(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Hi Mommies, is zucchini the same as japanese cucumber? Just went to NTUC this morning. Wanted to buy zucchini but couldn't find n saw this japanese cucumber which looks exactly like zucchini. The cashier said it is the same but just wanna confirm again. Thanks!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Hi Mommies, is zucchini the same as japanese cucumber? Just went to NTUC this morning. Wanted to buy zucchini but couldn't find n saw this japanese cucumber which looks exactly like zucchini. The cashier said it is the same but just wanna confirm again. Thanks!</font>
ilovebabies, Rachel fell off the bed on Fri? Geez.. you sound as if it's a normal thing leh.. C fell off the bed on Sat night and I was so heartache and scared
She fell off the queen size bed and landed with a loud thud. She scnreamed and screamed... lucky no "balugu"

Wow, Sha, Sherilyn drinks quite a lot eh? C only drinks maximum 120ml of milk per feed.

Jasmine, I also intend to Bf till one year old..
And yes, I am like you, still wake up to latch her on at night..

So many cute babies photos recently..

i was scared the hell out of me .. but after crying for a while, she stopped. then I feed her milk and she takes. Then my hubby starts to ask her qn and play with her and she responded with a grin .. then we know she is ok and not traumatised.
For babies who fall off bed or fall down

Monitor for 24 hours. If they can continue drinking and eating properly and doesn't vomit, they are fine.
Let them focus on an object. Move left and right to see that they are looking at the correct direction.
Don't worry!!!
Sha, C drinks 3 times a day only, each time 120ml. Once around 7.30pm, another around 2.30pm, and the last around 9.30pm. Her appetite dropped when she was sick last month and since then, she has become a small drinker..

ilovebabies.. C was screaming so loudly that I was scared stiff.. She likes to sit up after she wakes up from her sleep and then make herself fall backwards back to bed. I guess that was how she fell down from bed even though I piled up the sides with pillows and bolsters...

I only managed to stop her crying after feeding her "jin feng san".. :p

All the Sept babies have grown since I last seen their photos... so cute.. One year ago we were still discussing about our pregnancies, now discussing about 1st year birthday...

dont worry.. it could be a passing phase for clarice now. as long as she is happy, she shld be ok.

Oh she do this dangerous stunt everyday ah ? better dont leave them on the bed hor ..

ya how time flies ... still miss the days chatting in the forum with our babies in the tummies !
Ling.. SHHHHHH..... it was ELMO singing!!! not moi... :p... btw.. where did u get that elmo? enzo was playing with his pal's elmo.. can be found at toysrus right?
ilovebabies.. yeah loh.. we were still sharing tips on how to predict the gender of our babies back then.. haha..

And I was still saying babies in tummies mean babies are with us 24 by 7 each day.. now I can only see her after work.. =)

Littlepony, I did monitor her for whole day yesterday. She's ok and a happy and smiley baby as usual
But my heart aches each time I think of her falling down.

yes yes .. rem the chinese calendar thingy ??? then we were comparing which prediction is more accurate ... so funny !!

eh same here .. when I recall the scene where she was crying on the floor makes me so guilty.
So many cute babies photos I Like
Keep it coming

Btw, those mummies who bought the bola from Brenda, does yr baby still play with it?

Its still Dylans fav toy, despite the many toys I bought for him.. .nothing fancy him more the bola. Now he is able to grab the bola with one hand and throw, then repeat again and again with different hands.. this can entertain him for hours, man! To think I wasted so much $$ buying many toys for him :p
<font color="0000ff">Hi Emma</font>

No leh, didnt feed him anything yucky think I just finished feeding him avocado milk shake (his fav). I think he got tired of sitting in the booster seat and wanna get out, thus made all sorts of expressions :p

Enzo forever so cute never change at all btw, he dun like yoghurt?
wah i got a lot to catch up liao!!!

that's a FUNNY picture! once i saw it i laughed oredi!

enzo is still the happiest baby around. he got that kind of happy aura leh. one look at him grinning make me happy oredi. how did he do it huh? hehe.

where did u get that big bola huh? i missed the BP u all organized last time.

yeah how time passes by hor. i can't believe sept babies are almost turning 1!

rachel fell off the bed? no worries, Hannah too. but babies are durable so no problem. which Sept babies hasn't fall of the bed yet? i wonder..

envy Gabe and his pearly whites! my Hannah only got one tooth coming up! such a long wait only 1 tooth!!! arggh!

i tot wayne looks handsome with his tiger mane leh!

ling, phoebe,
wah sophie and javier still look so baby!! seems like the botakness is very much a baby trait.

a bit difficult for me to state hannah's likes and dislikes. now she is a big babbler at home and can call my name and daddy's and say bye bye. she walks with support only and likes to crawl quickly from one end of the house to another. remember the straw test? she failed lah! still not ready for straw haizz. she also loves making funny faces and extremely playful, hardly want to sleep! everyday must sleep at 12 midnight. *faint*
<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">SPREE COLLECTION</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Date: 19 JULY (THUR)
Time: 1PM
(Entrance facing Toast Box/Candy Empire. Paiseh, got to meet at carpark as really too many stuffs to carry around.</font> <font color="ff6000">Kindly look out for a <u>ORANGE</u> Honda Jazz)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">The following sprees are ready for collection:
- eoutlet4u
- Celebrate Express #1 & #2
- California Baby
- Jack & Lily

Kindly email me ([email protected]) and let me know which sprees you are collecting as well as your contact number. In case of any last minute changes, I can sms you. My contact 9780 4640</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">For mummies who ordered the Celebrate Express Personalised Banner, would prefer that we either meet up or 'tonpang' a fellow mummy to collect on behalf. Will be rather bulky to mail out to you (Got to buy special round container to hold)</font></font>
Emma, thanks! I thought so too that it could be different. The cashier was so certain that its zucchini. *arghhh* Thank goodness I decided to check over at our forum again.
Haven't seen u in our forum for quite a while. Do u still go to Home Team at Bt Batok? I still bring Adele for classes at BJG on Friday evenings.

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe</font>, Can I collect the banner together with the all aboard toys when it arrives? Hope that it will not take too much of your storage space.

hannah can pronounce "melissa" ????

try the straw trick in another week's time lah ! i think it took me abt 4 attempts to get Rachel to suck from straw ..

i thought I saw 2 pearlies in Rachel's lower gums.. but it has been 2 weeks ... so I am still waiting hehehe

btw i have started brushing her gums and tongue before she sleeps so that she will get used to it when her teeth is out.
Alicia.. ya.. i still go there abt once a week.. but go there for the driving range.. keke.. since enzo was down with viral fever, i seldom bring him out to hang ard babies... ks mommy.. hehe...
oh no paiseh i mean she can call me mummy hahaha. especially when she wants me to hold her. u can see 2 pearlies in Rachel's lower gum? the moment of truth is verrry near! can't wait to let her bite you leh! hehehehe

hehehe ok ... for once I tot hannah is soooooooooo advanced !! but being able to call "mummy" is quite an achievement too ! rachel only calls "mama"

eh i stop BF liao .. so no chance to bite me. but she did bite me when I am still latching her months back ... notti gal !

so how r u doing ? dont carry hannah now hor ..
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">SPREES UPDATE </font></font>

<font color="ff6000">PACKAGE ARRIVED

1. California Baby
2. Jack & Lily
3. Celebrate Express #1 & #2 </font>

- blessedmommy (Paid)
- sha (Paid)
- precious_angel (Paid)
- fascinated_mum $35.76 (Paid)
- daisybutton $71.49
- emoments (Paid)
- joon $11.71
- xena $3.08
- peachie $9.45 (Paid)

- brenda (Paid)
- crystallized (Paid)
- cheekz (Paid)
- rexbabie (Paid)
- Jo (Paid)

<font color="ff6000">Birthday Direct #1 & #2</font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>base</TD><TD>vol</TD><TD>vpost</TD><TD>outstanding</TD><TD>BALANCE </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedmommy</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>4.071</TD><TD>5.09</TD><TD>18.68</TD><TD>23.77 </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_angel</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>2.036</TD><TD>3.05</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.05 </TD></TR><TR><TD>emma</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>3.053</TD><TD>4.07</TD><TD></TD><TD>4.07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>melody999</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>2.04</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.04 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>14.249</TD><TD>15.27</TD><TD></TD><TD>15.27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>paulelaine</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>2.04</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.04 </TD></TR><TR><TD>phoebe</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>2.036</TD><TD>3.05</TD><TD></TD><TD>3.05 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>2.036</TD><TD>3.05</TD><TD>4.72</TD><TD>7.77 </TD></TR><TR><TD>crystallized</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>4.071</TD><TD>5.09</TD><TD>19.84</TD><TD>24.93 </TD></TR><TR><TD>JO</TD><TD>1.018</TD><TD>3.053</TD><TD>4.07</TD><TD></TD><TD>4.07 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

#2 - Not arrived yet.
- peachie $33.76
- xena (Paid)
- daisybutton $77.10
- rexbabie $35.16

<font color="ff6000">All Aboard Toys </font>
- fascinated_mum $106.75
- melody999 $4.45
- cheekz $171.07

<font color="ff6000">The Children's Place #1</font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>US Shipping</TD><TD>base</TD><TD>vol</TD><TD>shipping</TD><TD>order</TD><TD>balance </TD></TR><TR><TD>phoebe</TD><TD>2.65</TD><TD>1.02</TD><TD>7.531</TD><TD>11.20</TD><TD>71.42</TD><TD>82.62 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>2.65</TD><TD>1.02</TD><TD>15.062</TD><TD>18.73</TD><TD>196.91</TD><TD>215.64 </TD></TR><TR><TD>brenda</TD><TD>2.65</TD><TD>1.02</TD><TD>11.297</TD><TD>14.97</TD><TD>127.01</TD><TD>141.98 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff6000">The Children's Place #2</font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>us shipping</TD><TD>base</TD><TD>vol</TD><TD>shipping</TD><TD>order</TD><TD>balance </TD></TR><TR><TD>yuna</TD><TD>3.975</TD><TD>6.62</TD><TD>9.62</TD><TD>16.24</TD><TD>47.62</TD><TD>67.84 </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybutton</TD><TD>3.975</TD><TD>9.62</TD><TD>9.62</TD><TD>19.24</TD><TD>46.03</TD><TD>69.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff6000">OLD NAVY SPREE #8 </font>
- joon $19.88
- ilovebabies $6.36
- cheekz $124.67
donno leh, someone gave to us... most of her toys are given lah... don't even rem who gave what... think i'm going to put a wishlist up this time for her birthday... hee...
hehehe u so crever..

hey hey who's the first sept momma that got pregnant huh? please come out!

my morning sickness is worse this time. dizzy+headache+nauseus. wah buay tahan.

oh your shrek baby very cute liao! nice pose!

i try not to carry hannah but i got no choice liao i feel so sorry for her. she's still my only baby and she still need my attention leh. i am weaning off breastfeeding too. i no longer pump and only latch her at nights or for comfort nursing.
I'm going to put it on my blog lah coz most of the pp i'm going to invite will prob look at it first... hee... a bit funny to put on the invite... ya lor like during the one mth i had things that we didn't need... a bit wasteful...
Melissa, may I ask if you no longer pump and only latch on at night, is there still milk coming out? Or it will slowly dwindle off till Hannah is only sucking without taking in milk? I am still pumping twice in office. Last week I was on course and there's no nursing room and I had to resort to pumping in the toilet and then throwing the BM away just to keep the supply going..

Ling, how are you going to celebrate Sophie's bday? My hubby and I thought for a long time but still cannot confirm what we want to do. Make it big or just have a simple one.
I can't tell yet. So far if I latch Hannah at nights I can still feel a letdown but i am no longer engorged during the day. On weekends, I still latch her in the days as well, and I can still feel a letdown, so it's hard to say. Actually i reaaaally feel so sayang to completely stop. My body wants to but my mind doesn't. So I think the milk supply doesn't stop but it has decreased dramatically.
I understand you feel sayang to stop, me too. But it has to be one day. When you nurse Hannah for comfort at night, does she wake up many times in the middle of the night?

Mummies who have successfully wean off baby from comfort nursing, can you share how you do that? Cry it out method? Pacifier? Put bitter gourd on the breast?? (Haha, Mrs Wong told me this before, but i forgot to ask her whether I need to cook the bitter gourd or not before applying on my breasts??)
So I am right. Good to know and is happy for her as well. Aiyo your morning sickness is back to haunt you. . heheheeeee. . well that is part and parcel of getting pregnant.

As for who is the first to get pregnant in Sept forum is not important for us to know. Personally I feel if she wants to share, she will when she is more comfortable so it good not to make any more wild guesses and let rumor go round and round.

There this saying in Mandarin: <font color="aa00aa">"Trouble comes out from the mouth and sickness comes in from the mouth</font> Maybe it is time we just let the matter rest and she will share with us when the time is ripe.

Sha.. well said..

btw.. those mommies whose babies are sleeping thru the night, how did ur babies do it? cos enzo is still waking up like every 3 hrs, not for milk.. but for water or pacifier...
