed there're pros and cons in giving birth at home or at the hospital. Having a doula means she manages your birth instead of your gynae I think.. I thought it'd be quite common in Aust for one to have doula even while delivering at a hospital.

A still sleeps late!! Like 11pm. But according to my mum, she slept at 10pm when I was in Thailand! So maybe it's us, the adults that need to change our sleeping hours heehee.. Cos if she knows we're still awake, she won't sleep and she naps twice during the day. Just like a friend of mine, her son sleeps with her at about 2-3am and wakes up at 10am cos that's the time she sleeps! So Hannah is doing the NORMAL hours now? How many in a stretch? A's maximum is from 10pm to 8am, so it's 10 hours. I do know of many same age babies who sleep 12-14 hours straight, so nice ya?

If I'm not wrong, the toys sold at The Better Toy Store are all safe for babies/kids. They've really nice stuffs!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, you're so right.. I did enjoy the time with my hub, without A fussing around us! Initially it felt a bit weird without A's noises but as the trip goes, I was beginning to enjoy the peace! Especially when we went to the Spa together! Nice la..

Hey, so have you decided on the name?!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling</font></font>, how was Shanghai?! Was it cold??! Oooh just read your post to Buttons about Sophie suffered from Stomach Flu?! Poor thing.. must be the change of weather.. hope it didn't spoil much of your trip though..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, I think the same as Ling. Amabel is having too many and long naps in the day, that's why she's not sleeping more through the night. For my A, she may not sleep early (like 10-11pm) but at least she doesn't wake up till 8.30am.

I know how hyperactive Bel is, I've seen her in actions and I'm guessing that her daily DAY time activities are not enough to keep her entertained. Some of us here have actually discussed about disciplinary on our babies. I haven't really laid my hands on A but I will smack her if I know she's intentionally doing the wrong things. Maybe smacking won't help, how about isolating her? Like what Super Nanny does in her show, put the baby in a timed-out corner? Some of the mummies said it actually works for them. But of course if our babies do something wrong unintentionally then we shouldn't punish them, instead just explain (in actions or words) why she's doing something wrong. I find this kind of works on A only if I bring her away from other people, meaning I talk to her on a one-to-one basis. Can try?

Also, about the 7.30am feed, I know you're on one hand worrying about Bel's weight gain and on the other her sleeping time. I guess you can't have the best of both worlds. So you might want to consider Ling's suggestion about not feeding her at 7.30am so that she won't nap for too long in the morning. The other thing is, if her daytime activities with your helper or at your MIL's are not sufficient, you might want to consider letting her join some weekday playgroups? The GUG is only weekend right? Ive seen lots of maids bringing babies to JG or other classes, this might work for you too cos I can imagine how much entertainment Bel needs to be occupied.. just suggestions la.. I'm also getting a bit of a headache from A's mischief and trying whatever methods that come along.

Ling, saw ur blog wow Sophie looks so nice and sweet in that dress!
suits her! so glad u like it!.....!!! ahem, good taste hor? hehehehhehe!!!!!

about salt, i din add salt or sugar to J food, but i do use olive oil and unsalted butter like Ling sometimes. and i use cheese occasionally too, which has quite a high amt of salt oredi....
