(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

The first mommy: Is it you?!
Actually I was wondering the same as yen. How come this BM still bu she de some home??!

You are making me blush! Sorry abt forgetting abt the issue of transport, I was too excited this afternoon...

Nothing bad I hope! So pleased with your new hair style or was it just a trim? Ivy is a good stylist I think, as she has many regulars...

<font color="aa00aa">Melissa,</font>
Aiyo me not lurking around lah! Busy with work and I have joined a new company not very nice to go on online all the time as well correct???

Rice bowl is more important as well right???

<font color="0000ff">Edksd,</font>
Yes spring coil mattress is thick.

<font color="119911">Jerene,</font>
I know what you mean as I have the same tot as you when I did my planning where to put her mattress.

I put Sherilyns mattress at my side of the bed coz I know for sure I will be the one waking up to her call at night if she does. So when my hubby needs to go to the toilet or get up of the bed he will have only one way to go therefore it reduce the chances of him stepping onto her plus it is a coil mattress it is thick he will know for sure when he does that land his first step.

And another thing is I surround Sherilyns sleep area with cushion and block out the other end of the mattress with bolster and a pillow to prevent the bolster from rolling out. This will also help to ensure that Sherilyn dont roll or crawl out of bed as well. Beside she only sleep the upper half of the mattress which is a lot safer as well.
mama to 5Js,
I heard I'm the 2nd mommy to get preggy again too. i guess the first one was Emma right? right right?? thanks for your advice, now i'm trying to concentrate on Hannah as much as i can. i hope to feel what u get to feel soon! i planned on #2 next year but looks like i will be having one next year! hey i just found out, the babe's due on our 5th wedding anniversary!

funny u said that leh. i have that fear with my husband stepping on her so that's why i kept her mattress by my side. i always have her on my mind so i will never ever step on her. don't worry lah as a mother u automatically have the instincts about your own baby one!

me too on new company and still under probation so that's why i can't be online all the time. you and me sama sama.

sleeping through usually means sleeping throughout the night with no interruptions. if i want that to happen, i make sure she has her nap at 8-9pm. then playtime (i dowan to play with her she will throw tantrum). then 11pm-6am with no waking up at all. but i still envy babies who can sleep 10 hours solid with no interruptions (to us). I think Arianne is one of them?
Congrats!!! Am excited for you!!!

Got your email. Will check out and thanx a million dear!

Well my mum also thinks Gabriel should be drinking from bottle till he's like 2/3 yrs old? I'm not keen to have him stick to the bottle for so long though. I finally manage to train him to sleep without the need to nurse. I want to continue and train such that he dun even need the last latch on every night. Then I'll be free liaoz! Since he rejecting milk from bottle, have to do it with cups/straws lor.
Funny pose montage??Can can thanx. My pic a bit blur cos my digicam not good lor really regret not getting 1 with "antishake" or whatever its called...hehe
I'm using the automode already press long long also no use....sigh
Jus have to ask D not to move so much lor. kekeke

Actually that pose was becos he was eating n lazy him sort of swallow 1 piece lor. but that expression very cute leh I like. kekekeke

I would suggest start with those baby straw mugs becos for Damien he likes to cover the while straw with his mouth so its safer using his mag mag as the straw is very soft n the exposed straw is limited. I scared he would hurt himself with normal straw.

U haven seen Damien's thunder thighs those r juicier.....Hahahhaha
btw congrats. although I can't imagine myself getting pregnant anytime soon. hehehe

hi mummies, i am back again.

<font color="0000ff">melissa</font> congrats! take good care of yourself.

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font> caleb's been sleeping on bumper mattress since 3-4mths old. guess this is what melissa was refering too. it is made of anti-dust mite foam. not too soft.

btw the photo not caleb's bed it was from another mummy

dun think kai will ever sleep thru according to ur description. he's definitely not one who will sleep like log all the way kind.

sometimes he make noise not for milk coz i noticed once he suckle a while he'll fall asleep again. im not sure if he's dreaming or what.
i was on leave yesterday and thot i wld hv time to catch up here but i was wrong!!! busied wif R the whole day. I prepared the tofu cubes wif minced chix, spinach and egg yolk (weird combi to me!!) and he almost finished it. hahaha... i fed him wif the usual porridge at the same time. wld say his appetite 4 lunch was gd. but when i prepared mee suah and fish 4 dinner, he only had 1/4 bowl dun think he likes it v much but nevertheless, i shall perserve! it was a fun day preparing 4 his food yesterday n i enjoyed it.

hey for a moment, tt pix of lil Sophie, i thot she was Damien!!!
they certainly look alike fr certain angles!!!

i am in the same league as u. R sleeps ard 8-9.30pm(he sleeps earlier at my parents plc) and wakes up anytime b/w 7-7.30am. though he nvr opens his eyes in the nite, he will make noises and i will try pacifying him wif water or pacifier b4 nursing him as a last resort. yah, arianne is one of the babies tt sleeps thru. i believe lil sophie is as well, and same for Jovann.
and yes, i do envy these mommies v much!

Ohhhhhhh i love tt pix, so cute!!!
i love babies tt smile like tt till their eyes cant b seen!! and can see their cute pearlies!

like wat most mommies mentioned here, dun feel bad tt u r pregnant now. i feel the age gap is juz nice. they can gerow up together. but i dun dare to try now. hehehe... take gd care. think happy and postive! wishing u a smooth pregnancy.

think Clarence is gonna b the next one aft Trinity to start walking. he really looks like a toddler! v cute!! think the walks u always brought him helps. my mum did ask me to "walk" R so tt he will noe how to walk faster.

R has been sleeping on a mattress next to our bed since he was 1 mth old. and i can assure u tt i had nvr stepped on him though in my sleepiness. its a mother's instinct, juz tt i will not crush onto him when he sleeps in b/w us. dun worry!
my hb is now well-trained by me too. he wun crush on R as well.

u hv kept the suspense for sooo long! who is the 1st sept mommy to b pregnant? my guess is muz b one of the moomies tt has been absent here for a long time? hehehe

tt mattress wif the side, does it help to prevent C from crawling out? i think it doesnt hor? if it does, i will get it. R often crawls out of the mattress in the middle of the nite. and then he will sit at one corner and start crying wif eyes half closed. headache!!!
loved C's last pose! dunno why but he reminded me of times when i was a baby like tt.
he's so adorable!
Good morning and big thanks to all the moms who addressed my 'baby sleeping on di-lam' concern. Though I have yet to step on alexis, I did step on her pacifier last night! The little one sleeps on my side of the bed, with plenty of cushions, so it is unlikely hubby could stumbled upon her, BUT he could still...if he sleepwalks!
haha ya! super unglam, not the usual gentle sophie...

ya okie, will go get one for sophie n try. I tried w normal straw yesterday. She managed to suck out once but ended up chewing on the straw instead. Will try again when i get the straw cup.

Caleb looks tall n handsome!
got a cute little dimple too! Sweet...

WOW finished all! Good man! Glad he liked it. Not funny combi lah... makes sense to me in terms of taste coz tofu & chix quite plain so plus spinach n egg yolk more tasty. I think R quite smart - mee suah n fish not so tasty, or did you use stock to make the soup? Ya... quite fun to prep their food right? I really enjoy it too esp when they finish all the food. Very satisfying as a mother!

And ya you're right, sophie sleeps thru 7pm - 7am now. Occasionally she might wake up but nowadays hardly. Norm if she wakes up, we will pat her or hug her to calm her down and then give her the pacifier and let her sleep. She might cry a bit but we let her. And she sleeps in her own room in the cot so it's easier.

don't keep us in suspense leh...
<font color="0000ff">Melissa, Brenda, Jerene n JRT</font>, Thanks! I love that pic too! She looks so cheeky! Was trying to take a passport photo for her and she starts making these funny faces whenever I focus.

Congrats!! Tat's a great news, personally i find tat if sibling r close age gap, they seem to be closer jst like my niece & nephew. 1 yr age difference.


I had transfer $13.05 for the birthday spree order on 2/7/07. Ref 0607. Have you rec'd? Btw can I collect the calendula cream nxt wk, mine had finished? THKS!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Ling ahh</font></font>, eh.. I think the funnier thing was lil Sophie's arm was resting on a LUM LOK <strike>belly</strike>armrest?? heehee.. sorry cant help but noticed it! James one huh? heh..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">BM</font></font>, aiyoo thought we talked about the mummy who was preggy some time back already? u mean really someone is already preggy before Melissa?!?! aiya seems like that mummy doesn't want us to know right? if not would've been revealed..

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Selina</font></font>, hey! I like that mattress. May I know where did you girls buy it? Can I have the shop's addy please? Caleb is having that charming boyish look now!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, u mean R now sleeps through from 8.30pm-7pm? No more waking up in the middle of the night already ah? My A nowadays wake up very early 8am!
no lah, he din finished all, almost but left a bit. and yes u r RIGHT! its soooo satisfying to see him finish, or at least even if he finished half, i wld b v happy liao. hey the mee suah last nite was v delicious leh! i dunno wat my MIL used for stock but it was so tasty to me tt i finished wat he din. i think i noe wat went wrong. the mee suah was not blended yesterday. so i prepared mee suah for his lunch tdy. and my stock tdy was much blander than last nite. when i finished cooking, i blended the whole thing, and guess wat? he finished everything, except for the last spoonsful. and i can tell u the taste was so much blander than last nite. i figured he finished it coz i had blended the mee suah + chix + onion + chinese spinach. soooo satisfying! hehehe.

i really envy u man! sophie sleeps so early, n she sleeps thru!!!!! i wan i wan! but no success so far.

u wish ah! my R where got sleep thru? he sleeps but he will wake up at least 2 or 3 times in his sleeping state and fuss/cry. according to my mum, he dun fuss as many times as when i am ard. she said he usually wakes up once for feed only. on bad days, he can fuss/cry for 4-5 times a nite!!!! *faint*

if my R can sleep thru like ur A, i will oso quickly go and sleep when i am done wif his last feed and my last pump. in any case, this is wat i always do. i will quickly jump into bed as soon as i had done these 2 things. no surfing or TV. i need to sleep. :p
yes yes that's the mattress that i have. but mommies who wants to get it who has babies who can already crawl and cruise, FAT HOPE ok! they can still crawl through that thing! so in the end, i think it's more worth it to get the normal di-lam!
and hey Caleb look very toddler already hor and funny poses lah! haha

i also think that Clarence will be the next to walk!

hey hey hey quick who's the first mommy to be pregnant here huh? i guessed already but nobody verified if it's right leh.
tks for all the compliments on caleb. we were trying to make him stand on his own so u can see the hands there trying to catch him anytime he falls.

"wang li hom" m extremely flattered wif that comment

<font color="ff6000">bumper mattress</font> yes caleb does crawl out of it at night n day too but cos he's been slping in it since 3-4mths old, he is getting very good at crawling in & out. so far only during the initial period i get him crawling out of the mattress pretty often at night not so much now tho. what i like abt this mattress is he get more space to toss & turn (playpen & cot not enf for him) n it keeps him aslp for longer duration. the bumper at the sides prevents him from knocking against anything while slping. personally this is god send to me.

i bought it from the supplier direct. kiddy palace sells it too but at $120. i got it at $98 i think. extra covers at $39. those interested pm me n i email u the supplier contact.
<font size="+1"><font color="119911">OLD NAVY SPREE #8</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Anymore orders?</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Description</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Color</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL SGD </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>Denim Painter Shorts for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dark Stonewashed</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>6.25</TD><TD>9.94</TD><TD>33.79 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Men's Double-Snap Striped Board Shorts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Artichoke</TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>15.00</TD><TD>23.85</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilovebabies</TD><TD>Women's Tie-Front Babydolls</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Evening Hush</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>14.50</TD><TD>23.06</TD><TD>23.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>Tiered Halter Tops for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Brown Print</TD><TD>6-12M</TD><TD>3.99</TD><TD>6.34</TD><TD>40.51 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Women's Fold-Over Knit Skirts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Black </TD><TD>S</TD><TD>14.50</TD><TD>23.06</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Printed Tops for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Purple Lilac</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>6.99</TD><TD>11.11</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>Girls Foil-Satin Tees</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>White</TD><TD>XXL</TD><TD>5.25</TD><TD>8.35</TD><TD>75.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Eyelet-Trim Pintuck Tops for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>white</TD><TD>12-18mths</TD><TD>6.99</TD><TD>11.11</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Braided Tanks for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>brown earth</TD><TD>12-18mths</TD><TD>5.99</TD><TD>9.52</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Women's Low-Rise Cuffed Denim Capris</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>dark authentic</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>29.50</TD><TD>46.91</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">OLD NAVY SPREE #8 UPDATE</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Description</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Color</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL SGD </TD></TR><TR><TD>phoebe</TD><TD>Women's Just-Below Twill Drawstring Pants</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pavement</TD><TD>12 Reg</TD><TD>29.50</TD><TD>46.91</TD><TD>74.73 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Women's Yoga Capris</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Black</TD><TD>L</TD><TD>10.00</TD><TD>15.90</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Polo Bodysuits for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Navy Stripe</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>7.50</TD><TD>11.93</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>Denim Painter Shorts for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dark Stonewashed</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>12.50</TD><TD>19.88</TD><TD>43.73 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Men's Double-Snap Striped Board Shorts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Artichoke</TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>15.00</TD><TD>23.85</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilovebabies</TD><TD>Women's Tie-Front Babydolls</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Evening Hush</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>14.50</TD><TD>23.06</TD><TD>23.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>Tiered Halter Tops for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Brown Print</TD><TD>6-12M</TD><TD>3.99</TD><TD>6.34</TD><TD>40.51 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Women's Fold-Over Knit Skirts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Black </TD><TD>S</TD><TD>14.50</TD><TD>23.06</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Printed Tops for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Purple Lilac</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>6.99</TD><TD>11.11</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>Eyelet-Trim Pintuck Tops for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>white</TD><TD>12-18mths</TD><TD>6.99</TD><TD>11.11</TD><TD>212.11 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Braided Tanks for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>brown earth</TD><TD>12-18mths</TD><TD>5.99</TD><TD>9.52</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Women's Low-Rise Cuffed Denim Capris</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>dark authentic</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>29.50</TD><TD>46.91</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Bow-Tie Espadrilles for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pink Floral</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>4.99</TD><TD>7.93</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cuffed Denim Capris for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Light Enzyme With Blast</TD><TD>2T</TD><TD>14.00</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Braided Tanks for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>White</TD><TD>2T</TD><TD>5.99</TD><TD>9.52</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2007 Flag Tanks for Baby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Light Pink</TD><TD>2T</TD><TD>1.99</TD><TD>3.16</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Girls 2007 Flag Tanks</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Light Pink</TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>2.99</TD><TD>4.75</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Boys Button-Pocket Cargo Shorts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Camo Olive</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>12.50</TD><TD>19.88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Boys Distressed Painter Jeans</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ramone</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>12.99</TD><TD>20.65</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Boys Belted cargo shorts</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Green Camo</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>15.00</TD><TD>23.85</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Boys Distressed Logo Tees</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>White</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>8.50</TD><TD>13.52</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Printed Narrow Collars for Dogs</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Blue</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>1.97</TD><TD>3.13</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Boys Baseball Muscle Tees</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>White</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>5.00</TD><TD>7.95</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Boys Baseball Muscle Tees</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Heather Oatmeal</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>5.00</TD><TD>7.95</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
helo mommies gooda morning!

wow all the babies pics so CUTE!!! adele, damien, sophie, caleb, clarence hahahh! pinchable leh!

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>, i love that 2 pics of Clarence, he really looks shacked out! hahaha he can walk very well oredi hor? Jovann not so stable yet, I need to hold him under his arms. but when he "walks" he walks damn fast! his little legs like pumping nonstop hahaha.

<font color="ff6000">brenda</font>, that time when selina told us about the bumper mattress i also interested. but then she said Caleb can crawl out very easily even at 6mths, right Selina? So i figured it can only last till Jovann can climb over obstacles, esp if u using it during play time. during sleep time, maybe can still use. but duno for how long? so in the end i didn't buy!

<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>, not really one week lah. I buy one whole tofu, and feed about 1/3 each time, so last for 3 meals. then 1 week i dun feed tofu loh. though i have come to terms with the info that tofu contains phytoestrogen, i still wun feed so often lah hehehe. oh yah btw, wanna share this about storing tofu. I read that tofu can be stored for up to 7days in the fridge after opening! i didnt know that! but we have to change the water every day, or at least every 2 days. I will change to cooled boiled water, and put back in the fridge. but i wun keep for so long 7days lah! hehehee.

<font color="0000ff">Jrt</font>, u didnt blend the mee sua how you expect R to eat??? hehehe. at least must mash it? glad u figure out the problem. actually many times when R "dun like" to eat certain things, there coudl be a reason for it. even if we adults find it tasty, he may not. e.g. the mee sua incident, he prefer the blander but more baby texure version you made on saturday. so now u know his preferred texture, try to mash or puree ur food before feeding. u told me u dun puree ur meat right? perhaps thats why he only eat half a bowl? try puree-ing the meat one day and let me know how he takes it?

<font color="ff6000">Melissa</font>, so happy for u leh, hahaha i am repeating myself. but i know what u mean about "letting down" Hannah. I told hubby before i dun wanna get preggie yet coz i will feel very sad i cannot carry Jovann as much if I do. oh btw, due to ur past problems, do take good care this time yar? try not to carry hannah as much, though i know thats super difficult to do. at least carry her when u sitting? also, I heard mommies who get preggie less than a yr after the 1st one will be weaker in health, so take even more good care of urself!!! as for breastfeeding hor, I read that once preggie ur nutrients and the best stuff go to the feotus. so even if u BF hannah, she may not get the yummy nutrients oredi. so maybe u check with ur gynae if this is true and see if u wanna slowly wean off..... just sharing lah.

<font color="0000ff">phoebe</font>, did i order frmo this Old navy spree? I tot I did?

<font color="ff6000">brenda</font>, aiyoh ur A wakes up at 8am is NOT early oredi lah! stop complaining leh. Jovann waking hours can be erractic one. sometimes 5.45am, sometmies. 6plus, 7plus, occasionally 8am!

<font color="0000ff">edksd and jrt</font>, did you girls read the No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley before? she wrote that babies will have sleeping patterns of deep and REM sleep and light sleep. so throughout the night, they drift in and out betw these phases of sleep. when baby makes noise with eyes close, he is in the light sleep phase. still sleeping but is a bit aware of surroundings and will make some noise. at this moment, if we keep nursing them, they will learn that they get milk in the middle of the night, and will form a habit of waking up. if our baby has enough milk throughout the day oredi, then middle of the night if he makes noise with eyes close can dun feed milk. ONLY if he has enough milk in the day lah. thats what she said lah, just sharing. but i know sometimes, when baby make a bit of noise, u are so tired u prefer just nursing and not getting up, i am guilty of that too! hahaha. think i told jrt about this, and she's trying to feed water or pat to sleep instead of nursing. def takes alot of determination hehe. edksd, but if Kai is not drinking enough in the day (more than 500ml, then by all means continue nursing middle of night hor).

<font color="ff6000">funny pose montage, Brenda</font>, i have lotsa funny poses of Jovann leh. but they are not in the office leh hehhee. some are in my blog though.

<font color="0000ff">Sippy Cup, ilovebabies</font> thanks so much, i tried tat this weekend! and hubby found out another way to make the water go into his mouth! u know the mag mag bottle? hold ur fingers at the softer part of the bottle, and squeeze! some water will flow up the straw and baby can suck it up hehehee. he suck twice in the whole weekend, the rest of the times he didn't. i will persevere! hehehe.

Gosh, thats a long post! signing off now! hehehe.
Just to add, cooked some new dishes for Jovann this weekend! so fun hahaha. one of them (made it up myself) was Baked Chicken with Apple, Zuchinni and Carrots for Sat lunch. the other was Fish Lyonnaise (adapted from Gina Ford), consisting of potatoes, fish, leek (Gina Ford uses onion), and I added squash, all layered and baked with cheese! both sure tastes yummy! hehehee....

Jovann went to the airport for the first time last night! to send my BIL off to study. He slept for 1/2 hour in the ergo, then woke up and have lotsa energy! We had dinner late coz waiting to see the plane take off. Ate around 8.30pm and I gulped down my bowl of steaming hot prawn noodles soup so I can take care of him while the rest eat. He stood on the chair and sit, stand sit stand so many times i lost count! kept laughing and making noise hehehee. that night, quite hard to make him sleep coz he over stimulated oredi. after drinking one side, his eyes still open and he started playing with the buttons on my blouse. When i tell him "Buttons", he found it funny and started gurgling with laughter. come to think of it, i think he has buttons fetish leh. Brenda, ur A has label fetish right? J's is buttons hahaha, so apt. He pressed anything with buttons. switch on his musical mobile, press the turning button on his train, press my buttons on my blouse, my small piece of blue black, my mum's mole etc etc. anything that resembles a small round dot.

ive not read tt book but i ever read abt REM. so tts why im confused when u all say sleeping thru what does it means coz im pretty sure kai is still sleeping but making noise at the same time.

yes nursing is the easy way out instead of giving water. sometimes i try patting. if after 10sec still not quiet, then i'll nurse. normally nurse within 10sec he'll be quiet and stop suckling alrdy.

i think most bb are the same. kai oso likes buttons or anything like a button including belly button! hv u all ever noticed? and he loves to grab the spects off hb too. hahaha.. i find it funny coz i dun wear spects so no chance to grab off fr me.
im sure a lot of bfg mom here hv stocked up a lot of frozen ebm. what do u all do w it huh?

if u're still utilising it, do u LILO or LIFO?

what's the latest date of ur stock? i think mine the latest is dated late mar (1 bottle). ive abt 4-6 80ml bottles per mth only.
edksd, i give away my FBM every 2 weeks. urs March 07??? its expired oredi leh, now is July! frozen stash can keep for less than 3 mths only. unless urs is deep freezer! I do FIFO lah, which is ur LILO. except for fresh EBM, I do LIFO. eerrr.. so to ur qn, my latest FBM is about 2 weeks back hehee.

grabbing specs? aiyah, Jovann grabbed everything from my hubby's face lah, specs, blue tooth headset etc etc. as for buttons, I just find it funny coz my nick is buttons mah!!!

as for sleeping through, urs considered sleeping through oredi but can be improved lah. do u sleep beside him? have u tried sleeping with him in his cot/mattress in the same room? some babies sleep better when further away from mommy so cannot smell her.

where do u give ur frozen ebm to?

i know tt last Mar bottle has expired tts why i want to ask so tt the Apr and beyond bottles wont go to waste.

hv not tried putting him away. but even during daytime naps, when he's sleeping alone, sometimes he'll oso make noise during sleep leh. tts why i say he's definitely not those type who can sleep like a log.
wow very good pointers, will definitely bring that up to gynae.

Mommies, we have another Sept mommy who just got pregnant as well but she dowan to reveal herself yet. I admit that i broke the taboo by admitting too early before scan but i'm not alone apparently hahaha.

Hey if you're lurking, come out!!!
edksd, i gave away to 2 mommies before, once to aunt of premie twins and now to another mommy with toddlers who refuse to drink FM. you want their number? can you PM me if u want? not convenient to post here lah.
Hi hi All...

I have a little query/concern. My little girl suddenly refused milk 2 days back. She just doesn't seem to like to take of milk. Water in bottle is fine. She's eating her porridge and cereal (mixed with milk) just fine. She just refused milk in her bottle.

Has anyone experienced this? BTW, she started teething about 3wks back...is it due to teething that she refuses bottle?
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Celebrate Express #1 & 2</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">Both packages have arrived at Changi Airport yesterday.

Should be receiving them the next few days!!</font>
Hi jccm,

THanks. then what did you do? What did you place for the last feed at night? I can replace the tea-break milk, etc, but not too sure what to do for the night feed.
When did your baby starts teething? I find that my girl is a little slow...she's already 10-months and just started teething only 3 wks back.

Payment made for Celebrate Express #1.
Let me know how much to pay u for birthday direct #2.

To Account DBS Savings Plus
020-1-027024 Phoebe
Amount S$34.75
Transaction Reference 1256265056

Hi mommies,

Another Sept mom is pregnant!!! Gosh! Congratulations to whoever that is!

Hi Ling and Orange,

Yup, poor Clarence was really tired after the class! He did somersaults, pull ups, loads of cruising and crawling, played with balls etc etc... At the end, he was so tired that for once he didn't fidget for a long time when we carried him! Wow!!!

But seeing him so tired made me decide not to sign him up for the class. Heheee....

Hi JRT and Melissa,

Walking??? Not yet lah... Still far from it. I define walking as being able to really walk confidently without falling.
Still a long way to go. But for once this weekend, Clarence could stand up on his own without support for a min or so before sitting down again. He was grabbing onto 2 remote controls and sitting cross legged. Then suddenly, he stood up by himself and looked around, and remained standing for a while. We thought he will walk and was getting the videocam ready, but he simply stood there by himself and stared at us... Well, not walking yet.

But I agree that 'walking' the baby helps! After some time, let the baby cruise on his own. After loads of cruising and walking, baby learns how to balance better.

So much for walking.

Hi Buttons,

Your food really sounds yummy!!! Lucky lucky Jovann!!! Haha, if you cook extra, I am keen to makan too! I think my cooking sucks leh.

About the sippy cup, I have not let Clarence try (lazy mommy!)... Maybe I shall get one and teach him how to feed himself water next weekend. ILB, thanks for the tip on how to get babies to drink from a straw!


How much I owe you?

By the way, so many babies are sleeping on the floor! Edksd, I think Kai's mattress looks very good! Where you get that?
u dowan to give answer i oso dowan

I tried "walking" hannah but she dowan. she will immediately sit down. i guess when the baby is not ready we can't do much. so at the moment can let her practise. think she can't balance properly due to her big fat drumsticks haha. she's also the shortest in this group, only 67cm tall!
what excitment. 3 sep mummies preggy. Melissa, at least tell us when will the 3 mths be due so we can have an idea how long more we have to wait before the person will disclose her identity.

drinking from straw :
This is my experience. T the usual glutton is very interested in our food. I was drinking a UHT packing drink and she kept pulling at my arm. So just for fun I gave her the drink and was so surprised to see her really sucking from the straw. Quickly took it away as packet drink is a definate no no for now.

Realising that she is able to drink from straw, we started to give her the magmag straw cup. Plain water wasn't enticing enough for her, so we put juice for our initial try outs. Same as ILB, we had to suck a little first to help, or cut the straw shorter so lessen the effort of the suction. She started to get the idea after a while

do u realise the straw for the mag mag cup is too long ? my rachel tends to be lazy and dont want to suck.

So i have to open up the cup, and detached the lower part of the straw from the cap and let her suck from there. at least it takes lesser effort to suck since the straw is shorter.
haha you noticed!
Hee.... yep yep it's the man.

haha don't envy lah... sophie not a natural good sleeper, had to train one... but nowadays she's starting to wake early, not sure why...

hee so exciting... 3 mummies preggy... Congrats to all of you! Am looking forward to my turn but now still not ready...
Hi mommies
I have a $5 voucher for Curly Spike (www.curlynspike.com.sg), a kids' hair salon in UE Sqaure. Besides cutting hair, they also do manicures, pedicures and makeovers. Valid till 6 Sept 07. Alexis has no hair and I am her manicurist so we do not need the voucher. Any takers?
<font color="aa00aa">We have 3 preggy mummies now! CONGRATS!!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mommies, have any of u started using toothbrush on your little ones?</font>
i have started to let T use the Safety 1st gum brush. It doesn't have bristles, just rubber bumps. After seeing me brush my teeth and me 'brushing' / rubbing her gums (she is still totally bogay) she can now rub and suck on the brush by herself.
<font color="0000ff">alicia</font>
me too, same as <font color="ff0000">angeline</font>, I used the rubber bumps toothbrush from Pigeon. I think it is called the Trainer Toothbrush set and comes 3 in a pack, with step 1 (for 2 to 3 milk teeth), step 2 (for 8 to 10 milk teeth) and step 3 (with all milk teeth). I should switch to step 2 since alexis had 8 teeth now...it comes with rubber spikes.
